Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Howard Zinn, William S. Burroughs, Kenneth Patchen, Abbie Hoffman, Léo Ferré, Simone Weil, Sacco & Vanzetti, Victor García, Pierre Le Meillour, Ludovic Masse, International Anarchist Congress of 1907, Louise Michel, Luís Fernández, Francisco Quintal, Anarchist sharks, on this day in recovered history, August 24, anarchiste, anarchist, anarquista, syndicalist
Premier American anarchist historian,
rights activist.

Tailor-made?: Originally a 12th-century cloth fair, opening with the snapping of shears, but by the 15th-century it is a raucous, rowdy pandemonium of midways, freaks, sideshows, performing animals. After 1640 London theaters shut down to come perform at this fair.

London's biggest saturnalia, begun as a trade-fair, develops (over 7-1/2 centuries) into a 14-day annual license to riot & pleasure-seek. An attempt to suppress it in 1776 results in the greatest street battle in its long history as more than 5,000 of 'Lady Holland's Mob' riot all night to ensure the commencement of festivities. Last celebrated in 1855.

79 -- Vesuvius erupts.

410 -- Rome overrun by Visigoths, symbolizes fall of Western Roman Empire. Domino Pizza Theory proven correct.

1456 -- Printing of the Gutenberg Bible is completed in Mainz.

1591 -- Robert Herrick, poet, is baptized in London.

1648 -- Fajardo Saavedra dies in Madrid, Spain. Known mainly for his Idea de un príncipe político cristiano, a commentary to counsel the Spanish ruler, he also wrote La repúblic ca literaria ("The Republic of Letters," 1655), a witty survey of Spanish literature, & Corona gótica ("The Gothic Kingdom," 1646), a history of Spain under the Goths.

1770 -- Rather than starve to death, poet Thomas Chatterton takes arsenic in his London garret & dies at age 17. Although Horace Walpole characterizes the author of pseudo-15th-century poems attributed to "Thomas Rowley, a prieste," as "a complete genius & a complete rogue," he becomes a symbol of native genius to the Romantics: Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley, Coleridge — even Poe.

1814 -- British troops burn the Capitol & the White house after US troops, fleeing so fast that only eight of them were killed, left Washington DC virtually undefended.

1827 -- US: Mechanics Gazette is published in Philadelphia.

The first US labor paper is a direct result of a strike by 600 carpenters who, tired of working from sunrise to sunset, put down their tools to demand a 10-hour day.

The strike lost, but it spurred Philadelphia unionists to form the Mechanics' Union of Trade Associations, composed of delegates from all of the city's labor organizations. The movement spread rapidly across the Northeast. By 1832, 61 Workingmen's Parties form & 68 labor newspapers, many of them dailies, are publishing.

1847 -- Charlotte Brontë dispatches Jane Eyre to the publishing house of Smith, Elder & Co. under the pseudonym of Currer Bell.

1853 -- First potato chips prepared by Chef George Crum, Saratoga Springs, NY.

1869 -- Waffle iron invented.
Source: 'Calendar Riots'

1872 -- Max Beerbohm, critic, novelist & caricaturist, lives, Kensington, London.

1873 --

24 August 1873: Louise Michel
Départ pour la gare de Langres et voyage par chemin de fer jusqu'à La Rochelle, via Paris.
[Source: Michel Chronologie]

1892 -- Two weeks before his death John Greenleaf Whittier writes his last poem — a tribute to Oliver Wendell Holmes, five days before Holmes's 83rd birthday.

1898 -- Portugal: Francisco Quintal lives, (1898-1987), à Funchal (Ile de Madère). Important militant & propagandist. General secretary of the Portuguese Anarchist Union (UAP), & director of its paper, O Anarquista. Quintal was involved in many movement organizations & newspapers, including the important Valencia meeting in 1927, founding of the FAI (Federación Anarquista Ibérica), the "Centre de Culture Libertaire," & editing the journal Voz Anarquista.

Borges; source:
1899 -- Jorge Luis Borges lives, Buenos Aires.

Jorge Luis Borges

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1902 -- Great French Annales-school historian of mentalities, Fernand Braudel, lives, Luneville.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2004

1907 -- Netherlands: International Anarchist Congress openly held at Amsterdam (Aug. 24-31, 1907), leading to the formation of the Internationale Anarchiste. Reception & preliminary events occur today & tomorrow & the first working sessions begin on the 26th. Among the better-known participants are Christian Cornélissen & Pierre Monatte, Emma Goldman, Luigi Fabbri, Pierre Ramus, Rudolf Rocker, & Benoit Broutchoux.

1912 -- US: Cathlamet tribe awarded $7,000, Clatsop $16,000 & Chinook $20,000 for claims from loss of aboriginal lands at mouth of Columbia River.

Léo Ferré, anarchist songster; source:
1916 -- France: Léo Ferré lives; legendary songster (1916-1993).

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1919 -- Spain: The Gunman of Portillo, Luís Fernández por los Mozos de Escuadra, is arrested. Implicated in the assassination (his car apparently used in the killing) of Alvarez Caparrós, a police honcho. This is during a period of repression against the CNT (the anarchist labor union was shut down & 15,000 "cenetistas" are in prison or in hiding).
[Further details, in Spanish]

Victor Garcia
1919 -- Spain: Victor García (Tomás Germinal García Ibars) lives.

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Virginia Woolf illustration  by Clifford Harper
1922 -- Virginia Woolf writes Lytton Strachey after reading the first six chapters of James Joyce's Ulysses: "Never have I read such tosh.... Of course, genius may blaze out on page 652 but I have my doubts."

Ford Madox Ford, James Joyce, Ezra Pound, John Quinn
Ford Madox Ford, James Joyce, Ezra Pound & John Quinn
at Pound's place, Paris 1923. Quinn was a lawyer who defended
the publication of Ulysses in The Little Review in 1921.

1922 -- US: American radical historian, human rights activist Howard Zinn lives (d.2010), Brooklyn, New York.

1923 -- Italy: Don Giovanni Minzoni is murdered by Mussolini's Fascist Silvershirts. They continue their violent acts & devastation of Catholic circles.

Sacco & Vanzetti
1927 -- France: Violentes manifestations, Paris, pour protester contre l’exécution de Sacco et Vanzetti.
Sacco & Vanzetti Timeline

1930 -- Indochina: Two killed in riots on third anniversary of Sacco & Vanzetti execution (see August 23, 27).

The Sacco & Vanzetti prosecutors left a trail of doctored eyewitness accounts, altered testimony & false ballistics reports in the judicial murder that aroused millions around the world.

1932 -- US: Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly non-stop across the country.

anarchosyndicalist star
1934 -- US: IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) labor pickets attacked by capitalist farmers, Yakima, Washington. (Same attack as yesterday?)

1943 -- England: Simone Weil dies, Ashford, Kent. Seven people attend her funeral. Mystic philosopher, journalist, laborer & christian anarchist. Simone Weil, anarchiste

"As I worked in the factory, the affliction of others entered into my flesh & my soul....

There I received for ever the mark of a slave, like the branding of the red-hot iron which the Romans put on the forehead of their most despised slaves.

Since then I have always regarded myself as a slave.''

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1944 -- France: Spanish anarchists aid in the liberation of Paris, & are the first to enter the city. On the 26th they are triumphant on the Fields-Elysées (preceding General de Gaulle), & elsewhere & are among the last combatants in Germany. Their hopes to next liberate Spain, however, are dashed.
Further details/ context, click here; libertaire, anarchiste, anarchisme, anarchistes, anarchie[Details / context]

1949 -- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established by the US, Canada, & 10 Western European nations. It declares that an armed attack against one or more of them will be considered an attack against all.

1954 -- US: Congress passes Communist Control Act, signed by Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Dwight D. Eisenhower. & you probably thought Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Stalin already had them under control...

"Is Control in control?


— William S. Burroughs

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1954 -- Brazil: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Getulio Vargas commits suicide.

1954 -- France: Pierre Le Meillour (1884-1954) dies, in Sartrouville. Anarchiste & anti-militarist.

1958 -- Belize: 6,000 in the sparsely populated Central American colony of British Honduras (now Belize) march for self-government.

1960 -- Coldest temperature ever recorded in the world was reached at Vostok Station at -126.9 degrees fahrenheit.

1967 -- US: Abbie Hoffman & Jerry Rubin throw 300 one-dollar bills from balcony onto floor of New York Stock Exchange, to disrupt business as usual. It worked, creating instant bedlam as people scrambled for the bucks.

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"Sacred cows make the best hamburger."

— Abbie Hoffman

1968 -- Perú: Suspension of the Constitution.

1970 -- US: UFW (United Farm Workers) lettuce strike begins.

1970 -- US: Bomb kills one at University of Wisconsin's US Army Math Research Center in Madison.

1971 -- US: State Attorney Edward Hanrihan of Illinois indicted in Chicago for attempting to block the prosecution of a policeman who raided a Black Panther apartment, murdering two activists.

1979 -- Netherlands: Strike in the Port of Rotterdam, begins, lasting for three weeks. Thirteen thousand men participate, but the official trade unions do not.

Solidarnosc logo
1980 -- Poland: Solidarnosc trade union movement founded in Gdansk.

1981 -- South Africa invades Angola.

Big A
1982 -- France: Ludovic Masse dies in Perpignan. Proletarian & libertarian writer.

A teacher & friend of Henry Poulaille, to whom he sends his first writings. In 1940, his pacifist & anarchiste ideas force him to quit teaching & he devotes himself to writing fiction: Le Refus (Apology for Pacifism) (1946), Le vin pur (The Vigneronnes Revolts) (1945), & many others such as Le mas des Oubells (1932), Les trabucayres (1955), La terre du liège (1953).

1982 -- US: In one of the handful of murders he will be convicted of, Henry Lee Lucas kills his teen common-law wife & cuts up her body into "teeny little pieces," Denton, Texass.

1986 -- Cameroon: Eruption of a volcano in northwest kills over 1,700 people.

1987 -- US: Bayard Rustin, prominent civil rights & anti-military activist in 1950s & 1960s, dies. African American, pacifist, executive secretary of the War Resisters League, & an important figure in the Civil Rights Movement given little recognition because he was gay.

 Auntie Em !; photos of Mars
1987 -- Kansas? Toto?: Announcement of possible Martian tornadoes.

1994 -- Italy: In Reggio Emilia, a Congress extraordinaire of the Italian Anarchist Federation (FAI) convenes (August 24-28). Appel to regroupement de a anarchisme organisé

Gagged: Don't Talk Back!
1999 -- US: Free Speech Seattle holds a rally at City Hall Park to coincide with a signature turn-in.

2000 -- The City Wears a Slouch Hat in NY City. This radio play by Kenneth Patchen was performed only once in 1941 on CBS Radio. The original music score was written by John Cage. The revived play shows this week at the Experimental Theatre, Henry Street Settlement, Aug. 16-27.                          ... show details

2007 -- Denmark: Anarchist "sharks" interrupt a mermaid celebration featuring hordes of bikini-clad women forming numbers in the water. animated shark
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2008 -- orange diamond dingbat, added 2013, remove 2014Canada: A McDonalds is attacked in Guelph, Ontario, with the toilets being cemented, in response to the Guelph Wood Squat getting a notice of eviction.

2011 -- Chile: August 24—25 protests. March for free education in Pichilemu on August 25. Large sign says "We teachers that are marching, are also educating." Another says "No more profit [in education]".

The Workers' United Center of Chile organized a nationwide two-day strike on August 24 & 25. During the strike, four separate marches occur in Santiago, with additional protests across the country. According to union officials, a total of about 600,000 people are involved.

Animated Crash
3000 --

The marriage of reason & nightmare which has dominated the 20th century has given birth to an ever more ambiguous world. Across the communications landscape move the specters of sinister technologies & the dreams that money can buy.

Thermonuclear weapons systems & soft drink commercials coexist in an overlit realm ruled by advertising & pseudoevents, science & pornography...[culminating] in the most terrifying casualty of the century: the death of affect...

— J.G. Ballard

ex t r e m e
m e t a p h o
r The Daily Bleed: Howard Zinn, William S. Burroughs, Kenneth Patchen, Abbie Hoffman, Léo Ferré, Simone Weil, Sacco & Vanzetti, Victor García, Pierre Le Meillour, Ludovic Masse, International Anarchist Congress of 1907, Louise Michel, Luís Fernández, Francisco Quintal, Anarchist sharks; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, anarkist, libertarian, syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communism, black cats, What Happened on this day, in recovered memory, suppressed history, A People's History, AUGUST 24

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Anarchist Time Line / Chronology