Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...
Ed Sanders, Abbie Hoffman, Revolutionary Soccer Tournament Cup Bay Area, Left Bank Books, Toma Sik, Francisco Ponzán Vidal, Los Libertadores, Emma Goldman, Clara Meijer-Wichmann, Jeanne Morand, Thodor Mitev, Nicholas Lazarevitch, Georges Gillet, Edward Abramowski, Industrial Workers of the World, on this day in recovered history, August 17, anarchiste, anarchist, anarquista, anarcho-syndicalist

Piano buttons, stitched on morning lights.
Jazz wakes with the day,
As I awaken with jazz, love lit the night.
Eyes appear & disappear,
To lead me once more, to a green moon.
Streets paved with opal sadness,
Lead me counterclockwise, to pockets of
& jazz.

   — Bob Kaufman, Morning Joy

Marcus Garvey

Jamaican-American "Back to Africa" revolutionary.

China: FEAST OF THE HUNGRY GHOSTS. Wide variety of offerings for those who died orphans, paupers or beggars & those who died far from home. Those lonesome & desolate souls may return to inhabit leaves & grasses, & spread plagues. If offerings are made, they may stay away.

Gone to Croatan, James Koehnline
1590 -- New Old World: John White returns to Roanoke colony but finds no trace of settlers (only an empty fort & the word "Croatan").
Source: [Robert Braunwart]
[Hereafter attributed with symbol: Source=Robert Braunwart]

1666 -- Source=Robert Braunwart First recorded glass-fronted bookcase is delivered to Samuel Pepys.

1676 -- Hans Jakob von Grimmelshausen, German novelist, dies.

1807 -- US: Proud Mary?: Robert Fulton leaves New York City, beginning the first practical steamboat trip. He reaches Albany, 150 miles distant, in 32 hours.

Monkey Wrench Beer label
1835 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: First American wrench patent is granted, to Solyman Merrick of Springfield, Mass.

1843 -- Hawaii: In Honolulu, Herman Melville signs aboard the frigate United States & begins the journey that is the basis for White Jacket.

1850 -- José Francisco de San Martin, South American revolutionary hero, dies. Argentinean patriot, marshal, dictator, mason. Born February 25, 1778 in Yapeyu, Argentina, he fought in revolutions to liberate Argentina, Chile & Perú from Spain, 1812-22.

1850 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Melville article "Hawthorne & His Mosses" appears, "Literary World."

1853 -- Source=Robert Braunwart El Salvador & Guatemala sign a peace treaty ending the 1851 war.

1861 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Poland: Demonstrators demand reunification; Warsaw is under siege.

1861 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Australia: Coal miners in NSW refuse to accept a 20% wage cut & walk out (workers are locked out until Oct. 14).

1867 -- Italy: Romeo Frezzi (1867-1897) lives. Died in a prison cell, believed murdered by his police guards, May 2, 1897.

Edward Abramowski
1868 -- Poland: Edward Abramowski lives (1868-1918) Philosopher, psychologist, sociologist.

Influenced by Tolstoy, Abramowski called himself a "state-rejecting socialist." His most important work developed his concept of a "stateless Socialism" & his thought tended increasingly towards an anarcho-syndicalism. He is considered the founder of the Polish co-operative movement, promoting economic associations & initiatives. In 1916 he was given a chair in Experimental Psychology at the University of Warsaw.

Further details/ context, click here; polski, socjalizm, anarchizm, anarchist, anarchia, anarchizmowi, anarchizmu[Details / context]

Hazard icon
1870 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Hazard Stevens & Philemon Van Trump make the first recorded attempt to climb Mt. Rainier.

1875 -- Germany: Kurt Hiller lives, cofounder of Revolutionary Pacifists.

1875 -- France: Georges Gillet lives (1875-1951), Hardivillers dans l'Oise. Militant syndicaliste et propagandiste anarchiste, antimilitariste.

1877 -- Phobos, Martian moon, discovered.

1880 -- Source=Robert Braunwart England: Coal-mine explosion in Sunderland kills 161 workers.

1883 -- France: Jeanne Morand (also called Jane) lives (1883-1969). Anarchiste & militant antiwar activist imprisoned for her antiwar activities during WWI. She collaborated on numerous libertarian papers for many years. Companion of Jacques Long (Jacklon).
Further details/ context, click here; anarchisme, anrchiste[Details / context]

Clara Meijer-Wichmann
1885 -- Germany: Clara Meijer-Wichmann lives (1885-1922), German/Dutch anarchist, anti-war activist, feminist (Wife & Society). «Commission Internationale Antimilitariste» (IAK) avec les néerlandais Arthur Müller-Lehning & Albert De Jong.;_id=3453

1887 -- Marcus Garvey lives, Jamaica.

1891 -- Electric self-starter for automobile patented, by a real self-starter.

Mae West
1892 -- Mae West lives, Brooklyn, New York.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint December 15, 2003-4

"Come up & see me sometime" "

Liberator of gay & straight sex in American popular culture.

"I feel like a million tonight...

But one at a time."

Emma Goldman book cover
1894 -- US: Emma Goldman released from prison after serving 10 months. She sells a report about her prison experience for $150 to the "New York World," which publishes it tomorrow.

1895 -- Belgium: Nicholas Lazarevitch lives (1895-1975), near Liege. Anti-militarist, anarcho-syndicalist, "Platformist" & husband of Ida Mett.
For more on Lazarevitch, see the Anarchist Encyclopedia page. alternate spelling, Nicolas Lazarevich
For an excellent collection of background articles, see
Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution — How the revolution degenerated

1907 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: H.O. Blanchard begins produce sales at the site of the Pike Place Market, Seattle (home of Left Bank Books beginning in 1973).

1910 -- US: When a New York garment factory opens in defiance of a strike, women strikers break through police lines & demolish the factory!

They throw sewing machines out the window, smash tables & chairs. Garment workers these days still toil up to 15 hours a day for as little as 50 cents.

The industry-wide strike started in June when the women workers of one of the most notorious New York sweatshops walked out. Only a few weeks after the walkout, 60,000 are on strike up & down the east coast.

As the strike has spread, so has violence against it. Pickets have been assaulted & beaten — one woman has been disabled for life.

In September, the strike leads to an agreement that finally improves working conditions & wages.

Emma Goldman-Maynard Shipley debate advertisement
1913 -- US: Maynard Shipley debates with the renowned anarchist Emma Goldman, in Everett, Wa. (Advertisement from Commonwealth, Aug. 14, 1913.)

1917 -- Wilfred Owen & Siegfried Sassoon, both convalescing from battle fatigue at the Craiglockhart War Hospital, meet & form a brief but intense friendship.

What shall I pay for you, lily-lad ?
— Not all the gold King Solomon had.

How can I buy you, London flower ?
— Buy me for ever, not just for an hour.

When shall I pay you, Violet Eyes ?
— With laughter first, & after with sighs.

But you will fade, my delicate bud ?
— No, there is too much sap in my blood.

Will you not shrink in my shut room ?
— No, there I'll break into fullest bloom.

— Wilfred Owen, excerpt WHO IS THE GOD OF CANONGATE?

John Reed
1917 -- US: John Reed & Louise Bryant sail for Russia to report on the political upheaval for Max Eastman's The Masses.

All my weak endeavor
Lay I at her feet
Like a moth from oversea
Let me longing lightly rest
On her flower petal breast
Till the red dawn set me free
To be with my sweet
Ever & forever...

— John Reed, excerpt A Letter to Louise

Capitalism, the machine that grinds us all
1918 -- WWI poster: Beat back the Hun with Liberty bondsUS: War Trials in Chicago. IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) sees 95 Wobblies [ideological suspects] go to prison for up to 20 years.

shining flask
1922 -- US: Not So Hip?: Government cracks down on hip flasks.

1923 -- US: Birth in Ohio of Juanita Nelson, Massachusetts farmer & conscientious objector who has refused income tax payments for over 50 years.

1924 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Author D.H. Lawrence views a Hopi snake dance.

1925 -- Novelist John Hawkes, lives, Stamford, Connecticut. Wrote The Blood Oranges.

1930 -- Ted Hughes lives, Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire. Britain's poet laureate, married to American poet Sylvia Plath (who committed suicide in 1963).

1931 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Governor Ross Sterling orders the national guard into the East Texas oil fields, & declares martial law in order to prevent continued reckless company waste — & to drive the price of oil up up up.

1932 -- V. S. Naipaul lives, Trinidad. A House for Mr. Biswas brings critical recognition.

the Fugs
1939 -- Ed Sanders lives, Kansas City, Missouri. Bookstore owner, songster, poet...


In the extra chapter "A Book of Verse," appended to the 1990 re-issue of Ed Sanders' satiric memoir Tales of Beatnik Glory, Sanders recounts the experience of discovering Allen Ginsberg's Howl & Other Poems as a teenage boy in 1957. Referring to himself in the third person, he says of the days following:

"When he returned to school the next day he was a changed person. 'Holy holy holy holy holy holy', he must have chanted that word, in long continuous singsong sentences, at least four or five thousand times a day. He felt great. Every care assumed before evaporated. He read the poem to anybody who would listen & got into trouble almost immediately." School officials' admonitions to stay away from such "despicable ravings of a homo" were ignored, & before the year was up he'd be suspended for refusing to stop bringing "filth" onto school property

'From now on, nothing holds us back. Cacophony forever. No stopping'

— Ed Sanders, at the first Fugs recording session

Ed Sanders, FUG

1939 -- Toma Sik lives (1939-2004). Antimilitarist, pacifist, anti-Zionist, anarchist. Toma Sik; Ŝik

Toma headed the work of the War Resisters International in Israel, where conscientious objection is a "crime." Pioneer of the Israeli-Palestinian search for peace, a forerunner of the present day pacifist-refuseniks. His non-doctrinaire libertarian socialist politics & strong vegan life style were almost unique in the Israel of the 70s & 80s. Today they are embodied in part in the work of groups like Ma'avak Ehad (‘One Struggle’).

1941 -- Canada: First Canadian bank strike.

1942 -- "Your ma & I, both playing hooky from the rigors of
everyday life, went over to the rocks. . ."

JILL TO AL, August 17, 1942

War Correspondence of Jill Oppenheim de Grazia & Alfred de Grazia: AUGUST(B) 1942

1943 -- US Lieutenant General George S. Patton & his 7th Army arrive in Messina, Sicily before British General Bernard Law Montgomery & his 8th Army, winning the unofficial "race to Messina," & completing the Allied conquest of Sicily.

Francisco Ponzán Vidal
1944 -- France: Francisco Ponzán Vidal (1911-1944) dies, shot by the Nazis in Buzet-sur-Tarn, near Toulouse. Militant Spanish anti-fascist guerrillero, anti-Francoist & resistance fighter. anarquista

Trained as a teacher, influenced by Ramón Acín, involved with CNT, helped found the "Council of Aragon" (October 6, 1936), & after the Communist suppression of the Council joined "Columna Confederal Roja y Negra" (28 División Asca- so) & enrolled in the guerrilla "Los Libertadores."

... show more

1945 -- "I said that Stalin drastically disarmed after the war. Arthur rightly pointed out that so did we:

Pressure from the isolationist masses forced the government to let go millions of G.I.s, including me. But two days after the announcement of Japan's surrender, Truman said (August 17, 1945) that he would ask Congress to approve a program of universal military training — in peacetime!

He made the request, & got his wish. We re-armed as they disarmed. Briefly."

1945 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: An all-white jury takes 10 minutes to convict Peter Paul Hall, 18, a black, of rape, Eufala, Alabama, without benefit of defense testimony.

1948 -- US: Alger hisses, he was never a "Communist agent" (before HUAC during the witchhunts; Whittaker Chambers & Hiss meet face-to-face).

1948 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Science fiction author & Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard is arrested in San Luis Obispo, California for writing bad checks.

1958 -- US: Got a Sec? First American attempt to fire a space probe around the moon fails when the Able-1 rocket exploded 77 seconds after launch.

1959 -- US: Branch Davidian cult leader David Koresh, who will die along with 95 of his followers in a 1993 fire as police end a 51-day siege by storming their Waco, Texass, compound, lives, as Vernon Howell, Houston, Texass.

1962 -- Germany: East German border guards shoot & kill Peter Fechter, 18, attempting to cross the Berlin Wall into the western sector.

1962 -- US: L.A. County Coroner officially labels Marilyn Monroe's death a "probable suicide." Norman Mailer (author of The Naked & the Dead ) subsequently theorized she was murdered, partly on the grounds that "it is extremely rare for a woman to commit suicide in the nude."

1963 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaSpain: Franco wrongly executes the anarquistas Francisco Granados & Joaquín Delgado in the Carabanchel prison, for crimes they did not commit.

Arrested less than three weeks ago for a bombing they did not do, tortured, tried behind closed doors, executed in spite of their protests of innocence... Injustice is swift.

Further details/ context, click here; anarquista, anarquismo, anarquistas, anarquía, anarchists[Details / context]

1963 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Greateful Dead? Joan Baez introduces Bob Dylan to 14,000 at Forest Hills.

1965 -- Poet Jack Spicer dies. A founder of the famed Six Gallery, & often identified with the San Francisco Renaissance.

"My Vocabulary Did This to Me."

— Spicer's dying words

1966 -- John Lennon makes another controversial statement in front of a microphone. In Toronto, he expresses his admiration for American draft dodgers.

Psychedelic fashion show poster
1966 -- Psychedelic fashion show & tarot reading at the Fillmore Auditorium in Frisco. Mimi Fariña, Jefferson Airplane, & Quicksilver Messenger Service entertain.

1967 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Stokely Carmichael urges American blacks to arm for "total revolution."

1968 -- US: Riots break out in black section of St. Petersburg, Russia Florida.

Janis Joplin & Big Brother
1969 -- Woodstock weekend continues: Richie Havens, Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, The Band, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix.

Abbie Hoffman reading
1969 -- Hippie leader Abbie Hoffman is knocked offstage by Pete Townshend while attempting to make a political statement during The Who's set at Woodstock. Later, Townshend claims he didn't know Hoffman was Hoffman. Ahhh, the life of the non-descript...

1969 -- US: A large bomb causes serious damage to the federal building in Minneapolis-St. Paul.

1971 -- Bangladesh: Operation Omega brings food & medicine to war victims across closed India-East Pakistan (Bangladesh) border.

1973 -- US: All Relative? 94 of CBS's 186 affiliates refuse to telecast Tony award-winning drama Sticks & Bones, by David Rabe, about a blind, embittered Vietnam veteran's homecoming. The defection of the affiliates, the largest in the history of network TV, made it virtually impossible to sell commercial spots for the telecast; thus the 100-minute program was shown in many cities without ads. Stations feared the play might offend relatives of POW's in North Vietnam.

1973 -- Conrad Aiken dies, Savannah, Georgia. Short-story writer, novelist, & critic, he is best known for his poetry. Much of his work is about the human need for self-awareness.

1977 -- US: The day after Elvis Presley's death, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Jimmy Carter issues the following statement,

"Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique & irreplaceable. His music & his personality, fusing the styles of white country & black rhythm & blues, permanently changed the face of American popular culture. His following was immense & he was a symbol to people the world over, of the vitality, rebelliousness & good humor of his country. Or as James Brown once put it, 'he taught white America to get down.'"

1977 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: Go Easy on the Sauce? Two alien bodies are allegedly recovered from a UFO, Tabasco. As they were politicians they could not be resuscitated.

1982 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Pres. Reagan introduces Liberian Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Pres. Doe as "Chairman Moe." Guess which one is Curly?

Wurst of Web logo
1985 -- US: Hormel meat-packing strike begins in Austin, Minnesota. The Hormel strike, generally regarded as labor's first major grass roots revolt against corporate downsizing, is suppressed after nearly a year by Hormel in cooperation with both the state & the workers' own national union.
Spam Haiku

1985 -- US: Creating A Bigger Gap? 900 people loot The Gap on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley, California.
Source: SF Bay Revolution Calendar

1986 -- US: Bronze pig statue unveiled at Seattle's Pike Place Market near the fabulous anarchist bookstore, Left Bank Books.

1988 -- Pakistan: President Zia killed by a bomb planted on his private jet.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Washington Hemp Expo is held, Volunteer Park, Seattle.

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Brazil: Tens of thousands demonstrate for Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Collor's resignation, Brasilia.

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Haiti: Police kill three youths for putting up Aristide posters.

1993 -- US: First of 350 B-52 bombers destroyed, as called for in START I treaty. Republicans & rightwingers suspect a commie plot.

1996 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Greenpeace activists chain themselves to three docked fishing factory trawlers, Seattle.

1998 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Rolling Stone President Bill Clinton eats the cheese (testifies before a US grand jury by closed-circuit TV). 20 seconds of fame.

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?

— Bertolt Brecht

1998 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: An armed standoff in Gaspe by Micmac Indians & the Quebec government over timber rights ends with a compromise deal.

THC-TV logo
2002 -- US: Seattle HempFest 17th & 18th.

HempMeister Rick gives up hope of ever coordinating (sic) traffic again, is now their official VideoMeister.

2002 -- Thodor Mitev (b.1921), medical student, militant Bulgarian anarchist, dies. En 1947, étudiant en médecine, il milite avec les anarchistes bulgares, mais inquiété par la police politique communiste (qui lui proposera de trahir ses compagnons) il s'exile en 1950, en Yougoslavie. Son refus de travailler pour Tito lui vaut de connaître la prison. Il est né le 21 mars 1926. En 1947, étudiant en médecine, il milite avec les anarchistes bulgares, mais inquiété par la police politique communiste (qui lui proposera de trahir ses compagnons) il s'exile en 1950, en Yougoslavie. Son refus de travailler pour Tito lui vaut de connaître la prison. A nouveau exilé en Italie, il est interné dans un camp à Trieste d'où il s'évade et rejoint la France. Il reprend alors ses études de médecine et poursuit son militantisme au sein des "Groupes Anarchistes d'Action Révolutionnaire" qui éditent à partir de 1956, la revue "Noir et Rouge" et qu'il marque de son empreinte notamment par ses articles sur l'autogestion en Yougoslavie et sa critique du marxisme. Après l'arrêt de "Noir et Rouge"en 1970, il exerce sa solidarité envers les compagnons que ce soit financièrement, médicalement où intellectuellement. Il participe à la revue libertaire sur les pays de l'Est "Iztok" édité par Nikola Tanzerkov ou publie à ses frais, en 1993, un ouvrage sur Kristo Botev. Atteint d'un cancer du cerveau, qu'il a lui même diagnostiqué, il s'éteindra sereinement ce 17 août 2002.

2003 -- US: Seattle HempFest final day (16-17).

BleedsterHempMeister Rick is their official VideoMeister.

Former host of the now defunct THC-TV, an online propaganja page.

2003 -- @wildCat

US: Revolutionary Soccer Tournament Cup Bay Area, first of a 3-game match!

Kronstadt vs Left Wing

An Anti-Imperialist Soccer Match... Because Imperialism is Off-Sides! Communists Vs. Anarchists

Anarchists Faceoff with Communists in Soccer Tournament, Piedmont, California.

It's not how you play the game, it's who wins!!

"Agitate! Agitate! Score a goal & smash the state!"

We've run in the streets together. We've been in meetings together. We've strategized against imperialism together. But now it's time for Bay Area Anarchists & Communists to bring our relationship to a whole new level. So we're going to build unity & work out our differences where it really matters — on the soccer field.

Further details/ context, click here; anarchist futball, soccer anarchy [ ANTI - DETAILS! ]

2004 -- US: Stay out of the Buschs?
BAKER LAKE, Wash. (Aug. 17): Rain-eeeeer .... Bear?

When Fish & Wildlife agents recently found a black bear passed out on the lawn of Baker Lake Resort, east of Mount Baker, there were some clues scattered nearby, dozens of empty beer cans... & not just any cans.

"He drank the Rainier Beer & wouldn't drink the Busch beer," said Lisa Broxson. The bear did try one can of Busch, but ignored the rest.

"He didn't like that (Busch) & consumed, as near as we can tell, about 36 cans of Rainier."

Agents used a large, humane trap to capture it for relocation, baiting the trap with the usual: doughnuts, honey &, in this case, two open cans of Rainier. That did the trick.

2008 -- US: 17th annual Seattle HempFest (16-17) wraps it up today. 150,000 enjoy the grass(y) park.
Where is BleedsterHempMeister Rick?

3000 --

Grass! The Daily Bleed: Ed Sanders, Abbie Hoffman, Revolutionary Soccer Tournament Cup Bay Area, Left Bank Books, Toma Sik, Francisco Ponzán Vidal, Los Libertadores, Emma Goldman, Clara Meijer-Wichmann, Jeanne Morand, Thodor Mitev, Nicholas Lazarevitch, Georges Gillet, Edward Abramowski, Industrial Workers of the World; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, anarkist, libertarian, syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communism, black cats, What Happened on this day, in recovered memory, suppressed history, A People's History, AUGUST 17