Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number —

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you —

Ye are many — they are few.

— Percy Bysshe Shelley,

The Call to Freedom

Percy Bysshe Shelley, anarchist

Romantic atheist, pagan pamphleteer & poet.


Berkeley, California: PSYCHEDELIC TUESDAY (Brain cells optional).

1541 -- New Old World: DeSoto's army arrives at Quigate, a town of sun-worshippers, west of the Mississippi in present-day Louisiana.

1693 -- Champagne is invented by Dom Perignon.

1753 -- New Old World: George Washington becomes a Master Mason, after selling a thousand pair of Mason shoes.

1755 -- Nicolas-Jacque Conte, inventor of the modern pencil, lives.

1772 -- England: William Blake is apprentice to the engraver James Basire of Great Queen Street, Lincolns Inn Fields. Basire was regarded as old-fashioned, but Blake learned from him & always took great pride in the craft & its tools, depicting one in a prominent place in an engraving for his graphic masterpiece, the series of engravings for the Book of Job. See Daily Bleed Saints Gallery page,

1792 -- Poet, anarchist Percy Shelley lives, Sussex. English Romantic poet whose works are generally considered among the greatest in the English language.

In mid-may Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, his future wife, went to Geneva to join Lord Byron. Shelley composed during the summer HYMN TO INTELLECTUAL BEAUTY & MONT BLANC & Mary Wollstonecraft started her novel, Frankenstein.

In 1818 Shelley moved to Italy. During stormy return voyage to Lerici, the boat sank & he drowned. The poet is buried in Rome.

"No living poet ever arrived at the fulness of his fame; the jury which sits in judgment upon a poet, belonging as he does to all time, must be composed of his peers: it must be impannelled by Time from the selectest of the wise of many generations."

Defence of Poetry

1821 -- US: The first issue of The Saturday Evening Post appears.

1839 -- Walter Pater lives. English critic, essayist, humanist whose advocacy of "art for art's sake" is a cardinal doctrine of the Aestheticism movement.

1841 -- William Henry Hudson lives, near Buenos Aires. Wrote Green Mansions.

1859 -- Knut Hamsun lives, Lom. Norwegian novelist & fascist sympathizer. Won 1920 Nobel Prize for Literature.

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1869 --

EMPEROR NORTON I, greatest & wisest ruler of the United States, abolishes both the Democratic & Republican parties.
"Being desirous of allaying the dissension's of party strife now existing within our realm, [I] do hereby dissolve & abolish the Democratic & Republican parties, & also do hereby decree the disfranchisement & imprisonment, for not more than ten, nor less than five years, to all persons leading to any violation of this our imperial decree."

San Francisco Herald, August 4, 1869
young Emperor Norton

Malatesta logo
1872 -- Italy: National conference in Rimini (August 4-6), merging the Italian sections of the A.I.T. begins.

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Sherlock Holmes, silhouette
1874 -- Beginning date (& earliest in all his stories) for Sherlock Holmes' "The Adventures of Gloria Scott" (Sun, July 12 to Tues, August 4, & Tues, September 22, 1874; in Strand Magazine April, 1893 & Harper's April 15, 1893).

1875 -- Storyteller Hans Christian Andersen quits telling stories, Copenhagen, Denmark.

1875 -- US: The Convention of Colored Newspapermen begins, Cincinnati, Ohio.

1878 -- Spain: Peter Kropotkin visits the country for six weeks during this summer, meeting up with José García Viñas in Barcelona. He finds the revolutionary character of the trade unions here inspirational & brings a new focus to the anarchist Jura Federation upon his return to Switzerland.
[I'm unable to determine dates or month(s) of his visit — ed.]
Further details/ context, click here; anarchismo, anarchici, anarquista, sindicalistas, anarchiste, anarchico, anarchica, Libertario[Details / context]

1890 -- Sam T. Jack's play Creoles opens in Haverhill, Mass. The first time African-American women are featured as performers on stage.

1892 -- Lizzie Borden's father & stepmother brutally hacked to death with an axe in Fall River, Massachusetts. Lizzie was charged with the crime, but a jury acquitted her. Hacking was illegal even before the Internet.

La Nouvelle Humanité, cover; source l'éphéméride anarchiste
1895 -- France: During this month the magazine La Nouvelle Humanité begins appearing.

Henri Beylie & illustrator Émile Gravelle are its prime movers, & contributors include Henri Zisly & René Chaughi. A somewhat irregular monthly, after its 19-20th number, in 1898, it merges with Le Naturien.
En août 1895, à Paris, sortie du premier numéro du mensuel "La Nouvelle Humanité." Ce journal naturien sortira de façon irrégulière. Il s'arrêtera en 1898 à son 19-20ème numéro et fusionnera avec "Le Naturien." Autographié par Henri Beylie et illustré par Émile Gravelle, il comptera entre autres Henri Zisly et René Chaughi comme collaborateurs.

1898 -- Greece: Some 1,000 people killed when 340 barrels of gunpowder explodes in a storehouse in Salonika.

1901 -- Jazz great Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong lives (1901-1971). [His true birth date, as opposed to the apocryphal one of July 4, 1900.]

Louis Armstrong

"Man, if you gotta' ask, you'll never know."

1913 -- Author Robert Hayden lives.

1916 -- US: Agrees to buy Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25 million. After which the virgin market bottoms out & the stage is set for Madonna who commands far more than $25 million.

Pimp book cover
1918 -- Iceberg Slim lives.

1919 -- US: 15,000 silk workers strike in Paterson, New Jersey for a 44-hour week.

Police, cartoon by R. Cobb
1919 -- England: Second day of rioting during Liverpool police strike.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1920 -- Spain: ?José Maestre de Laborde, Count de Salvatierra, ex-governor of Barcelona (the "Pacifier of Barcelona," responsible for the repression of the CNT union & the "ley de fugas" murders of 30 trade unionists) is gunned down by a group anarquistas. Salvatierra had been laying low because of threats to his life. The Marquise de Tejares is also killed, & police attribute this attack to Ramón Casanellas & Pere (Pedro) Matheu. Valence (Espagne), l'ex-gouverneur de Barcelone, José Maestre de Laborde, comte de Salvatierra (responsable de la mort d'une trentaine de syndicalistes victimes de la "ley de fugas") tombe sous les balles d'un groupe d'action anarchiste. La marquise de Tejares trouvera également la mort dans cet attentat que la police attribuera aux anarchistes Ramón Casanellas et Pere Matheu.

Mientras en Valencia a causa de los anónimos recibidos, el Conde Salvatierra vivía semi clandestino, cuando le llegó una carta de Eduardo Dato pidiéndole que se trasladara a San Sebastián, así como otra del Marqués de Mascarell que le pedía que estrechara aún más las precauciones. Sin embargo, los acontecimientos no tardarían en llegar, así es como el 4 de agosto después de presenciar un desfile de carrozas Salvatierra se dirigió en su carruaje "milord" hacia su casa cuando tuvo que detenerse en el paso a nivel que cortaba la carretera, allí aparecieron varios hombres con pistola en mano que abrieron fuego en el interior del "milord," resultando muerta la Marquesa de Tejares y el Conde Salvatierra y esposa gravemente heridos. El Conde de Salvatierra moriría en el hospital al día siguiente. La policía acuso de este crimen como en anteriores ocasiones a Ramón Casanelles y Pere Matheu.

Casanellas Lluch, Ramon. Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, 1897 - El Bruc, 1933. Comunista i militant de la CNT. Intervingué en les vagues de 1917 i hagué d'exiliar-se. Tornà a Barcelona el 1919. El 8 de març de 1921, i com a represàlia per l'assassinat de Francesc Layret, intervingué, a Madrid, en l'atemptat que costà la vida al president del govern espanyol Eduardo Dato. Es refugià a França i després a l'URSS. El 1924 anà a Mèxic i durant tres anys participà en l'organització dels moviments comunistes a l'Amèrica Llatina. Amb la proclamació de la República tornà a Barcelona, on participà en l'organització del Partit Comunista de Catalunya, partit del que en fou secretari el 1933. Aquest any, 1933, va patir un atemptat i el mes de juny, anant a Madrid en motocicleta, sofrí un accident en el qual resultà mort. L'acompanyava Francisco del Barrio, un altre militant comunista que també va morir en l'accident.

1922 --
Corto traveled to the Aegean island of Rhodes in the Autumn of 1921 to begin a new Asian adventure, "La Maison Doree du Samarkand." This took him from the Turkish coast to the mountains of Afghanistan in search of the treasure of Alexander the Great. Beginning in Adana he crossed Turkey into Azerbaidjan.

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1925 -- Nicaragua: US Marines leave after a 13-year occupation. But not for long. As Arnold Schwarzenegger puts it, "I'll be back!."

1926 -- Italy: Gaetano Salvemini escapes to France after his arrest (while out on bail?). A socialist & leading anti-Fascist critic, he was in exile for over 20 years, teaching at Harvard University (1930-48) before returning to Italy.

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Paul Avrich
1931 -- US: Paul Avrich lives (1931-2006). Devoted & sympathetic biographer & historian of anarchism. Among many notable books, Anarchist Voices gathered 200 interviews made over a 30-year period, allowing these "anonymous" militants to avoid oblivion, opening the way for innumerable works of research & reflection. Avrich was a trusted friend to many of the older members of the movement, putting them in touch with each other, following their reunions, & visiting them regularly.⟨=en
In French see Ephéméride anarchiste

1933 -- After a reading by W. H. Auden, Harold Nicolson writes: 7:36:14 AM,

"I go to bed feeling terribly Edwardian & back-number, & yet, thank God, delighted that people like Wystan Auden should actually exist."

1936 -- John Woodruff (University of Pittsburgh) wins a gold medal in the 800-meter run, Olympic Summer Games in Berlin. Like Jesse Owens (winning his second medal earlier in the day), he is snubbed by Adolph Hitler, who believes blacks are incapable of athletic achievement.

1936 -- Assia Djebar lives, Cherchell, Algeria. Pseudonym of Fatima-Zohra Imalayen. Novelist, translator, & filmmaker, one of North-Africa's best-known & most widely acclaimed writers. Djebar has also published poetry, plays, & short stories, & has produced two films. Her books explore the struggle for social emancipation & the Muslim woman's world in its complexities. Her strong feminist stance has earned her much praise. Several of her works deal with the impact of the war on people's minds, & particularly women's.

1937 -- First okapi imported to US.

"While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth?"

          — George Bernard Shaw

1942 -- US: A routine search for contraband at the Santa Anita "Assembly Center" turns into a "riot."

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Anne Frank
1944 -- Netherlands: Nazi police in Amsterdam, acting on an informant's tip, discover Anne Frank & family in hiding.

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1955 -- During this month Beatster Jack Kerouac hitchhikes to México City & takes a room at 212 Orizaba Street, above his friend Bill Garver's apartment. Kerouac falls in love with Esperanza Villanueva, an Indian prostitute addicted to drugs. During August & early September he writes Part 1 ("Trembling & Chaste") of Tristessa; writes Mexico City Blues (244 choruses).

1957 -- Everly Brothers make a second appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show & debut "Wake Up Little Susie," a song banned from some radio stations.

1957 -- Florence Chadwick set a world record by swimming the English Channel in 6 hours, 7 minutes.

Dancing mushrooms, animated
1958 -- US: New Plant Species? The first potato flake plant completed, Grand Forks, North Dakota. (un)Inspires Flakes & Couch Potatoes around the world.

1958 -- orange diamond dingbat, added 2013, remove 2014Egypt: Salama Moussa dies. Journalist, writer & a pioneer of Arab socialism. Advocate of secularism, democracy, the liberation of women, champion for workers & peasants' rights & for improved working environment as well as reforms in public education.

Ooopsie! a bullet hole
1964 -- US: Traffic Jam? Bodies of civil rights volunteers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, & James Chaney (missing since June after their arrest for allegedly speeding), discovered buried in a dam by the FBI, near Philadelphia, Mississippi. (See June 21, 1964).
(Andrew Goodman, son of the Pacifica Radio Foundation president)

1964 -- High Seas: US destroyers Maddox & C. Turner Joy report a second torpedo attack in the Gulf of Tonkin. There were no casualties & no damage. In retaliation for the alleged attacks, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader President Johnson orders the bombing of North Vietnamese shore installations (see August 2, 1964; August 7, 1964).

1966 -- US: Billy Murcott arrives in Frisco, California from New York & joins longtime friend anarchist Emmett Grogan to collaborate on various undertakings including the founding of the Diggers.

1970 -- The Medicine Ball Caravan, featuring the Grateful Dead & hippie groups like Wavy Gravy, becomes rock's first movable festival. It starts in San Francisco & makes it over to the U.K.

I love your page.... but....

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1976 -- France: First International Nonviolent March leaves for Verdun from Metz.

Statue with birds in harbor
1983 -- US: NY Yankee outfielder Dave Winfield throws a baseball during warmups & accidentally kills a seagull. After the game, Toronto police surround the dastardly slugger & arrest him for "causing unnecessary suffering to an animal."

1983 -- South Africa: Police & soldiers kill participants in bus & school boycott, Ciskei.

1985 -- Christo?: Peace Ribbon made by thousands of women wrapped around the Pentagon.

Ronnie Raygun
1986 -- US: Having announced his administration's election-year effort to seem tough on drugs, Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Acting President Ronnie Reagan is asked if this means he is taking over the anti-drug movement from Nancy. Grinning, he responds, "Do I look like an idiot?"

Democracy poem
1987 -- Belau: Following the assassination of its anti-nuclear President & strong lobbying by the (surprise!) US, the Pacific island nation of Belau (a former American "protectorate") reverses six previous votes & agrees to eliminate a clause in its constitution prohibiting nuclear weapons.

1988 -- US: Congress votes $20,000 to each Japanese-American interned during WW II.

1989 -- México: Tohono O'odham Nation on Arizona/Sonora border requests Mexican government return thousands of acres of tribal land.

2000 -- France: Salvador Clement (1916-2000) dies, Montélimar, Drôme. Spanish militant anarco-sindicalista, active with the CNT, took refuge in France with the failure of the Spanish Revolution.
Further details/ context, click here; anarcho-syndicalist, anarquista, anarchiste[Details / context]

Democracy: Elephant & Donkey gittin it on
2000 -- US: New garbage can is mistaken for ballot box. Some Redford Township votes wind up in trash, according to today's Detroit Free Press. Talk about throwing your vote away. Part of the problem: the new green rubberized garbage can doesn't look trashy enough.

"It looks so good I'm surprised they're not putting mail in it," Heldenbrand said.

To make the trash container more recognizable, township officials put two orange signs on the actual trash bin stating: "This is a garbage can."

The container will be checked for ballots each night, Heldenbrand said.

Thanks to Bleedster Scott Langill, Flipside, for sending this

2010 -- North Korea: Coach of the National football team kicked (sic) out of the Hard Labor Worker's Party & condemned to the rock pile following a speedy trial & conviction for "betrayal of trust" of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Heir-Apparent Kim Jong-un.

3000 --

The people in power will not disappear voluntarily, giving flowers to the cops just isn't going to work. This thinking is fostered by the establishment; they like nothing better than love & nonviolence. The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window.

William Burroughs with Shotgun

William Burroughs (b. 1914), author, Daily Bleed Saint, November 22, 1997.
The Job: Interviews with Daniel Odier, Prisoners of the Earth Come Out (1969).

Jack Webb, Dragnet, instructs you to turn yourself in to the FBI!
The Daily Bleed: Percy Bysshe Shelley, Emmett Grogan, Paul Avrich, Salvador Clement, Peter Kropotkin, Aldino Felicani, Gaetano Salvemini, Errico Malatesta, Carlo Cafiero, William Blake, Corto Maltese, Ramón Casanellas, Pere (Pedro) Matheu; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, anarkist, libertarian, syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communism, black cats, What Happened on this day, in recovered memory, suppressed history, A People's History, AUGUST 4

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