! http://tigger.uic.edu/~fkenig/old/calendar.gif alt=? width="35" height="35" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="left" DEAD http://www.gringosno.com/laanarchists/anarchcal.gif alt=? width="72" height="71" border="0" hspace="10" vspace="10" align="right"
Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

Michael Bakunin


Conspirator, anarchist,
rival of Marx,
assassin of God.



Roman Catholic Church: FEAST OF PRECIOUS BLOOD.

Fuji Film? Japan: MT. FUJI DAY, opening of the climbing season.





AND, most important, JULY is . . . Anti-Boredom Month, National Baked Bean Month (Stand Back!),
National Ice Cream Month (Dive in!), National Purposeful Parenting Month (Run kids, Run!),
Tahiti Awareness Month ...

  • FIRST WEEK: Be Kind To New Jersey Week; National Canned Luncheon Meat Week (Samo, Samo!)

  • SECOND WEEK: Mosquito Week

  • THIRD WEEK: Backwards Masking Awareness Week, Captive Nations Week, Swan Upping (UK), & National Avoid Boredom Week

  • FOURTH WEEK: Cheyenne Frontier Day (Wyoming)


  • 1st Thursday: Ommegang Pageant (Belgium) & International Cherry Pit Spitting Contest
  • 3RD WEEKEND: International Brick & Rolling Pin Throwing Tournament (US, UK, Canada, Australia)
  • 3RD SUNDAY: Beer Festival (Luxembourg)
  • LAST SUNDAY: Pile of Bones (Canadian Picnic)
  • LATE JULY: Spinning Wheels Day (Warminster, Pennsylvania)

1251 -- Mangu named KaKhan.

1492 -- Spain: The King, culminating the Spanish Inquisition, gives all Jews in Spain 30 days to leave the country. Some of the confiscated Jewish assets are then used to finance the voyage of Columbus.

1566 -- Saw It Coming?: Death of Nostradamus.

1646 -- Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (less correctly, Leibnitz) lives. German philosopher/mathematician, historian & jurist. Left behind no philosophical magnum opus, but is considered among the giant thinkers of the 17th century. Poet Alexander Pope wrote:

All nature is but art, unknown to thee;
All change, direction which thou canst not see;
All discord, harmony not understood;
All partial evil, universal good.
And, spite of pride, in erring reason spite,
One truth is clear, Whatever is, is right.

1656 -- New Old World: First Quakers arrive in America, having come to what will be Boston.

1742 -- German physicist & satirical writer, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg lives, Ober-Ramstadt. His biting wit involved him in many controversies with well-known contemporaries. Stays in England produced his Briefe aus England (1776-78), among the most attractive of his writings.

1775 -- Algeria: Spanish repelled from the pirate stronghold of Algiers.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1776 -- France: In Abbeville 19-year old Jean François Lefebvre, Chevalier de la Barre, is tortured & decapitated for failing to properly greet a religious procession. He becomes a symbol for free thinkers. Monuments in Montmartre & Abbeville celbrate his martyrdom.

1804 -- George Sand lives, Paris. Pseudonym of Amandine-Aurore-Lucile Dudevant. French Romantic writer, noted also for her numerous love affairs with such prominent artists as Prosper Merimée, Alfred de Musset, Frédéric Chopin, & others.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2003, GEORGE SAND
French novelist, proto-feminist, lifestyle anarchist.

1834 -- US: Cherokees on the Trail of Tears reach the promised land, Indian Territory (Oklahoma).

1847 -- US: Stick it to me?: First American postage stamps containing adhesive issued. Benjamin Franklin appeared on 5 cent stamps, with George Washington on 10 cent stamps. They stay on the envelope better than before.

1865 -- Prussia: Lili Braun, feminist/socialist writer, (Im Schatten Titanen) lives.

1872 -- Switzerland: At the beginning of July 1872, a congress of Serbian socialists is held in Zurich, & Michael Bakunin is one of the guests.
There was a small colony of South Slavic students & revolutionaries in Switzerland, & they were connected with Bakunin & the Slavic section of the famous Jura Federation. Among them were: Jovan Zujovic, Manojlo Hrvacanin, Pera Todorovic & others.

Michael Bakunin, anarchist, assassin of God
1876 -- Switzerland: Michael Bakunin dies at noon today, Berne. Conspirator, anarchist, rival of Marx, assassin of God.
Further details/ context, click here; anarchiste, anarchismo, anarchici, anarchico, Anarþist, anarquista, anarchisten, anarchie, anarkismo, anarchisme, anarho, kalendario, anarchica, Libertaria[Background Details / context]

The liberty of man consists solely in this: that he obeys natural laws because he has himself recognized them as such, & not because they have been externally imposed upon him by any extrinsic will whatever, divine or human, collective or individual.

— Mikhail Bakunin, God & the State

"No theory, no ready-made system,
no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."

— Mikhail Bakunin

alt spellings: Michel Bakounine, Mihail Aleksandroviç Bakunin; Aleksandrovic, Aleksandrovich, Mihkail

1882 -- Susan Glaspell lives, Davenport, Iowa. American dramatist/novelist & founder of the Provincetown Players in 1915.

1892 -- James M. Cain lives, Annapolis, Maryland. Author of The Postman Always Rings Twice. American journalist, screenwriter & novelist identified with Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler & others, as a member of hard-boiled school of crime fiction. Three of his novels are classics of the American screen. Named a Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America in 1970.

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1892 -- US: Homestead Steel Mill strike begins in Pennsylvania, leading to large-scale battles between workers & anti-labor Pinkerton agents. Carnegie handed over the operation over to Henry C. Frick, a frank & brutal union-hater. See July 6

1893 -- US: NAACP leader Walter White born.

1894 -- Italy: Oreste Lucchesi assassinates Giuseppe Bandi, Livourne editor of Il Telegrafo, whose articles resulted in the repression & arrest of numerous anarchists.

Teddy Roosevelt, jingoist, by Andy Warhol
1898 -- Cuba: Jingo Bells? Macho Moose Teddy Roosevelt charges up San Juan Hill.

Then the Black 10th Cavalry charges Spanish forces & saves Teddy's ass "Rough Riders."

In Spanish, Memoria del fuego page,

1899 -- Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels.

1899 -- Gospel-legend Thomas Dorsey lives, Villa Rica, Ga. Began touring with Ma Rainey, but gave up the blues in 1932 to work as a choir director for Pilgrim Baptist Church. Among his most popular songs is "A Little Talk with Jesus."

1899 -- Italy: Viene arrestato il deputato socialista Andrea Costa che, con la chiusura del parlamento, ha perso la sua immunità. Deve finire di scontare una condanna inflittagli nel 1895 per reati di stampa, vale a dire per avere espresso liberamente il proprio pensiero.

Costa (1851-1910) was a former anarchist militant, aligned with Bakunin, before giving it up & becoming a socialist deputy in the Italian parliament.

Further details/ context, click here[Details / context]
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1900 -- Canada: Fraser River Fisherman's Strike.

1906 -- México: The Manifesto & Programme issued today by the Organizing Board of the Partido Liberal Méxicano & becomes one of the most important political documents in the history of México.

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1909 -- Uruguayan-born novelist/short-story writer, Juan Carlos Onetti, lives, Montevideo.

Alden Freeman Free Speech Fight pamphlet
1909 -- US: As people like Emma Goldman were prevented from speaking, societies formed to protect the right to free speech.

A pamphlet created by Alden Freeman alerted people to the fight for free speech. It contains a tongue-in-cheek New York Times account of his attempt to hold a meeting where Emma could speak freely & without police restriction.

Excerpt from "The New York Times,"
"Goldman Champions Win the East Side,"
July 1, 1909

1910 -- US: July - October, 1910, the ILGWU organizes a second large strike involving 50,000 cloak-makers. Taking their lead from the women, this mostly male strike won uniform wages, a shorter work week, & paid holidays. A Joint Board of Sanitary Control is set up, as well as an arbitration board. As a result of the strikes in 1909 & 1910, the ILGWU swells in membership.

And we gave new courage to the men
Who carried on in nineteen-ten
And shoulder to shoulder we'll win through
Led by the ILGWU
hail the waistmakers of nineteen-nine
making their stand on the picket line,
Breaking the power of those who reign
Pointing the way, smashing the chain

The Uprising of the 20,000, dedicated to the Waistmakers of 1909


1915 -- Novelist/short story writer Jean Stafford (The Catherine Wheel; Bad Characters), lives, Covina, California. Married poet Robert Lowell, Jr., & journalist A. J. Liebling.

1915 --

Willie Dixon
Willie Dixon

"The blues are the true facts of life expressed in words & song, inspiration, feeling & understanding."

1916 -- France: 20,000 killed on first day of Battle of the Somme.

1916 -- EG, anarchist feministUS: Social dance & benefit for the defense funds of David Caplan & Enrique & Ricardo Flores Magón held in Los Angeles. Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman celebrate their success in raising the $10,000 bail for the Mexican Magon brothers.

cover: Green Corn Rebellion, novel by William Cunningham
1917 -- US: 8,000 anti-war marchers demonstrate in Boston. . . Green Corn Rebellion.

The Masses & other periodicals containing antiwar articles are soon banned from the mails; 65,000 conscientious objectors; 900 imprisoned under Espionage Act; 450 arrested in Green Corn anti-draft Rebellion.

Many workers & radicals jailed or deported, under often absurd pretexts, to stifle dissent or bust unions. Socialists have made gains in elections, & summer Socialist antiwar meetings draw 5000, 10,000, 20,000. First open urban riot(?) involving black & white youths(?) occurs in East St Louis.


1920 -- Italy: Second Congress of the Unione Anarchica Italiana, Bologna, July 1-4.

Here Errico Malatesta argues for "continuous struggle, pacific or violent, according to circumstances, against the government & the possessors to conquer as much possible of freedom & well-being for all."

See our Encyclopedia page,

A General Strike was raging across Italy, with Workers Councils appearing, & the councilist program & occupation of the factories was approved by the Congress. The strike & the councilist movement, under attack by the Italian government & military, would be sabotaged by the Socialist party & the mainstream unions.

[Details / context]

1920 -- US: The Nevada Round-Up. Reno's annual carnival of the range (-5).
See Amaral, Anthony, Will James: The Gilt Edged Cowboy.(LA: Westernlore Press, 1967).

1922 -- US: 1,000,000 railway shopmen's labor strike.

1925 -- Erik Satie dies.

animated soldiers silhouette
1926 -- Italy: Lo stato italiano annette ufficialmente l'Oltregiuba alla Somalia italiana.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1929 -- France: Filareto Kavernido's “Kaverno di Zaratustra” colony embarks from Bordeaux for Haiti. Eventually settles in the Dominican Republic at Arroyo Frio. Filareto provides medical aid to the poor, & sends a report to Émile Armand French paper, l'en Dehors. Kavernido was murdered by Dominican authorities in 1933.

1931 -- Arhoolie Records founder Christian A. Strachwitz, lives, Gross Reichenau, Lower Silesia, Germany (now Bogaczów, Poland).

... show details

1932 -- US: Leavitt Act is passed, authorizing cancellation of all debts for seized Indian lands.

1932 -- US: Summer. Farmers in Iowa blockade roads, arm themselves with pitchforks & shotguns & refuse to allow farm produce to go to market.
"If this country ever needed a Mussolini, it needs one now."

— David A. Reed, Senator, Pennsylvania

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1934 -- US: First x-ray photo of entire body, Rochester, NY. Turns out negative.

Man fighting barbwire, graphic by Rini Templeton
1935 -- Rini Templeton lives, Buffalo, New York.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint December 11, 2003-4
American expatriate artist, activist,
worked closely with Mexican socialist & labor movements.


See Rini Templeton, The Art of Rini Templeton: Where There is Life & Struggle, (Seattle: The Real Comet Press, 1988).

1937 -- US: Hawaiian longshoremen's strike brings Japanese, Filipino & other ethnic plantation workers into one labor union (ILWU).

1937 -- Spain: Spanish bishops endorse Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Franco. Fascism & Catholicism, si.

1943 -- Shrink-Wrapped?: US: First withholding tax from paychecks begins.

Bombed in Bikini?
1946 -- Atomic bomb test at Bikini atoll in the Pacific (the fourth atomic explosion; 23 nuclear tests were conducted at Bikini).

animated Fire Ball
1951 -- US: Mary Reeser, of St. Petersburg, Florida, spontaneously combusts.

Those who spontaneously ignite inadvertently created their own cremation by fretting & eating, a combination that often occurs...

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1954 -- US: In New York City, July 1954, Russell Blackwell, Esther & Sam Dolgoff form the Libertarian League, other participants included folk-singer Dave Van Ronk, &, for a short time, Murray Bookchin was a member. Earlier, in 1949, Gregory P. Maximoff initiated the Libertarian Book Club just before he died in 1950.

1956 -- US: Elvis appears on TV's "The Steve Allen Show." He is told not to dance & Allen has him sing "Hound Dog" to a real basset hound wearing tails. Tomorrow teenagers picket against NBC with signs reading: "We Want the Real Elvis!"

1957 -- From a front page Billboard article, "Good music may be making a comeback on the bestseller charts...but rock & roll discs continue to dominate the pop market".

1958 -- US: 700 protest at White House against nuclear testing.

1960 -- Russia: For the second time in two months, a US surveillance plane is shot down by the Russians after violating Soviet air space — despite Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Truth-Sayer President Eisenhower's pledge that reconnaissance missions over the USSR had been stopped following the U-2 incident on 1 May.

1962 -- Algeria: Independence won from France.

1963 -- US: Samuel McKinney leads 400 marchers from the Central District to downtown Seattle. 35 occupy the mayor's office for 24 hours before being arrested in Seattle's first major civil rights protest.

1966 -- US: Medicare, a government program to pay part of the medical expenses of citizens over the age of 65, begins.

1966 -- US: CORE adopts Black Power concepts, Baltimore (meeting, July 1-4 ).

1966 -- Quicksilver Messenger Service, Big Brother, & Jaywalkers at the Fillmore Auditorium in Frisco, California.

1967 -- After Mick Jagger's drug conviction, an editorial from the London Times' W.E. Rees-Moog reads,

"It should be particular quality of British justice to ensure that Mr. Jagger is treated exactly the same as anyone else, no better & no worse. There must remain a suspicion in this case that Mr. Jagger received a more severe sentence than would have been thought proper for any purely anonymous young man."

1968 -- Treaty on Nuclear Non-Proliferation signed. Yup.

1968 -- KSAN Stereo Radio 95 Family Freakout at the Avalon Ballroom in Frisco. Music by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

1968 -- Se retiran las últimas barreras aduaneras de la CEE/ last customs barriers of the EEC retired.

For All Time, soldiers erecting a peace flag
1970 -- US: Women Against Daddy Warbucks destroy 1-A files in eight New York City draft boards.

Also, a second(?) draft lottery this summer sees 28 commissioned military officers, representing 250 others, form Concerned Officers Movement Against the Vietnam War.

Dick'em Nixon
1972 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader I Am Not A Crook DickM Nixon is recorded on tape, with chief political aide Charles Colson plotting a break-in at the Republican National Committee headquarters. This is to divert attention from the Watergate Break-In. DickM suggests the vandals should "tear [the Republican offices] to shambles" & the dollar damage be $3-4,000.

1972 -- New Zealand : Boy Roel sails for French nuclear test zone at Mururoa Atoll, South Pacific.

1972 -- US: Publication of first issue of mainstream feminism's Ms. Magazine.

1972 -- US: First Rainbow Gathering, Strawberry Lake, Colorado, (July 1-4).

1975 -- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora founded.

1977 -- US: Native American activist Leonard Peltier is sentenced to two life sentences for being somewhere in the general proximity of two FBI agents who died while attacking an American Indian Movement (AIM) encampment.

... show details

1980 -- C. P. Snow, known & criticized mainly for The Two Cultures & the Scientific Revolution, dies in London. His 11-volume novel sequence, Strangers & Brothers (1940-70) is a quiet, meticulous (though never dull) analysis of bureaucratics & the corrupting influence of power.

1983 -- US: Copper miners begin a long, bitter strike against Phelps-Dodge in Clifton, Arizona, in which then-Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader-Governor Bruce Babbitt repeatedly deployed state police & National Guardsmen to assist — surprise! — the company against the laborers.

1983 -- Bucky Fuller, Canadian engineer, inventor, social theorist, dies. Invented large golf balls for people to live in.

Bucky Ball

1985 -- France: On the night of the June 30th/1st July, the print shop producing the Parisian daily newspapers is paralyzed by saboteurs in support of a prison uprising:

"We have decided to impose half a day's silence on the national press in honor of the rebellious convicts ... All these papers are well-known for their hostility towards the recent movement of revolt in the prisons."

Source: [Calendar Riots]

1987 -- Canada: British Columbia government agrees to establish a national park in the South Moresby region of Queen Charlotte Islands due to Haida protests of logging operations there.

1987 -- US: Sixteen Mexican illegal aliens heading for Dallas, Texass in a boxcar die from lack of oxygen & heat that reaches more than 120 degrees. "I asked God to help me out," says the only survivor, "but I'm pretty sure the others did the same thing."

1991 -- Czechoslovakia: Dissolution of Warsaw Treaty Organization signed, Prague.

1995 -- US: Legendary DJ Wolfman Jack dies, Belvidere, North Carolina. Wolfman Jack

David Thoreau Wieck, anarchist
1997 -- US: David Thoreau Wieck, an anarchist theorist, educator, & activist, dies, Albany, New York.

Wieck did 34 months in jail as a conscientious objector (CO) during WWII.

He joined the editorial board of Why?, soon to become Resistance, & played a leading role until it ceased in 1954.

This publication provided a crucial voice & support for many people, including Paul Goodman. Wrote an unusually insightful memoir, Woman from Spillertown: A Memoir of Agnes Burns Wieck, known as "the Mother Jones of Illinois" for her work as a labor organizer.

Life-long companion of Diva Agostinelli.

King Kong
1997 -- China: Commies prove the truth of the right-wing / liberal
American Domino Theory, take over over Kong.

Wakandan embassy
2002 -- US: Thousands of artists, anarchists & activists turn out for “Open Admissions,” held during the Grand Opening of the Wakandan Embassy in New York, in order to sign up for Wakandan citizenship.

2004 -- China: More than 200,000 Hong Kong residents march to demand greater democracy on the 7th anniversary of the handover.

3000 --

Flavio Costantini illustration

Illustration by Flavio Costantini

"Freedom without Socialism is privilege & injustice, & Socialism without freedom is slavery & brutality"

— Mikhail Bakunin

Circle A


Daily Bleed Work page pointer for july The Daily Bleed: Daily Bleed Saint, Michael Bakunin, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Errico Malatesta, Rini Templeton, Russell Blackwell, Esther & Sam Dolgoff, Dave Van Ronk, Murray Bookchin, David Thoreau Wieck,Diva Agostinelli; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, anarkist, libertarian, syndicalist, anarcho-syndicalist, anarcho-communism, black cats, What Happened on this day, in recovered memory, suppressed history JULY 1

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Anarchist Time Line / Chronology