Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

" . . . what/is virtue

but the lack of strong temptation;

better to leave us with our lie of being good."

      — Stephen Dobyns, "Bleeder"


Turkish folk & protest singer, street activist.


Zurich: SIX RINGINGS FESTIVAL: Boog (Old Man Winter), a giant snowman stuffed with explosives, is jeered, taunted, & then blown up. Much feasting & revelry.

Tibet: SUNNING OF THE BUDDHA. Lamas bring Buddha statues out of temples of abstract tranquility to enjoy the sun.



1208 -- Quetzalcoatl, Toltec king, priest, astronomer & culture-hero, dies; he reduced Mayan calendar & appendices to a system of signs & ideographs which fitted all languages equally. Just like your Daily Bleed, except just the opposite & all chopped up like confetti.

1531 -- Really Steamed?: Richard Roose boiled to death for trying to poison an archbishop.

Calvin & Hobbes
1588 -- Thomas Hobbes philosopher, lives, England.

Dark Tina having Dark Thoughts
1765 -- British poet Edward Young dies. His THE COMPLAINT or NIGHT THOUGHTS is one of the hallmarks of the Graveyard School of Poetry.

1794 -- French political satirist who wrote dramas & helped create the Republican calendar, Fabre d'Eglantine, dies in Paris.

1795 -- Switzerland: Peace between France & Prussia signed, Basil.

1799 -- US: First record of a meteor falling in the New World, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

1800 -- US: Luminous flying ship spotted over Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Looks like last year. Not even Martians can get the dates right?

1815 -- Java: Tambora volcano violently erupts on the island of Sumbawa. The area within a 200-mile radius is plunged into darkness for three days by dust & ash, which fell as far as 900 miles away a week later. Approximately 10-12,000 people were killed in the initial explosion, & another 70-80,000 may have died as a result of a famine caused by extensive ashfall on farming & grazing lands on the islands of Sumbawa & Lombox.

1828 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Toulotte's novel The Dominican is confiscated after being condemned.

1837 -- Algernon Swinburne lives, London, England.

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1839 -- France: Gabriel-Constant Martin lives, Entrevaux (the Low-Alps). Teacher, elected a member of the Paris Commune, First International, Blanquist, anarchist. Martin wrote for Sébastien Faure's paper, "Le journal du peuple" until his death, July 9, 1906. See the Anarchist Encyclopedia,

1856 -- US: Black educator Booker T. Washington lives.

1859 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Charles Darwin sends the 1st three chapters of The Origin of Species to his publisher.

1871 -- France: Élisée Reclus, serving in the National Guard, now in open revolt, during the Paris Commune, is taken prisoner. On the 16th of November he is sentenced to transportation for life; but, largely at the instance of influential deputations from England, the famed geographer & anarchist had his sentence commuted in January 1872 to perpetual banishment.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, page 957-8.

1877 -- Italy: Debut of the anarchist "Gang of Matese."

Carlo Cafiero, Errico Malatesta, Pietro Cesaré Ceccarelli & the Russian militant Sergei Stepniak are among the 26 dubbed the "Gang of Matese" (la “banda” del Matese) by the government after the town of Letino declares a social revolution & libertarian communism three days hence.

Le forze armate soffocano una insurrezione nel Matese (Campania) guidata da Carlo Cafiero ed Errico Malatesta, a cui avevano aderito anche i parroci dei paesi di Letino e Gallo.
[Source: Crimini e Misfatti]

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1880 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: US fights the second Battle of San Andreas Mountains (-Apr. 7) in what is now New Mexico.

1887 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Anne Sullivan teaches the word "water" to Helen Keller.;=1
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1888 -- Émile Eudes dies.

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1889 -- Italy: Court of Rome sentences the socialist/anarchist Andrea Costa to three years in prison for "ribellione alla polizia di stato."

1889 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Start of Sherlock Holmes story "Adventure of the Copper Beeches" (BG).

1894 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: 11 strikers are killed in a riot at Connellsville, Pa.

1894 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Start of the Sherlock Holmes story "Adventure of the Empty House" (BG).

1895 -- Source=Robert Braunwart England: That anarchist degenerate Oscar Wilde is arrested for homosexuality.

1895 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Start of the Sherlock Holmes story "Adventure of the 3 Students" (BG).

anarchist barricade
1897 -- Spain: Benevento anarchist uprising.

1904 -- Argentina: The (daily) Protesta begins publishing, which for so many years weathers all storms.

Protesta was preceded by El Perseguido (1890-1897), the first of the rapidly developing active & numerous anarchist publications, & the La Protesta Humana (begun June 13, 1897), followed by the daily Protesta

[Source: Max Nettlau, Errico Malatesta: The Biography of an Anarchist.]

1906 -- Get This!, animated dingbatUS: Hipster, flipster musician Lord Buckley lives, Stockton, California.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint, 2004: LORD BUCKLEY
His Royal Hipness, the original mind-bubbler.

1910 -- Kiss, rock bandFrance: Kissing is banned on French railways for causing too many delays.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1911 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: 80,000 march in 5th Avenue funeral for Triangle Shirtwaist victims, NY.

1914 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman lectures on "The Conflict of the Sexes" in Chicago; attended by at least 1,000 people.

1915 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministDuring this month, writing from exile in Europe, Margaret Sanger criticizes Emma Goldman for failing to provide adequate support & coverage of Sanger's legal battles. Emma calls her charge "very unfair" & assures her that her magazine, Mother Earth, will stand by her.

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1916 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman's courtroom hearing on her birth control violation takes place amid ruckus between police & her supporters.
[ed. note: this date from the Chronology at the EG Papers Project appears to be in error; [Details] ]

HI! Granny!
1917 -- Writer Robert Bloch, lives. Also writes as Collier Young.
American crime & suspense writer, who famous for stories about psychopaths. Best known is Psycho, a stunning film by Alfred Hitchcock (1960). Also wrote humorous fantasy, science fiction, short stories, screenplays & radio plays.

Bloch was asked that tired old question: why he wrote horror fiction. Bloch, who always had a quick wit, thought for a moment & replied,

"I have the heart of a small boy... & I keep it in a drawer at home."

CHIP He wrote a fan letter to H.P. Lovecraft at the age of 16. Lovecraft encouraged the boy to begin writing fiction & to submit his stories to Weird Tales. Thus began a 60-year writing career that is one of the most distinguished in the horror & mystery field.

1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Poland: The army executes 35 Jews for distributing relief packages (post-WWI).

1920 -- Ireland: One hundred & twenty police stations & 22 tax offices are torched to commemorate the insurrectionists of the Easter Rising. See also 1966 below.
Source: 'Calendar Riots'

1921 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministRussia: Early this month Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman return to Moscow determined to cut off all relations with the Bolshevik government.

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1924 -- F. Scott Fitzgerald publishes "How We Live on $36,000 a Year" in the Saturday Evening Post to help defray the expenses of high living.

1926 -- Precious metal?: H.L. Mencken arrested in front of hundreds of cheering spectators in Boston, for selling a banned issue of the American Mercury. magazine

1926 -- Source=Robert Braunwart First issue of Hugo Gernsback's magazine "Amazing Stories" is published.

1930 -- France: Antoine Cyvoct dies. Lyons anarchiste militant.

Cyvoct was wrongly suspected of & spent many years in prison, then worked then worked in the bookstore business, & gave talks on prison conditions.

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1930 -- India: Gandhi's march to the sea begins.

1936 -- US: Tupelo, Mississippi virtually annihilated by a tornado, 216 die.

1942 --

Robert Musil
face ear

Austrian novelist Robert Musil dies, Geneva, Switzerland.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint, March 18 2004, ROBERT MUSIL
Mystic novelist of existential "man without qualities."

1943 -- England: Peter Miller (1943-1999), labor activist, militant anarchist, dies of cancer. Trotskyite until he met Albert Meltzer. Involved with Anarchist Black Cross (ABC), Leicester Secular Society; wrote for Black Flag, Freedom, Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review, Anarchy Magazine & editor, in the 1970s, of the anarchist cultural zine Z Review.

John Cage
1944 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Merce Cunningham & John Cage dances "Spontaneous Earth" & "Triple Paced" premier, NYC.

To me, Cage was essentially a thirties lefty, who was more interesting than others who came out of that period because he made some original perceptions not only about art but especially about the place of politics in art, & then the possible role of art for politics, all the while remaining true to the sentiment of that time. In my sense of Cage, Zen & chance & everything else came afterwards; they are merely icing on this essentially anarchist cake.

— Richard Kostelanetz

1951 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg are sentenced to death as atomic spies, NY.

1951 -- Turkey: Rock protest singer, activist Cem Karaca lives, Istanbul.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2005-2006
Turkish protest singer, counterculture totem, social rebel.

1952 -- US: No Blacklist?: Howard Hughes temporarily closes down MGM studios. His explanation: The authors of all 11 stories on the current shooting schedule were suspected Communist sympathizers.

Gimme Shleter
1955 -- US: Farmers Home Administration offers loan guarantees for home fallout shelters.

1956 -- US: Columnist Victor Riesel, a crusader against labor racketeers, blinded in New York City when a hired assailant throws sulfuric acid in his face.

1957 -- Beatster Jack Kerouac leaves Tangier, for Paris; goes to the Louvre Museum; travels to England. & late this month returns to New York.

Kerouac came to Tangiers to see William Burroughs & stayed in a room above him, February-March, where he typed Burroughs' Naked Lunch manuscript. (Kerouac came up with the title which Burroughs originally called Word Hoard.) In March Allen Ginsberg & Peter Orlovsky showed up to visit them.

1958 -- Castro declares war on dictatorial & corrupt Batista regime. As the US turns against him he moves into the Communist fold & sets up his own dictatorship.

1959 -- Cuba: Censorship of the media, prohibition of strikes & other labor & anarchist activities in Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Fidel Castro's regime.
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1962 -- US: Billie Sol Estes indicted for selling millions of dollars' worth of chattel mortgages on nonexistent fertilizer tanks.

1965 -- US: Alpert & Metzner at Vanguard Theater, Greenwich Village, NYC.

1966 -- Ireland: To commemorate 50 years since the Easter Rising, the Horatio Nelson Monument in Dublin is blown up. See also 1920 above.
[Source: Calendar Riots]

1967 -- US: Food's Good, But Don't Drink the Punch?

Grayline Tours starts touring Haight-Ashbury hippie scene.

1968 -- US: Frisco Mayor Alioto issues a proclamation condemning the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Thousands of people gathered at Civic Center in memory of the civil rights leader. City flags lowered to half staff.

1968 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Martin Luther King's assassination provokes riots in Seattle.

1969 -- US: A weekend of antiwar demonstrations begins in all major; anti-war marches in 50 cities attract an estimated 150,000 Vietnam War protesters.

1969 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Vatican: Pope Paul VI abolishes the galero (red hat) & red shoes of cardinals. Now they won't be mistaken for prostitutes.

1972 -- Outer Space: Pioneer 11 launched. Where did it go?

1972 -- US: Harrisburg 7 trial ends in a mistrial after 11 weeks (this was for plotting to kidnap Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Kissinger & blow up heating vents); only Phil Berrigan & Sister Elizabeth McAllister declared guilty — of smuggling letters in & out of prison!.

1974 -- Luxemburg: Founding of the Confederation of Socialist Parties of the European Community.

1974 -- Head Up His...? Henri LaMothe dives 40 feet into 12-1/2 inches of water. Foot in mouth, etc.

1976 -- China: Tien an men Square incident, popular demonstration of criticism of the Chinese regime in power in defiance of banning such criticism.

Bugs Bunny
1976 -- US: Germ Warfare? Billionaire Howard Hughes dies. Lover of bugs, germs & the great outdoors. Despite living in plastic bags for over 30 years, the germs finally get him. War is hell.

1976 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: The FBI reveals its criminal COINTELPRO activities to disrupt black groups.

1977 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: 11 alien bodies are allegedly recovered from a UFO, southern Ohio. Politicians all, surely.

Spikey fish
1978 --

anarchist diamond dingbatUS: Marcelo Salinas dies, Miami Florida. Anarquista, author, exiled from Cuba. / Nació en Batabanó (Cuba) en 1889. Adquirió una gran fama como escritor y fue Premio Nacional de Literatura. Headed Estudios (Havana, 1950) A principios de los 60, tras la toma de poder por Castro quedó apartado forzosamente de la vida social en Santiago de las Vegas, desde donde finalmente partió hacia el exilio.

Marcelo Salinas De Ateneo Virtual, la enciclopedia libre. Nació en Batabanó (Cuba) en 1889 y murió en Miami (EEUU) el 5 de abril de 1978. En España, donde estuvo al menos tres años, usó el seudónimo de Jorge Gallart. Llegó hacia 1914 y desarrolló una amplia actividad como militante anarquista, estando presente en numerosos mítines, conferencias, reuniones... sobre todo en Cataluña (dio un mitin en Badalona el 20 de octubre de 1916) y Valencia. Cuando estaba de gira propagandística por Andalucía fue detenido y deportado.

De vuelta a Cuba, tuvo un papel destacado en las huelgas generales de 1918-9 y a raíz de su participación en ellas fue condenado a muerte, pena que le fue conmutada en 1921. Animó periódicos anarquistas como "El libertario" o "Estudios" y colaboró en la prensa ácrata internacional. Adquirió una gran fama como escritor y fue Premio Nacional de Literatura. A principios de los 60, tras la toma de poder por Castro quedó apartado forzosamente de la vida social en Santiago de las Vegas, desde donde finalmente partió hacia el exilio.

Autor, entre otras obras, de: * Alma guajira (1928) * La tierra (1928) * Un aprendiz de revolucionario (1937) * Ráfaga (1939) * El mulato (1940) * Proyecciones libertarias (1956) (escrito junto a Casto Moscú y publicado por la Alianza Libertaria Cubana). En ella se atacaba a Batista y se daba un toque de alerta ante la actitud de la guerrilla de Sierra Maestra. * Lo que fuimos, lo que somos y lo que podemos ser (1972)

Ronald Reagan, America's Greatest Half-Wit
1981 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ronnie Reagan is declared a Public Moron, Berkeley, California. Imbecile, cretin, they all work well. Then there are the voters who love him.

1982 -- Ireland: Nuclear free zone declared by Dublin City Council.

1983 -- El Salvador: Two members of a christian community in San Ramon are abducted, tortured & shot by the national police. In September, death squads bomb the Jesuit residence in San Salvador.

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1985 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Many radio stations worldwide simultaneously play "We Are the World."

Mothers Against Boomerangs logo
1986 -- Record for a throw-&-return boomerang toss is set 397 ft. (121m).

(Always wear eye protection when throwing crooked sticks!!)

1992 -- US: Over 500,000 march in Washington, DC to support women's reproductive rights & equality.

1992 -- Bosnia: Nonviolent demonstration against war, Parliament building, Sarajevo.

1994 -- Black Is...Black Ain't: Marlon Riggs dies.

Marlon Riggs (1957-1994), Fearless queer American filmmaker, black activist, AIDS martyr; Patron SAINT 1998 & 2004, 24 February

Kurt Cobain with rifle in his mouth
1994 --

Nirvana lead singer & defacto head of the grunge generation, Kurt Cobain commits suicide by putting a shotgun to his head & pulling the trigger at his Seattle home. He was 27.

The accompanying photo here is in obvious bad taste.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Perú: Army begins an offensive of murder & rape against "suspected" rebels.

1996 -- US: Twelve arrested during protest at weapons manufacturing plant of Lockheed-Martin in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

1996 -- US: 54 arrested in Good Friday protest at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory, Livermore, California.

1997 -- The climatic conclusion of one generation arrives when Beat poet Allen Ginsberg suddenly ceases to Howl.

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1999 -- US: Microradio movement news accounts on the struggle to free the airwaves: "Activists mapping campaign for pubcasting independence" Current
[Source: Pirate Radio Kiosk]

2002 -- Layne Staley, frontman for Alice in Chains, is unshackled. Seattle musician, died of a mix of heroin & cocaine. The lethal combination goes by the name "speedball" in drug circles. The same ingredients contributed to the deaths of comedian John Belushi in 1982 & actor River Phoenix in 1993.

2003 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Honduras: 86 rebel inmates die in a jail riot in northern Honduras; most are executed by guards, cops & soldiers.

2006 -- Allan Kaprow (b.1927) unhappens, Encitas, California. "Happenings" event creator. American painter, assemblagist & pioneer in establishing the concepts of performance art. He helped to develop the "Environment" & "Happening" in the late 1950s & 1960s, as well as their theory. Fluxus, Performance art, & Installation art was, in turn, influenced by his work.

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2010 -- US: Twenty-nine coal miners die in the Upper Big Branch Mine explosion — the worst US mining disaster in 40 years. A "catastrophe waiting to happen," the mine was cited for more than 1,300 safety violations from 2005 through 2010, with 50 citations in the 30 days leading up to the deadly West Virginia coal mine disaster.

anarchist Kurt Vonnegut
3000 --

"So I said good-bye to government, & I gave my reason; That a really good religion, is a form of treason."

— Kurt Vonnegut, anarchist, Cat's Cradle

Protestors: We Say No to Global Treason!
3000 --

April 5 Daily Bleed Work page pointer for April April google calendar pointer
The Daily Bleed: Allan Kaprow, Marcelo Salinas, Emma Goldman, Gabriel-Constant Martin, Elisée Reclus, Gang of Matese, Carlo Cafiero, Pietro Cesaré Ceccarelli, Sergei Stepniak, LORD BUCKLEY, Alexander Atabekian, John Cage, Richard Kostelanetz, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, anarkism, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, libertarian, syndicalist, What Happened on this day, in recovered history April 5

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Anarchist Time Line / Chronology