Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

listen, you will
hear the deafening song of the stars
a silence brilliant & ringing as ice
a lovesong, it seems, made out of no love
and no song,
& the earth here to hear it.

      — Tobey Hiller, "Night"


Advocate of humane treatment for so-called "mentally ill."

a reliquary embodied in a small meteorite. An ecstatic procession with the magna mater in a chariot drawn by lions, castrated priests leaping & dancing & gashing themselves to a din of Flutes, cymbals & drums.

1581 -- Queen Elizabeth dines on board the "Pelican," the ship in which Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the World, &, after dinner, knighted him.

1774 -- Asked on his deathbed if his mind is at ease Oliver Goldsmith, 45, replies: "No it is not." The poet, novelist, playwright, & member of Samuel Johnson's circle is regarded by friends, somewhat erroneously, as an oaf. Says Dr. Johnson:

"No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had."

1802 -- US: Dorothea Dix lives, Hampden, Maine.
We All Are Born Mad.
Some Remain So.

Reformist, who called attention to "the present state of Insane Persons confined . . . in cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens! Chained, naked, beaten with rods, & lashed into obedience!"

1812 -- England: Luddite Riots at Stockport; Mr Goodwin's steam-looms destroyed.
Source: [Luddite Chronology]

1819 -- anarchist diamond dingbatUS: William G. Greene lives. A cofounder of the Modern Times anarchist colony, founded in NY, along with Josiah Warren & Stephen Pearl Andrews.
See Kenneth Rexroth's chapter on Josiah Warren in Communalism.
See also "The Lemonade Ocean & Modern Times" by Hakim Bey,

1841 -- US: Live like him? After serving only one month, William Henry Harrison sets sterling example — becoming the first American president to die in office. Cheap excuse to get out of work. But we wish more would be inspired by his exemplary example.

Isidore Ducasse
1846 -- Lautréamont lives, Montevideo. Poet of outrage & terror. In French, see Raoul Vaneigem's "Isidore Ducasse et le Comte de Lautréamont dans les Poésies,"

1862 -- Russia: Kropotkin during this month (I don't have exact day — ed.), finally leaves Irkutsk & returns to St. Petersburg.

Although he had left military service, Peter could not bring himself to leave government service. He became a member of the Central Statistical Committee. This position required very little work & allowed him to concentrate on work for the Geographic Society. He also enrolled in the university, but did not complete the requirements for graduation due to financial concerns.

1868 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Japan: US troops again land in Japan during the Meiji Restoration (-May 12).

1870 -- US: Golden Gate Park established in Frisco, California by City Order #800.

L'Internationale, illustration
1871 -- France: Tentative establishment of Commune in Limoges; meanwhile, the army attacks the Commune of Marseille.

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1871 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: Paris Communards take the archbishop of Paris hostage.

Vlaminck, anarchist; self-portrait
1876 -- Maurice Vlaminck lives (d.1958). Artist & a founder of Fauvism. A racing cyclist as a young man. In 1900 he met André Derain & began to paint seriously, earning his living by playing the violin. At this time he also contributed to anarchiste magazines. Like Derain, a fascist collaborator during WWII.

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Cell phone: Phone Home!
1877 -- First home telephone installed.

1892 -- US: Jules Thomas (1839-1892) dies. A French Icarien, Parisian Communard, Blanquist. Thomas fled to NY, with the defeat of the Paris Commune, where he was a founder of the "Société des réfugiés de la Commune." It was here too that he became an anarchist following his reading of Peter Kropotkin.

1892 -- Edith Södergran lives (1892-1923) . Pioneer of poetry in Swedish language in Finland, died of lung disease. Södergran had a significant impact on Nordic poetry, especially 1920s Finnish modernism. Comparable as a modernizer of poetry only to Katri Vala, Edith Södergran became one of the most loved Nordic writers. "Jag längtar till landet som icke är,
ty allting som är, är jag trött att begära."

1892 -- Italy: Tiene, nella sede del “Consolato operaio” di Milano, una conferenza dal titolo “Socialismo legalitario e socialismo anarchico” dove chiarisce le posizioni critiche dell’anarchismo nei confronti del socialismo “riformista” giudicandolo autoritario e parlamentarista.

1893 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Looney Tunes?? The new Ontario Legislature opens in Queen's Park, Toronto, built on the site of a lunatic asylum.

Animated Émile Henry Groupe button
1894 -- France: In Paris, during the trial of Émile Henry, a bomb explodes at the Foyot restaurant. The libertarian writer Laurent Tailhade, who was there by chance, lost an eye in the explosion. The anarchiste Louis Matha was suspected of being the author of the attack, but no proof could be found against him.

1896 -- Playwright Robert E. Sherwood (The Petrified Forest; Abe Lincoln in Illinois) lives, New Rochelle, New York.

1900 -- Belgium: Near miss: Prince of Wales escapes anarchist assassination attempt. 16-year-old Jean-Baptiste Sipido takes two shots at the Prince in a Brussels railway station in protest against the Boer War. Apprehended, but acquitted 5 July.
Source: 'Calendar Riots'

1905 -- India: Earthquake in Kangra kills 370,000.

1912 -- France: Émile Armand assumes the editorship of "L’Anarchie", from April 4th, 1912 to September of this year.
See Armand's article, "A Visit to L'Anarchie," at the Stan Iverson Memorial Archives,
Further details/ context, click here[Details / context]

1913 -- Edward Dowden dies in Dublin, Ireland. Shakespeare critic, Shelley scholar, Whitman discoverer & friend.

1914 -- Marguerite Duras lives (1914-1996), Gia Dinh, Indochina (Vietnam).

French novelist, representative of nouveau roman, screenwriter, scenarist, playwright, & film director, internationally known for her screenplays of Hiroshima Mon Amour, directed by Alain Resnais (1959) & India Song. She was also a member of the French Resistance during the German occupation. Other titles include The Sea Wall; The Ravishing of Lol Stein; Destroy, She Said.

1914 -- US: Unemployed riot in Union Square, NYC.

Big Muddy
1915 -- Blues guitarist Muddy Waters lives.

1915 -- US: A blurb in The New York Times (April 4, 1915) lists a petition of bankruptcy filed against John Rompapas Books & Postcards at 325 Madison Street in New York.

John Rompapas founded Rabelais Press, a New York radical publishing house that funded the "Revolutionary Almanac", a journal edited by the notorious anarchist, Hippolyte Havel.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

Link refers to: "Social War," Robert Lee Warwick, Paul Avrich, Manuel Komroff, Ferrer Center, Mabel Dodge Luhan, Margaret Sanger

1917 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Russia: Lenin presents his April Theses to a Bolshevik committee, which rejects them (Apr. 17 NS); also the new government grants equality to Jews, for the first time in Russian history.

1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart The Bavarian Soviet Republic is proclaimed (-May 1)

1919 -- Source=Robert Braunwart The Philippines demands independence from the US.

1922 -- Hot chili pepper!, anarchist Mama!Finally obtaining temporary German visas, Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman travel to Berlin.

Maya Angelou
1928 -- Maya Angelou lives, St. Louis, Missouri. African-American poet whose autobiographical work explores economic, racial, & sexual oppression themes. Her first work, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970), is followed by Gather Together in My Name (1974), The Heart of a Woman (1981), & All God's Children Need Traveling Shoes (1986).

1933 -- US: Dirigible Akron II crashes, killing 73 at the New Jersey coast, near where, four years later, the Hindenburg explodes & kills 36.

1937 -- Hot chili pepper!, anarchist Mama!England: In Bristol Emma Goldman speaks in the afternoon to a conference of ILP delegates & in the evening on "The Relation of the Church in Spain with Fascism" at a meeting arranged by the local ILP.

Also during this month in her correspondence with the Spanish comrades Emma criticizes the C.N.T. [Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo, the anarcho-syndicalist labor union, which is the largest union in Spain] for collaborating ('pajaros carpinteros') with the Communists & accepting Soviet support; publicly she remains an unwavering supporter.

Dany Cohn-Bendit grins a cop to death
1945 -- Cohn-BenditDaniel Cohn-Bendit lives — to laugh in the face of cops, Montaubanin (the south of France).

1950 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Longshoremen's union leader Harry Bridges is convicted of lying when he denied being a Communist.

1955 -- Australia & UK agree to establish nuclear testing ground, Maralinga, South Australia.

Timothy Ervin
1957 -- Creator of the original Internet Literary Calendar (began in Japan in 1995), Timothy Ervin, lives, with little fanfare.
Further details / context, click here[More information]

1958 -- England: 4,000 begin first of what becomes eleven consecutive annual Easter protest marches from London to Aldermaston AWRE spy base in England. The march arrived three days later.

1964 -- Billboard reports, "just about everyone is tired of Beatles. Disc jockeys are tired of playing the hit group, the writers of trade & consumer publications are tired of writing about them & the manufacturers of products other than Beatles records are tired of hearing about them. Everyone's tired of the Beatles — except the listening & buying public."

1967 -- US: Martin Luther King, Jr., preaches against Vietnam War & calls for common cause between civil rights & anti-war movements, Riverside Church, New York City.

1967 -- US: Future Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Congressman Ron Dellums elected to Berkeley City Council. In the same election, Jerry Rubin receives 22% of vote for mayor of Berkeley, California.

Martin Luther King, Jr's Family
1968 -- US: Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., 39, shot & killed in Memphis while visiting city in support of striking sanitation workers during Poor People's Campaign. The US government has made the observance of his birth one of those moveable feasts.

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1969 -- First totally artificial heart of dacron & plastic implanted in a human.

Big Brother
1969 -- US: CBS-TV touches off censorship controversy by its cancellation of the irreverent & anti-war "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour."

1969 -- US: April 4-6, demonstrations on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's death & anti-war protests: Chicago; Memphis, 10,000 gather to pay tribute; NY, 20,000+ up Fifth Ave, some with "33,000" armbands (explain? Also, is this the Bryant Park demo?).

1969 -- On a square in the southeastern Bohemian city of Jihlava, a forty-year-old technical official named Evzen Plocek sets himself on fire.

In August 1968 he'd been a delegate at an illegal high congress of the Czechoslovak Communist Party, & through his actions he knowingly took up the legacy of Jan Palach & Jan Zajic. He died on April 9, 1969.

1971 -- Canada: Marine clay under houses liquefies, 31 die, St-Jean-Vianney, Quebec.

1972 -- US: Demonstrators in Harrisburg, Pa. support Phil Berrigan & six codefendants; verdict rendered tomorrow. Did Phil really want to kidnap & put up with Beloved & Respected Comrade MotorMouth Henry Hank Kissinger? Will the Pentagon be without heat?

1975 -- Vietnam: "Operation Babylift" begins as a Lockheed C-5A transport leaves Saigon's Ton Son Nhut Airport carrying the first of 2,000 South Vietnamese orphans to a new life in America. Minutes after takeoff, the plane crashes in a rice paddy; approximately 140 of the children & some 50 adults are killed.

What wonderful people these Americans! Giving their all to help these poor orphans. One needs only forget how they became orphans — what disaster has beset these crippled, maimed & homeless, what people, what nation, what government could have allowed — God forbid, perpetrated — such "disaster"?

Perhaps, in the name of putting the past behind us, reconciliation, we can move forward, without memory, having learned nothing.

1977 -- British CBS releases the Clash's self-titled first album, a 14 song which contains such punk battle cries as "White Riot," "Police & Thieves" & "London's Burning." CBS in the US refuses to release it until 1979 & even then will get rid of the more virulent songs. Meantime, Americans will buy 100,000 imported copies of "The Clash", making it one of the biggest-selling import records of all time.

1977 -- US: Catawba Indians of South Carolina ask Congress to settle their claims regarding 144,000 acres, stemming from a 1763 treaty with the British. Ayn Rand denies they had any property rights.**

1979 -- Pakistan: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Overthrown President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto hanged for ordering the murder of three political opponents while in office, Rawalpindi.

1981 -- US: Yellow thunder Camp established in the Black Hills.

Cliff Notes
1984 -- Oceania: Winston Smith opens his journal. Big Brother is Watching You

It doesn't look good for our hero.

Thankfully, Winston has Big Brother to help him through these difficult times.

1985 -- US: Congress rejects Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ronnie Reagan's appeal for support for Nicaragua contras.

Reagan's administration takes to the high ground, staking out the low ground. Rife with moral neuters & criminals from top to bottom, it secretly provides illegal aid. Involves the White House, the CIA, the military & various other government departments. Apparently one must destroy democracy to preserve democracy...

1991 -- anarchist diamond dingbatFrance: Julien Toublet (b.1906) dies. Militant anarcho-syndicalist, as was his son Jacky Toublet.

Dead but not forgotten: Jerry Garcia Ice Cream
1996 -- Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir & Jerry Garcia's widow, Deborah, scatter part of Garcia's ashes in the Ganges River in India.

Blue Moon Logo When in Seattle, you DeadHeads you, The Blue Moon Tavern (once near the fabulously famous home of the Daily Bleed, Recollection Baldly Used Books, etc.) has Dead Nite once a week — nothing but Dead Tunes all nite long — Sundays! (or twice a week if you count Monday Opera Night as dead).

1996 -- US: Four arrested in New York City during march in support of Puerto Rican political prisoners in America.

Armando Perez
1999 -- Lower East Side community organizer Armando Perez dies of injuries suffered in an assault.

Armando Perez ... Daily Bleed Saint, Nov 3, 2009-2010
Slain New York City community, social justice & arts activist. A founder of Charas/El Bohio Cultural & Community Center, in the East Village.

"Armando was not afraid of death, but no one expects to find it around the corner in a flurry of blows."

2005 -- Israel: Government decides to violate international treaties by dumping 10,000 tons of rubbish in the West Bank every month — which may pollute the main Palestinian water supply. A company jointly owned by illegal Israeli colonies is handling construction & the project expects to yield enormous profits.

2006 -- France: Three million people march in labor protests against the First Employment Contract (CPE) law. Student organizations call for a general strike.

2011 -- Israel: Actor & peace activist Juliano Mer-Khamis is gunned down in the West Bank by masked militants.

3000 --

"I had been . . . crossing & recrossing the line between sanity & madness so many times that I had all but rubbed it out."
— Corwin, Prince of Amber, in The Guns of Avalon, by Roger Zelazny

"I can see that you have a lot to unlearn."
"If you are talking about my vulgar instinct for survival, forget it."

— Hugi; Corwin, Prince of Amber, in The Courts of Chaos, Roger Zelazny

" . . . the issue is not whether you're paranoid . . . The issue is whether you're paranoid enough."
— Max, in Strange Days

"If you hadn't screwed up my past, your future wouldn't be like this."
— Bill Watterson as Calvin (8:30) to Calvin (6:30)

"I let my mind wander & it didn't come back."
— Bill Watterson as Calvin

"It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept."
— Bill Watterson as Calvin

3001 --


Use of formerly advanced computing technology does not imply an endorsement of Western Industrial Civilization. company logo
3500 --

Bush as Hitler bemoaning democracy
3502 --
The Daily Bleed: Julien Toublet, Maurice Vlaminck, Jules Thomas, Émile Armand, Dorothea Dix, Lautréamont, Elisee Reclus, Tristan Tzara, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, William G. Greene; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, daybook, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, anarkism, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, anarki, libertarian, syndicalist, What Happened on this day, in recovered history April 4

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See also: Anarchist Encyclopedia
Stan Iverson Memorial Library
Anarchist Time Line / Chronology