Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

The Daily Bleed: R.U. Sirius, Joe Ettor, IWW, Pierre Besnard , Marc Pierrot, Émile Armand, John Creaghe, Louis-Émile Cottin, Multatuli, Gabriel Dumont, Bread & Roses Strike, Remei Lissaraga Varo; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, libertarian, syndicalist, libertarian, What Happened on this day, in recovered history February 19

He is standing. & he is standing as absolutely & definitely as if he were sitting.

      — Witold Gombrowicz


Writer, anti-war activist, victim of McCarthyism.

Tikopia, Melanesia: FEAST OF PUSIURAURA, God of the Dart Game.

US: REMBRANCE DAY. Roosevelt's Executive Order 9006 puts Japanese-Americans in concentration camps.

First of the month of VENTOSE (windy) in the French revolutionary calendar.

Buddhist Tibet: BUTTER FESTIVAL, involving elaborate sculptures of yak butter, butter lamps turning paper prayer wheels, puppet shows, etc. Afterwards, the butter is left to the crows.

1401 -- William Sawtree, first English religious martyr, burned, London.

1473 -- Astronomer Nicholas Copernicus lives. Blasphemer who foolishly postulated the theory that Man is not the center of the universe.

1807 -- Vice President Aaron Burr arrested in Alabama for treason; later found innocent.

1847 -- US: In the eastern foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, a relief party reaches the Donner Party, finding only about half of the original eighty-nine pioneers have survived.

1855 -- England: Bread riots, Liverpool.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1858 -- US: Leschi, chief of the Nisqually & Yakama, is hanged for leading attack on Seattle, Washington territory.

Native American Leschi hanged for his role in the Indian Wars of 1855-56. His belief that reservations were the first step to annihilation led him to encourage an uprising by Coastal tribes in the Puget Sound region surrounding Seattle. See Della Gould Emmons sympathetic novelization, Leschi of the Nisquallies (Dennison, 1965).

1865 -- Sven Hedin (1865 - 1952) lives. Swedish explorer of Tibet, writer & geographer.

1878 -- Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph.

Multatuli, anarchist; book cover
1887 -- Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820-1887), best known under his pseudonym, Multatuli (Latin, "I have suffered much"), dies in Germany.

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1889 -- US: Quileut Indian reservation (at La Push, Washington) established.

1889 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Gabriel Dumont, Métis leader, guerrilla fighter, marksman, Louis Riel's chief lieutenant, is pardoned for his part in Canada's 1885 Northwest rebellion.

Bleedster Pat Murtagh, who provided dates & background relating to Riel & Dumont, finds Dumont more competent & intelligent, & a more sympathetic character than Riel ("at least he hadn't overdosed on Jesus").

1901 -- Aristide Rey (1834-1901) dies. Militant Blanquist, internationalist, Bakuninist, Communard.

Kay Boyle
1903 -- Kay Boyle lives, St. Paul, Minnesota. Novelist, short story writer, anti-war activist. Journalist for The New Yorker in the 1940s documenting the fall of France. Founder of the San Francisco chapter of Amnesty International in the 1980s. Imprisoned for protesting the Vietnam War. Wrote Plagued by Nightingales.

Loved Dubonnet, Paul Robeson, razor clams, & sang "Miss Otis Regrets" like no one else. In Paris in the 20's, NY in the 40's & in jail in the 60's. Close friends included James Joyce, Man Ray, Picasso, Joan Baez, & Katherine Anne Porter. S. I. Hayakawa labeled her the most dangerous woman in America.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1904 -- France: Paul-Eugène Trouiller sent to prison in Toulon for 15 months for making threatening gestures at soldiers.
Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

1912 -- US: In the Bread & Roses Strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts, 200 police draw their clubs & go after 100 women pickets, knocking them to the ground & beating them.

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1913 -- Remei Lissaraga Varo lives, Anglès, Catalonia. Spanish artist who exhibited with the surrealist-influenced "logicophobist" group & a close friend of painter Esteban Francès.

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1913 -- England: Suffragette bomb destroys Lloyd George's home.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

Carson McCullers
1917 -- Carson McCullers (1917-1967) lives, Columbus, Georgia. Author of The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter.

1919 -- France: First Pan African Congress held, in Paris, organized by W E B Du Bois.

Louis-Émile Cottin, drawing of the shooting
1919 -- France: The 23-year-old anarchist, Louis-Émile Cottin, fires on the car of Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Clemenceau, who is wounded. Cottin was tried & sentenced to death, a sentence commuted to 10 years imprisonment following a protest campaign organized in the pages of Libertaire. See October 8, 1936.
anarchist diamond; anarquista Cottin tirant sur la voiture de Clémenceau,
croquis de "l'Illustration" du 22 février 1919.

Source, courtesty Ephéméride Anarchiste

John Creaghe
1920 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaUS: John Creaghe (or Juan, as he came to be known) dies in prison in Washington, DC. Doctor & Irish militant anarchist.

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1926 -- Ross Thomas (aka Oliver Bleeck) lives. Prolific writer of crime novels & political thrillers. America's answer to Len Deighton & John Le Carré, except funnier. Wrote The Cold War Swap, The Porkchoppers & Chinaman.

1927 -- China: General Strike in Shanghai.

1932 -- William Faulkner completes his novel Light in August.

1933 -- The Second International calls for Common Front against fascism.

1937 -- Emma Goldman, anarchistEngland: Emma Goldman & writer/novelist Ethel Mannin speak on "The Relation of the Church in Spain with Fascism," at Friends House, London, under the joint auspices of the C.N.T.-FAI London Committee & the ILP.

1937 -- orange diamond dingbat, added 2013, remove 2014Uruguayan author, poet & superb short story writer Horacio Quiroga dies (b.1878). Influenced the Latin American magic realism of Gabriel García Márquez & the postmodern surrealism of Julio Cortázar. An obsessive reader of Edgar Allan Poe, Quiroga was attracted to topics covering the most intriguing aspects of nature, often tinged with horror, disease, & suffering for human beings. Wrote Stories of Love, Madness & Death among many other books.
El almohadon de plumas
Long Film (in Spanish):

1940 -- Singer "Smokey" Robinson lives.

crowd around buses
1942 -- US: 120,000 Americans sent to concentrations camps in the "Land of the Free."

With the strong support of California Attorney General Earl Warren (later supreme Court Justice), liberal journalist Walter Lippmann & Time Magazine — which referred to California as "Japan's Sudetenland" — Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Franklin Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066, authorizing the Secretary of War & military commanders "to prescribe military areas...from which any or all persons may be excluded." The order set the stage for the forced relocation of Americans of Japanese descent to concentration camps; they lose businesses, homes, & belongings to whites who take advantage of their plight.

1945 -- Sushi Revenge?: 900 Japanese soldiers reportedly killed by crocodiles in two days.

1945 -- The first wave of US Marines storm onto the tiny volcanic island of Iwo Jima, a Pacific island located in bomber-range of the Japanese home islands.

By March 26, the last Japanese defenders on Iwo Jima had been wiped out. Six thousand Americans died taking Iwo Jima & 17,200 were wounded. Almost all of the 22,000 Japanese defenders perished.

Pierre Besnard
1947 -- Pierre Besnard dies. French anarcho-syndicalist involved in the AIT (International Workers Association /Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores), met Durruti, fought in Spanish Revolution of 1936. Wrote Le monde nouveau (1936), Les syndicats ouvriers et la révolution sociale (1930) & a contributor to l'Encyclopédie anarchiste.

1948 -- US: Joe Ettor, IWW union organizer, dies. Famed activist in the Lawrence Bread & Roses Strike of 1912.

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Joe Ettor

"Joe Ettor was one of the best organizers I ever knew. He had a sense, amounting to genius, of the moment when a strike may be settled.

When he talked, he glowed like a beacon light. Yet his energy & his vitality were restrained by his solid Latin good sense.

— Mary Heaton Vorse "Lawrence Strike," in A Footnote to Folly: Reminiscences of Mary Heaton Vorse (Farrar & Rhinehart, 1935)

You don't remember the Wobblies.
You were too young.
Or else not even born yet.

There has never been anything like them, before or since.

— James Jones, From Here to Eternity

Marc Pierrot, anarchiste
1950 -- France: Marc Pierrot (1871-1950) dies. Doctor of medicine, propagandist, publisher of the libertarian review, Plus Loin.

1951 -- André Gide, 81, dies in Paris. A telegram with Gide's signature appears on a bulletin board in a hall of the Sorbonne a few days later: "Hell doesn't exist. Better notify Claudel." Paul Claudel, the Catholic mystic poet, had once unsuccessfully tried to convert him.
'The world will be saved, if it can be, only by the unsubmissive.’

— André Gide

1962 -- Émile Armand (1872-1962), individualist, free love activist, poet, dies. Author of Poésies composées en prison, l'Initiation individualiste anarchiste (1923) & La révolution sexuelle et la camaraderie amoureuse (1934).
Further details/ context, click here;  anarchiste[Details / context]

1964 -- UK flies one ton of Beatle wigs to US. The American Bald Eagle is no more.

discursos anarchiste
1964 -- France: Five Spanish libertarians begin a hunger strike at the infamous Fresnes prison to draw attention to their plight. Still imprisoned (out of 21 originally arrested in September 1963), they are all released a few days from now.

Their release coincides with anti-Francoist campaign organized by the indefatigable Louis Lecoin, an old hand in solidarity campaigns.

1965 -- US: Weekend of protests in 30 cities against escalation of war in Vietnam. Today 14 Vietnam War protesters arrested for blocking U.N. doors in New York.

1966 -- US: First Chet Helms concert ( Family Dog & Bill Graham presented The Jefferson Airplane & Big Brother & the Holding Co.) at the Fillmore Auditorium. Wildflower & Sopwith Camel at the Fire House, Frisco, California.

1967 -- Port Chicago Vigil Benefit at California Hall.

1970 -- US: Chicago Seven Trial: Dellinger, Davis, Hayden, Hoffman, & Rubin found guilty of crossing state lines to incite riot; Froines & Weiner acquitted; attorneys William Kunstler & Leonard Weinglass sentenced for contempt of court; all appealed; Feb 20 - sentenced; Feb 19-28 in prison on Judge Hoffman's contempt charges; "half a million people in the streets"; explosions in three office buildings in NY; explosions in California, Washington, Maryland, Michigan; Isla Vista, Santa Barbara Bank of America burning on the 25th.

1972 -- Paul McCartney's "Give Ireland Back to the Irish," is immediately banned by the BBC. [Some of us, Thank God, live in the "Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee World".]

1972 -- US: Leech Lake band of Chippewa, Minnesota, wins right to hunt, fish, trap, & gather wild rice by tribal law.

1972 -- US: Longest ILWU strike ends.

1976 -- One-time Tower of Power lead singer Rich Stevens charged in the murders the previous night of three men in San Jose, California. Police believe the reason was drugs. Stevens is later convicted.

1976 -- US: Four recruits die at Fort Dix of a new flu virus which is a hybrid of Asian flu with one that causes flu-like illness in pigs ("swine flu"). Worries about an epidemic similar to the 1918-19 swine flu epidemic which affected 500,000 Americans. Big vaccination campaign started.

1977 -- Germany: 40,000 demonstrate against nuclear power, Brokdorf.

1980 -- Bon Scott, 33, lead singer of heavy metal band AC/DC, dies, choking on his own vomit after an all-night drinking binge in London — just months after the bands' first big American hit album, "Highway To Hell."

1981 -- US: New York State Supreme Court rules Beatle George Harrison "subconsciously plagiarized" "He's So Fine," the Chiffon's 1963 hit, with the1970 hit "My Sweet Lord."

1985 -- Elizabeth Julesberg, author of "Dick & Jane" books, dies.

1986 -- US: Farm Labor Organizing Committee signs agreement with Campbell Soup Co., ending seven-year-old boycott. Campbell is later bought by a tobacco company.

I was with some Vietnamese recently, & some of them were smoking two cigarettes at a time. That's the kind of customers we need!

— US Senator Jesse Helms, on his meeting with the Vietnamese ambassador designate at a dinner given by the R J Reynolds Company

Stop Resssion button
1986 -- US: Senate finally ratifies 1948 UN treaty outlawing genocide (90 other nations have already ratified). Between 1991-2000, 1,500 children under the age of five die in Iraq each month due to US-imposed economic embargo of Iraq, according to the UN.
(This is rather loud):video

1988 -- Passaic County Prosecutor's Office files motion to dismiss the 1966 indictments against Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, championed in the song Hurricane by Bob Dylan.

1989 -- US: Baby orangutan lives, Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, Washington.

1990 -- US: Students at Tennessee State University, a primarily African-American school, sit in to demand equal funding, Nashville.

1990 -- US: Pittston miner's strike wins. Ninety-eight miners & a minister occupied a Pittston Coal plant in Carbo, Virginia, beginning a year-long strike. While a month-long Soviet coal strike dominated US news broadcasts, the year-long Pittston strike garnered almost no mainstream press coverage whatsoever.

1991 -- Australia: 6,000 rally against Gulf War, Brisbane.

1992 -- North & South Korea sign nuclear weapons ban.

1996 -- US: 10,000 gather at the state capitol in Olympia, Wash., in a "Rally for Working Families" opposing cuts in social programs.

1997 -- Hear, Hear?: New York judge dismisses $7 million lawsuit a fan filed against Motley Crue for hearing loss suffered at one of their concerts.

1997 -- US: 1,200 rally in support of striking musicians union, forcing cancellation of opening night Disney production of "Beauty & the Beast" at 5th Ave. Theater in Seattle, Washington.

1997 -- US: Seattle School District unexpectedly reverses itself after extensive community pressure & drops plans to allow corporate advertising in public schools.

Dancin' Baby Bill Clinton, animated
1998 -- US: About 300 Ohio State University students interrupt a CNN infomercial for the Clinton Administration's planned military strike on Iraq, both heckling White House representatives & peppering them with tough (& unanswered) questions. The PR debacle, broadcast live globally, galvanized anti-war efforts & may have single-handedly stopped the attacks.

2000 -- US: R.U. Sirius announces his candidacy for President. Founder & publisher (until 1992) of the influential cybermag Mondo 2000. Revolution Party Chairman Sirius enters the political fray with an essential piece of crypto-Communist propaganda: THE REVOLUTION®.

Combining left & libertarian politics with a kind of post-political futurism & the love of a good laugh, Chairman Sirius intends to bring all the subcultural tribes together to wrest control of the world from the drug warriors, the cultural ayatollahs, & the various corporate mega-destructo gangs. This is common sense for the forgotten ones who comprise most of the population.

"A heathen conceivably, but not, I hope, an unenlightened one."

                    — Lord Summerisle

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2001 -- Stanley Kramer dies. Producer & Director. High Noon. Judgement at Nuremberg, Inherit the Wind, & Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. His films are associated with 80 Oscar nominations & 16 Oscar wins.

2011 -- Tunisia: Thousands of political prisoners of former President of Tunisia Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali are released.

2012 -- John Fairfax puts into port — permanently. Solo author of Britannia: Rowing Alone Across the Atlantic.;=all&

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... Now what's this all about?

MORIARTY: It is the revolution — everywhere there is an armed rising.

Are you all in it?

MORIARTY: Right in it — you see, the united anti-socialist neo-democratic pro-fascist communist party are fighting to overthrow the unilateral democratic united partisan bellicose pacifist cobelligerent tory labour liberal party.

Whose side are you on?

MORIARTY: There are no sides — we're all in this together.

      — from "The Affair of the Lone Banana", Goon Show 1954

McDeath: Security guard with automatic rifle, armed & dangerous
3500 --

Charlatan Stew pages pointer

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