Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

The Daily Bleed: Pietro Bruzzi, C.Q.F.D., Ernest Ernestan, Sam Hamill, Martin Espada, Robert Creeley, Poets Against the Iraq War, ISABELLE EBERHARDT, Osvaldo Bayer, Emma Goldman; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, sindicalismo, anarquia, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, libertarian, syndicalist, libertarian, What Happened on this day, in recovered history February 17

As the reality of war
drifts off like a thunderhead
our gaze shifts

A blank stare, blink, numb
on to the next one
back to the busy
uneasy of the day.

Barb Adams

Vashon Island, Washington USA

excerpt, That War Over There



Feminist adventurer, traveled Islamic world dressed as a man.

Egypt: FEAST OF SHESMU, God of the Wine Press.

Japan: BONTEN FESTIVAL: A race up an icy hillside to see which youths will provide the shrine to the animal of the year.

Thelonius Monk on cover of Time magazine(!) DAY OF CANCELED EXPECTATIONS. (According to main character in William Least Heat-Moon's Blue Highways.

A DAY OF ILLNESS AMONGST THE NOBILITY, according to Mayan chronological estimation.
Source: [Calendar Riots]


1317 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: The French Inquisition is set against the Spirituals, a Franciscan offshoot. Love thy neighbor not too dearly.

1495 -- New Old World: Columbus rounds up 1,600 Indians for slaves, some to be shipped to Europe; Miguel de Cueno, a member of Columbus' second expedition, ships 550 captured Carib Indians to be slaves in Europe. 200 of these barbarians miss their chance to get civilized, die at sea.

1600 -- Rome: Giordano Bruno, advocate of Copernican theory & plurality of worlds, murdered by the Catholic Inquisition.
Daily Bleed Patron Saint 2004
Renaissance occultist & radical,
burned at the stake by the Catholic Church
in it's beneficent wisdom.

1634 -- Source=Robert Braunwart William Prynne is tried in the Star Chamber for publishing Histriomastix.

1673 -- French playwright Moliere dies, Paris, France, 51. The Church at first denies him burial on holy ground. The funeral occurs at night to avoid scandal, but thousands attend in a dramatic torchlight procession.

1776 -- The first volume of Edward Gibbon's History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire is published.

1792 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Thomas Paine's Rights of Man, Part II is published. Too radical to be taught in American schools.
Dick Gaughan — Tom Paine's Bones:
video icon

1793 -- US: Alexander McGillivray, Cree Indian leader, dies.

1801 -- US House of Representatives breaks a tie in the 1800 Presidential election between Aaron Burr & Thomas Jefferson, selecting the latter on the 35th ballot, when Alexander Hamilton wielded his influence against Burr. It is thought Hamilton & Burr may not have got on well.

1817 -- US: Baltimore is first city to illuminate its streets with gas.

1856 -- Heinrich Heine, 58, dies in Paris, leaving his estate to his wife under the condition that she remarry:

"Then there will be at least one man to regret my death."

1862 -- Mori Ogai, one of the creators of modern Japanese literature, lives, Tsuwano, Japan.

1867 -- Why did the chicken cross the road?: First ship passes through the Suez Canal.

1877 -- Switzerland: Isabelle Eberhardt lives. Explorer & writer who lived & travelled extensively in North Africa dressed as man, using the name "Si Mahmoud Essadi." Swiss explorer & writer who lived & travelled extensively in North Africa dressed as man, using the name "Si Mahmoud Essadi." Daughter of the Armenian-born Alexandre Trophimowsky, an anarchist, ex-priest, & convert to Islam, Isabelle was an extremely liberated individual, rejecting conventional European morality in favor of her own path & that of Islam. She died in 1904, in a flash flood in the Egyptian desert at the age of 27. Among her books, see The Oblivion Seeker & Departures: Selected Stories

1879 -- Russian nihilists unsuccessfully attempt to assassinate Czar Alexander in St. Petersburg (see 13 March).

1884 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Guy de Maupassant story "La Parure" (The Necklace) is published.

Emmy Hennings
1885 -- Dadaist Emmy Hennings lives, Germany. Met Hugo Ball in 1913, married him & went to Zurich with him in 1915, where she helped found the "Cabaret Voltaire" & took part in its performances. Died in 1948 in Magliaso, Ticino, Switzerland.

Emmy Hennings & Hugo Ball

Daily Bleed Patron Saint November 25, 2003-4
Dada writer/performer, key figure in Zurich's Cabaret Voltaire

1899 -- Anti-Imperialist League is founded.

1902 -- American gospel songstress Marian Anderson lives.

1905 -- Russian Grand Duke Sergei Aleksandrovich is killed by a bomb thrown into his carriage
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1906 -- US: Idaho police & Pinkertons kidnap IWW leader Bill Haywood & two others in Denver, Colorado, from their bedrooms, for alleged involvement in the Steunenberg bombing; thus the Western Federation Mineworker (WFM) leaders Haywood, Moyer & Pettibone framed on murder charges in Idaho.

Geronimo t-shirt
1909 -- Geronimo!
US: Apache leader Geronimo dies, about 80 years old.

1913 -- US: Pacific Northwest naturalist, poet Joaquin Miller dies.

Ooopsie! bullet hole
1913 -- US: New York Armory Show brings European modern art to America.

1914 -- orange diamond dingbat, added 2013, remove 2014Great Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos lives. Along with Gabriela Mistral, one of the great female poets of Latin America. Advocate of Puerto Rican independence, ardent civil rights activist for women & African/Afro-Caribbean writers.

1920 -- Elleston Trevor (1920-95) lives. Prolific English thriller/mystery writer, who has also published plays, juvenile novels & short stories. His best known characters are British agent Quiller from his novels as Adam Hall & Hugo Bishop from novels as Simon Rattray.

1922 -- Patagonia: In San Julian (Patagonie) five prostitutes of the "Catalana" brothel refuse to consort with Varela's (aka the "Killer of Patagonia") soldiers (who killed or tortured more than 1,500 striking workers), shouting:

"Screw yourselves! We do not sleep with assassins!"

(See La Patagonie rebelle by Osvaldo Bayer).
Source: [L'Ephéméride Anarchiste]

1929 -- Chaim Potok lives, New York. A Conservative rabbi whose books explore conflict between religious & secular interest.

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease Now! Stop the War!
1930 -- US: "Ollie" becomes the first cow to be flown & milked in an airplane.

Laurel was driving, right?

Ooopsie! Bullet hole
1932 -- US: "Baby Face" Nelson escapes from prison.

1932 -- US: Florence Kelley (b.1859) dies. Social & political reformer who worked against sweatshops & for the minimum wage, eight-hour workdays[, & childrens' rights.

Daily Bleed Patron Saint, Oct 30, 2008
American social work activist, pioneering rights reformer.

John Heartfield poster
1933 -- Germany: Hermann Goering endorses Nazi terrorism after two weeks of violence against labor unions & leaders.

Coverage of Nazi concentration camps appeared in magazines such as AIZ in 1933. This publicly available information did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of Hitler's financial supporters (such as Henry Ford) or press agents (or supporters like Charles & Anne Morrow Lindbergh) in Europe & the US.

Meanwhile, real journalists like George Seldes who documented the ties between American companies & the Nazis were suppressed. His stories were censored by the US press & his 170,000 subscriber newsletter was driven out of business by J. Edgar Hoover's American secret police, the FBI.

1935 -- Canada: Emma Goldman speaks again to the Montreal women's branch of the Arbeiter Ring. Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist
February: Emma's four lectures in Yiddish this month continue to be her most successful in Montreal, drawing an audience of 200 when she speaks on "the element of sex in unmarried people" on Feb. 1 & raises some money for the first time in Montreal when she speaks again to the women's branch of the Arbeiter Ring on Feb. 17, 1935.

Source: Emma Goldman Papers

1936 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist England: Emma Goldman's three lectures in Plymouth, February 17-23, 1936, draw enthusiastic audiences, though at the last she is heckled by local Communists.

1936 -- US: United Rubber Workers (CIO) begin sit-down strike at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio.
Under Construction -- Union Labor, of course!; source

We fight, We win, demonstration photo

The Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) formed in 1935, a rebellion against the leadership of the AFL that was unwilling to support industrial union organization such as in the rubber industry. Workers in those industries felt betrayed & John L. Lewis, head of the United Miner Workers, led the split for an industrial union strategy (opposing the craftworker approach of the AFL).

The first significant impact of the CIO took place in the rubber industry where the "rank-&-file revolt in mass production in 1936 & 1937 made the new organization a real movement, the greatest in labor history."

1937 -- US: Workers at Fansteel Corporation stage a sit-down strike to gain recognition of their union. This strike later led to a decision of the US Supreme Court declaring the illegality of such strikes.

1938 -- US: African American historian & lawyer Mary Frances Berry lives, Nashville. Berry's books include Black Resistance/White Law, which focuses on the nation's government-sanctioned racism.

... show details

1938 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Norman Taurog movie "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is released, US.

Emma Goldman
1940 -- Canada: Emma Goldman suffers a severe stroke which leaves her paralyzed on the right side & unable to speak; she is rushed to the hospital where she remains for six weeks.

... show details

Huey Newton pamphlet cover
1942 -- US: Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton lives, New Orleans, Louisiana.

1942 -- US: African Americans moving into Sojourner Truth low-cost housing project in Motor City are attacked by armed whites.

1942 -- Norway: Silent indoor commemoration of martyred compatriots leaves public places deserted, Oslo.

Estoe el es Fascismo!
1944 -- Italy: Pietro Bruzzi ("Brutius") captured & shot by the fascists, in Melegnano.

... show details

1945 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Germany: Wernher von Braun & other German rocket scientists evacuate the V-2 rocket site at Peenemünde before advancing Soviet troops arrive. These Nazis & Nazi-collaborators figure they are better off bartering with the US. They readily embraced the goal of creating weapons during the years of the Third Reich. After the war they encouraged the myth that described them as brilliant visionaries whose genius had been exploited by the Nazi regime.
See The Nazi Rocketeers by Dennis Piszkiewicz.;=Nazi+Rocketeers

1946 -- France: Les groupes C.Q.F.D. intègrent les rangs de la Fédération anarchiste. Paris (6-7 octobre et 2 décembre). Congrès constitutif de la Fédération anarchiste (F.A.) et Assises du mouvement libertaire. Le Libertaire devient l’organe de la Fédération anarchiste. (17 février 1946 France: Founding congress, Fédération anarchiste (F.A.), Paris, (6-7 octobre & 2 décembre). The charter, previously worked out in January 1944, & in Agen the 29 & October 30 of the same year, is adopted. The charter attempts to rectify errors of the pre-war period in the two organizations, the UA & the FAF. "Le Libertaire becomes their official publication.
(February 17, 1946 groups C.Q.F.D. integrate the rows of the anarchistic Federation.)

1953 -- Baseball star/pilot Ted Williams uninjured as his plane is shot down in Korea.

1954 -- Belgium: Ernest Ernestan (aka Ernest Tanrez) dies, Brussels. Militant, writer, theorist of libertarian socialism, a significant figure of Belgian anarchism.

1956 -- Source=Robert Braunwart A collector donates 3,700 Heinrich Heine manuscripts to the city of Dusseldorf.

1957 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Cuba: Herbert L. Matthews of the NY Times interviews Fidel Castro at El Jibaro.

1958 -- England: First meeting of Britain's Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

1958 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Songster Johnny Cash gets his first #1 country hit, "Ballad of a Teenage Queen."

1966 -- Sergeant Barry Sadler receives two gold-record awards, for the single "The Ballad of the Green Berets" & the album "Ballads of the Green Berets."

1968 -- Second Tribal Stomp.

Nashville '69 album cover
1969 -- Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash collaborate on recording project in Nashville. A number of songs were recorded of which only "Girl From the North Country" was released. Of working with Johnny Cash, Dylan sez "I was scared to death."

I had an album called "Folksong '64" put out by Electra that had Bob Dylan singing 'Girl of the North Country.'

—Bleedster Gus, 2005

Raided hand flashing the Peace sign
1970 -- US: 76 are arrested & 20 injured in a downtown confrontation between police & an anti-war demonstration organized by the Seattle Liberation Front. Auntie Dave be there. Also Bleedster Bob B.

Seattle 7
1970 -- US: Dubbed "The Day After," the demonstration is held this afternoon of February 17, in front of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Seattle. SLF leaders soon lost control of some 2,000 protesters, including many teenagers, who pelted the Courthouse & police with paint bombs & rocks. Twenty people are injured & 76 arrested during the melee.

See Walt Crowley's Rites of Passage,;_Id=2131

Button: If Not Now, When?; source,
1971 -- US: Former Sergeant Major of the Army William Woolridge, once the Armed Forces' highest ranking noncommissioned officer, indicted for conspiracy to defraud enlisted men's clubs in Vietnam through bribery & kickbacks.

1972 -- England: Firebombs cause severe damage to the Bonhill Street Social Security Office, London.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1972 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Ralph Ginzburg enters federal prison for eight months for publishing Eros magazine.

1975 -- Germany: Several hundred residents of Wyhl occupy the construction site of a nuclear power plant. Police respond with water cannons & arrests; by the following week, 28,000 join the occupation, & police withdrew for over a year. Believed to have been the first such plant occupation in the world.

1976 -- US: Harvard University's Hasty Pudding Theatrical Society gives "Woman of the Year" award to Bette Midler. She says in her acceptance:

This award characterizes what the American male wants in a woman — brains, talents & gorgeous tits.

1977 -- Italy: Massive demonstrations all over the country as young people continue to reject all authority, this time against the cooperation of the Communist Party in the government & with employers (see Feb 16).

1979 -- The Clash, kick off their first American tour, dubbed Pearl Harbor '79. Bo Diddley opens. Their first song in America? I'm So Bored with the U.S.A.

1980 -- US: Jacob Lawrence Orosco lives, (1980-1997). Gay teen driven to suicide by bigots. A founding member of the East High Gay/Straight Alliance in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Monk, alias McClintic Sphere
1982 -- Jazz pianist Thelonius Monk dies in a Pork Pie hat, Englewood, New Jersey.

"Keep cool, but care..."

All monks should bebop so well.

"Does McClintic Sphere in V. Stand for Thelonious Monk?"
See Charles Hollander on Thomas Pynchon's novel, V.

Cartoon, Latin American military in Uncle Sam's top drawer
1982 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Guatemala: US-trained & supported army massacres 11 children, five pregnant women, nine other women & 28 men, El Quiché.

Vietnam Memorial
1985 -- US: Burn Baby, Burn?

Pursuing a strategy many urged him to adopt during the Vietnam War, General Westmoreland withdraws his libel suit against CBS & declares victory.

He later contends that the naked girl shown running down the road in a famous Vietnam War-era photo had not been napalmed, but had been burned by a hibachi.

1986 -- Indian Theosophist, guru, Jiddu Krishnamurti dies.

1986 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Anne Tyler novel The Accidental Tourist wins the American National Book Critics Circle Award.

1988 -- A 12-year old Motley Crue fan set his legs on fire while trying to imitate a stunt in the group's "Live Wire" video, Hollywood, Florida. The boy suffers burns over 10 % of his body. Motley Crue issued a statement saying the band's stunts should not be tried at home.

Tetra chess board & pieces
1989 -- Yugoslavia: The longest chess game on record takes place in Belgrade, between Ivan Nikolic & Goran Arsovic. The game takes over 20 hours, with 269 moves made between the two — & ends in a draw.

1989 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Canada: Ottawa temporarily blocks import of Rushdie novel The Satanic Verses.

1993 -- China: Wang Dan & Guo Haifeng, leaders of 1989 Chinese student protests, released from prison.

1993 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Eight Nobel Peace Prize winners ask Burma to release political prisoners.

1994 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Good Ol' Days? Government report says there are 7 million homeless in the country.

1996 -- US: 3-day UAW wildcat strike at Chrysler truck plant, Warren, Michigan.

"They want to work you until you drop dead. My neck & arms are messed up, but they don't care. They want to get rid of the older people so they can bring in younger ones. I think a lot of times the union just goes along with the company."



Campo de' Fiori is a square where, during the dominion of temporal power by the Church, the Pope-King had the heretics put to stake, men & women that didn't bend to the Inquisition & to clerical absolutism.

Here, in 1889, the heart of popular Rome erected the memorial dedicated to Giordano Bruno, celebrating it every year with public demonstrations that were forbidden only during the fascist period.

Further details / context, click here[Details / context]

2000 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: A court rejects Hizzoner Paul Schell's ban on civilian possession of gas masks during the WTO disturbances in Seattle. In 2007 a court fines the city for hundreds of illegal arrests.

Poets speak out against war poster
2003 -- US: Poets speak out against the Bush Administration & the US rightwing's long-time agenda to attack & seize control of Iraq. Lincoln Center, New York City.

Includes Sam Hamill, Arthur Miller, Stanley Kunitz, Robert Pinsky, Sapphire, Saul Williams, Suheir Hammad, Marie Howe, Ammiel Alcalay, Martin Espada, Ann Lauterbach, Sharon Olds, Odetta, Robert Creeley, Peter Sacks, Jorie Graham, Galway Kinnell, Mark Strand, C.K. Williams, Andre Gregory, Wallace Shawn, Deborah Eisenberg, Steve Colman, Willie Perdomo, & Mos Def.

2003 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Tens of dozens of Bush supporters take to the streets to defend his war plans, according to satirical site Yes, the internet is obviously given to exaggeration. Meanwhile (squeeze your eyes closed!), Saudi Arabia says an attack on Iraq without UN backing would be a "war of aggression."

2006 -- International demands grow for the US to close Guantanamo Bay torture prison camp: European Parliament urges the prison be closed & inmates given a fair trial; Tony Blair calls it an "anomaly"; UN General Secretary calls for the camp to be closed; former Irish President & UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urges the US to act on the findings of the UN report (RTÉ), & Northern Ireland Secretary of State also calls for its closure. This follows a UN report which calls for it to be closed.

2011 -- US: Senators flee Wisconsin while tens of thousands continue protests against Republican efforts to strip workers of their union rights. On the sunny side, we note labor's "Right-to-Die" laws remain unsullied.

Blimps in hangar, looking much like large bombs
4000 --

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