Cat Has Had the Time of His Life

thin line

Our Daily Bleed...

The Daily Bleed: Ken Kesey, Jackson Mac Low, Philip Lamantia, Severino Di Giovanni, Michael Bakunin, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Michel Zevaco, Gueux, Etienne Faure, Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, anarchist, San Francisco Libertarian Circle; Timeline, Almanac of Radicalism, Arts, Literature, Authors, Poets, Anarchists... a radical annotated chronology, almanac, anarchist CALENDAR, anarchisten, anarchism, anarchico, anarchiste, anarquista, anarsizm, anarþizme, Anarþist, Anarquismo, Anarchismus, anarchia, anarchisme, anarchizm, anarkisme, libertarian, What Happened on this day, in recovered history February 1
Of the young year's disclosing days this one day—
The first of February & a Sunday—
I clasp in mind, & set down for a safe keeping...

— Sylvia Townsend Warner, "Of the young year's disclosing days"

Langston Hughes FEBRUARY 1

Fine African American writer & political commentator.






(aka St. Bridget; patron of dairy workers, dairy maids, poultry raisers, Ireland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand).
The only Irish fairy to become a Saint.

& don't forget, this is:




This month is also known by the Saxons as SPROUT-KALE, because of the conspicuous sprouting of cabbage in winter gardens.

OYSTERCATCHERS arrive back in Scotland, heralding spring (see also 15 April).

& the FIRST WEEK of February is:

& the SECOND WEEK is:

& the SECOND MONDAY of the month is:
CLEAN OUT YOUR COMPUTER DAY (big ol bucket of water & a mop works just dandy!); Fridays before Lent is FARISEOS (Mayan Indians; celebration making fun of Christian ceremonies)


1793 -- Alexander Selkirk, the model for "Robinson Crusoe," rescued.

1806 -- US: Unauthorized expedition set sail from New York in an unsuccessful attempt to free Caracas from Spanish rule.

old book
1814 -- Lord Byron's "The Corsair," a poem in heroic couplets, sells 10,000 copies on this day of publication.

1837 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: A memorial of 56 British authors asking for international copyright protection is presented to the Senate by Henry Clay.

1843 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Australia: Riots break out in the Parramatta Female Factory, NSW; 80 workers arrested after the military is called in.

Michael Bakunin, anarchist
1844 -- During this month the Noble Anarchist, Michael Bakunin, summoned by the Tsar to return to Russia, instead moves to Paris, via Brussels.

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1846 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Theophile Gautier publishes "The Hashish Club" about his initiation.

old book
1851 -- Novelist & anarchist Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (nee Godwin) dies in Bournemouth.

Emperor Norton, anarchist
1860 -- US: Decree from Norton I, Emperor of the United States & Protector of Mexico, orders representatives of the different states to assemble at Platt’s Music Hall in Frisco to change laws to ameliorate the evils under which the country is laboring.

1860 -- France: Michel Zevaco lives (1860-1918), Ajaccio (Corse). Novelist, professor, film director, anticleric, publisher, anarchiste. Zevaco wrote many historical swashbuckling novels which are still being printed & made into films. The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre called him a great writer who strongly influenced him.

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Waterproof home interior
1864 -- US: The Collar Laundry Union forms in Troy, New York. Led by Kate Mullaney, a National Labor Union activist, the union successfully increases earnings for laundresses from 2 dollars to 14 dollars a week.

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1867 -- US: Gold-Bricking? Bricklayers start working 8-hour days.

1871 -- US: Jonathon Jasper Wright is elected to South Carolina Supreme Court, becoming the first African-American to hold a major judicial post.

old book
1874 -- Hugo von Hofmannsthal (1874-1929), poet/dramatist/essayist, lives, Austria.

Jim Koehline Collage Art
1876 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Secretary of Interior notifies Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Secretary of War that time given to "hostile" Sioux & Cheyenne Indians to abandon their villages & come into US agencies had expired; it was now a military matter.

Collage by Jim Koehnline

1884 -- First Oxford New English Dictionary published (OED) is published (A-Ant) by James A.H. Murray.

1886 -- Spain: Manuel Pardiñas lives. Anarquista gunman who assassinated Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Presidente José Canalejas in 1912 for his role in suppressing a railroad strike, then turned the gun on himself. See the short (5 minute) two-part film "Asesinato y entierro de Don José Canalejas" (silent film released in 1912), consisting of a fictional representation of the assassination & a real-life filming of the funeral.

1890 -- Canada: British Columbia Miners & Labourers Protective Association founded.

1893 -- The first film studio is established — to provide sets for producing peep shows.
Source: [Calendar Riots]

1893 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Establishes a "protectorate" over Hawaii with the landing of Marines (This action is later conveniently "disavowed" by the US government).

James P. Johnson
1894 -- US: Stride pianist James P. Johnson lives (1894-1955). Although it had been around since 1913, the dance of the twenties, the Charleston, catches on nationally & internationally after appearing in the 1924 all-black musical revue, Runnin' Wild, with music composed by jazz pianist James P. Johnson.

1898 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: Emma Goldman begins a 12-state lecture tour this month, through June. She addresses 66 meetings & participates in one debate. Several reporters note Goldman's improvement as a public speaker as she develops her command of the English language.

Source: Emma Goldman Papers

1900 -- England: Emma Goldman spends this month in London before traveling to Paris. On Feb. 20, Emma speaks out against the Anglo-Boer War at a meeting of the Freedom Discussion Group; lectures on "The Effect of War on the Workers." Her activities are credited for providing impetus to the London anarchist movement.

1900 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Artist Pablo Picasso's first exhibition opens, at El Quatre Gats, Barcelona.

Langston Hughes, book cover
1902 -- Poet/author & social activist Langston Hughes ("I, Too, Sing America") lives (1902-1967), Joplin, Missouri. Part of the Harlem Renaissance, known as "the poet laureate of Harlem."

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Weary Blues, Mingus-Langston Hughes album cover

1904 -- American Humorist/satirist S. J. Perelman, lives, Brooklyn, New York.

1908 -- Portugal: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader King Carlos I & son are killed by a mob.

1908 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Antarctica: Take Me To Hawwaaiii? Shackleton unloads the first automobile in Antarctica. What, no gas stations!? Route 66??

1908 -- Portugal: The fate of King Carlos & his older brother, Prince Luis Filipe are sealed — both assassinated by Alfredo Costa & Manuel Buiça.

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1911 -- France: Etienne Faure dies. Member of the Commune de Saint-Etienne, militant anarchiste & propagandist.

1912 -- US: IWW San Diego, California free-speech fight begins.

1912 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: During this month Emma Goldman debates socialist Sol Fieldman twice in New York on "Direct versus Political Action." Bill Haywood & Elizabeth Gurley Flynn take collections for the striking textile workers. Also her publication Mother Earth alerts its readers to a major free-speech fight in San Diego.

1915 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministUS: During this month (exact date unknown) Emma Goldman lectures on "Limitation of Offspring" to 600 people, one of the liberal New York Sunrise Club's largest audiences.

Although she details explicit information about birth control methods, for once Red Emma is not arrested (!).

Emma Goldman Papers

1918 -- Muriel Spark, novelist, lives, Edinburgh, where she sets The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

1920 -- The first armored car is introduced.

1920 -- Emma Goldman, anarchist feministRussia: During this month Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman settle in Petrograd where they renew their friendships with William Shatoff, now working as Commissar of Railroads, & John Reed.

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1921 -- Poet Galway Kinnell (Body Rags; Book of Nightmares) lives, Providence, Rhode Island.

1921 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Carmen Fasanella of Princeton, NJ obtains his cab driver's license at age 17; he goes on to drive his taxi for the next 68 years, 243 days. Work, work work.

1922 -- In A Bookman's Daybook, Burton Rascoe writes:

Djuna Barnes said that James Joyce is frightfully superstitious. Just before Ulysses came out she was walking with him & his wife in the Bois de Bologne [sic], when a man brushed by & mumbled something she did not understand. Joyce blanched & trembled.

Djuna asked what was the matter.

"That man, whom I have never seen before," he said, "said to me as he passed, in Latin,

'You are an abominable writer!' That is a dreadful omen the day before the publication of my novel."

1923 -- Japan: 70% of Tokyo & 100% of Yokohama destroyed by fire following an earthquake, taking as many as 140,000 lives.

1923 -- American anthropologist Eric Wolf lives, Vienna, Austria.

1926 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Colonel Billy Mitchell convicted by court-martial of criticizing his superiors for not seeing the merit in expanding the combat use of air power. Mitchell resigned his commission &, after warning of the danger of a Japanese attack on Hawaii, died in New York February, 1936.

1929 -- Italy: Ai maestri delle scuole elementari è imposto il giuramento di fedeltà al fascismo. Tale obbligo verrà esteso anche ai docenti delle scuole medie.
Source: [Crimini e Misfatti]

1929 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Australia: Timber workers strike over an increase in the work week from 44 hours to 48 (-October).

1930 -- Source=Robert Braunwart First crossword puzzle in the Times of London appears.

1931 -- anarchist diamond; anarquistaSeverino Di Giovanni dies in a shoot-out with the police.

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1935 -- James T. Farrell finishes his Studs Lonigan trilogy with the final volume, Judgment Day.

1935 -- Canada: Emma Goldman's four lectures in Yiddish this month continue to be her most successful in Montreal, drawing an audience of 200 when Emma speaks on "the element of sex in unmarried people" today, & raising money for the first time in Montreal when she speaks again to the women's branch of the Arbeiter Ring on February 17. Emma Goldman, anarchist feminist

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1936 -- Source=Robert Braunwart México: Workers strike the Vidreria Monterrey.

Jessurun de Mesquita, book cover
1944 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Netherlands: Germans arrest M.C. Escher's teacher, S. Jessurun de Mesquita. He is never seen again.

1945 -- Theoretician of play, Johann Huisinga plays out his last hand, dies, De Steeg, Holland.

1949 -- First 45 rpm record issued (by RCA).

Exploding TV
1951 -- First telecast of atomic explosion.

1951 -- Alfred Krupp & 28 other German war criminals freed.

1952 -- During this month author Jack Kerouac has his first psychedelic experience when the anarchist/surrealist Philip Lamantia gives him peyote (Lamantia, a surrealist blood poet, was a member of the San Francisco Libertarian Circle with Kenneth Rexroth, et al.

1952 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Tunisia: A General Strike against French colonial management begins.

1956 -- US: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Montgomery Improvement Association files suit in federal court against Alabama for segregation of buses.

Lunch counter sit-in
1960 -- US: Sit-ins begin when four black college students in Greensboro, North Carolina refuse to move from a Woolworth lunch counter when denied service. By September 1961 more than 70,000 students, whites & blacks, will have participated in sit-ins.

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1961 -- US: First anniversary of the Greensboro sit-in: demos all across the south, including a Nashville movie theater desegregation campaign (which sparks similar demos in 10 other cities); nine students arrested at lunch counter in Rock Hill, South Carolina, choose to take 30 days hard labor on a road gang; next week, four other students repeat the sit-in, also choose jail.

1962 -- US: Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest is published. The book was a vehicle for Kesey’s anarchist rant against the oppressive conformism imposed by society’s institutions, particularly the dehumanizing social conformity of the 1950s.

1964 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Indiana Governor Welsh declares the song "Louie Louie" by the Kingsmen pornographic, wants it banned. Stations say it's impossible to figure out the lyrics from "the unintelligible rendition as performed," but Welsh claims his "ears tingle" when he hears the song.

1964 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: CIA intelligence & terrorism plan Oplan 34A against North Vietnam begins.

1965 -- Israel: Uri Davies jailed for three months for entering military territory.

Buster Keaton
1966 -- Film comedian Buster Keaton dies, Hollywood, California.

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1966 -- Nicholas Piantanida sets balloon flight record & dies in descent.

1967 -- The 1,000th gang murder in Chicago (since 1919) occurs. Who's counting?

1968 -- Jimi Hendrix Experience, with John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, at the Fillmore Auditorium in Frisco, California.

1968 -- Vietnam: Famous photo Saigon police chief Nguyen Ngoc Loan executes a Viet Cong officer with a pistol shot to the head.

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1970 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Germany: West German news magazine Stern reveals that US has targeted 1,000 civilian locations in the Middle East in the event of a nuclear war.

1974 -- US: Lynda Ann Healy, first of serial killer Ted Bundy's murder victims, abducted in Seattle, Washington.

1974 -- German novelist, dramatist, & good pal of Bertolt Brecht, Marieluise Fleisser dies.

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1975 -- US: Otis Francis Tabler is first open homosexual to get security clearance.

1976 -- German physics theorist, philosopher Werner Heisenberg, in a principled state of uncertainty, certainly dies.

1977 -- Pointless?: Hillsdale High School defeats Person High School 2-0 in basketball. Said "Person" prefers to remain nameless.

1977 -- US Federal Power Commission Report recommends approval of proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline in British Columbia, suggesting legal land claims of sovereign First Nation peoples are not a major concern.

1979 -- Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 15 years in exile.

Sid & Nancy
1980 -- In honor of the first anniversary of the death of ex-Sex Pistol Sid Vicious, 1,000 punks march from London's Chelsea section to Hyde Park. Sid's mom, Ann Beverly, was to head the march; however, the night before she was sent to the hospital for a drug overdose.

1980 -- US: 7,000 march to protest KKK in Greensboro, North Carolina.

1981 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: Government agrees to send 60 Mirage fighter jets to Iraq.

1982 -- Source=Robert Braunwart France: Socialist government decreases the work week to 39 hours & increases annual vacation to five weeks.

1986 -- France: Opening of "T.L.P" Théâtre Libertaire de Paris (ancien théâtre Déjazet), with Léo Ferré headlining. The theatre lasts until 1992, when the landlord's greed leads him to cancel the lease.

Race car pitstop
1988 -- The Cars break up.

1988 -- US: Two Native American activists, Eddie Hatcher & Tim Jacobs, occupy a newspaper office in Lumberton, North Carolina, to highlight racism issues.

1989 -- Monty? Magical Python Snake, named Omiuri, dies in Kenya.

1989 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Iran: Government frees 423 political prisoners, of an estimated 6,000.

1991 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Morocco: 380 workers involved in a General Strike are sentenced to up to 15 years.

1992 -- Serbia: Two-month campaign of Citizens Against War begins, Belgrade.

1992 -- Source=Robert Braunwart US: Government begins shipping 10,000 refugees back to Haiti from Guantanamo Bay. (Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...)

Pushing the ol' ball up de hill, animated
1995 -- US: Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Senator Exon introduces his overreaching Nazi-like internet censorship bill.

1995 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Liliam Rosa Morad, Miami radio personality, is murdered at 25 by Cuban exile terrorists.

1996 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Russia: 1 million Russian & Ukrainian coal miners strike for back wages.

1997 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Mitchell Goodman, anti-war activist, writer, dies at 71.

2003 -- Source=Robert Braunwart Ivory Coast: 100,000 government supporters protest the French-brokered peace deal with rebels, Abidjan.

2011 -- Egypt: Some two million protesters gather in Tahrir Square in the biggest demonstration since the popular revolution against the Mubarak regime began. The government closes down Egyptian National Railways as well as Internet & mobile phone services. Google & Twitter team up to build a voice-to-tweet system to allow Egyptians to tweet. Al Jazeera reports that its signal is being jammed in parts of the Middle East, days after Egypt shut the news network's operations there.

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"The truth is rarely pure & never simple.
Modern life would be very tedious if it were
either, & modern literature a complete impossibility."

       — Oscar Wilde


See No Evil, illustration by Eric Drooker
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