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Galleries : Kupka, Frantisek - 12 -

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Le Commencement de la vie
Les Nénuphars
Le lien ombilical du foetus et de la fleur de lotus, symbole bouddhiste de l’esprit, exprime l’union des êtres
The beginning of life.
The deep unity of the world is expressed here through a foetus that is linked by an umbilical cord to the lotus, the Buddhist symbol of the soul.

See all Kupka’s gallery on this web (French comments)


Virginia Spate, Orphism : The Evolution of Non-Figurative Painting in Paris, 1910-1914. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1979, discusses Kupka’s anarchism pp. 88-89, and his illustrations for Elisée Reclus pp. 103-4.

Contributor : CREAGH Ronald

To cite this page:
Galleries : Kupka, Frantisek - 12 -, What's new: 18 December 2005. [Online].
[Accessed on 29 September 2013]

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