
Jewish Partisans - Minsk Ghetto Rescue from 'Interviews From The Underground' by Phillip Alloy
Jewish partisan Michael Treister's account of his rescue of captives from the Minsk Ghetto...
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: Phil Alloy
Jewish Partisans - Minsk Ghetto Rescue from 'Interviews From The Underground' by Phillip Alloy
Jewish Partisans - Minsk Ghetto Rescue from 'Interviews From The Underground' by Phillip Alloy
Jewish partisan Michael Treister's account of his rescue of captives from the Minsk Ghetto during World War II. Filmed on site in Minsk, Belarus. Features hi...- published: 25 Nov 2008
- views: 5623
- author: Phil Alloy

Minsk Yama Holocaust Memorial
On March 2nd 1942 5000 Jews were killed at different places in Minsk. The corpses were bro...
published: 02 Dec 2009
author: Vladimir Fishman
Minsk Yama Holocaust Memorial
Minsk Yama Holocaust Memorial
On March 2nd 1942 5000 Jews were killed at different places in Minsk. The corpses were brought to this pit and burried here. The number of Minsk ghetto priso...- published: 02 Dec 2009
- views: 737
- author: Vladimir Fishman

Police units and Waffen SS against partisans in the Minsk, 1943
published: 05 Mar 2013
author: Valentin Izagirre
Police units and Waffen SS against partisans in the Minsk, 1943
Police units and Waffen SS against partisans in the Minsk, 1943
Docu.- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 161
- author: Valentin Izagirre

Testigos de la Guerra. Mijaíl Tréister : prisionero del ghetto de Minsk guerrillero . Bielorrusia
La cadena RT ha elaborado para ustedes una serie de documentales dedicados al 65 aniversar...
published: 23 Apr 2010
author: RT en Español
Testigos de la Guerra. Mijaíl Tréister : prisionero del ghetto de Minsk guerrillero . Bielorrusia
Testigos de la Guerra. Mijaíl Tréister : prisionero del ghetto de Minsk guerrillero . Bielorrusia
La cadena RT ha elaborado para ustedes una serie de documentales dedicados al 65 aniversario de la Victoria en la Segunda Guerra Mundial - "Testigos de la Gu...- published: 23 Apr 2010
- views: 525
- author: RT en Español

Jewish Partisans - Escaping the Gestapo from 'Interviews from the Underground' by Phillip Alloy
Bronya Gofman's harrowing account of her escape from the Minsk ghetto and eluding the Gest...
published: 26 Nov 2008
author: Phil Alloy
Jewish Partisans - Escaping the Gestapo from 'Interviews from the Underground' by Phillip Alloy
Jewish Partisans - Escaping the Gestapo from 'Interviews from the Underground' by Phillip Alloy
Bronya Gofman's harrowing account of her escape from the Minsk ghetto and eluding the Gestapo while a member of the Jewish resistance during World War II. Fi...- published: 26 Nov 2008
- views: 7778
- author: Phil Alloy

Minsk trip: Black rap
True rap from Minsk ghetto....
published: 15 Jul 2011
author: ZinoviyGustava
Minsk trip: Black rap
Minsk trip: Black rap
True rap from Minsk ghetto.- published: 15 Jul 2011
- views: 167
- author: ZinoviyGustava

Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Anatoly Rubin
Anatoly Yitzchak Rubin was born in 1928 in Minsk, Belarus, the youngest of four children i...
published: 18 Apr 2012
author: Yad Vashem
Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Anatoly Rubin
Holocaust Survivor Testimony: Anatoly Rubin
Anatoly Yitzchak Rubin was born in 1928 in Minsk, Belarus, the youngest of four children in a traditional family. His father, Pinchas, worked at an organizat...- published: 18 Apr 2012
- views: 5599
- author: Yad Vashem

Butterflies in the Storm Promo
This is a short promo for the upcoming full length feature documentary "Butterflies in the...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: butterfliesdocmovie
Butterflies in the Storm Promo
Butterflies in the Storm Promo
This is a short promo for the upcoming full length feature documentary "Butterflies in the Storm". This movie will document 3 incredible instances of Jewish ...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 206
- author: butterfliesdocmovie

2009 Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series - March 24, 2009
The Minsk Ghetto 1941-1943: Jweish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism Barbara Epstein,...
published: 12 Apr 2009
author: CSUSonoma
2009 Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series - March 24, 2009
2009 Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series - March 24, 2009
The Minsk Ghetto 1941-1943: Jweish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism Barbara Epstein, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz / Robert L. Harris Mem...- published: 12 Apr 2009
- views: 366
- author: CSUSonoma

Thousands of German Jews are deported to the east at the end of 1941, packed together in G...
published: 19 Apr 2011
author: filmarchiv100
Thousands of German Jews are deported to the east at the end of 1941, packed together in Ghettos in Riga and Minsk. Thousands starve; who is not good for the...- published: 19 Apr 2011
- views: 289
- author: filmarchiv100

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Remembered April 19th 1943
Fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising including Zivia Lubetkin, David Handwohl, Blake B.S...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: sue581000
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Remembered April 19th 1943
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Remembered April 19th 1943
Fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising including Zivia Lubetkin, David Handwohl, Blake B.Schiff, Anna Heilman, Simcha Rotem and Marek Edelmann describe the f...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 243
- author: sue581000

"My Righteous" Photo Exhibition / Открытие выставки "Мои праведники"
A Unique Exhibition Opens in the Minsk City History Museum On January 25 an exhibition of ...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: UN BELARUS
"My Righteous" Photo Exhibition / Открытие выставки "Мои праведники"
"My Righteous" Photo Exhibition / Открытие выставки "Мои праведники"
A Unique Exhibition Opens in the Minsk City History Museum On January 25 an exhibition of photos by well-known Belarusian photographer Anatoly Kleschuk "My R...- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 47
- author: UN BELARUS
Youtube results:

Chaim Bargman of Kaunas recalls some Yiddish dialectological humor 20 March 2014
Chaim Bargman (born 1951 in Kaunas/Kovno) recalls jokes and stories based on classic Yiddi...
published: 23 Mar 2014
Chaim Bargman of Kaunas recalls some Yiddish dialectological humor 20 March 2014
Chaim Bargman of Kaunas recalls some Yiddish dialectological humor 20 March 2014
Chaim Bargman (born 1951 in Kaunas/Kovno) recalls jokes and stories based on classic Yiddish dialectological humor that draws its material from one dialect's knowledge of the other, often recounting embarrassing situations where a word innocuous in one dialect is off-color, vulgar or shocking in the other. Note that for Chaim, who internalized all this in postwar Soviet Kaunas, the template includes historical framing, including the expulsion of the Jews of Kovno Gubernia during the First World War, as well as the Holocaust; he includes as finale an instance ascribed to the Minsk Ghetto.- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 64

Dinamo Riga - Dinamo Minsk 2:1 ; 05.09.2013
Vakar jauno Kontinentālās hokeja līgas (KHL) sezonu ar uzvaru sāka Rīgas "Dinamo", kas sav...
published: 06 Sep 2013
Dinamo Riga - Dinamo Minsk 2:1 ; 05.09.2013
Dinamo Riga - Dinamo Minsk 2:1 ; 05.09.2013
Vakar jauno Kontinentālās hokeja līgas (KHL) sezonu ar uzvaru sāka Rīgas "Dinamo", kas savā laukumā ar 2:1 pārspēja Minskas "Dinamo". Vārtus rīdzinieku labā guva Gints Meija un Kails Vilsons, bet divas rezultatīvas piespēles izdarīja Marsels Hosa. Rīgas "Dinamo" -- Minskas "Dinamo" 2:1 (2:0, 0:0, 0:1) Vārti: 1:29 Meija (Hosa) 1:0, 9:38 Vilsons (Rēdlihs, Hosa, vair.) 2:0, 46:35 Mikflikers (Krajīčeks) 2:1 Soda minūtes: 6:2 Metieni: 20:17. Vārtsargi: Mikaels Telkvists -- Kevins Lalands (59:16 -- tukši vārti) Skatītāji: 9250.- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 759

International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Belarus
On 27 January the commemorative ceremony dedicated to the International Day of Commemorati...
published: 02 Feb 2011
author: UN BELARUS
International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Belarus
International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Belarus
On 27 January the commemorative ceremony dedicated to the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust took place in the Nati...- published: 02 Feb 2011
- views: 191
- author: UN BELARUS

Минск: 19 декабря 2013 года / Менск: 19 снежня 2013 г. / Minsk: December 19, 2013
Улица имени и мемориальная доска в честь одного из организаторов и руководителей Минского ...
published: 19 Dec 2013
Минск: 19 декабря 2013 года / Менск: 19 снежня 2013 г. / Minsk: December 19, 2013
Минск: 19 декабря 2013 года / Менск: 19 снежня 2013 г. / Minsk: December 19, 2013
Улица имени и мемориальная доска в честь одного из организаторов и руководителей Минского антифашистского подполья в годы Великой Отечественной войны Михаила Львовича Гебелева. Мемориальный сквер - здесь во время войны было еврейское гетто и место расстрела евреев в годы войны. В Минске облачно, мокрый снег, дождь, давление 743 мм, ветер 4 м/с, влажность 96%, температура -1 +1 С / Вуліца імя і мемарыяльная дошка ў гонар аднаго з арганізатараў і кіраўнікоў Менскага антыфашысцкага падполля ў гады Вялікай Айчыннай вайны Міхаіла Львовіча Гебелева. Мемарыяльны сквер - тут у час вайны было габрэйскае гета і месца расстрэлу габрэяў у гады вайны. У Менску воблачна, мокры снег, дождж, ціск 743 мм, вецер 4 м/с, вільготнасць 96%, тэмпература -1 +1 С / Street name and a plaque in honor of one of the organizers and leaders of anti-Nazi underground in Minsk during WWII M.L. Gebeleva. Memorial Square - here during the war was a Jewish ghetto and place of execution of Jews during the war. In Minsk, cloudy, sleet, rain, pressure 743 mm, wind 4 m/s, 96% humidity, temperature -1 +1 C- published: 19 Dec 2013
- views: 10