Cereal maker Kellogg's locks out US union to force expansion of disposable jobs

Transnational cereal maker Kellogg's has locked out 220 members of the IUF-affiliated BCTGM since October 22 at its factory in Memphis, Tennessee to force unon acceptance of a plan to radically increase the use of casual workers.

Urgent Action Turkish Airlines: reinstate the 305!

Since June 2012 aviation workers in Turkey have been in dispute with Turkish Airlines (THY) over their right to strike and the dismissal of 305 workers who took industrial action on May 29, 2012 to protest the government's plan to ban strikes in the aviation sector. Turkish Airlines responded by sacking these workers via text message and email. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO TURKISH AIRLINES.

Mondelez turns a blind eye to human rights while 'smart shelf' technology watches consumers

Mondelez can't seem to catch abusive human rights practices in its own operations but is preparing to photograph shoppers on their way to the checkout counter  to deliver targeted advertising to stimulate impulse buying. "Smart shelf" technology will stream massive quantities of data back to Mondelez headquarters but the company is not equipped to gather and evaluate relevant information based on international human rights standards.

'In the hotel business, you really make your money by opportunistic buying and selling'

The past decade, over which private equity buyouts went from mega-boom to bust, brought about a dramatic change in the ownership structure of the hospitality industry.

Iran independent sugar union leaders call for reinstatement and back pay

Where trade union rights are concerned, the election of Hassan Rouhani as President of Iran has brought no changes.

Flour Mill Workers in Israel win significant wage increase

The food workers union of the Histadrut has negotiated a new collective agreement for some 1,000 workers in Israel's flour milling industry. The agreement provides for a wage increase of NIS 186 (approximately US$53), which, for workers earning the minimum wage, amounts to an almost 5% increase in monthly wages.

When the All-Inclusive tourism model doesn't include worker rights

In March 2013 we reported the launch of a research project on all-Inclusive holidays (click here for more) to assess the impact of this model on local economies and employees' working conditions. While the research in still on-going, workers are experiencing the worst part of it: in El Salvador recently a receptionist who wanted to create a union with co-workers from different hotels has been intimidated and dismissed.

Unions research the massive growth of insecure work in Australia and NZ

A report compiled by New Zealand’s Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU) found that at least 30% of New Zealand’s workers – over 635,000 people – are in insecure work. 95,000 workers have no usual work time, 61,000 workers have no written employment agreement, 573,000 workers earn less than the living wage and almost a quarter of a million Kiwi workers say they have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying at work.

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