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  • Why the US establishing military bases in Africa?-Africa Today-06-26-2012...24:23
  • The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban...26:56
  • Spain Joins France, Germany As Targets Of NSA Spying...6:35
  • LAX shooting - TSA agent killed by gunman in Los Angeles International Airport terminal 3...2:04
  • Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation...1:28:01
  • Was Tiananmen Square car fire a suicide attack? (3D crash reconstruction)...1:03
  • PROPHECY ALERT: "Israel Attacks Syria"...2:07
  • Timely Destruction: All Syria's chemical weapons production lines taken out...3:47
  • Latest Snowden leak: NSA hacked into Google, Yahoo data streams...2:48
  • Assad: no peace unless rebels lose support...1:53
  • W.H. Jay Carney Admits Obama's Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn't True For Some Americ...2:23
  • President Obama Nominates Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chairwoman...12:02
add video playlist A report from the Washington post has stated the US military have established small air bases in Africa to keep surveillance on some African regions they con...
A report from the Washington post has stated the US military have established small air bases in Africa to keep surveillance on some African regions they con...
Why the US es­tab­lish­ing mil­i­tary bases in Africa?-Africa To­day-06-26-2012
With rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan, this report asks whether the tribal borderlands are a ticking time bomb of extremism. 

For downloads and more information visit:

Out of bounds for most Pakistanis, this report gains rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan. The army claims it has South Waziristan under control, but is it a ticking time bomb of extremism?

In a military hospital in Islamabad, hundreds of \
The Enemy With­in: The Pak­istan Tal­iban
Spain Joins France, Ger­many As Tar­gets Of NSA Spy­ing
LAX shooting: Gunman opens fire inside Los Angeles International Airport Terminal 3 LAX shooting 2013 LAX shooting airport terminal 3 Witness of the LAX shooting TSA agent dead describes being barricaded. gunman in LAX shootingAt least two people were injured in California after a gunman opened fire with a rifle at a security checkpoint. An evacuation is underway and the LAPD is on the scene full video

At least two people, including a TSA worker, were shot when a gunman opened fire inside a busy terminal at Los Angeles International Airport, according to a report.

The shooter apparently confronted the security worker before firing a round in the man\'s leg and squeezing off several shots inside Terminal 3 about 9:30 a.m., NBC Los Angeles reported.

At least one other person was shot before authorities managed to nab the suspect, who was reportedly armed with a rifle.

It was not immediately clear how bad the two people were hurt or if any other victims were shot in the gunfire. One person was being treated for a sprained ankle.

A law enforcement said the suspect was taken into custody alive.

All departing flights remained grounded an hour later as cops began evacuating neighboring terminals.

Buses were spotted driving passengers away from the area after they disembarked from planes stopped near the runway.

Police officers wearing SWAT gear were visible walking with guns drawn near paramedics and someone in a wheelchair wearing what looked like a red uniform jacket.

The FAA has stopped flights preparing to take off for LAX
LAX shoot­ing - TSA agent killed by gun­man in Los An­ge­les In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port ter­mi­nal 3
This documentary, titled \
Doc­u­men­tary on Is­rael / Pales­tine - Oc­cu­pa­tion
Spain Joins France, Ger­many As Tar­gets Of NSA Spy­ing
Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on...

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Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on Monday was a suicide attack.

Was Tianan­men Square car fire a sui­cide at­tack? (3D crash re­con­struc­tion)
The United States government confirms that Israel has attacked Syria also
PROPHE­CY ALERT: "Is­rael At­tacks Syria"
Rede record desmascara Eike Batista como art. 171 empresarial, (lobo disfarsado de cordeiro) fortuna vem das riquezas do solo brasileiro pertencentes a nação. Alta traição e lesa a patria.
Art. 5 da CF 1988 I -é livre a manifestação do pensamento, sendo vedado o anonimato;
Reportagem: Jayme Ribeiro
Damascus has met the first disarmament deadline, having destroyed all previously declared chemical weapons production and mixing equipment, the international watchdog has confirmed. READ MORE:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Time­ly De­struc­tion: All Syria's chem­i­cal weapons pro­duc­tion lines taken out
The National Security Agency has infiltrated the links between Yahoo and Google data centers worldwide, according to the latest leaks by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Tapping into these links allows them to secretly siphon off information from those companies\' data streams. The links between data centers are not encrypted, though Google announced in September that they will begin encrypting their links. Gen. Keith Alexander, head of the NSA, says that, to his knowledge, this program does not exist. RT\'s Sam Sacks has more information on how the latest revelations are different from the previously disclosed Prism surveillance program.

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Lat­est Snow­den leak: NSA hacked into Google, Yahoo data streams
Syria\'s President says that peace talks to end the civil war in his country will only succeed if foreign powers stop supporting the opposition. Bashar al Assad made the comments during a visit with the UN special envoy, Lakdhar Brahimi. Diplomatic Editor James Bays reports.
Assad: no peace un­less rebels lose sup­port
Güncel Videolardan haberdar olmak için kanalıma abone olmanız yeterlidir. W.H. Admits Obama\'s Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn\'t True For Some Americans (October 28, 2013)  10/28/13 - W.H. Jay Carney Admits Obama\'s Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn\'t True For Some Americans.  All videos are for educational purposes only and are in accordance with the Internet Fair Use Act. Copyright Law Section 107 While fair use explicitly appli...  Promises, Promises, Promises... If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. ~ Barack Obama Saying PERIOD for emphasis   Obama\'s Broken Promises! - Can You Really Keep Your Health Plan Under Obamacare?  Jay Carney Admits Obama\'s Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn\'t True For Some Americans.  President Obama assured German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the U.S. National Security Agency is not monitoring and will not monitor her cell-phone commun...  CBS: ObamaCare Resulting In Dropped Coverage And Higher Premiums (October 28, 2013)  During the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the Affordable Care Act federal exchange website on Thursday morning, Representative Frank Pallone ...  10/28/13 - SNL Mocks Obamacare Website and Kathleen Sebelius - Saturday Night Live - Fox News Reports.  Megyn Kelly battled with Democratic strategist Mark Hannah on Monday over a shocking report that revealed the Obama administration knew for years that millio...  Real News @ — WASHINGTON — The White House finally admitted Monday that President Obama is breaking his promise that if you like you...  Alex takes calls on the horrifying truths behind the rate hikes in Obamacare and how they are to break the American Economy. Stay in the know - Follow Alex o...  Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt (Dr. Chaps), founder of The Pray in Jesus Name Project, explains how Obamacare\'s financial incentives will destroy families an...  Natalie Willes is one of the millions of Americans who already have private health insurance but whose policies do not comply with the Affordable Care Act. M...  AP\'s Julie Pace: Obama White House Very Worried About Botched ObamaCare Rollout (October 20, 2013)  Kirsten Powers was on with Megyn moments ago to talk about Obamacare. She admitted that she is one of many Americans who has been booted off her insurance an...  .  10/21/13 - NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd dug into White House Press Sec. Jay Carney on Monday following President Barack Obama\'s Rose G...  Democratic operative and FOX News contributor Bob Beckel tells Bill Hemmer that he got a call from the White House after he suggested implementation for Obam...  Actually the number is much higher than that.. According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans be...   Read below: (CBS News) CBS News has uncovered a serious pricing problem with It stems from the Ob...  Big story broke today about how our government knew Obamacare would kill 47-67% of insurance plans even though Obama keeps telling us If you like your docto...
W.H. Jay Car­ney Ad­mits Obama's Keep Your Plan Oba­maCare Promise Isn't True For Some Amer­ic
Dr. Janet Yellen will be the first female Chairman (Chairwoman?) of the United States Federal Reserve, and will instantly become one of the most powerful people in the world, and arguably the most powerful woman in world history. Yellen currently serves is currently the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a role to which she was appointed in October 2010.
Read about Janet Yellen here:
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TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation, Janet Yellen, Dr. Janet Yellen, Yellen, Woman, First, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve, Fed, Bank, Central Bank, Economics, Economy, United States of America, Currency, Stimulus, Bond Buying, QE, Quantitative Easing, Smart, Best, Government, President Barack Obama, Senate, Confirmation Hearing, Confirmed, Economist, San Francisco, Announcement, Speech, Statement, News, Politics, World, Global, Policy, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Government Shutdown, Debt Limit, Debt Ceiling, democrat, democrats, Larry Summers
Pres­i­dent Obama Nom­i­nates Janet Yellen As Fed­er­al Re­serve Chair­wom­an
Israel releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners as the peace process continues also
"Pales­tini­an Pris­on­ers Re­leased" Peace In The Mid­dle East

updated 12 Aug 2013; published 27 Jun 2012
Why the US es­tab­lish­ing mil­i­tary bases in Africa?-Africa To­day-06-26-2012 02 Nov 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong!" -Stephen Decatur, U.S. Naval Officer In the First U.S.-Barbary States War, on October 31, 1803, Commodore Stephen Decatur devised a secret plan to sail into Tripoli's harbor and...
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updated 23 Sep 2013; published 23 Sep 2013
The Enemy With­in: The Pak­istan Tal­iban
The Independent 02 Nov 2013, The Pakistan Taliban is expected to announce a new chief after its leader for the past four years was killed in a CIA drone strike – a move that will likely complicate efforts to hold peace between Pakistan’s government and the militant outfit. A series of officials confirmed that 34-year-old Hakimullah Mehsud was killed along with four other...
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updated 29 Oct 2013; published 29 Oct 2013
Spain Joins France, Ger­many As Tar­gets Of NSA Spy­ing
BBC News 02 Nov 2013, Germany and Brazil have asked the UN General Assembly to adopt a draft resolution calling for the right to privacy in the digital age. The draft calls for an end to excessive electronic surveillance, noting that the illegal collection of personal data "constitutes a highly intrusive act". Brazil and Germany have both been angered by...
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updated 01 Nov 2013; published 01 Nov 2013
LAX shoot­ing - TSA agent killed by gun­man in Los An­ge­les In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port ter­mi­nal 3
The Guardian 02 Nov 2013, TAMI ABDOLLAH Associated Press= LOS ANGELES (AP) — A man carrying a note that said he wanted to "kill TSA" pulled a semi-automatic rifle from a bag and shot his way past a security checkpoint at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, killing one Transportation Security Administration officer and wounding two others, authorities said. The...
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updated 11 Sep 2012; published 11 Sep 2012
Doc­u­men­tary on Is­rael / Pales­tine - Oc­cu­pa­tion
Al Jazeera 01 Nov 2013, Ever since its colonial project was set in motion, Zionism has insisted that it seeks to colonise Palestine "peacefully", indeed that its colonisation of the country will not only not harm the native population, but that it would be of benefit to them. The movement's founder, Theodor Herzl himself, provided two visions of this future: A...
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updated 29 Oct 2013; published 29 Oct 2013
Spain Joins France, Ger­many As Tar­gets Of NSA Spy­ing
Khaleej Times 01 Nov 2013, Kerry’s remarks came in response to a question addressed to both him and British Foreign Secretary William Hague about government surveillance. US Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hand with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of a news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin. - Reuters file The United States has said in some cases its...
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updated 29 Oct 2013; published 29 Oct 2013
Was Tianan­men Square car fire a sui­cide at­tack? (3D crash re­con­struc­tion)
BBC News 01 Nov 2013, China's top security official says a deadly crash in Beijing's Tiananmen Square was incited by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. The crash occurred on Monday when a car ploughed into a crowd then burst into flames, killing three people inside the vehicle and two tourists. Police have arrested five suspects, all from the western region...
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updated 31 Oct 2013; published 31 Oct 2013
PROPHE­CY ALERT: "Is­rael At­tacks Syria"
Belfast Telegraph 01 Nov 2013, Israeli warplanes attacked a shipment of Russian missiles inside a Syrian government stronghold, officials said yesterday. It was a development that threatened to add another volatile layer to regional tensions from the Syrian civil war. The revelation came as the government of President Bashar Assad met a key deadline in an ambitious plan to...
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updated 14 Jan 2013; published 14 Jan 2013
BBC News 31 Oct 2013, Related Stories Batista oil firm in bankruptcy Brazil's fallen billionaire Brazilian billionaire sells up Once listed as one of the top 10 wealthiest people in the world, Eike Batista boasted he would one day become the richest person on the planet. In little over a year, he is thought to have lost almost his entire fortune. OGX, the huge oil...
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updated 01 Nov 2013; published 01 Nov 2013
Time­ly De­struc­tion: All Syria's chem­i­cal weapons pro­duc­tion lines taken out
Swissinfo 31 Oct 2013, Strife in Syria Arab Spring Reuters October 31, 2013 - 10:28 By Dominic Evans BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria has destroyed all of its declared chemical weapons production and mixing facilities, meeting a major deadline in an ambitious disarmament programme, the international chemical weapons watchdog said in a document seen by Reuters. The Organisation...
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updated 30 Oct 2013; published 30 Oct 2013
Lat­est Snow­den leak: NSA hacked into Google, Yahoo data streams
Denver Post 31 Oct 2013, The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among...
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updated 31 Oct 2013; published 31 Oct 2013
Assad: no peace un­less rebels lose sup­port
Al Jazeera 31 Oct 2013, The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, has said he is open to peace talks but insisted that they would not go ahead unless foreign nations stopped supporting rebel fighters. The comments came during a meeting on Wednesday with peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi in Damascus....
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updated 02 Nov 2013; published 02 Nov 2013
W.H. Jay Car­ney Ad­mits Obama's Keep Your Plan Oba­maCare Promise Isn't True For Some Amer­ic
New Straits/Business Times 31 Oct 2013, President Barack Obama took the heat Wednesday for his health reforms' bungled rollout, and acknowledged perhaps for the first time that some Americans will pay more for coverage under Obamacare. One month after the October 1 debut of the online portal, thousands of Americans have signed up for new health insurance but millions more have been...
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updated 09 Oct 2013; published 09 Oct 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama Nom­i­nates Janet Yellen As Fed­er­al Re­serve Chair­wom­an 30 Oct 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling One day after President Barack Obama signed into law a bill to end the 16-day government shutdown, extending the borrowing limit, the nation's $16.7 trillion debt increased by an incredible $328 billion. Surpassing the previous record for borrowing on a single day, $238 billion back in 2011, the...
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More Barbarian Wars?
Full Article
02 Nov 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong!" -Stephen Decatur, U.S. Naval Officer In the First U.S.-Barbary States War, on October 31, 1803, Commodore Stephen Decatur devised a secret plan to sail into Tripoli's harbor and... Imperialism Africa Terrorism Pentagon
File - Sgt. Kevin Fischer, Sight Security Team 1st Battalion 161st Field Artillery, signals his security team to fill in the security perimeter, August 22, 2011, in the deserts of Djibouti.
photo: US Army / Specialist Michelle C. Lawrence

Leader of Pakistani Taliban Hakimullah Mehsud killed in drone strike
Full Article The Independent
02 Nov 2013

The Pakistan Taliban is expected to announce a new chief after its leader for the past four years was killed in a CIA drone strike – a move that will likely complicate efforts to hold peace between Pakistan’s government and the militant outfit. A series of officials confirmed that 34-year-old Hakimullah Mehsud was killed along with four other... Qaida Drones Taliban
File - In this photo taken Sunday, Oct. 4, 2009, new Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud, right, holds a rocket launcher with his comrades in Sararogha of Pakistani tribal area of South Waziristan along the Afghanistan border.
photo: AP / Ishtiaq Mehsud

Brazil and Germany draft anti-spy resolution at UN
Full Article BBC News
02 Nov 2013

Germany and Brazil have asked the UN General Assembly to adopt a draft resolution calling for the right to privacy in the digital age. The draft calls for an end to excessive electronic surveillance, noting that the illegal collection of personal data "constitutes a highly intrusive act". Brazil and Germany have both been angered by... Spying Program Nations
Demonstrators holds up banners with the photo of Edward Snowden during a protest outside of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013.
photo: AP / Jose Luis Magana

Gunman kills TSA officer at LAX, wounds 2 others
Full Article The Guardian
02 Nov 2013

TAMI ABDOLLAH Associated Press= LOS ANGELES (AP) — A man carrying a note that said he wanted to "kill TSA" pulled a semi-automatic rifle from a bag and shot his way past a security checkpoint at Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, killing one Transportation Security Administration officer and wounding two others, authorities said. The... Angeles
In this photo provided to the AP, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, police officers stand near an unidentified weapon in Terminal 3 of the Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, Nov. 1, 2013.
photo: AP

Peace is war: Israeli settler-colonialism and the Palestinians
Full Article Al Jazeera
01 Nov 2013

Ever since its colonial project was set in motion, Zionism has insisted that it seeks to colonise Palestine "peacefully", indeed that its colonisation of the country will not only not harm the native population, but that it would be of benefit to them. The movement's founder, Theodor Herzl himself, provided two visions of this future: A... Rights Peace
File - A Palestinian woman grieves during the funeral of 13-year-old Hmeid Abu Daqqa, who was killed after being hit by bullets fired from an Israeli helicopter, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip on November 9, 2012.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

In some cases, US spying ‘has reached too far’: Kerry
Full Article Khaleej Times
01 Nov 2013

Kerry’s remarks came in response to a question addressed to both him and British Foreign Secretary William Hague about government surveillance. US Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hand with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of a news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin. - Reuters file The United States has said in some cases its... Surveillance Program
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks to participants of the Edward R. Murrow Program for Journalists at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on October 30, 2013.
photo: US DoS

Tiananmen crash 'incited by Islamists'
Full Article BBC News
01 Nov 2013

China's top security official says a deadly crash in Beijing's Tiananmen Square was incited by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. The crash occurred on Monday when a car ploughed into a crowd then burst into flames, killing three people inside the vehicle and two tourists. Police have arrested five suspects, all from the western region... Terrorism Square
An armored Chinese paramilitary vehicle is stationed near Tiananmen Square across the street from Tiananmen Gate, the site of an incident Monday where a car plowed through a crowd before it crashed and burned in Beijing, China, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan

Israeli planes attack Syria weapons
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
01 Nov 2013

Israeli warplanes attacked a shipment of Russian missiles inside a Syrian government stronghold, officials said yesterday. It was a development that threatened to add another volatile layer to regional tensions from the Syrian civil war. The revelation came as the government of President Bashar Assad met a key deadline in an ambitious plan to... Weapons Peace War
File - Israeli soldiers drive armored personal carriers during a military exercise in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights near the border with Syria, Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Ariel Schalit

Billionaire Eike Batista's dreams crumble
Full Article BBC News
31 Oct 2013

Related Stories Batista oil firm in bankruptcy Brazil's fallen billionaire Brazilian billionaire sells up Once listed as one of the top 10 wealthiest people in the world, Eike Batista boasted he would one day become the richest person on the planet. In little over a year, he is thought to have lost almost his entire fortune. OGX, the huge oil... Batista Batista Fortune Loss Bankruptcy
Eike Batista
photo: Flickr

Syria meets deadline to destroy chemical production facilities
Full Article Swissinfo
31 Oct 2013

Strife in Syria Arab Spring Reuters October 31, 2013 - 10:28 By Dominic Evans BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria has destroyed all of its declared chemical weapons production and mixing facilities, meeting a major deadline in an ambitious disarmament programme, the international chemical weapons watchdog said in a document seen by Reuters. The Organisation... Qaida Weapons War
In this file image taken from video obtained from the Shaam News Network Thursday, Aug. 29, 2013, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, members of a chemical weapons investigation team take samples from the ground in the Damascus countryside of Zamalka, Syria.
photo: AP / Shaam News Network via AP video

NSA secretly tapped Yahoo, Google, according to documents
Full Article Denver Post
31 Oct 2013

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among... Surveillance Spying Program
File - President Barack Obama studies a document held by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper during the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office, Feb. 3, 2011.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Assad: foreign powers must end rebel support
Full Article Al Jazeera
31 Oct 2013

The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, has said he is open to peace talks but insisted that they would not go ahead unless foreign nations stopped supporting rebel fighters. The comments came during a meeting on Wednesday with peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi in Damascus.... Assad War - Syria Violence
Syrian President Bashar Assad reacts as he speaks to the media with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul, not seen, following their talks at the Ottoman-era Ciragan Palace, Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, May 8, 2010.
photo: AP / Ibrahim Usta

Obama vows health website fix, says some rates may rise
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
31 Oct 2013

President Barack Obama took the heat Wednesday for his health reforms' bungled rollout, and acknowledged perhaps for the first time that some Americans will pay more for coverage under Obamacare. One month after the October 1 debut of the online portal, thousands of Americans have signed up for new health insurance but millions more have been... Obama Health Care Reform
President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks at The Associated Press luncheon during the ASNE Convention, Tuesday, April 3, 2012, in Washington.
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster

The Other ''Yellin' at the Federal Reserve''
Full Article
30 Oct 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling One day after President Barack Obama signed into law a bill to end the 16-day government shutdown, extending the borrowing limit, the nation's $16.7 trillion debt increased by an incredible $328 billion. Surpassing the previous record for borrowing on a single day, $238 billion back in 2011, the... Obama Ceiling Shutdown
President Barack Obama applauds Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as Janet Yellen, vice chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, stands at left in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak

Hill excited to be part of Inside Stuff's new run (NBA - National Basketball Association)
Full Article noodls
02 Nov 2013

(Source: NBA - National Basketball Association) MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Grant Hill's playing career is over, but he's still going one-on-one. Hill spoke with a nervous excitement on the eve of his debut as co-host of the new incarnation of "NBA Inside Stuff." After an eight-year hiatus, the show is returning to the air on Saturday at...
Grant Hill  Washington Wizards v/s Phoenix Suns January 21, 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Djokovic beats Federer at Paris Masters
Full Article US News
02 Nov 2013

Comment () Tweet By TRUNG LATIEULE, Associated Press PARIS (AP) — Novak Djokovic won his 16th straight match by rallying to defeat Roger Federer 4-6, 6-3, 6-2 on Saturday in the semifinals of the Paris Masters. Djokovic next plays top-seeded Rafael Nadal or defending champion David Ferrer. This was the 30th meeting between Djokovic and...
Novak Djokovic of Serbia reacts after beating Tomas Berdych of the Czech Republic in a Men's singles quarterfinal match at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships in Wimbledon, London, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

Webber takes pole in Abu Dhabi
Full Article Canberra Times
02 Nov 2013

Mark Webber pipped Red Bull teammate and freshly-crowned four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel for pole position at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on Saturday, while...
Australia's Red Bull Racing driver Mark Webber drives his race car during the third practice session of the Hungarian Formula One Grand Prix at the Hungaroring circuit outside Budapest, Hungary
photo: AP / Balazs Czagany

Laudrup sees significance of derby
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Swansea boss Michael Laudrup admits the south Wales derby does not have the prestige of El Clasico, but that does not mean the Dane cannot appreciate the game's importance. The very presence of Laudrup in the Swansea dugout at Cardiff City Stadium is a sign of just how far they and the Bluebirds have come over the last decade, with both rising from...
Michael Laudrup
photo: GFDL / Paul Blank

Martinez seeks to 'bridge the gap'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Everton manager Roberto Martinez believes if his side can negotiate the next three months without too many mishaps they will be in a good position to challenge the Premier League's big spenders. An encouraging start to the season has seen the Toffees take 19 points from nine matches to sit sixth in the table ahead of the weekend's games and still...
Roberto Martinez
photo: Creative Commons / Joan Bové

Warner shuts down his Twitter account
Full Article Canberra Times
02 Nov 2013

Australian opener David Warner appears to be knuckling down ahead of the Ashes, with the controversial batsman signalling his retirement from Twitter. Warner has attracted his share of headlines over the past year, especially due to a series of rants posted on the microblogging site. But in...
David Warner on his T20 International debut,  23 January 2009
photo: Creative Commons / Stewartm82

Hamilton quickest in Korea Grand Prix practice, Kimi crashes
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
02 Nov 2013

Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton set the pace in first free practice at the Korean Grand Prix on Friday as injury-hit Finn Kimi Raikkonen walked away from a late crash. Hamilton, whose debut season with Mercedes is in danger of petering out after...
Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain rounds Club Corner as he qualifies in pole position at the Silverstone circuit, England, Saturday, June 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Clarke poised for comeback with New South Wales
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
02 Nov 2013

Australian captain Michael Clarke is in line to make his comeback from injury to lead New South Wales in their Sheffield Shield match against Tasmania this week, team officials said Monday. Clarke's availability for Wednesday's game will be subject to a fitness review over a back problem, a spokesman...
Australia's Michael Clarke bats against India during their One Day International series cricket match in Adelaide, Australia, Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012.
photo: AP / David Mariuz

Ellie Goulding music video for 'How Long Will I Love You'
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Nov 2013

Author Rating: 4.5 Stars The latest video from international pop sensation Ellie Goulding was taken from the forthcoming short film, Tom & Issy. The film will be directed by Roger...
Ellie Goulding performing live at the Fillmore Miami Beach at the Jackie Gleason Theater Miami Beach, Florida - January 16, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Justin Bieber supports Chris Brown with "Free Breezy" graffiti
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Nov 2013

Justin Bieber decided to do some spray-painting on a wall in Bogota, Columbia in support of buddy Chris Brown. The graffiti carried the slogan "Free Breezy," and yet, there isn't much freeing to be done. Brown voluntarily checked himself into a Malibu rehab...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Britney Spears attends "The X Factor" season two premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision

Brown assault on video?
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Chris Brown’s alleged altercation with a man in Washington, D.C. may have been captured on video. The 24-year-old singer is facing criminal charges amid accusations he punched 20-year-old Isaac Parker in the face outside of a Washington, D.C. hotel when the man tried to photobomb a picture with another fan. Chris has denied the allegations. TMZ...
Chris Brown performs during SpringFest/Best of the Best Miami 2011at Bicentennial Park Miami, Florida - May 29, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Kelly ‘pleads for Gaga call’
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Kelly Osbourne is reportedly desperate for Lady Gaga to give her a telephone call to end a spat stemming back years. The pair’s public feud escalated over the weekend when Kelly told Gaga to “eat my s**t” after the singer presented Kelly’s mother, Sharon Osbourne, with a birthday cake for her daughter as a peace offering while performing on the X...
Kelly Osbourne attending "The 6th Annual Hollywood Style Awards" Beverly Hills, CA on Oct. 10, 2009
photo: GFDL

Miley 'hires pet stylist'
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Miley Cyrus has reportedly splashed out $15,000 on a stylist for her five dogs. The actress-and-singer is a huge animal fan and has five mutts, Floyd, Happy, Bean, Penny Lane and Mary Jane. Miley has undergone a total image overhaul over the last year, shaving and dyeing her hair, losing weight and flashing her toned figure in tiny outfits. It...
A Miley Cyrus cardboard cutout at VidCon 2012 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Chris Brown enters rehab for anger issues
Full Article The Independent
30 Oct 2013

Chris Brown has entered a rehabilitation centre for anger issues following his arrest for allegedly punching a man in the face. A representative for the singer said: “Chris Brown has elected to enter a rehab facility. His goal is to gain focus and insight into his past and recent behaviour, enabling him to continue the pursuit of his life... Brown
Singer Chris Brown performs on BET's 106 & Park show in New York, on Monday, March 21, 2011.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Grapevine: The Jonas Brothers call it quits
Full Article Detroit news
30 Oct 2013

Adam Graham The Detroit News Comments Joe, left, Nick and Kevin Jonas have suffered 'a deep rift.' (Peter Kramer / AP) Jonas Brothers call it a day The Jonas Brothers are calling it quits. Three weeks after canceling their tour due to “a deep rift within the band,” the Jo Bros revealed Tuesday how deep that rift was and announced their split to... Brothers
The Jonas Brothers
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Kevin Feige talks Loki reshoots and additional scenes
Full Article IMDb
02 Nov 2013

If you've seen Thor: The Dark World, you'll be aware that Tom...
Kevin Feige speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Thor: The Dark World", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Scarlett: Porn shocks me
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Scarlett Johansson doesn't know how she would react to learning her partner watched explicit videos. The American actress plays sassy New Jersey-born Barbara alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt's titular character in her latest film Don Jon In the movie Scarlett's character discovers her boyfriend is addicted to explicit videos, which prompts her to...
U.S. actress Scarlett Johansson is seen on stage at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo Thursday Dec. 11, 2008.
photo: AP / Heiko Junge, SCANPIX

Top chef Gyllenhaal
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
02 Nov 2013

Jake Gyllenhaal’s romance with model Alyssa Miller is going from strength to strength. The Hollywood heartthrob has been dating Sports Illustrated model Alyssa Miller for around four months. It seems the pair are smitten and enjoy inviting friends over for a meal – with Jake firmly in control in the kitchen. "I have people over all the time and we...
Jake Gyllenhaal at WonderCon 2010 2.
photo: Creative Commons / BrokenSphere

Tom Hiddleston surprises NYC kids at Halloween ‘Thor: the Dark World’ screening
Full Article Celebrity Café
02 Nov 2013

He may be the villain, but he’s not a bad guy! Actor Tom Hiddleston made a surprise appearance on Halloween night at a charity screening of his new film Thor: the Dark World. Hiddleston, who plays Thor’s mischievous adopted brother Loki in the sequel to 2011’s Thor, flew in all the way from London on Thursday to appear at a screening of the new...
Tom Hiddleston, portraying Loki, speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Thor: The Dark World", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Hrithik Roshan highly committed artist: Cinematographer Tirru
Full Article Headlines India
30 Oct 2013

Chennai, Oct 30: Renowned cinematographer Tirru, who has captured Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan as superhero through his lens in "Krrish 3", says he is one of the highly committed artists in the industry and wouldn't mind pushing himself to the edge. "Let's admit...
Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan attends the music release of his Hindi movie
photo: AP / Rajesh Nirgude

Sean Connery named America's favourite British actor
Full Article Digital Spy
28 Oct 2013

Sir Sean Connery has been named the greatest British actor of all time by American viewers. The full results of the biannual Q Score were made public for the first time, with past results also unveiled by organisers. Connery also topped the poll in 1998 and 2003, while Hugh Laurie came out on top in 2008. Sir Anthony Hopkins finished second in this...
 Sean Connery arrives at the American Film Institute Life Achievement Award event honoring Al Pacino in Los Angeles on Thursday, June 7, 2007. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles) (dn1)
photo: AP/Matt Sayles

Waltz to join Horrible Bosses 2
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
28 Oct 2013

Christoph Waltz is reportedly returning to the Horrible Bosses sequel. The Oscar-winner looks set to play the father of Chris Pine's character in the upcoming sequel, despite previously passing on the role, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He is said to be "close to finalising his deal" for the film. Christoph, 57, was recently linked to the...
Austrian actor Christoph Waltz reacts as he poses with the Best Actor award he received for the film 'Inglourious Basterds', at a photo call following the awards ceremony, during the 62nd International film festival in Cannes, southern France, Sunday, May 24, 2009.
photo: AP / Francois Mori

Charmed Reboot: Alyssa Milano Not Happy About Remake, Fans Hesitant
Full Article The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013

After news broke Friday that the long-running show about three magical sisters would be returning as a CBS pilot, longtime star Alyssa Milano took to Twitter, expressing a lack of enthusiasm in the project. Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in the series, said it seemed to early for a Charmed reboot. “The thing about them doing a #charmed...
Alyssa Milano MLB
photo: Public Domain / Rob39

Closer partnership among G20 members: State councilor
Full Article China Daily
02 Nov 2013

BEIJING - Member countries of the Group of 20 (G20) should take more measures to build closer partnerships, Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi said on Saturday. "China is an active participant, supporter of and contributor to the G20," Yang...
China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi speaks during a news conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing during the National People's Congress, Sunday, March 7, 2010.
photo: AP / Vincent Thian

Pound Slides Most Since July Versus Dollar on Fed Outlook
Full Article Bloomberg
02 Nov 2013

The pound posted its biggest weekly decline versus the dollar since July as signs the U.S. economy is strengthening fueled bets the Federal Reserve will slow stimulus that tends to debase the greenback. Sterling fell for a second week against the U.S. currency as a gauge of whether U.K. data is beating forecasts dropped to the lowest level since...
Sterling Pound
photo: Creative Commons / London Chow

Georgian PM names interior minister as his successor
Full Article Swissinfo
02 Nov 2013

Reuters November 2, 2013 - 12:37 By Margarita Antidze TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgia's prime minister on Saturday proposed his close ally, Interior Minister Irakly Garibashvili, to succeed him when he steps down in the next few weeks. Billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili has said he will quit as premier after Georgy Margvelashvili is sworn in as...
In this Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2013 photo Georgian Dream ruling coalition's presidential candidate, Georgy Margvelashvili speaks to The Associated Press in Tbilisi, Georgia. Georgian presidential elections will be held on Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013.
photo: AP / Shakh Aivazov

China President Xi confident about healthy economic growth
Full Article Swissinfo
02 Nov 2013

Reuters November 2, 2013 - 12:08 BEIJING (Reuters) - China President Xi Jinping is confident that China will have healthy economic growth and will not fall into a middle-income trap, he told a group of Chinese and foreign business leaders on Saturday. "We are currently changing our way of development, adjusting our economic structure,...
Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses students of MGIMO (Moscow State University for Foreign Relations) in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, March 23, 2013.
photo: AP / Misha Japaridze

Nissan cuts profit outlook, revamps management
Full Article The Associated Press
01 Nov 2013

YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) -- Nissan Motor Co., Japan's second-biggest automaker, cut its earnings forecast Friday and reshuffled its leadership lineup to cope with quality issues and tougher than expected conditions in many markets. The company posted a 107.8 billion yen ($1.1 billion) net profit for the July-September quarter, a meager 2 percent...
Nissan Leaf car displayed at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

Obama launches fresh effort to attract foreign investments
Full Article The Hindu
01 Nov 2013

Buoyed by a recent report that US has surged past countries like India and China to become a nation with the top FDI prospects, President Barack Obama has launched a fresh effort to attract foreign investments, saying America is a land of opportunities where “you can do business’’. Unveiling a set of new strategies to attract FDI...
President Barack Obama waves to the First Lady and guests seated in the gallery of the House Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Sept. 9, 2009.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

The State of The American Diet: Americans Eating More Fruit as Obesity Levels Off
Full Article Houston Chronicle
01 Nov 2013

The NPD Group’s 28th annual Eating Patterns in America Report finds Americans consume more fruit, more bottled water and more yogurt than they did a decade ago. Chicago (PRWEB) October 31, 2013 Americans are shifting to healthier, simpler diets and that has helped to stabilize obesity levels. The NPD Group, a leading global information company....
Stake of apples for sale in the local market, India
photo: WN / Geeta

Boeing to boost 737 production in 2017
Full Article The Business Review
31 Oct 2013

The Boeing Co. on Thursday said it plans to increase production of the 737 in 2017 to a record rate of 47 per month. Reporter- Wichita Business Journal | | | on Thursday said it plans to increase production of the 737 in 2017 to a record rate of 47 per month. The company currently builds 38 per month, a rate... 737 737 Max
Shown is a Boeing aircraft plant on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, in Ridley Park, Pa.
photo: AP / Matt Rourke

Why the US establishing military bases in Africa?-Africa Today-06-26-2012
Why the US establishing military bases in Africa?-Africa Today-06-26-2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:23
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013
A report from the Washington post has stated the US military have established small air bases in Africa to keep surveillance on some African regions they con...

The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban
The Enemy Within: The Pakistan Taliban
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:56
  • Updated: 23 Sep 2013
With rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan, this report asks whether the tribal borderlands are a ticking time bomb of extremism. For downloads and more information visit:;=2 Out of bounds for most Pakistanis, this report gains rare access to a deeply troubled corner of Pakistan. The army claims it has South Waziristan under control, but is it a ticking time bomb of extremism? In a military hospital in Islamabad, hundreds of "profoundly damaged and disabled" soldiers are being treated. They've come from the western tribal belt, where for the last nine years Pakistan has been waging a largely hidden war against extremists. "There has been this double game that has gone on for many years, of Pakistan supporting the NATO presence in Afghanistan and at the same time allowing the Afghan Taliban to operate against the NATO forces", explains Pakistan's foremost expert on Islamists in the region, Ahmed Rashid. He claims the government's duplicity has radicalised a local variant of the Taliban. "There is now a full-scale extremist movement in Pakistan that is trying to overthrow the State." The agents of some of the worst acts of global terrorism inhabit this remote frontier. Yet many local villagers claim life under the Taliban "was normal" and "nobody was afraid". They argue the army intervention in the region has only been destructive. In an attempt to win hearts and minds, the army has opened a high school for girls, which aid workers argue is "critical for countering extremism". However Pakistan's Taliban vow they're determined "to escalate the war". ABC Australia
  • published: 23 Sep 2013
  • views: 62246

Spain Joins France, Germany As Targets Of NSA Spying
Spain Joins France, Germany As Targets Of NSA Spying
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:35
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2013
"The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, has summoned the US ambassador to explain the latest revelations to emerge from the files leaked by Edward Snowden, which suggest the National Security Agency tracked more than 60m phone calls in Spain in the space of a month. Spain's European secretary of state, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, is meeting James Costos as the White House struggles to contain a growing diplomatic crisis following accusations that the NSA monitored the phones of scores of allies, including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. El Mundo newspaper reported on Monday that it had seen an NSA document that showed the US spy agency had intercepted 60.5m phone calls in Spain between 10 December 2012 and 8 January this year."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Paul Hamilos / The Guardian: Let's Build It Together! Join us for the next exciting chapter of TYT and build our next home with us. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) Buy TYT Merch:
  • published: 29 Oct 2013
  • views: 41282,_Germany_As_Targets_Of_NSA_Spying

LAX shooting - TSA agent killed by gunman in Los Angeles International Airport terminal 3
LAX shooting - TSA agent killed by gunman in Los Angeles International Airport terminal 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:04
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2013
LAX shooting: Gunman opens fire inside Los Angeles International Airport Terminal 3 LAX shooting 2013 LAX shooting airport terminal 3 Witness of the LAX shooting TSA agent dead describes being barricaded. gunman in LAX shootingAt least two people were injured in California after a gunman opened fire with a rifle at a security checkpoint. An evacuation is underway and the LAPD is on the scene full video At least two people, including a TSA worker, were shot when a gunman opened fire inside a busy terminal at Los Angeles International Airport, according to a report. The shooter apparently confronted the security worker before firing a round in the man's leg and squeezing off several shots inside Terminal 3 about 9:30 a.m., NBC Los Angeles reported. At least one other person was shot before authorities managed to nab the suspect, who was reportedly armed with a rifle. It was not immediately clear how bad the two people were hurt or if any other victims were shot in the gunfire. One person was being treated for a sprained ankle. A law enforcement said the suspect was taken into custody alive. All departing flights remained grounded an hour later as cops began evacuating neighboring terminals. Buses were spotted driving passengers away from the area after they disembarked from planes stopped near the runway. Police officers wearing SWAT gear were visible walking with guns drawn near paramedics and someone in a wheelchair wearing what looked like a red uniform jacket. The FAA has stopped flights preparing to take off for LAX
  • published: 01 Nov 2013
  • views: 3732

Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation
Documentary on Israel / Palestine - Occupation
  • Order:
  • Duration: 88:01
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2012
This documentary, titled "Occupation 101" explores the realities of Occuaption and Israel's systematic deprivation of human rights against the Palestinians. Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Info Palestinians face home demolitions leaving tens of thousands homeless. Checkpoints within the West Bank humiliate Palestinians who have to wait for hours. They are not for "security" and are placed between Palestinian cities. The apartheid wall is a giant concrete wall that dwarfs the Berlin Wall. The wal is not on the border, but 90% of it runs inside the West Bank, separating villages, and destroying homes and Palestinian farmland in the way of its construction 650,000 illegal Israeli settlers live in illegal settlements(colonies) on Palestinian land, destroying Palestinian homes and leaving innocent families and children homeless. 4.7 million Palestinians are classified by the U.N as refugees that were displaced from their homes by Israel. The Archbishop Tutu and Nelson Mandela as well as other South African leaders have reported that the Israeli apartheid is worse than in South Africa. "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians" - Nelson Mandela Please spread the movement!!!!!!! It worked for South Africa, and it will work to free Palestine from Israeli apartheid.
  • published: 11 Sep 2012
  • views: 30180

Spain Joins France, Germany As Targets Of NSA Spying
Spain Joins France, Germany As Targets Of NSA Spying
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:35
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2013
"The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, has summoned the US ambassador to explain the latest revelations to emerge from the files leaked by Edward Snowden, which suggest the National Security Agency tracked more than 60m phone calls in Spain in the space of a month. Spain's European secretary of state, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, is meeting James Costos as the White House struggles to contain a growing diplomatic crisis following accusations that the NSA monitored the phones of scores of allies, including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. El Mundo newspaper reported on Monday that it had seen an NSA document that showed the US spy agency had intercepted 60.5m phone calls in Spain between 10 December 2012 and 8 January this year."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Paul Hamilos / The Guardian: Let's Build It Together! Join us for the next exciting chapter of TYT and build our next home with us. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) Buy TYT Merch:
  • published: 29 Oct 2013
  • views: 41282,_Germany_As_Targets_Of_NSA_Spying

Was Tiananmen Square car fire a suicide attack? (3D crash reconstruction)
Was Tiananmen Square car fire a suicide attack? (3D crash reconstruction)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2013
Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on Monday was a suicide attack. "It looks like a premeditated suicide attack," a source with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid repercussions for talking to the foreign media. Security has been stepped up all around the popular tourist attraction, already one of China's most sensitive and well-guarded locations. The vehicle appeared to have driven several hundred metres along the pedestrian pavement in front of the Forbidden City entrance before bursting into flames, knocking down people as it went. The three occupants in the car died, as well as two tourists while 38 others were injured. Now authorities have launched an appeal for information about two suspects from its restive far western Xinjiang region. Beijing has blamed Uighur separatists and religious extremists for a series of attacks over the years in Xinjiang, saying they want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 29 Oct 2013
  • views: 4070

PROPHECY ALERT: "Israel Attacks Syria"
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:07
  • Updated: 31 Oct 2013
The United States government confirms that Israel has attacked Syria also
  • published: 31 Oct 2013
  • views: 13443

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:56
  • Updated: 14 Jan 2013
Rede record desmascara Eike Batista como art. 171 empresarial, (lobo disfarsado de cordeiro) fortuna vem das riquezas do solo brasileiro pertencentes a nação. Alta traição e lesa a patria. Art. 5 da CF 1988 I -é livre a manifestação do pensamento, sendo vedado o anonimato; DOSSIÊ SOBRE EIKE Polícia Federal. RIQUEZAS DO SOLO BRASILEIRO PERTENCEM AO POVO E A MAIS NINGUÉM CF 1988 - CBMM - NIÓBIO É DO POVO - Reportagem: Jayme Ribeiro
  • published: 14 Jan 2013

Timely Destruction: All Syria's chemical weapons production lines taken out
Timely Destruction: All Syria's chemical weapons production lines taken out
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:47
  • Updated: 01 Nov 2013
Damascus has met the first disarmament deadline, having destroyed all previously declared chemical weapons production and mixing equipment, the international watchdog has confirmed. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 01 Nov 2013
  • views: 3165's_chemical_weapons_production_lines_taken_out

Latest Snowden leak: NSA hacked into Google, Yahoo data streams
Latest Snowden leak: NSA hacked into Google, Yahoo data streams
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2013
The National Security Agency has infiltrated the links between Yahoo and Google data centers worldwide, according to the latest leaks by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Tapping into these links allows them to secretly siphon off information from those companies' data streams. The links between data centers are not encrypted, though Google announced in September that they will begin encrypting their links. Gen. Keith Alexander, head of the NSA, says that, to his knowledge, this program does not exist. RT's Sam Sacks has more information on how the latest revelations are different from the previously disclosed Prism surveillance program. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
  • published: 30 Oct 2013
  • views: 3689,_Yahoo_data_streams

Assad: no peace unless rebels lose support
Assad: no peace unless rebels lose support
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 31 Oct 2013
Syria's President says that peace talks to end the civil war in his country will only succeed if foreign powers stop supporting the opposition. Bashar al Assad made the comments during a visit with the UN special envoy, Lakdhar Brahimi. Diplomatic Editor James Bays reports.
  • published: 31 Oct 2013
  • views: 1204

W.H. Jay Carney Admits Obama's Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn't True For Some Americ
W.H. Jay Carney Admits Obama's Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn't True For Some Americ
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 02 Nov 2013
Güncel Videolardan haberdar olmak için kanalıma abone olmanız yeterlidir. W.H. Admits Obama's Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn't True For Some Americans (October 28, 2013) 10/28/13 - W.H. Jay Carney Admits Obama's Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn't True For Some Americans. All videos are for educational purposes only and are in accordance with the Internet Fair Use Act. Copyright Law Section 107 While fair use explicitly appli... Promises, Promises, Promises... If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. ~ Barack Obama Saying PERIOD for emphasis Obama's Broken Promises! - Can You Really Keep Your Health Plan Under Obamacare? Jay Carney Admits Obama's Keep Your Plan ObamaCare Promise Isn't True For Some Americans. President Obama assured German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the U.S. National Security Agency is not monitoring and will not monitor her cell-phone commun... CBS: ObamaCare Resulting In Dropped Coverage And Higher Premiums (October 28, 2013) During the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on the Affordable Care Act federal exchange website on Thursday morning, Representative Frank Pallone ... 10/28/13 - SNL Mocks Obamacare Website and Kathleen Sebelius - Saturday Night Live - Fox News Reports. Megyn Kelly battled with Democratic strategist Mark Hannah on Monday over a shocking report that revealed the Obama administration knew for years that millio... Real News @ — WASHINGTON — The White House finally admitted Monday that President Obama is breaking his promise that if you like you... Alex takes calls on the horrifying truths behind the rate hikes in Obamacare and how they are to break the American Economy. Stay in the know - Follow Alex o... Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt (Dr. Chaps), founder of The Pray in Jesus Name Project, explains how Obamacare's financial incentives will destroy families an... Natalie Willes is one of the millions of Americans who already have private health insurance but whose policies do not comply with the Affordable Care Act. M... AP's Julie Pace: Obama White House Very Worried About Botched ObamaCare Rollout (October 20, 2013) Kirsten Powers was on with Megyn moments ago to talk about Obamacare. She admitted that she is one of many Americans who has been booted off her insurance an... . 10/21/13 - NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd dug into White House Press Sec. Jay Carney on Monday following President Barack Obama's Rose G... Democratic operative and FOX News contributor Bob Beckel tells Bill Hemmer that he got a call from the White House after he suggested implementation for Obam... Actually the number is much higher than that.. According to health policy expert Bob Laszewski, roughly 16 million Americans will lose their current plans be... Read below: (CBS News) CBS News has uncovered a serious pricing problem with It stems from the Ob... Big story broke today about how our government knew Obamacare would kill 47-67% of insurance plans even though Obama keeps telling us If you like your docto...
  • published: 02 Nov 2013
  • views: 2's_Keep_Your_Plan_ObamaCare_Promise_Isn't_True_For_Some_Americ

President Obama Nominates Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chairwoman
President Obama Nominates Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chairwoman
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:02
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2013
Dr. Janet Yellen will be the first female Chairman (Chairwoman?) of the United States Federal Reserve, and will instantly become one of the most powerful people in the world, and arguably the most powerful woman in world history. Yellen currently serves is currently the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a role to which she was appointed in October 2010. Read about Janet Yellen here: And here: Subscribe to The Daily Conversation Join the conversation on Facebook Add TDC to your circles on Google+ Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Keywords: TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation, Janet Yellen, Dr. Janet Yellen, Yellen, Woman, First, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve, Fed, Bank, Central Bank, Economics, Economy, United States of America, Currency, Stimulus, Bond Buying, QE, Quantitative Easing, Smart, Best, Government, President Barack Obama, Senate, Confirmation Hearing, Confirmed, Economist, San Francisco, Announcement, Speech, Statement, News, Politics, World, Global, Policy, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Government Shutdown, Debt Limit, Debt Ceiling, democrat, democrats, Larry Summers
  • published: 09 Oct 2013
  • views: 628

"Palestinian Prisoners Released" Peace In The Middle East
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:38
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2013
Israel releases 26 Palestinian Prisoners as the peace process continues also
  • published: 30 Oct 2013
  • views: 1847

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel während einer Pressekonferenz in der Bundespressekonferenz. Manchester City's Yaya Toure celebrates after he scores the first goal of the game for his side during their English Premier League soccer match against Chelsea at the Etihad stadium in Manchester, England, Sunday Feb. 24, 2013. German Chancellor Angela Merkel sings the national anthym during an election campaign in Frankfurt, Germany, Friday, Aug.30, 2013. Released French hostage Daniel Larribe, center, is greeted by his wife Francoise, as he arrives at the Villacoublay military airbase outside Paris, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013.

President Barack Obama speaks about plans to thwart future terrorist attacks after an alleged terrorist attempt to destroy a Detroit-bound U.S. airliner on Christmas Day, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010, at the White House in Washington. New York Yankees Derek Jeter warming up before a game against the Baltimore Orioles on Thursday, June 28, 2007 in Baltimore. Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday, March 9, 2010.(AP Photo/Mark Lennihan) Dell goes private in $24.9 billion deal, to delist from Nasdaq today

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, second right, speaks to his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, not in the photo, during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, Monday, Aug. 19, 2013. In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Africa loses $50bn annually Wikipedia

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez, front, gestures to supporters at the Plaza de Mayo square next to Vice President-elect Amado Boudou, left, after general elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. AC Milan Brazilian forward Pato, center, celebrates with his teammates from left, Andrea Pirlo, Clarence Seedorf of the Netherlands, and coach Massimiliano Allegri, right, after scoring during the Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Lecce at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Aug 29, 2010. AC Milan won 4-0. Aussenminister Guido Westerwelle (FDP, r.) gibt am Mittwoch (15.02.12) in Rio de Janeiro in Brasilien dem Unternehmer und laut Forbes-Liste 2011 achtreichsten Mann der Welt Eike Batista die Hand.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki speaks during a press conference in Baghdad, Iraq Car bomb kills 40 as fears mount for trapped Syrians Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., speaks with reporters on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2013, in Washington. Time is growing short for Congress to prevent a threatened Treasury default and stop a partial government shutdown. File - A man looks at an image of Yasser Arafat during a rally in Gaza, marking the third anniversary of his death,10 November 2007.

President Barack Obama delivers remarks at a fundraiser for the Democratic Governors Association, Thursday, Oct. 1, 2009 in Washington. Richard Gasquet of France returns the ball to his compatriot Gilles Simon during their final at the Thailand Open tennis tournament in Bangkok, Thailand Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gestures as he speaks to the press after laying a wreath at the memorial of the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people during his visit at the site in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Australia suffered more deaths in the attacks than any other country, with 88 of its citizens dead. Ricky Ponting with Brad Haddin (left) and Nathan Hauritz (right) in the Third and final Test against South Africa in Sydney, January 2009 Vodafone - Vodafone, the  mobile operator company India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.

Roma can make it 10 victories from 10 against Chievo on Thursday - a Serie A record start - and, with this in mind, Goal takes a look at the top domestic winning runs in Europe...
Asia Times
By Jiwan Kshetry Speaking Freely is an Asia Times Online feature that allows guest writers to have their say. if you are interested in contributing. The Global Slavery Index...
The Independent
The jury that will decide the guilt or innocence of Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and six other defendants was sworn in at the Old Bailey with a warning from the judge that “British...

File - Pakistani men from tribal forces hold their weapons as others chant slogans against the Taliban in Raghagan, near Khar, in the troubled Bajaur agency, Pakistan, Friday, Sept. 26, 2008.
A tense Pakistan is awaiting the announcement of a new Taliban leader, after Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a drone strike on Friday. Few details are known about Mehsud's funeral, which is expected to take place on Saturday. Local media say...
photo: AP / Aamir Qureshi
Passengers evacuate the Los Angeles International Airport on Friday Nov. 1, 2013, in Los Angeles.
November 2, 2013 -- Updated 0112 GMT (0912 HKT) Travelers were evacuated from terminals at LAX Friday morning. (CNN) -- The impact of Friday's shooting at Los Angeles International Airport is still being felt by the nation's air travelers. The...
photo: AP / Ringo H.W. Chiu
FILE - In this Oct. 4, 2009 file photo, Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud, left, is seen with his comrade Waliur Rehman during his meeting with media in Sararogha, a Pakistani tribal area of South Waziristan along the Afghanistan border. Intelligence officials say the leader of the Pakistani Taliban was one of three people killed in a suspected U.S. drone strike on Friday, Nov. 1, 2013.The officials say agents sent to the site of the attack in the North Waziristan tribal area Friday confirmed the death of the militant leader, Hakimullah Mehsud.
Tweet Islamabad, Nov 2 (IANS) Pakistan Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone strike in the country's North Waziristan Agency Friday, Geo News reported. The Pakistan government, while refusing to confirm Mehsud' death, however,...
photo: AP / Ishtiaq Mehsud
LAPD spokesman Lt. Andy Neiman, left, with officer Norma Eisenman, talks to reporters during a news briefing at LAPD headquarters regarding Christopher Dorner, who is suspected of a deadly revenge plot against the Los Angeles Police Department on Wednesday, Feb. 13,2013. Neiman said the department has returned to normal patrol operations and said approximately a dozen of the more than 50 protective details remain in place and will stay that way until the remains of Dorner are positively identified.
A suspect in a multiple-victim shooting incident at Los Angeles International Airport has been shot and taken into custody, and is the only suspect in the incident. Police spokeswoman Officer Norma Eisenman said that the suspect was taken into...
photo: AP / Richard Vogel
Palestinian relatives gather around a body of Hamas militant Rabea Baraka, 23, during his funeral outside of his family house in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Friday, Nov. 1, 2013.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli aircraft bombed what the military described as a "terror tunnel" used by Hamas in Gaza and the militant Palestinian group said three of its fighters were killed in the strike early Friday. The military said it carried out the...
photo: AP / Adel Hana
President Barack Obama and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shake hands after their meeting in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2009.
By Agence France-Presse on 10:38 am November 1, 2013. Category International, World Tags: Iraq, Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Iraq War, United States, US President Barack Obama Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki speaks at a United States...
photo: AP / Alex Brandon
Secretary of State John Kerry speaks at the State Department in Washington. Kerry will make his first overseas trip next week to Europe and the Middle East, but is skipping Israel because that country's government isn't fully formed after recent elections.
US Secretary of State John Kerry has said for the first time that in some cases, US spying has gone too far, amid a row with Europe over the matter. "I assure you, innocent people are not being abused in this process, but there's an effort to...
photo: AP / Jacquelyn Martin