Featured Stories

15 Nov 2013 - 4:24pm

IDEPSCA’s great 7th annual dinner is coming on November 15th, “A better world is possible, lets get united”. It is going to be a great honor to share and commemorate struggles, defeats and successes, besides having lots of fun and dancing with many of IDEPSCA’s leaders, as...

11 Oct 2013 - 5:10pm

The federal government shutdown has prompted a sudden halt to many services. You can't visit national parks (unless, you are in Utah, but the state there is covering the costs during the lapse in appropriations), you can't contact the IRS for issues and concerns or obtain...

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7 Oct 2013 - 2:41am

It is the [political] theory of Trickle Down Economics that when the rich are given tax breaks, they are able to invest their extra money and these investments benefit everyone from the top to the bottom. It is assumed that the wealth will “trickle down," primarily in the...

8 Aug 2013 - 12:41pm

IDEPSCA is part of the Free Our Cars Coalition working alongside other Los Angeles County based organizations and communities. Together we are launching our campaign to change unfair towing practices. The campaign will collect anonymous stories from victims of unfair impounds...

29 Jul 2013 - 5:09pm

If you find yourself at one of Los Angeles' abundant farmer's markets, try spotting the brown boxes with the blue and orange Food Forward logo. Those stands that count with one of those boxes are some of the families or small businesses that donate some of their excess...

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11/16/2013 - 4:19pm
11/16/2013 - 3:20pm

La noche de la Cena Gala Martín Hernández recibió el premio "SI SE PUEDE"

por su trabajo en la Organización...

11/16/2013 - 3:09pm

El pasado15 de abril se celebro la 7a. Cena Gala de IDEPSCA,I instituto  de Educación Popular del Sur de California.

11/16/2013 - 1:00pm


11/15/2013 - 4:24pm

IDEPSCA’s great 7th annual dinner is coming on November 15th, “A better world is possible, lets get united”. It is going to be a great honor to share and...

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11/12/2013 - 4:57pm

Se fue la Quina, personaje hecho y destruido a la medida del poder politico en Mexico.

la corrupcion fenomeno universal, mas el arrodillamiento de...

11/9/2013 - 9:01pm

El pasado 9 de noviembre de este año, personas no identificadas,robaron en el Centro de trabajo de Harbor de Harbor City, que se localiza en la...

11/9/2013 - 8:09pm

Personas de la Comunidad de la Ciudad de Wilmington CA, y personal del Centro de Trabajo Harbor City, ubicado en la Figueroa Pl, invitados por el Señor...

11/7/2013 - 5:19pm

El Ballet  Folklorico Nurva Antequera lo invita a la vela Muxe LA 2013 a la Coronacion de la primera Reina Muxe el próximo 16 de noviembre a...

11/7/2013 - 5:08pm

Vela Muxe lo invita al bazar Istmeño el domingo 10 de noviembre de 3 de la tarde con la participación de

Xti atrisan en el...

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11/7/2013 - 1:32pm

El Museo lacma lo invita a su serie de cine independiente con las películas:

Redes el próximo viernes 15 de noviembre a las 7:...

11/3/2013 - 12:13pm

EL 20 DE ENERO 2013 se cumplieron 100 años que murió Jose Guadalupe Posadas, quien nació un 2 de febrero de 1852. 


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11/1/2013 - 1:12am
10/31/2013 - 5:56pm

A pesar que si hay personas que no me parece lo que hacen, y apesar que no estoy de acuerdo con tener enemigos pero si tuviese, no le dedearia que se hieran...

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10/30/2013 - 11:02am

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