Marietta - cinco de mayo shit show
summer death
published: 27 Oct 2013
Marietta - cinco de mayo shit show
Marietta - cinco de mayo shit show
summer death http://whereismarietta.bandcamp.com/ http://facebook.com/whereismarietta lately it's been getting late but i'm not tired, and no thanks to sleepless nights spent burning with desire. so i'll get in my car. we drove to the shoreline with the check engine light on. we slept in a spare room, sparing no thoughts for our friends. and we're all going straight to hell for all the lies we tell ourselves. last night i wanted to leave all my friends out. desperate chance dragged me out of the sand. but chance's certain way of getting stuck on one small desperate action robbed me of all my good luck. why did i think i could make it better now? why did i think i could keep my feet on the ground? if i wake up and accidentally crawl into your arms, it's nothing personal. personhood has always seemed so strange. why do things always have to go and change? be better off if things just stayed the same. if i freak out and crash my fucking car into your house, of course it's personal. personhood has made me feel this way. why do things always have to go and change? be better off if things just stayed the same. i'm getting too old for this shit. i'm throwing fits and acting like a kid again.- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 436
Marietta - O.K., Mom
New song from this awesome comp. http://lame-orecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-big-comp....
published: 06 Apr 2013
author: Francisco Lastra
Marietta - O.K., Mom
Marietta - O.K., Mom
New song from this awesome comp. http://lame-orecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-big-comp.- published: 06 Apr 2013
- views: 280
- author: Francisco Lastra
You give me love _ Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier (Official song)
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gr/album/you-give-me-love-feat.-gautier/id845099501
published: 26 Mar 2014
You give me love _ Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier (Official song)
You give me love _ Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier (Official song)
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/gr/album/you-give-me-love-feat.-gautier/id845099501 Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J5O8P7W/ref=dm_ws_tlw_trk1 Song title: You give me love Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier Music and Lyrics: Marietta Fafouti / http://www.mariettafafouti.com Singer: Gautier / https://www.facebook.com/gautierofficial Producer: Renos Papastavros Mix Engineer: Grigoris Galanis Recorded at Musou Studios Mastering studio: Colour Sound Studio_Paris_France / http://www.colorsoundstudio.com/ Sound Engineer: David Hachour Photo Shoot and Cover artwork: Constantine Belias / http://www.constantinebelias.co Styling: Katerina Chalioti / http://www.boudoirvestiario.com Musou Records ℗+©2014 Musou Music Publishing and Productions http://www.musou.gr Press and Radio Requests: info@musou.gr You give me love I'm little bird and you're the sun When I see your light my heart is flying I'm a little star and you' re the sky Even if I fall I won't let you down You give me love... I'm a little stone and you're the sand When I'm in your arms my soul is calm And I'm a little kid and you're my home So, when I see your eyes I see my hopes You give me love... I'm a little prince and you're my hope I could give my heart to prove there's love You give me love...- published: 26 Mar 2014
- views: 13430
Hőna D ft. Hekiii & Galambos Marietta - Lehull az álarc [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
Hőna D: http://www.facebook.com/hona.david
Hekiii: http://www.facebook.com/heki3ivel
published: 06 Oct 2013
Hőna D ft. Hekiii & Galambos Marietta - Lehull az álarc [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
Hőna D ft. Hekiii & Galambos Marietta - Lehull az álarc [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
Hőna D: http://www.facebook.com/hona.david Hekiii: http://www.facebook.com/heki3ivel Galambos Marietta: https://www.facebook.com/galambosmarietta A klipet Almost Already készítette: http://www.facebook.com/AlmostAlready Szöveg: Hőna D, Hekiii, Galambos Marietta Zene: Hőna D, Anonim MC Hangmérnök/Mastering: Kolláth Zsolt (Cultus Digital), Hőna D Forgatókönyv: Hőna D Rendező: Hőna Dávid (Hőna D), Uzorás Viktor (Hekiii), Schilling Roland (Almost Already) Operatőr: Schilling Roland (Almost Already) Honlap: www.honad.hu Dalszöveg: Intro (MARIETTA) Vár egy érzés hív halkan keress még itt maradtam Őszinte vágy hazug szó lehull az álarc mire jó Verze 1. (HEKIII) Rengeteg érzés kavarog most bennem, itt van ez a lány és hát mit kéne tennem ?! Megfeszült gyomorral, a hangulatot oldottan, a bánatot sokszor alkoholba folytottam. Elborúlt fejjel, mindig jön a másnap, a gondolatok folyton maguk alá ásnak. Eltöprengtem azon, tisztán kell, hogy lássak, ami nekem nem ment, mér' megy könnyen másnak ?! Ének esőben, süllyedek a sárba', kitaposott ösvényen a lábnyomait járva. Szájak tátva, ki, mit akar egy nőtől ?! ha nem vágja le egyből, mit takar az öltöny. Furfang a helyén, minden készen áll, ha csórinak születtél a fullos csaj messze jár. Hamisított óra, tagadd le az árát, és mosolyogj egy nagyot, ha kihozzák a számlát. Refr. (MARIETTA) Vár egy érzés hív halkan keress még itt maradtam Őszinte vágy hazug szó lehull az álarc mire jó Szomorú ének sír a dallam szavakat suttog még hogy halljam Megtalállak nem engedlek merre jársz még kereslek Verze 2. (HŐNA D) Kattog az agyam a gondolat fűrészpor olaj már nincs elégett tűzvész volt A tűréspont hol lehet nem tudom de ezt a sok fájdalmat lassan már megunom Könnyebb a lelkem ha dallamokra ülhet tudom, hogy ez segít mig a szívem lüktet Mindig csak tűrtem a számon lakat volt könnyeztem mikor a vonatod már messze zakatolt Nem tartok haragot mert mikor láthatlak minden csók az utolós mit lehelsz a szájamnak Dőlj a vállamnak őrzöm az álmod bárki is az volt én nem leszek álnok Cseréljünk számot csak ne kilnecvennel kezdődjön nem kell hogy a kurva kór még tovább fertőzzön A szex tetőzzön csak érzelemmel átszőve egybe legyek szerelmes ne pedig száz nőbe Verze 3. (HEKIII) Lehull az álarc Egyszer lehull az álarc (HŐNA D) Lehull az álarc szomorú az ének sír a dallam de mi az igaz éned Megtalálom addig nem engedlek egy hang azt súgja "Kérlek keresd meg"- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 12378
Marietta - Yeah Yeah, Utah
Couples Therapy split (Marietta / Modern Baseball split)
published: 18 May 2012
Marietta - Yeah Yeah, Utah
Marietta - Yeah Yeah, Utah
Couples Therapy split (Marietta / Modern Baseball split) http://whereismarietta.bandcamp.com/ http://www.facebook.com/whereismarietta http://modernbaseballpa.bandcamp.com/ http://www.facebook.com/ModernBaseball Andy, the highway looked so dark When the black took control of my eyes When something made my focus smash And I'll be back when the rest of it dies The voice in my head was gone Every sort of person looked like hell With their hands in their pockets And the marks on their scalp If I get a chance to breathe I couldn't breathe under all of that weight, and the things that we've seen. With all the dead, with their hats on their chest, and their thoughts in the leaves. I can't breathe (The highway looked so dark I'm drowning underwater) Tear the fever out of my lungs, put the cold back under my tongue.- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 2125
Marietta - Destination Unknown
Marietta - Destination Unknown I see life and it's passin' right before my eyes And the pa...
published: 11 Jun 2009
author: Matije
Marietta - Destination Unknown
Marietta - Destination Unknown
Marietta - Destination Unknown I see life and it's passin' right before my eyes And the past is the past don't regret it, time to realize I need to walk on t...- published: 11 Jun 2009
- views: 152358
- author: Matije
You Give Me Love - Marietta Fafouti ft. Gautier
Marietta Fafouti - You Give Me Love (feat. Gautier)
Song title: You give me love
published: 25 Mar 2014
You Give Me Love - Marietta Fafouti ft. Gautier
You Give Me Love - Marietta Fafouti ft. Gautier
Marietta Fafouti - You Give Me Love (feat. Gautier) Song title: You give me love Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier Producer Renos Papastavros. Musou Records ℗+©2014 Musou Music Publishing and Productions I'm little bird and you're the sun When I see your light my heart is flying I'm a little star and you' re the sky Even if I fall I won't let you down You give me love... I'm a little stone and you're the sand When I'm in your arms my soul is calm And I'm a little kid and you're my home So, when I see your eyes I see my hopes You give me love... I'm a little prince and you're my hope I could give my heart to prove there's love You give me love...- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 8050
Marietta Slomka streitet mit Sigmar Gabriel
ZDF heute-journal vom 28.11.2013
Marietta Slomka streitet heftig mit dem SPD-Vorsitzenden ...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Marietta Slomka streitet mit Sigmar Gabriel
Marietta Slomka streitet mit Sigmar Gabriel
ZDF heute-journal vom 28.11.2013 Marietta Slomka streitet heftig mit dem SPD-Vorsitzenden Sigmar Gabriel über die Legitimierung des neuen Koalitionsvertrags durch die SPD-Mitglieder- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 3216
You Give Me Love - Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier (lyrics) [V]
published: 25 Mar 2014
You Give Me Love - Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier (lyrics) [V]
You Give Me Love - Marietta Fafouti feat. Gautier (lyrics) [V]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe For More! Official site: http://thanasisvevo.webs.com/ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ThanasisVEVO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-V/425950037476083?fref=ts MixCloud: http://www.mixcloud.com/thanasisvevo2/- published: 25 Mar 2014
- views: 3735
Fito Paez- Marietta- Album: Dreaming Rosario- 2013
℗ 2013 Sony Music Entertainment Argentina S.A.
Suscribanse si les gusta Fito Paez, y haga...
published: 05 Oct 2013
Fito Paez- Marietta- Album: Dreaming Rosario- 2013
Fito Paez- Marietta- Album: Dreaming Rosario- 2013
℗ 2013 Sony Music Entertainment Argentina S.A. Suscribanse si les gusta Fito Paez, y hagan click en "Me gusta"!!! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AbsolutPaez Grupo en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/absolutpaez Twitter: https://twitter.com/AbsolutPaez Canal Principal: https://www.youtube.com/CulturaRockArgentino (Ya no subo vídeos al canal principal, pero en el pueden encontrar, entrevistas, conciertos, vídeos de Fito Paez.)- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 2417
Marietta Trucos de Trompos 2
Sziasztok !
Itt van a a 2. része a videónak.Ebben most csak egy pár trükköt mutatok be.
published: 24 Aug 2013
Marietta Trucos de Trompos 2
Marietta Trucos de Trompos 2
Sziasztok ! Itt van a a 2. része a videónak.Ebben most csak egy pár trükköt mutatok be. A végén Alex trükközik,az ő videója a Florida-i világbajnokságon készült. Csináltam egy weboldalt , ahova oktató videókat fogok felrakni !! www.tromposm-a.webnode.hu Köszönöm , hogy megnézted a videót! Thanks for watching! Gracias por ver este video.- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 328
Don't stop - Marietta Fafouti - Official Video
In a parallel universe a group of people receive some rather strange letters. These letter...
published: 14 Jun 2011
author: Marietta Fafouti
Don't stop - Marietta Fafouti - Official Video
Don't stop - Marietta Fafouti - Official Video
In a parallel universe a group of people receive some rather strange letters. These letters invite them to go somewhere in order to receive an item each. But...- published: 14 Jun 2011
- views: 210742
- author: Marietta Fafouti
AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga call 404 620 4433 Free Estimate
AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga http://www.achandymanservices.com/marietta-ga...
published: 20 Dec 2013
AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga call 404 620 4433 Free Estimate
AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga call 404 620 4433 Free Estimate
AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga http://www.achandymanservices.com/marietta-ga/ 227 Sandy Springs Place NE, Atlanta Ga 30328 404-620-4440 http://youtu.be/xNy8zAPSck8 - AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga Hello, I'm Gary McCormick, a Ga state licensed builder and owner of AC Handyman Services Marietta Ga. We're an Atlanta general contractor and custom home builder providing home remodeling, commercial remodeling, home improvement and a full spectrum of handyman services Marietta Ga and North Atlanta for 15 years. I'm assuming that you found and watched this video because you've got a construction job of some kind, small or large, residential or commercial, that needs to be completed. If so, then you're in luck, as we offer just about every handyman trade and construction service you could need, we're relatively affordable (usually 2nd lowest or middle out of 5 bids) and we do it right the first time. Here are some of the handyman Marietta construction services and sub-contractor trades we offer: excavation, concrete, block, brick, stone, framing, plumbing, heating & ac, electrical, low voltage, insulation, drywall, trim carpentry, painting, tile installation, hardwood flooring, cabinets, counter tops, drop ceiling, siding, exterior trim, roofing, cornice (soffit & facia), gutters, decks, patios, porches, windows, doors, hardscapes, outdoor kitchens, driveways, etc. We also provide the following primary services as an Atlanta general contractor: custom home builders, home remodeling, commercial remodeling, home renovations, office remodeling, basement remodeling, house renovations, garage building, basement finishing, house remodeling, home additions, office additions, attic build-outs, custom home builders, general contractors, commercial remodeling, home remodeling, basement remodeling, kitchen remodeling, bathroom remodeling, residential general contractors, commercial general contractors, home remodeling, commercial remodeling, custom home builders, basement finishing, kitchen remodeling, home additions, bathroom remodeling and all the various Atlanta handyman services you could possibly need, whether residential or light commercial. We provide handyman services Marietta Ga and also serve: North Atlanta, Kennesaw, Roswell, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Woodstock, Smyrna, Acworth, Milton, Johns Creek, Duluth, Buckhead, Vinings, Brookhaven, Norcross, etc. We invite you to check out our Marietta handyman services website at www.achandymanservices.com/marietta-ga/, where you can not only see pictures of our real life, high quality Marietta handyman work, but also read our testimonials and get access to some of our hourly and fixed handyman Marietta Ga pricing. Once you've checked-out our site, go to the Atlanta Better Business Bureau and other review sites to confirm that we're A+ rated Atlanta general contractors, custom home builders providing remodeling, home improvement and handyman services in Atlanta Ga. You can see that in 15 years, we haven't had a claim related to handyman services Marietta Ga. Give us a try and we'll earn your long-term business! Won't it be nice to have one phone # that you can call to get a quick, affordable price on anything you need done around your home or business? Heck, you can even email or fax over your plans, photos or other bids and we'll get an estimate back to you without all the usual hassle and headache. Ok, go check us out and then call or email us back so we can answer any other questions you may have and get your free estimate scheduled today! http://youtu.be/xNy8zAPSck8 - AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga AC Marietta Handyman Services Marietta Ga http://www.achandymanservices.com/marietta-ga/ 227 Sandy Springs Place NE, Atlanta Ga 30328 404-620-4433- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 0
Fort Hill projects Marietta, Ga
Please turn on HD for viewing if possible. I think the pictures look much better. This is ...
published: 31 Dec 2012
author: terminuszone1
Fort Hill projects Marietta, Ga
Fort Hill projects Marietta, Ga
Please turn on HD for viewing if possible. I think the pictures look much better. This is the Fort Hill project in Marietta. I believe it's the first project...- published: 31 Dec 2012
- views: 814
- author: terminuszone1
Youtube results:
SPD Sigmar Gabriel fetzt sich mit Marietta Slomka Heute Journal 28 11 2013
Im ZDF Heute Journal vom 28.11.2013 fuehrt Marietta Slomka ein Interview mit Sigmar Gabrie...
published: 28 Nov 2013
SPD Sigmar Gabriel fetzt sich mit Marietta Slomka Heute Journal 28 11 2013
SPD Sigmar Gabriel fetzt sich mit Marietta Slomka Heute Journal 28 11 2013
Im ZDF Heute Journal vom 28.11.2013 fuehrt Marietta Slomka ein Interview mit Sigmar Gabriel mit teilweise heftigen Aussagen auf beiden Seiten. Thema: Mitgliederbefragung. Ein denkwuerdiges Interview.- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 17
Marietta monta in gondola
MARIETA MONTA IN GONDOLA (Bixio-Cherubini-Concina) lui: Marieta monta in gondola che mi te...
published: 26 Sep 2009
author: altogarda
Marietta monta in gondola
Marietta monta in gondola
MARIETA MONTA IN GONDOLA (Bixio-Cherubini-Concina) lui: Marieta monta in gondola che mi te porto al Lido! lei: Mi no che no me fido, ti xè massa un impostor!...- published: 26 Sep 2009
- views: 109886
- author: altogarda
Marietta Fafouti - Become the sun
"Become the sun" is a song from Marietta's Fafouti second Album "Homemade Joy" by Inner Ea...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Marietta Fafouti
Marietta Fafouti - Become the sun
Marietta Fafouti - Become the sun
"Become the sun" is a song from Marietta's Fafouti second Album "Homemade Joy" by Inner Ear Records (more @ mariettafafouti.com | inner-ear.gr). Producer: Th...- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 68743
- author: Marietta Fafouti
Marietta Fafouti - Kookoobadi (Official Video Clip)
Απλοί καθημερινοί άνθρωποι, βρίσκονται ξαφνικά ως δια μαγείας κάτω από μια ντισκομπάλα. Γι...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: Marietta Fafouti
Marietta Fafouti - Kookoobadi (Official Video Clip)
Marietta Fafouti - Kookoobadi (Official Video Clip)
Απλοί καθημερινοί άνθρωποι, βρίσκονται ξαφνικά ως δια μαγείας κάτω από μια ντισκομπάλα. Για τα επόμενα τρισήμιση λεπτά όλος ο κόσμος θα γυρίζει από εκείνους....- published: 11 Jun 2012
- views: 478179
- author: Marietta Fafouti