Stand up for your rights

American Atheists fights to protect the absolute separation of religion from government and raise the profile of atheism in the public discourse.

Since 1963, American Atheists has been taking the principled and uncompromising position that our government should give no special treatment or preference to religious belief. Through lawsuits, innovative public relations campaigns, and education, we are working to normalize atheism and allow more and more people to set aside religious belief and superstition.

Double your Impact

American Atheists has filed suit against the IRS to challenge the special treatment given to churches in the Tax Code and we need your help. Gifts to our $100,000 Fair Taxation Fund will be doubled! 

If you like our Times Square Billboard and other awareness campaigns, you can support our $50,000 Awareness Fund Match and also have your gift matched.

American Atheists Center

A Resource for Atheists Nationwide

The American Atheists Center is a unique and rich resource for scholars, students, and those interested in the history of the atheist movement. Live tapings of Atheist Viewpoint occur on the first and second Wednesday of every month.

2014 National Convention

Chris Kluwe to deliver keynote

American Atheists is pleased to announce that NFL player and punter for the Oakland Raiders will deliver the Keynote at our 2014 National Convention is Salt Lake City, Utah.

For more information, including a full list of speakers, visit the convention page.

What's Happening

American Atheists Center
PO Box 158, Cranford, NJ 07016
Phone: 908.276.7300

American Atheists Center
PO Box 158, Cranford, NJ 07016
Phone: 908.276.7300

Copyright 2013 American Atheists