I-Film Chiayi-歡喜嘉義
一位十八歲就離開家鄉的女子,在都市庸庸碌碌的工作及生活,沒有目標、沒有方向,因此她毅然決然地向公司請了假,回到這塊土地,決定在此找回自己。 走過一個個陌生卻又熟悉的地方,品嚐小時候...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: hwahwaheehee100
I-Film Chiayi-歡喜嘉義
I-Film Chiayi-歡喜嘉義
一位十八歲就離開家鄉的女子,在都市庸庸碌碌的工作及生活,沒有目標、沒有方向,因此她毅然決然地向公司請了假,回到這塊土地,決定在此找回自己。 走過一個個陌生卻又熟悉的地方,品嚐小時候記憶裡的味道,每一個人親切的笑臉,都讓她感到溫暖,望著家的天空、呼吸家的氣息,舒服的步調讓她的壓力得到釋放。 回嘉,真好! 歡歡喜喜獨...- published: 16 Nov 2011
- views: 11933
- author: hwahwaheehee100
One Day in Chiayi
Chiayi today's footage! Just a few tricks because we were all skating and we didn't use th...
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: Antonio Chen
One Day in Chiayi
One Day in Chiayi
Chiayi today's footage! Just a few tricks because we were all skating and we didn't use the camera much... Riders: Antonio Chen Isun Chen Dale Nolan Jr. Film...- published: 14 Jul 2012
- views: 196
- author: Antonio Chen
Night Market Chiayi, Taiwan
published: 21 Mar 2009
author: Eric Stoner
Night Market Chiayi, Taiwan
Night market in Chiayi city
Different types of foods....
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: laoshu505000
Night market in Chiayi city
Night market in Chiayi city
Different types of foods.- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 1835
- author: laoshu505000
Taiwan 2008: Chiayi
My home town. Chiayi City (sometimes romanized as Jiayi) (traditional Chinese: 嘉義市; Tongyo...
published: 05 Apr 2009
author: Charles Lee
Taiwan 2008: Chiayi
Taiwan 2008: Chiayi
My home town. Chiayi City (sometimes romanized as Jiayi) (traditional Chinese: 嘉義市; Tongyong Pinyin: Jiayì Shìh; Hanyu Pinyin: Jiāyì Shì; Wade-Giles: Chia-i ...- published: 05 Apr 2009
- views: 584
- author: Charles Lee
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【千里眼順風耳】
published: 07 Oct 2013
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【千里眼順風耳】
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【千里眼順風耳】
●影片簡介 嘉義新港鄉出生的浩杯和柏右,從小在媽祖面前承諾要一起保護新港文化。浩杯為了推廣新港的文化,決定到台北參加音樂比賽,讓柏右不諒解。浩杯透過在鄉親面前呈現他的表演告訴柏右,自己沒有忘記當初保護新港的承諾,。柏右了解浩杯的心意後,決定支持他到台北比賽。比賽結果,浩杯獲得好成績,藉此將新港的文化推廣出去。 ●導演簡介--李兆文 就讀朝陽科技大學傳播藝術系二年級,本身對影像創作十分有興趣。 ●創作理念 媽祖一直是人們的信仰,凡是有願望或是心靈寄託都會向神明傾訴 但是科技化的時代往往會讓人們忘記自己原有的文化,所以這次將 國外的搖滾與媽祖的文化結合,希望可以達到接受新文化也不忘本 的感覺- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 565
Alishan (阿里山) National Scenic Area, Chiayi,10/31/2011
Alishan is famous for its rich forests, cherry blossoms. Alishan is also well known for it...
published: 02 Nov 2011
author: prototyped
Alishan (阿里山) National Scenic Area, Chiayi,10/31/2011
Alishan (阿里山) National Scenic Area, Chiayi,10/31/2011
Alishan is famous for its rich forests, cherry blossoms. Alishan is also well known for its sunrises, and on a suitable morning one can observe the sun come ...- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 1993
- author: prototyped
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) - Bullet Train to Chiayi City from Taipei
The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) is probably one of the world's fastest trains which trav...
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: WiredMash
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) - Bullet Train to Chiayi City from Taipei
Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) - Bullet Train to Chiayi City from Taipei
The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) is probably one of the world's fastest trains which travel at a speed of 300Km/hr. We took the bullet train from Taipei Cit...- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 1904
- author: WiredMash
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【少年頭家】
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【少年頭家】
published: 07 Oct 2013
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【少年頭家】
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【少年頭家】
2013 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽-【少年頭家】 ●影片簡介 主要以記錄的方式,透過影像來傳達一位生長在嘉義布袋的年輕人,畢業後選擇留在家鄉工作的故事,他以他的人生經驗和外地工作的歷練,與我們作分享與學習,分享經營從長輩那接手的傳統海產店,分享自己當中的心情與心態,以及自己樂觀進取的態度。 ●導演簡介 鄭諭駿,本科視覺傳達設計攻讀影像藝術組,對影像創作相當熱愛,除了平常學校課業創作之外,並會利課餘製作參與影片比賽。這次參賽除了累積作品外,也延續上一屆愛瘋嘉義的熱忱,更希望能夠在自己的家鄉拍攝紀錄,發現更多美好的事物與故事,藉此宣傳家鄉嘉義的地方人文風情。 ●創作理念 本片創作理念以田園城市之在地就業精神為出發,以一位年輕老闆的主觀作拍攝,引導觀眾,藉由少年頭家的精神為借鏡,勉勵大家積極進取的學習態度,最後會體會到生活在這美麗的嘉義縣並在這裡工作多麼幸福的事。- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 436
【愛瘋嘉縣】 2012 I-Film Chiayi愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽 「找回嘉人」
縣長臉書:https://www.facebook.com/flowerhome520 ) 最佳故事情節:李嵩霖「找回嘉人」。...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: 嘉義縣政府 縣長張花冠
【愛瘋嘉縣】 2012 I-Film Chiayi愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽 「找回嘉人」
【愛瘋嘉縣】 2012 I-Film Chiayi愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽 「找回嘉人」
縣長臉書:https://www.facebook.com/flowerhome520 ) 最佳故事情節:李嵩霖「找回嘉人」。- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 469
- author: 嘉義縣政府 縣長張花冠
Youtube results:
Chiayi, Tainan leaders deflect storm blame to central government
Local leaders in southern Taiwan took advantage of Premier Jiang Yi-huah's disaster inspec...
published: 01 Sep 2013
Chiayi, Tainan leaders deflect storm blame to central government
Chiayi, Tainan leaders deflect storm blame to central government
Local leaders in southern Taiwan took advantage of Premier Jiang Yi-huah's disaster inspection tour today to appeal for more central government support. Chiayi called for more funding to improve drainage and Tainan demanded greater accuracy from the Central Weather Bureau so it can predict floods. Neither may end up getting its wish. That is Helen Chang, the commissioner of Chiayi County. She is appealing to the premier for support after the flooding of Minsyong and Singang townships. The disaster occurred because repairs to the Bizitou drainage system are unfinished. The central government budgeted NT$80 billion over eight years for local governments to manage water, but Chiayi's portion will be gone by the end of the year. It has received no promise of extra money.Jiang Yi-huahPremierTh- published: 01 Sep 2013
- views: 57
Pulling out of Chiayi station on Taiwan HSR
The fantastic acceleration on Taiwan's High-Speed Railway is evident on this video of serv...
published: 26 Feb 2013
author: Kushan Mitra
Pulling out of Chiayi station on Taiwan HSR
Pulling out of Chiayi station on Taiwan HSR
The fantastic acceleration on Taiwan's High-Speed Railway is evident on this video of service 748 pulling out of Chiayi station. The train accelerates from 0...- published: 26 Feb 2013
- views: 62
- author: Kushan Mitra
I-film chiayi +1 plus one.mpg
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: sofung200713
I-film chiayi +1 plus one.mpg
I-film chiayi +1 plus one.mpg
小歐是忙碌的業務員,常常要出差,雖然路途中有美麗的風景,但總是忽略,因為一次偶然來到了嘉義,也因此認識了女孩,小歐透過女孩見到了嘉義的美,女孩也找到了懂得欣賞嘉義的人,城市不一定是快速的繁榮生活,田園的寧靜單純,可以讓我們的心找到歸屬。- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 612
- author: sofung200713
2012 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽得奬作品-初一十五
2012 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽得奬作品--年度最佳影片『初一十五』蕭守峰....
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: chiayicounty
2012 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽得奬作品-初一十五
2012 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽得奬作品-初一十五
2012 I-Film Chiayi 愛瘋嘉義創意短片競賽得奬作品--年度最佳影片『初一十五』蕭守峰.- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 71
- author: chiayicounty