SWAN - The Social Work Action Network

Welcome to SWAN's website. Please check out features such as the SWAN regional webpages and previous conference resources. You can join SWAN here. Don't forget to sign up to our newsletter and keep abreast of developments for the 2014 SWAN Conference.

SWAN is a network of social work practitioners, academics, students and social welfare service users united in their concern that social work activity is being undermined by managerialism and marketisation, by the stigmatisation of service users and by welfare cuts and restrictions.

SWAN promotes a model of social work and social care practice which is rooted in the value of social justice. This model seeks to advocate alongside, and on behalf of, service users and carers. It values both individual relationship-based practice and collective approaches.

It works towards these objectives through regular conferences and campaigning activities, and to strengthen the radical voice within social work practice, education and wider social policy debates.

SWAN works alongside existing social care, service user and carer organisations, including UNISON and Unite, to promote strong collective organisation and, wherever possible, to campaign jointly.

SWAN is a membership organisation - please join us by following the instructions here.

Simon Cardy (Twitter @simoncardy) of SWAN West Midlands, reports on the developing, mass strike action by social workers taking place in Los Angeles County, California:

A very determined, and at times militant, strike of around 1600 social workers organised by the Service Employees International Union SEIU has been taking place in Los Angeles County over the last week or so. The SEIU is one of the largest public sector unions in America. A six day strike began on Tuesday 2nd December by social workers working in the Department of Children and Family Services Social Workers (DCFS) [1]. Thousands of support staff joined the strike after three days in a massive act of solidarity. They are fed up with a four year pay freeze, long hours and excessive caseloads – sounds familiar?


Social Work in a ‘cold climate’: fighting for good practice in times of austerity

Durham University and the Social Work Action Network (SWAN) are pleased to announce that the 9th National SWAN conference will be hosted at Durham University on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April 2014. Booking is now open.

In the context of savage cuts in public sector funding, ever increasing social work managerialism and stigmatization of service users, this conference will provide an important opportunity to debate ways of developing networks of resistance necessary to defend social justice-based social work and oppose the politics of austerity. This conference will mark the 10th anniversary of the publication of the “Manifesto for a new engaged practice”, the founding document of the Social Work Action Network.


There has been much coverage of Education Secretary Michael Gove's speech discussing child protection to the NSPCC, delivered on Tuesday this week. This included his position on social work and social work education and his feeling that such training involves 'idealistic students being told that the individuals with whom they will work have been disempowered by society' which 'robs individuals of the power of agency and breaks the link between an individual’s actions and the consequences'. 


More Articles...

  1. Help stop payday loan rip-offs
  2. SWAN Edinburgh event - foodbanks: where does social work stand?
  3. The New Philanthropy – Frontline and the lessons of Teachfirst
  4. SWAN Ireland 1st Annual Conference!
  5. Fight continues against attacks on Hungary's homeless population
  6. International call out against new proposal to criminalise homelessness in Hungary
  7. Practice notes: social security, benefits and the role of social workers
  8. Social care workers show solidarity to Hovis Zero Hours Strikers
  9. SWAN backs the Glasgow Homeless Casework Team unofficial strike
  10. DPAC: Reclaiming our futures week of action
  11. Your Choice Barnet offered a way out of its financial crisis by Professor Dexter Whitfield
  12. SWAN Conference 2014: Social Work in a Cold Climate
  13. 12th November: Palestine-UK Social Work Network conference
  14. The battle for Spon Lane Children’s Home continues!
  15. Feminism belongs in schools!



SWAN is a democratic, grassroots organisation – policy making and elections take place at the AGM during the annual conference’

Social Work Manifesto.

Social work in Britain today has lost direction. We need to find more effective ways of resisting the dominant trends within social work and map ways forward for a new engaged practice…

Get involved.


SWAN developed from the Social Work Manifesto written in 2004. It launched a popular defence of social work in the aftermath of the Baby Peter tragedy in 2008. It continues to hold successful conferences and campaigns; the 9th national SWAN conference will be held in Durham in April 2014.

SWAN is a membership organisation and we are dependent on the funds of members, plus what monies we take from our annual conference to run the organisation. You can find out about membership here.

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Change the course of social work


The next SWAN national conference is the eighth. It takes place at Durham University on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April 2014. We will regularly update the SWAN website with information about speakers and booking. You can find these pages in the Conference 2014 section. Please email SWAN North East at ioakimides [at] googlemail.com if you have questions about the conference.

The title of the 2014 SWAN Conference is yet to be confirmed. This is the first time that a national SWAN conference has been held in the North East of England and we hope it will be the biggest ever SWAN event. It will link up social workers (in practice, education, research and training), service users and carers, trade unions, user-led groups, anti-cuts organisations, pressure groups, the disabled people and women's movements to unite to defeat the Coalition Government's social policy direction. Just as importantly we will debate, promote and celebrate alternative models and visions of social care.

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SWAN address & email

Social Work Action Network (SWAN)
c/o Iain Ferguson
School of Social Science
University of the West of Scotland

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