Puppets for Equality

Dave Backwith sent the link to this three minute animation promoting equality and the book, The Spirit Level, written by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Picket. To be honest I thought we had run a piece on the book itself, but I can’t locate it. So for an interview with the authors go to:


and for a chuckle click on:


The authors point out that the life-diminishing results of valuing growth above equality in rich societies can be seen all around us. Inequality causes shorter, unhealthier and unhappier lives; it increases the rate of teenage pregnancy, violence, obesity, imprisonment and addiction; it destroys relationships between individuals born in the same society but into different classes; and its function as a driver of consumption depletes the planet’s resources.

From Linsley Hanley’s review at


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Published in: on February 23, 2010 at 8:31 pm  Comments (1)  
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One CommentLeave a comment

  1. Richard is a regular speaker here in Liverpool. One of our local Cllrs is a big fan. I have been to a couple of his seminars – very informative and thought provoking. Reformist rather than revolutionary but in this times plenty to digest

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