
Pasila - Internet piracy (Season 4 - Episode 2)
Pasila - Internet piracy (Season 4 - Episode 2)
Downloading music illegally from the internet has gone out of hands. The worst internet pirate in Finland, Mikko "Pekka" Nyyssönen puts the whole Finnish music business in chaos with his internet server that contains all the Finnish music ever recorded. Finnish animation with english subtitles.

Pasila S01E01 Vasikka 1/3
Pasila S01E01 Vasikka 1/3
Pasila S01E01 Vasikka 1.Osa www.youtube.com 2.Osa www.youtube.com 3.Osa www.youtube.com

Pasila - Vox Repomies, Vox dei (Season 4 - Episode 3 with english subtitles)
Pasila - Vox Repomies, Vox dei (Season 4 - Episode 3 with english subtitles)
The host of the Morning TV, Juhani Kontiovaara, is totally fed up with his job. Meanwhile all the police stations are having a test, where anyone can become a new police chief. Vox Repomies, Vox dei = The voice of Repomies, the voice of God. Finnish animation with English subtitles. Translator's note: At 10:48 the female police chief says in Finnish "Hakuajan takaraja" which means a deadline of the application line. In reality Rauno Repomies replies something like: "Don't speak Japanese! I don't understand that language of the maniacs!" That is because "Hakuajan takaraja" sounds abit like Japanese. But I had to invent something else to it, so non-finnish people would understand it.

Pasila - A cult (Season 3 - Episode 9)
Pasila - A cult (Season 3 - Episode 9)
Finnish animation with english subtitles. Some religions can not accept the gay marriage. Homosexuality is forbidden in the Bible. But who is guilty, when a cleaner gets fired because of his sexual orientation?

Pasila S01E01 Vasikka 3/3
Pasila S01E01 Vasikka 3/3
Pasila S01E01 Vasikka 1.Osa www.youtube.com 2.Osa www.youtube.com 3.Osa www.youtube.com

Pasila S01E10 Laillinen bordelli 1/3
Pasila S01E10 Laillinen bordelli 1/3
Pasila S01E10 Laillinen borbelli 1.Osa www.youtube.com 2.Osa www.youtube.com 3.Osa www.youtube.com

Pasila - The Boys from Brazil (Season 4 - Episode 4)
Pasila - The Boys from Brazil (Season 4 - Episode 4)
Finnish animation with english subtitles. Finland has never been in the world championships of football, or as americans know it, soccer. Now they have a good chance, as the qualifying round has gone well, and the final game is against Liechtenstein. The Football Association of Finland has some evil plans to make sure that Finland will win this game, and make it to the championships.

Pasila - The memorial of Jortsu (Season 4 - Episode 1)
Pasila - The memorial of Jortsu (Season 4 - Episode 1)
Finally the season 4 of Pasila is here! A famous finnish singer Ilari "Jortsu" Heikkinen has died, after being forgotten for decades. Now everyone grieves and longs for this legendary singer, who had atleast 1 great hit in the 70's. Finnish animation with english subtitles.

Pasila S01E03 Toteemieläin 3/3
Pasila S01E03 Toteemieläin 3/3
Pasila S01E03 Toteemieläin 1.Osa www.youtube.com 2.Osa youtube.com 3.Osa www.youtube.com

Pasila - Making of part1
Pasila - Making of part1
The actors of the Pasila animation are telling about how to make the series, and how the characters were created. This Making of was recorded when they were making the episode Pasila - Retirement, that is coming soon to Youtube with english subtitles.

Pasila S01E05 Linnoittautuneet vanhukset 2/3
Pasila S01E05 Linnoittautuneet vanhukset 2/3
Pasila S01E05 Linnoittautuneet vanhukset 1.Osa www.youtube.com 2.Osa www.youtube.com 3.Osa www.youtube.com

Pasila S01E03 Toteemieläin 1/3
Pasila S01E03 Toteemieläin 1/3
Pasila S01E03 Toteemieläin 1.Osa www.youtube.com 2.Osa youtube.com 3.Osa www.youtube.com

Pasila - Making of part2
Pasila - Making of part2
The actors of the Pasila animation are telling about how to make the series, and how the characters were created. This Making of was recorded when they were making the episode Pasila - Retirement, that is coming soon to Youtube with english subtitles.

Pasila - Making of part3
Pasila - Making of part3
The actors of the Pasila animation are telling about how to make the series, and how the characters were created. This Making of was recorded when they were making the episode Pasila - Retirement, that is coming soon to Youtube with english subtitles.