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Posts tagged ‘Jacques Lacan’

Name of the Father, ‘One’ of the Mother: From Beauvoir to Lacan

With introduction by Penelope Deutscher
by / RP 178 (Mar/Apr 2013) / Article

To Our Lady of the Pillar in Zaragossa, perched on her column, ‘But there is something more, a puissance beyond the phallus.’ If I take a few aspects of the thought of Jacques Lacan, and investigate their relation to Simone de Beauvoir around one specific point, I have no intention of making him out – against received opinion – to be a feminist who didn’t know it and even less […]

More than everything

Žižek's Badiouian Hegel
by / RP 177 (Jan/Feb 2013) / Article

There are philosophical books, minor classics even, which are widely known and referred to, although no one has actually read them page by page… a nice example of interpassivity, where some figure of the Other is supposed to do the reading for us. Slavoj Žižek1 Allow me to be that figure (for now anyway), for Žižek has published a book which, while in no way unread­able – assuming one lives […]

Figures of interpellation in Althusser and Fanon

by / RP 173 (May/Jun 2012) / Article

Friedrich Adolf Kittler, 1943–2011

‘Switch off all apparatuses’
by / RP 172 (Mar/Apr 2012) / Obituary

It is a mark of how far Kittler’s reputation had spread in the English-speaking world that he had acquired his own cutely alliterative epithet: ‘the Derrida of the digital age’. It was probably an inevitable moniker for a figure who brought his own brand of poststructuralist thinking to bear on media technologies, but it is misleading for those coming to his work for the first time. Certainly, Kittler’s work would […]

David Macey, 1949-2011

Biographer of the French intellectual Left
by and / RP 171 (Jan/Feb 2012) / Obituary

David Macey died from complications of lung cancer on 7 October. He embodied the paradox of being a fine public intellectual while remaining an intenselyprivate person. He was one of the best intellectual historians of his generation and added appreciably to scholarly knowledge, yet did his most significant work as a freelance writer outside the confines of the conventional academy. To an editor concerned with making serious work accessible to […]

‘All human beings are pregnant’

The bisexual imaginary in Plato’s Symposium
by / RP 150 (Jul/Aug 2008) / Article

Mexico 1968

The revolution of shame
by / RP 149 (May/Jun 2008) / Commentary

Jean Oury

The hospital is ill
by , and / RP 143 (May/Jun 2007) / Interview

Inside out

Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus Papers
by / RP 140 (Nov/Dec 2006) / Article

Mirrors without images

Mimesis and recognition in Lacan and Adorno
by / RP 139 (Sep/Oct 2006) / Article

Vocabulary of European Philosophies, Part 1 (Subject)

by , , , and / RP 138 (Jul/Aug 2006) / Article

Introduction From Abstraction to Wunsch: The Vocabulaire Européen des Philosophies Howard Caygill Subject Étienne Balibar, Barbara Cassin, Alain de Libera

Kostas Axelos

Mondialisation without the world
by and / RP 130 (Mar/Apr 2005) / Interview

Family values

Butler, Lacan and the rise of Antigone
by / RP 111 (Jan/Feb 2002) / Article

It’s the political economy, stupid!

On Zizek’s Marxism
by / RP 108 (Jul/Aug 2001) / Article

The sword and the bridge

The anatomical and the political in conceptions of sexual difference
by / RP 106 (Mar/Apr 2001) / Article

Psychoanalysis and politics

Juliet Mitchell then and now
by / RP 103 (Sep/Oct 2000) / Article

Jean Laplanche

The other within - Rethinking psychoanalysis
by , and / RP 102 (Jul/Aug 2000) / Interview

Jean Laplanche is the most original and philosophically informed psychoanalytic theorist of his day. Setting out from a critical reconstruction of Freudʼs terminology, he has developed a systematic rethinking of psychoanalytic metapsychology under the heading of a ʻgeneral theory of seductionʼ. Still best known in Britain for his early joint work with Pontalis – ʻFantasy and the Origins of Sexualityʼ (1964; trans., International Journal of PsychoAnalysis, 1968) and The Language […]

Demanding approval

On the ethics of Alain Badiou
by / RP 100 (Mar/Apr 2000) / Article

The singular and the specific

Recent French philosophy
by / RP 099 (Jan/Feb 2000) / Article

‘Radical evil’ revived

Hitler, Kant, Luther, neo-Lacanianism
by / RP 098 (Nov/Dec 1999) / Article