Tag-Archiv für 'antifa'

Goettingen 13.8: Info und Mobiveranstaltung Antifa Camp Dortmund

The antifa camp in Dortmund is only two weeks away, and for this reason there is an info and mobilization meeting at Goettingens Flaming Star on Monday evening.

Not only is Dortmund, and especially the Dorstfeld neighborhood of Dortmund in which the camp is to take place, a Nazi stronghold, but the camp is also scheduled to coincide with one of Germanys largest yearly Nazi demonstrations. The turnout is expected to be massive, and you should all come. Fire and Flames will also be present, and even the Nazi shops are mobilizing for the camp:

04.08: Auf Nach Bad Nenndorf!

The must be at appointment of the weekend (for those of you without good excuses or exclusive programs like having, for the 8th time in 3 years, surgery)….

For those of you in and around Goettingen, departure is at 7 am from the train station. More infos here.

Otherwise…please, please see this video. The dancing antifa invites you to Bad Nenndorf! :-)

Antifascism „Here“ and „There“: Anti Nazi Mobilizations Hamburg / Greece

Important anti-fascist mobilizations are taking place in Hamburg, and in several cities around Greece this weekend.

Best. Poster. Ever. Hamburg people: We need one. Or one hundred.

The „happening“ of the weekend over „here“ is of course the anti-Nazi activities in Hamburg, where Nazis will attempt to hold a demonstration under the title „Day of the German Future.“ Thousands of dedicated antifascists will, as in the past, be doing their best against what will probably be a sad bunch of fascists, and a horde of police officers trying to clear them a path.

For those of you who will be there this weekend, you will find most of what you need to know at the mobilization blog, such as a map of the city, time and place of antifascist meeting points, legal info and numbers, Nazi route, and so on and so forth.

A couple of videos, to set the mood…


Over in Greece, fascists and neo-Nazis, clearly emboldened by their most recent election results, have apparently gone on a militant offensive, aimed mainly at the immigrant population. Reports of attacks are unforunately numerous. In Athens, two immigrants were stabbed on the subway this week, while yet another was stabbed outside the School of Economics. The attackers did not escape unscathed, as their car illustrates…

Meanwhile, in Patras, hundreds of Golden Dawn supporters laid seige to an abandonded factory which was/is being used by immigrants as a shelter…

As is to be expected, antifascist resistance is swiftly taking form. Recently, a right wing politician was attacked in Athens, and even a Golden Dawn parlamentarian in Volos. In Athens, an antifascist demonstration was organized by anarchists and immigrants, which drew over 1.000 people…

Further demonstrations have been called for this weekend, for example in Corfu and Athens.

PS A note on safety for all of you „on the streets“…. Just because you are paranoid, doesnt mean they arent watching you.

PPS Friends take a group picture in Hamburg. These are probably people of sound politics, and their sense of style is impeccable. Notice please the Fire and Flames „Retro“ jacket worn by the comrade holding the flag! :-)

This Weekend: Flaming Star Anniversary Party, Fight Back Festival, Smiley Benefit Show, Antira Cup Hamburg, …..

There is just too much going on this weekend, and too little time. From the First Anniversary Birthday party of the great and glorious „Flaming Star,“ to the 5th edition of the Fight Back festival in Nuernberg (with a demonstration before in solidarity with the imprisoned Deniz), to a benefit show for Smiley in Berlin with Opcio K-95, to the Antira Football tournament in Hamburg (also with Opcio K-95), to a concert (Militante Pazifisten and Contra Real) and mobilization meeting in Goettingen against the coming Nazi demonstration in Hamburg, to the Maloka festival in Dijon….

We begin close to „home,“ and at the event where most of Fire and Flames and friends will be…

The rest of us, will be making the yearly trip to Nuernberg, where we will be holding a table, here…

More importantly, before the festival, there will be a demonstration in solidarity with Deniz, who has been imprisoned now for over a month after being arrested at an antifascist demonstration, accused of „attempted manslaughter“ for allegedly hitting a police officer with a flagpole at a previous demonstration in Nuernberg some weeks before.

Speaking of imprisoned antifascists…

And speaking of Opcio K-95, they will be playing the next day in Hamburg at the Antira Football Tournament concert…

Tonight, and back in Goettingen….

Last but certainly not least, is Malokas yearly festival in Dijon. Organized by good people, and this year with an excellent lineup. We were there last year, and are very frustrated not to be able to make it this year. Have a look at the lineup here.

Rostock: Riot in My Heart!

Via Kombinat Fortschritt

Your faithful (and painfully overworked) author was not actually personally there (he was in Paris…reading books and eating falafel), but from what the Fire and Flames crew which was indeed there tell us…the festival was incredible, and a huge success. A great atmosphere, a clear antifascist and radical message in a place which very much needs it, serious and responsible organizers, good bands. All in all, just what we expect from a political festival and generally a great event. Hopefully this was just the first of many „Riot in My Heart“ festivals!

Our thanks to the organizers for letting us be a, small, part of the event with our table and the support we were fortunate enough to be able to offer with the promotion in the run up to the event.

Via Kombinat Fortschritt

In case you missed it and want to see what you missed, or if you were there and want to swim in the nostalgia, some videos, pictures, and interviews. We begin with the interview, which makes clear the mindset and objectives of the organizers…

You can then read a post festival interview, and see some further pictures, here.

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