The Wayback Machine -
Candy (1968) Trailer
CANDY  (1968)
Ringo plays a horny Mexican in 'Candy'
I Want CANDY (1968)
Candy (1968) Stereo Test
CANDY. 1968. Starring Ewa Aulin and Marlon Brando.
The Fun and Games -
Anita Pallenberg in ''CANDY'' (1968) #2
Candy (1968)
CANDY (1968) - Constant Journey
The end of Candy 1968


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One Day in the Valleys (2011)


The setting, The Welsh Valleys. The duration, one day. A farmer wakes to find his sheep have been stolen, but this is no ordinary Welshman. Immediately our ruthlessly hardcore hero embarks on a violent quest to recover his prize-winning livestock. This crusade of investigative vengeance traverses the Valleys and sees him climb into and escape from utterly unpredictable events. Along the way he encounters friends and foes; each one as deranged as the next and screwed-up in their own unique way. This absurd adventure will entertain, baffle and shock you. Now come with me and let's spend ONE DAY IN THE VALLEYS.


Double Header (2005)


FBI agent Jack Pelvin must overcome the most incredible obstacle of all time to bring down his brother, crime boss Benito.

Keywords: brother-brother-relationship, comedy-team, family-relationships, fbi, mob-action, police, twins



"You'll have to see it to believe it ... and you still won't believe it ... but you WILL have seen it!"

Of Mice and Men (1981)


A TV adaptation of John Steinbeck's novel. George and Lenny travel through the Depression-era west working at odd jobs, hoping to make enough money to buy their own farm. George must always watch over his mentally retarded friend, and keep him out of danger, both to himself and to others. After they take a new job at a ranch, Lenny gets into far more trouble than George can talk his way out of, leaving George to decide whether to help him, or leave him to his fate.

Keywords: accidental-killing, based-on-novel, great-depression, man-child, mercy-killing, migrant-worker, title-based-on-poem, woman's-neck-broken


Of Mice and Men (1939)


George Milton and Lennie Small are migrant workers in the 1930s Depression. Lennie is mentally retarded and George looks after him. While working as hands on a Western ranch, they dream of owning their own ranch and the opportunity may be available. Their current ranch is owned by a sadistic man who has a flirtatious wife.

Keywords: accidental-murder, based-on-novel, bunkhouse, camera-shot-of-feet, cousin-cousin-relationship, crush, depression, disability, dog, female-stockinged-feet



Unbridled "realism!" defying every tradition of the screen !
JOHN STEINBECK'S SENSATION! (original print ad - all caps)
Hollywood said it never could be made!
Dangerous. To Herself... And To Men!
She was made for love... and tragedy.
A mighty novel! A sensational stage success! Now! The year's most important picture!
The picture Hollywood said could never be made
I'm decent I tell you... nobody's got no right to call me names!


Lennie: I don't need no fancy foods like beans with ketchup!

George Milton: You had a cigarette and a drink and a look at a pretty dress, and it cost you fifteen bucks! You just shot a week's pay to walk on that red carpet!::Candy: A week's pay? Sure, but I worked weeks all my life. I don't remember none of them weeks, but this - nearly twenty years ago - I remember that.

Lennie: I wish we had some ketchup.::George: Whatever we ain't got, that's what you want!

George Milton: It's lonesome for a guy to be without a dog.

Candy Filmography

Candy Filmography

Candi Filmography





Make changes yourself !

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Candy (1968) Trailer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 03 Aug 2013

Candy (1968) Trailer

Trailer for the big screen adaptation of Terry Southern's classic book. Features Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, Walter Matthau, Ringo Starr, Charles Aznavour... (1968) Trailer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:18
  • Updated: 10 May 2013


CANDY  (1968)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:59
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

CANDY (1968)

Candy ist eine französisch-italienisch-amerikanische erotische Fantasykomödie aus dem Jahr 1968. Candy is a 1968 film directed by Christian Marquand. Based o... (1968)
Ringo plays a horny Mexican in 'Candy'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:26
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Ringo plays a horny Mexican in 'Candy'

The Beatles drummer is seduced by his employer. #HappinessIsAWarmGun. plays a horny Mexican in 'Candy'
I Want CANDY (1968)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:38
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

I Want CANDY (1968)

The song is by the Strangeloves, the video is Candy (1968) a very bizarre and very underrated film. The original "dirty" movie. With a cast like Richard Burt... Want CANDY (1968)
Candy (1968) Stereo Test
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:07
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013

Candy (1968) Stereo Test

No copyright infringement intended. All images, audio, and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners. This movie has some great music. I w... (1968) Stereo Test
CANDY. 1968. Starring Ewa Aulin and Marlon Brando.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:52
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2013

CANDY. 1968. Starring Ewa Aulin and Marlon Brando.

Christian Marquand's brilliant/stupid 1968 film of Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg's infamous 1958 "db" - dirty book with a great acid-rock soundtrack by... 1968. Starring Ewa Aulin and Marlon Brando.
The Fun and Games -
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:31
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

The Fun and Games - "Elephant Candy" 1968 STEREO

The Fun and Games sing "Elephant Candy" from UNI Lp #73042, "Elephant Candy," released in 1968. Whoever mastered this record for this so-called "stereo" mix ... Fun and Games - "Elephant Candy" 1968 STEREO
Anita Pallenberg in ''CANDY'' (1968) #2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:58
  • Updated: 22 Jul 2013

Anita Pallenberg in ''CANDY'' (1968) #2

Candy is a 1968 film directed by Christian Marquand based on the 1958 novel by Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg, from a screenplay by Buck Henry. The film...
  • published: 15 May 2011
  • views: 8573
  • author: Shaddoobie Pallenberg in ''CANDY'' (1968) #2
Candy (1968)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:24
  • Updated: 22 Feb 2013

Candy (1968)

Candy (1968) Directed by Christian Marquand End Credit Theme song performed by The Byrds "Child of The Universe"
  • published: 16 Mar 2008
  • views: 15824
  • author: groppi (1968)
CANDY (1968) - Constant Journey
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013

CANDY (1968) - Constant Journey

7" version by 'Chaps' of a track by Dave Grusin from the soundtrack of the movie CANDY (1968)
  • published: 25 Jul 2009
  • views: 7938
  • author: ROoooo80 (1968) - Constant Journey
The end of Candy 1968
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:25
  • Updated: 27 May 2013

The end of Candy 1968

Like "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls," "Candy" is a strange good/bad movie, but the excellent surreal ending where every character comes back and adds a flow... end of Candy 1968
Frank Pourcel - Adieu, Jolie Candy (1968)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:59
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013

Frank Pourcel - Adieu, Jolie Candy (1968) Pourcel - Adieu, Jolie Candy (1968)
Jean-Francois   Michael     -  Adieu jolie candy  ( 1968 )
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:47
  • Updated: 25 May 2013

Jean-Francois Michael - Adieu jolie candy ( 1968 )

jean-francois michael.
  • published: 28 Dec 2011
  • views: 1594
  • author: TheCisfran7 Michael - Adieu jolie candy ( 1968 )

Candy (1968) Trailer

Trailer for the big screen adaptation of Terry Southern's classic book. Features Marlon Brando, Richard Burton, Walter Matthau, Ringo Starr, Charles Aznavour...

Candy (1968) Trail­er
Trail­er for the big screen adap­ta­tion of Terry South­ern's clas­sic book. Fea­tures Mar­lon Br...
pub­lished: 02 Aug 2007
CANDY (1968) http://​www.​youtube.​com/​group/​forgottentreasures DI­RECT­ED BY CHRIS­TIAN MAR­QUAN...
pub­lished: 21 Aug 2009
CANDY (1968)
Candy ist eine französisch-ital­ienisch-amerikanis­che ero­tis­che Fan­ta­sykomödie aus dem Jahr...
pub­lished: 18 Oct 2008
Ringo plays a horny Mex­i­can in 'Candy'
The Bea­t­les drum­mer is se­duced by his em­ploy­er. #Hap­pi­nes­sI­sAWar­m­Gun....
pub­lished: 22 Oct 2012
I Want CANDY (1968)
The song is by the Strangeloves, the video is Candy (1968) a very bizarre and very un­der­ra...
pub­lished: 03 Sep 2009
au­thor: Cap­tain Plaid
Candy (1968) Stereo Test
No copy­right in­fringe­ment in­tend­ed. All im­ages, audio, and video clips are the sole prop­er...
pub­lished: 05 Sep 2010
CANDY. 1968. Star­ring Ewa Aulin and Mar­lon Bran­do.
Chris­tian Mar­quand's bril­liant/stupid 1968 film of Terry South­ern and Mason Hof­fen­berg's i...
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2009
au­thor: Tommy Cher­ry
The Fun and Games - "Ele­phant Candy" 1968 STEREO
The Fun and Games sing "Ele­phant Candy" from UNI Lp #73042, "Ele­phant Candy," re­leased in ...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2013
Anita Pal­len­berg in ''CANDY'' (1968) #2
Candy is a 1968 film di­rect­ed by Chris­tian Mar­quand based on the 1958 novel by Terry South...
pub­lished: 15 May 2011
au­thor: Shad­doo­bie
Candy (1968)
Candy (1968) Di­rect­ed by Chris­tian Mar­quand End Cred­it Theme song per­formed by The Byrds "...
pub­lished: 16 Mar 2008
au­thor: grop­pi
CANDY (1968) - Con­stant Jour­ney
7" ver­sion by 'Chaps' of a track by Dave Grusin from the sound­track of the movie CANDY (19...
pub­lished: 25 Jul 2009
au­thor: ROoooo80
The end of Candy 1968
Like "Be­yond the Val­ley of the Dolls," "Candy" is a strange good/bad movie, but the ex­cell...
pub­lished: 03 Sep 2009
au­thor: Michael Dare
Frank Pour­cel - Adieu, Jolie Candy (1968)
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2012
Jean-Fran­cois Michael - Adieu jolie candy ( 1968 )
jean-fran­cois michael....
pub­lished: 28 Dec 2011
Youtube results:
The Killer Likes Candy (1968) - Amaz­ing Score
This Ital­ian flick fea­tures an amaz­ing score by the pro­lif­ic Gi­an­ni Marchet­ti. This fight ...
pub­lished: 08 Sep 2006
1968 Fend­er Tele­cast­er Candy Apple Red
Alex plays this super rare 1968 Fend­er Tele­cast­er Candy Apple Red through a MXR Car­bon Cop...
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2012
Anita Pal­len­berg in ''CANDY'' (1968) #1
Candy is a 1968 film di­rect­ed by Chris­tian Mar­quand based on the 1958 novel by Terry South...
pub­lished: 15 May 2011
au­thor: Shad­doo­bie
Leonard Nimoy - "Cot­ton Candy" 1968 STEREO
Leonard Nimoy sings "Cot­ton Candy," re­leased as Dot Lp #DLP-25835 in 1968. Just thought I'...
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2013
photo: AP
File - President John F. Kennedy, first lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally are shown as their limousine heads for Air Force One at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Nov. 21, 1963.
19 Nov 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "...for he conceives a mortal hatred against that truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults." -Blaise Pascal, Pensees. When Mrs. Conally, Governor John B. Conally's wife, seated in front of the car turned around and said, "Mr ... Kennedy's arrival in Texas. In bold words and right underneath a large frontal and side view of President Kennedy, the hate-Kennedy handbill read ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5....(size: 6.0Kb)
photo: AP / Armando Franca
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo, left, and Sweden's Zlatan Ibrahimovic shake hands before the World Cup qualifying playoff
Edit Huffington Post
19 Nov 2013
Ronaldo 4, Zlatan 2. Before Sweden and Portugal faced off in the first leg of their two-game World Cup qualifying playoff pairing, Zlatan Ibrahimovic claimed the matchup wasn't just about himself and Cristiano Ronaldo. Two matches and six total goals later, he appears to have been mistaken. The two superstars accounted for all goals scored as Portugal booked a place in Brazil for the 2014 World Cup ... (GIF via @KICKTV) ... (GIF via @BR_UK) ... ....(size: 15.3Kb)
photo: UN / Tobin Jones
File - Former child soldiers enlisted by Al Shabaab are handed over to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) after their capture by forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), 1 November, 2012.
Edit Al Jazeera
20 Nov 2013
On this Universal Children's Day, let us take another step towards honouring of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which calls on states to recognise the right of children to participate in processes that affect them. Currently, that right is not fully implemented in reintegration programmes for former child soldiers, to the detriment of themselves and their communities ... But it's not appreciated ... 1107. Source.. Al Jazeera ... ....(size: 7.9Kb)

Edit The Examiner
21 Nov 2013
Wow – squash doesn’t get any better than this! Butternut squash is glazed with honey and flavored with cinnamon, all baked to perfection -- and you won’t be able to stop eating it! This squash recipe will be perfect for Thanksgiving or any time of year ... Candied Squash Recipe. Ingredients for Candied Squash ... cinnamon. Directions for making Candied Squash. ... Scoop out the seeds ... Let cool....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit The Examiner
21 Nov 2013
For years people have loved seven layer bars. There are dozens if not hundreds of recipes for these amazing cookie bars. The original recipe calls for a graham cracker crust. More updated recipes use a white or yellow cake mix in place of the graham crackers ... Recipe. Candi Fox. Ingredients. Crust ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
21 Nov 2013
Ad Hoc is a restaurant that was never meant to be. Thomas Keller opened it in 2006 as a temporary concept in the former Yountville Diner space as a placeholder of what was to be his burgers-and-bottles restaurant ... At Ad Hoc, it came in the form of a sundae with Lucky Charms ice cream served with whipped cream and a pitcher of warm caramel sauce, and accompanied by kiss-shaped marshmallows and tiny squares of Rice Krispies candy ... Ad Hoc....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit Belfast Telegraph
21 Nov 2013
Roddy Collins admitted that he lost countless hours of sleep in anticipation of being named the new Derry City manager. The former Bohemians, Shamrock Rovers and Carlisle manager was yesterday officially unveiled as the new man in charge at the Brandywell, alongside former Candy Stripe captain Peter Hutton, who has come on board as his number two ... "I'm mad for winning, so whatever it takes to win, I'll do it," he promised ... Stats Centre....(size: 6.3Kb)
Edit Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
21 Nov 2013
 . By of the Journal Sentinel. Pop singer Christina Perri released a new single "Human" Monday from an album due out next spring. Getty Images photo by Timothy Hiatt. . Nov. 20, 2013 4.58 p.m. . By Derrik J. Lang, The Associated Press ... 3.26 p.m. . By of the Journal Sentinel ... 12 ... The New Yorker samples 50 Cent's song, "Candy Shop" in a track featured on her upcoming album, due in February. . Nov ... By ... ....(size: 14.8Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
20 Nov 2013
... Spangler Candy CaneLinks within the app allow the adult to go directly to the Spangler Candy website at http.// and purchase the exact candy canes used in the video scene.  Your children will be delighted when they see the actual candy canes left behind by the elves in the video....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
Maybe the Plymouth pilgrims didn’t eat candied sweet potatoes at their famous first Thanksgiving feast, or perhaps they did ... However, many folks with dietary preferences may pass on this popular Thanksgiving side dish, if the candied sweet potatoes are made with marshmallows ... Now, who’s ready for a marshmallow-free recipe for delicious candied sweet potatoes? ... First, gather the ingredients for Marshmallow-Free Candied Sweet Potatoes....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
2 5 ounce striped candy canes Break candy canes into chunks, then put into blender. Pulse candy cane chunks in ......(size: 0.6Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
Put away your candy thermometer and never eat fudge with a spoon again ... Now that you have the basics, try adding some chopped walnuts, peanuts or pecans, shredded coconut, mini-marshmallows, chopped candied cherries, or Heath baking chips. Stir in chopped Oreos or chopped candy bars ... French Fried Onions Ten tips for using leftover candy canes ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
Do an ornament exchange ... Let’s face it, kids really don’t need more toys. They will get plenty ... Instead of gifts, have everyone bring their own candy to share to use in decorating. Either pre-make one large gingerbread house ready to decorate when the kids arrive or make small gingerbread houses out of graham crackers and icing and let the kids go crazy on them with all of the fun candy choices ... make your own candy Advent calendar ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
Bidding began yesterday for an all-you-can-eat, personal tour of the Southern California based See's Candy factory, reaching $35,000 by late yesterday afternoon. The auction is being conducted on the website and will run through August 13. Berkshire Hathaway, Buffet's conglomerate, has owned See's Candy since 1972 ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Nov 2013
(Source. City of Aurora, CO). Aurora to welcome holiday season with tree lighting, stories from Mrs. Claus. Celebrate the sights and sounds of the holidays at the city of Aurora's annual Holiday Tree Lighting from 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 3 at the Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway ... Santa will hand out candy canes while Mrs ... Event Schedule ... Claus hosts wagon rides, Santa hands out candy canes....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Nov 2013
Thanksgiving tradition brings turkey and all the fixings to the table, as family and friends gather to share gratitude and a favorite meal. Many Turkey Day feasts include candied sweet potatoes or yams. Aren’t sweet potatoes and yams the same?. Not at all! In fact, sweet potatoes and yams are completely different vegetables ... Anyway? ... And a recipe for Thanksgiving candied yams might actually be intended for sweet potatoes ... Writers ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)

Candy is a 1968 sex farce film directed by Christian Marquand based on the 1958 novel by Terry Southern and Mason Hoffenberg, from a screenplay by Buck Henry. The film satirizes pornographic stories through the adventures of its naive heroine, Candy, played by Ewa Aulin. Many established actors are featured in the film, and popular figures such as Sugar Ray Robinson, Anita Pallenberg, and Florinda Bolkan appear in cameo roles.

High school student Candy (former Miss Teen Sweden Ewa Aulin) seemingly descends to Earth from space. In the relatively simple plot, she naively endures an escalating series of situations in which her oblivious allure triggers satirical porn-film-like encounters. Roger Ebert wrote, "Candy caroms from one man to another like a nympho in a pinball machine, and the characters she encounters are improbable enough to establish Terry Southern's boredom with the conventions of pornography."

In school, her father (John Astin) is also her teacher. At a poetry recital, eccentric poet MacPhisto (Richard Burton) offers Candy a ride home in his limousine. At her home, MacPhisto drunkenly waxes boisterously poetic, arousing Candy and her gardener Emanuel (Ringo Starr) into sex. Scandalized, her family sends her to private school, where she embarks on a psychedelic journey during which she meets a number of strange people, including a sex starved military general (Walter Matthau), a doctor who performs public operations (James Coburn), a hunchback (Charles Aznavour) and a fake Indian guru (Marlon Brando). As the film ends, she continues to cavort with other people plus some of the characters she met in the film, followed by her return to outer space.

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(Give it to me)
I'm so addicted
To the lovin that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it
This feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal
Everytime you take it away
Can't you hear me callin'
Begging you to come out and play?
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
Sweet, sweet lovin'
Got me going to the extreme
Won't go without it
This vibe has got a hold on me
Satisfying, baby
Let me show you what I'm made of
No doubt about it boy
Got me feeling crazy
Can't get enough
Baby, baby, baby, won't you come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
You know who you are
Your love's as sweet as candy
I'll be forever yours
Love always, Mandy
Boy I'm cravin'
Missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy

I was there to witness
Candice’s inner princess
She wants the boys to notice
Her rainbows, and her ponnies
She was educated
But could not count to ten
How she got lots of different horses
By lots of different men
And I say
Liberate your sons and daughters
The bush is high
But in the hole there’s water
You can get some, when they give it
Nothing sacred, but it's a living
Hey ho here she goes
Either a little too high or a little too low
Got no self-esteem and vertigo
Cause she thinks she’s made of candy
Hey ho here she goes
Either a little too loud or a little too close
There's a hurricane in the back of her throat
And she thinks she’s made of candy
Ring a ring of roses
Whoever gets the closest
She comes and she goes
As the war of the roses
Mother was a victim
Father beat the system
By moving bricks to Brixton
And learning how to fix them
Liberate your sons and daughters
The bush is high
But in the hole there’s water
As you win
She’ll be the hollywood love
And if it don’t feel good
What are you doing this for
Now tell me
Hey ho here she goes
Either a little too high or a little too low
Got no self-esteem and vertigo
Cause she thinks she’s made of candy
Hey ho here she goes
Either a little too loud or a little too close
There's a hurricane in the back of her throat
And she thinks she’s made of candy
Liberate your sons and daughters
The bush is high
But in the hole there’s water
As you win
She’ll be the hollywood love
And if you don’t feel good
What are you doing this for
What are you doing this for
What are you doing this for
Hey ho here she goes
Either a little too high or a little too low
Got no self-esteem and vertigo
Cause she thinks she’s made of candy
Hey ho here she goes
Either a little too loud or a little too close
There's a hurricane in the back of her throat

It's a rainy afternoon
In 1990
The big city geez it's been 20 years-
Candy-you were so fine
Beautiful beautiful
Girl from the north
You burned my heart
With a flickering torch
I had a dream that no one else could see
You gave me love for free
candy, candy , Candy I can't let you go
All my life you're haunting me
I loved you so
Candy, candy , Candy I can't let you go
Life is crazy
Candy baby
Yeah, well it hurt me real bad when you left
I'm glad you got out
But I miss you
I've had a hole in my heart
For so long
I've learned to fake it and
Just smile along
Down on the street
Those men are all the same
I need a love
Not games
Not games
Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go
All my life you're haunting me
I loved you so
Candy, Candy , Candy I can't let you go
Life is crazy
I Know baby
Candy baby
Candy, Candy, Candy I can't let you go
All my life you're haunting me
I loved you so
life is crazy
candy baby
candy baby,

When you was seventeen and I was nineteen
we feel deep in love growing up in Queens
we didn't know a thing about love
we was innocent sneakin' on the doorstep to hug
held you tightly and promised you the world
you gave me hickys and said you was my girl
when I think about it now makes me smile
cause I ain't felt these butterflies in a while
funny how you grow up and innocence fades
we used to live for love but now we're afraid (of what?)
of the darkness and bitter memories
lovers who crushed us through infidelity
I promised you I'd love you to the end
always and forever since way back when
you're like candy the world's sweetest friend
you taste better now than you did back then
you will always be my candy
one day we will start a family
you will always be my candy girl
(you'll be my candy girl forever)
you will always be my candy
want your love girl understand me
you will always be my candy girl
while you sucked caramel apple lolly pops
rain sleet or snow I'm troopin' up the murdock
we used to walk down the block hold hands
I would get you after school cause I was your man
and any guys that wanna socalize
just know that I'm a flip on any cat that trys
my peeps used to say I was whipped
all your girls said since you got with him you flipped
but uh they couldn't feel the feelings we felt
mirrors on the ceiling we melt
I would look up at ya I remember
the afternoon you surrendered
we made love the tempature was high as could be
you said Todd promise you ain't liein' to me
and as we went our seperate ways you turned back
smiled I remember all that
(take it to the bridge)
candy girl
you are my world
look so sweet
you're a special treat
candy gir
all I want to say
I need your love
each and every day
when I'm alone in my room sometimes I stare at the wall
and in the back of my mind I hear my memories call
of days when love was true I slept and held you
taste the brown sugar let your climax melt yo
candy you're occupying all of my thoughts
turned my soul upside down with lessons you taught
I can feel you even when you're far away you're right here wit' me
sweet love strictly
and I'm a bend over backwards to keep you on my side
take you for a mental and emotional ride
make love to your soul your heart and your mind
in your hour of need girl I'll be there every time
and as long as you support my dreams
stayin' right beside me as a part of my team
I'll take you where the average man can only dream of
cause in a world so sour I got the sweetest love
candy gir
you are my world
look so sweet
you're a special trea
(you'll be my candy girl forever)
candy girl
all I want to say
(word is bond sweetheart)
I need your love
(I swear I'm down for whatever)
candy girl
(sometimes you gotta go back home)
look so sweet
(I love you)

Candy, I call my sugar Candy
Because I'm sweet on Candy
And Candy's sweet on me
She understands me
My understanding Candy
And Candy's always handy
When I need sympathy
You wish that there were four of her
So I could love much more of her
She has taken your complete heart
Got a sweet tooth for my sweetheart
Candy, it's gonna be just dandy
The day I take my Candy
And make her mine, all mine
Candy, I call my sugar Candy
Because I'm sweet, so sweet on Candy
And Candy's sweet on me
You wish that there were four of him
Oh how I could love much more of him
He has taken your complete heart
You got a sweet tooth for your sweetheart
Candy, it's gonna be just dandy
The day I take my Candy
Gee, how the sun will shine
On the day my Candy
On the day my Candy

I sure like that candy, I don't go for them turnip greens
I sure like that candy, I don't go for them turnip greens
So when you put it on the table, oh mama, think about me, yeah.
Well, I don't drink coca cola but I sure like the ol' moonshine
Well, I don't drink coca cola but I sure like the ol' moonshine
Yeah, we drink it from a fruit jar with my little baby by my side, alright.
Well, I don't much like walkin' but I love my Eldorado ride
I ain't never cared a thing about walkin' but I love my Eldorado ride
Yeah, we run it 'round the cornfield with my little baby by my side, yeah.
I sure like that candy, I don't go for them turnip greens
I sure like that candy, I don't go for them turnip greens
So when you put it on the table, oh mama, think about me, alright.
I sure like that candy
I sure like that candy
I sure like that candy
Oh mama, think about me, alright

Candy, it's been really nice, but I've got to go
'Cause I can't be the part of your life you don't wanna
...and I can't keep lying all the time
And I know you'll find a better man
They're all too easy to find
And I'll just go away somewhere and slowly lose my mind
Candy, they called you a baby, they called you a whore
And I can't see the light at the end for you anymore
...and I can't keep lying all the time
And I know you'll find a better man
They're all too easy to find
And I'll just go away somewhere and slowly lose my mind
Candy, I can't be the man they want me to be
Maybe it was only with you that I could be me
...and I can't keep lying all the time
And I know you'll find a better man
They're all too easy to find

avias seay 2012 "candy"
its like candy ooh look real nice
its like candy giving me a heart attack its the kind i like
when you step outta the ride everybody see your thighs
caramel, complected, yes girl you are right
never seen you in the drama never you seen you in a fight
but on some real shit, think i saw you in my dreams last night
and you really jazzy, always stay classy
niggaz, be all up on you like some dogs lassie
but you eye candy girl so thats why they be harrasin
let me take you out, come on over, yo car um gassin
i just wanna hold ya, yeah get to know ya
open you up to the finer things in life show ya
and you got alotta brains so just let me blow ya
tell me anything you need and i will go get more of
girl look at you, you are enough to make babys cry
you need to get with me cause, i am that guy
got me addicted to you like you get out a high
girl come over here be my candy girl tonight
its like candy ooh look real nice
its like candy giving me a heart attack its the kind i like
girl look at you a box a tricks
its my birthday girl can i make a wish
can i have you on the side of a 5 star dish
its valentines times day girl can i have my kiss
you lady in streets but a freak in the sheets
dont get me wrong long as you got my last name we can creep
help you fill up a prada bag with a log recipts
always keep food on the table at home and never cheat

Daughter of a woman who comes and goes,
Daugher of a man she barely knows,
All grown up about the things, people know to do,
How to take a love, and tear it in two
No no no, that isn't how it's gonna be
for Candy
She wants to be in love but she doesn't know why,
They think she's a child, but look at her,
my my Candy
Step by step, this is her debut
Looking for love, that's made to stay true
Step by step, she's looking for more than I see
for Candy
Candy, you know what your love is worth
It's a good thing
Candy, take care of your own love first
What the world needs know
All the young men want to pin her down.
If you're looking for a real love, it's a ghost town
Step by step, this her debut
Looking for love that's made to stay true
Step by step, she's looking for more than I see

[Verse 1] (Will Smith)
Excuse me Miss, can we chat for a second
I'd ask how you doin', but you fine I reckon
Wait, do you have a man, cause I aint' into home-wreckin
No?. .Aiight cool just checkin
Look, from a hundred yards you caught my eye
An all my boys said I didn't have the heart to say hi
I'd like to have your number you don't have ta give it now
But if you diss me while they lookin I'm a never live it down
Y'know what I mean, Aww damn, my name's Will
Maxine. Pleasure to meet you, look here's the deal
Can I sit? Thanks, now I don't mean to objectify
But this the metaphore that crossed my mind
You sweet, good enough to eat
Make a brother wanna TLC--Creep
A brother can't sleep
It's like a kid fallin for you
So here's my own private nickname, I'm a call you
Candy (No Doubt, Do you wanna bounce?)
It's the same feelin I always feel together but now
Let's get this started now
Let's get this started now[Verse 2] (Will Smith)
I ain't gonna lie to you, I remember layin eyes on you
All I thought about was livin life beside you, Boo
All I wanna do is be the perfect guy to you
Tell you the truth, it's like (Candy) cause I'm feelin like its callin me
You're tryin ta hold on, but fallin
Seem quite far ta me
I stay strong but it's hard to be
Cause somethin bringin out the dog in me
(It's like Candy) when I'm keepin my zone
Chat on the phone, I lower my tone
Steady plottin on takin ya home
Gettin all inside of your dome, makin you moan
You shoulda known (It's like Candy)
As I'm seein you here, Mommy I know your peepin my stare
And feelin my glare, brother thinkin bout unrollin the bear
Strokin your hair, (Touchin me where?) Yeah there[Chorus]
[Verse 3] (Will Smith)
I know the deal, I talked to Mary Jane and she said
Your ex-boyfriends Mike and Ike are both Lemonheads
I ain't tryin ta player hate girl I know
That you go with Bazooka Joe
Now you know he don't love you like that
He tryin ta get a Reeses piece of the Kit-Kat
Really hon, what he need is a jawbreaker
Cause I'm the one that'll love you baby Now and Later
Be my Peppermint Paddy with a Hundred wishes
An I'll be your Hershey daddy with a hundred kisses
Get the Twins M&M;'s, they booked all outta flights today
Me an you can Starburst to the Milky Way
I don't care what it cost, girl a Hundred Grand
We could snicker all night at my Jolly Ranch
Just me and you, I'll call your friends up too
Cause I could get my friends Babe Ruth and Charlston Chew[Chorus] 5x[Verse 2] (Will Smith)
I ain't gonna lie to you, I remember layin eyes on you
All I thought about was livin life beside you, Boo
All I wanna do is be the perfect guy to you
Tell you the truth, it's like (Candy) cause I'm feelin like its callin me
You're tryin ta hold on, but fallin
Seem quite far ta me
I stay strong but it's hard to be
Cause somethin bringin out the dog in me
(It's like Candy) when I'm keepin my zone
Chat on the phone, I lower my tone
Steady plottin on takin ya home
Gettin all inside of your dome, makin you moan
You shoulda known (It's like Candy)
As I'm seein you here, Mommy I know your peepin my stare
And feelin my glare, brother thinkin bout unrollin the bear
Strokin your hair, (Touchin me where?) Yeah there[Chorus]
[Verse 3] (Will Smith)
I know the deal, I talked to Mary Jane and she said
Your ex-boyfriends Mike and Ike are both Lemonheads
I ain't tryin ta player hate girl I know
That you go with Bazooka Joe
Now you know he don't love you like that
He tryin ta get a Reeses piece of the Kit-Kat
Really hon, what he need is a jawbreaker
Cause I'm the one that'll love you baby Now and Later
Be my Peppermint Paddy with a Hundred wishes
An I'll be your Hershey daddy with a hundred kisses
Get the Twins M&M;'s, they booked all outta flights today
Me an you can Starburst to the Milky Way
I don't care what it cost, girl a Hundred Grand
We could snicker all night at my Jolly Ranch
Just me and you, I'll call your friends up too
Cause I could get my friends Babe Ruth and Charlston Chew[Chorus] 5x[Chorus]
[Verse 3] (Will Smith)
I know the deal, I talked to Mary Jane and she said
Your ex-boyfriends Mike and Ike are both Lemonheads
I ain't tryin ta player hate girl I know
That you go with Bazooka Joe
Now you know he don't love you like that
He tryin ta get a Reeses piece of the Kit-Kat
Really hon, what he need is a jawbreaker
Cause I'm the one that'll love you baby Now and Later
Be my Peppermint Paddy with a Hundred wishes
An I'll be your Hershey daddy with a hundred kisses
Get the Twins M&M;'s, they booked all outta flights today
Me an you can Starburst to the Milky Way
I don't care what it cost, girl a Hundred Grand
We could snicker all night at my Jolly Ranch
Just me and you, I'll call your friends up too

Candy, it's been really nice, but I've got to go
'Cause I can't be the part of your life you don't wanna know
...and I can't keep lying all the time
And I know you'll find a better man
They're all too easy to find
And I'll just go away somewhere and slowly lose my mind
Candy, they called you a baby, they called you a whore
And I can't see the light at the end for you anymore
...and I can't keep lying all the time
And I know you'll find a better man
They're all too easy to find
And I'll just go away somewhere and slowly lose my mind
Candy, I can't be the man they want me to be
Maybe it was only with you that I could be me
...and I can't keep lying all the time
And I know you'll find a better man
They're all too easy to find
And I'll just go away somewhere and slowly lose my mind

(Give it to me)
I'm so addicted
To the lovin that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it
This feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal
Everytime you take it away
Can't you hear me callin'
Begging you to come out and play?
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
Sweet, sweet lovin'
Got me going to the extreme
Won't go without it
This vibe has got a hold on me
Satisfying, baby
Let me show you what I'm made of
No doubt about it boy
Got me feeling crazy
Can't get enough
Baby, baby, baby, won't you come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
You know who you are
Your love's as sweet as candy
I'll be forever yours
Love always, Mandy
Boy I'm cravin'
Missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
I'm cravin' for you
I'm missin' you like candy

Candy, such a joy to me
Inner city nights, I cannot sleep
Oh candy, sweetest remedy
Only you can ease my troubled dreams
Angel, all people are the same
Caught up in bitterness and blame
Oh candy, on dark and lonely days
I hear your voice whispering my name
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
Angel of the summer stars
I will always see you safe from harm
Candy, we'll never be apart
Night and day you're constant in my heart
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own, yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
Oh candy, my dreams
Oh candy, my dreams
Oh candy, my dreams
Oh candy
Candy, pure as driven snow
Come to me, you are not alone
Oh candy, you're everything to me
You and I will always be free
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
It's alright to be alone
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
It's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
It's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
It's alright to be alone

I call my sugar candy
Because I'm sweet on
I call my sugar candy
Because I'm sweet on
Top of the list together like Twix
My doctor says to give you up I'm taking a risk
My friends say I'm all hype but that's all they can say
They see I'm about 3 Swedish Fish from a Hershey's Kiss
See she's thicker than a Snickers in smore
And it really doesn't matter Now or Later if I score
I met on fifth avenue not in no hood bar
I bet a 100Grand I'll be your Mr. Goodbar
Butterfingers gripped to ridiculous hips
While she giving me Good'N'Plenty with her licorious lips
I can't call it I can't front I'm stuck I'm a sugarholic
Always got my Pushpop in a Whatchamacallit
I'm in love symphony and doves what do I do
How I turned my little Chicklet into a Big League Chew
We need a house a six and some beautiful kids
And we'll be in candyland with our Junior Mints
Because she's
[Chorus: x2]
I call my sugar candy
Because I'm sweet on
I heard you was chilling with them Nerds and the Sourpatch Kids
Sniffing nose candy no Candy I ain't in your business but
Every single payday you're checking your Sidekick
Hit the Kit Kat club and sniff a Pixie Stick
You got a Sugardaddy but when will money learn
That that shit will turn his candybar into a Gummy Worm
Got fired from your job so you hit me up
Told me that they made you piss in a Reeses Cup
She a freak all you gotta do is rub up against her
And she'll push her head back like a Pez dispenser
Told me one day she going to be a monster star
But she never found that golden ticket in a Wonka Bar
You understand me Candy I talk to your family
They said they ain't heard from you since was in Miami
Got a pimp tried to make a little mint like Ambes
Traded in your Fruit Roll Ups for eadible panties
Damn Candy
[Chorus: x2]
I call my sugar candy

The sugar's only sweetness,
Salt is ocean tears
And you were my only weakness
For years and years and years
You little (yo) sweetie
You were hiding in a jar
Now my mind is gone completely
Take off the lid and there you are
You're my can-dy
Well the devil, she made sweet candy,
took six days and nights to dream
On the seventh day she rested,
woke up early and made ice cream
Now the devil, she must be a dentist
with deep jawbreaker eyes
Red rope hair, gumdrop lips,
cotton candy thighs
(Chaga lava) stole my body
and aftertaste stole my mind
Left me dangling down defenseless
then sweet candy she said goodbye
Now my teeth are worn and useless
My eyes too sunk to see
My tongue swelled up to twice its size

I taste just like candy, candy
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
Yo now let me paint y'all a whisper
Fox pimp hard, quiet just like a whisper
Don't get it mixed up
Bad little sista
Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good
Damn I'm so hood
You should see me in them jeans
It's hard to describe and
Being cocky is just a part of the vibe
I might stop and holla and pop my colla
Maybe a little conceited but that's always needed
Love attention when I'm passing by
And I show a little cleavage and I catch his eye
Just the thought of him eating, I was outside soaking
Duke standing locing, mouth wide open
I walked over, licking my lips
And adjusting my tits and switching my hips
Shit he threw his hand on my waist
Looked in my face and said he wanna know how I taste
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
Now just imagine me nude, stretched out
Be all over the news if this gets out
So bad that the press might ban me
Now how bad you wanna know if I'm sweeter then candy
What would you risk? Would you put up the car?
Taste my na na in the rain on the hood of your car
Or the back of the plane
Nipples all out, bent over the sink with my panties in your mouth
When my dark skin complexion steps in
Won't take no questions to get him and uh
The thought of Fox give men erections
And get real stiff at the sight of my tits
Now we can role play
You be the pilot, I'll be the stewardess
Boy I ain't knew to this
When I lay on my stomach and throw my legs back
Y'all probably won't know how to act
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I'm real sweet like a candy corn
I'm in your thoughts late night when your boys are gone
Picture me, t-shirt, no panties on
Or maybe topless, homie I'm priceless boy
The kind of girl that love to talk shit
'Specially when I'm on top
The whole show stop
Even though I'm sweet
Ain't nothin' sweet
Let me know when you're ready to eat
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy
So dance with me
I taste just like candy

The sugar's only sweetness,
Salt is ocean tears
And you were my only weakness
For years and years and years
You little (yo) sweetie
You were hiding in a jar
Now my mind is gone completely
Take off the lid and there you are
You're my can-dy
Well the devil, she made sweet candy,
took six days and nights to dream
On the seventh day she rested,
woke up early and made ice cream
Now the devil, she must be a dentist
with deep jawbreaker eyes
Red rope hair, gumdrop lips,
cotton candy thighs
(Chaga lava) stole my body
and aftertaste stole my mind
Left me dangling down defenseless
then sweet candy she said goodbye
Now my teeth are worn and useless
My eyes too sunk to see
My tongue swelled up to twice its size
and all I want to do is eat

I'm so addicted
To the loving that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it.
This feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal
Every time you take it away
Can't you hear me calling
Begging you to come out and play?
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
Sweet sweet loving
Got me going to the extreme
Won't go without it
This vibe has gotta hold on me
Satisfying baby
Let me show what i'm made of
No doubt about it
Got me feeling crazy can't get enough.
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
Now give it to me
You know who you are
Your love's as sweet as candy
I'll be forever yours
Love always, Mandy
Boy I'm cravin'
Missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you

(R. McGuinn and J. York)
Drifted in school
Daddy is a fool
We know someone's on your mind
Women whose phase
Velvet and lace
Curling couplets into time and space
Meet the man who needs you now
Can you give your love away like Candy?
Down on your knees
Trimming the trees
Can you imagine what it's like?
Lovers lament
General dissent
Doctor's orders are unkind and bent
Meet the man who needs you now
Can you give your love away like Candy?
Instrumental (Electric Guitar)
Very profound
Spinning innocense and dreams
Can you believe
All you perceive
Love is never what it seemed to be
Meet the man who needs you now
Can you give your love away like Candy?

You open your eyes an' I see sunshine
I bathe in the light that you give me
You speak my name, it's a symphony
And the magic of life rushes through me
Suggest it and I'll do it, there ain't nothing to it
'Cos it feels so good for me
It's wickedly delicious, I've got my three wishes
An' baby, when you want me
It's like takin' candy from a baby
And it's sweeter than sweet
When you're right here with me
It's like takin' candy from a baby
'Cos you do it to me every time
Yes you do
You do it to me every time
I dream of that place and you take me there
Boy, this is love and you're writing the story
When you run your fingers through my hair
Feels like the whole world is turning just for me
I never have to wait, 'cause you reciprocate
Everything I do, yeah
It's wickedly delicious, I've got my three wishes
It almost seems too easy
It's like takin' candy from a baby
And it's sweeter than sweet
When you're right here with me
It's like takin' candy from a baby
An' you do it to me every time
Yes you do
It's like taking candy from a baby
And it's sweeter than sweet
When you're right here with me
Like taking candy from a baby
'Cos you do it to me every time
Sweeter than sweet
Sweeter than sweet
Sweeter than sweet
It's wickedly delicious
I've got my three wishes
An' baby when you want me
It's like takin' candy from a baby
And it's sweeter than sweet
When you're right here with me
Like takin' candy from a baby
'Cos you do it to me every time
Like takin' candy from a baby
And it's sweeter than sweet
When you're right here with me
Like takin' candy from a baby
You do it to me every time
You do it to me every time
Like takin' candy from a baby
And it's sweeter than sweet
When you're right here with me
Like takin' candy from a baby
You do it to me every time
Like taking candy from a baby

I know a guy who's tough but sweet He's so fine he can't be beat he's the only one i desire i want candy, i want candy goin to see him when the sun goes down your the guy the doctor ordered your so sweet you make my mouth water i want candy, i want candy, i want candy, i want candy candy on the beach theres nothing better i like candy when he's wrapped in a sweater someday soon i'll make you mine then i'll have candy all the time i want candy, i want candy, i want candy, i want candy

Oh, yeah
It's my favorite feeling
Not there what a good place to be
Too bad it's still raining inside
So cool
It gets better to be here
Come to when there's nothing to say
Too bad I forgot what is thinking
Sunning in the messy surroundings
Easy it's just somewhere to be
Oh, yeah there is always another
One mmmm
You look like your self from the inside
Turning into something you feel
Too bad there's this image
To live with
I'm gone
Started feeling peculiur
Oh, yeah it's my favorite thing

Candy told me, "Nothing really matters anymore"
And when I ask her what she means she says, "I ought to know"
Candy said she's made arrangements for me in the sand
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
Candy says she wonders, she wonders why we try
I couldn't think of what to say, I had no ready reply
But Candy says, "I'd like it where she is"
She says, "It's an opportunity that I don't wanna miss"
Candy said she's made arrangements for me in the sand
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
Candy asked me if she died, if I could go on
"Of course" I said, "I couldn't" and of course we knew that's wrong
"Oh Candy" I said, "Candy no, you can't do that to me
Because you love me way to much for you to ever leave"
Candy said she's made arrangements for me in the sand
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
Candy said she's made arrangements for me in the sand
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland
And Candy said she wants me with her down in Candyland

I'm gonna tell you about Candy
Maybe you already know
Found her at a backyard party
So I took her home
She never gave me no feedback
So how was I to know that when it comes
To her cocaine, Candy don't know
Candy ran me out of my money
Candy ran me out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home
I packed my bags for New York City
I heard she had some friends
Found her at some big time party
And it never ends
She told me some lie about her money
I knew my soul was on ice
She had me playin' her game
And I paid the price
I ran out of my money
I ran out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home
I found myself this roadside cafe
Thought maybe I'd get some rest
Candy walks in the front door
Goddamn, she's lookin' her best
I knew that this was gonna be the last time
I'd get safe to speak my mind
I told her where she could go
She said she needed a ride
I ran out of my money
I ran out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home
I woke up, I was in Georgia
Couldn't believe my eyes
Candy walks into the barroom in a wicked disguise
I followed her to the back room
When I opened the door
I'm lookin' down the barrel of her 44
I ran out of my money
I ran out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home

Written by Roger McGuinn and John York Drifted in school, Daddy's a fool
We know someone's on your mind
Women whose phase??(face?), velvet and lace
Curling couplets into time and space
Meet the man who needs you now
Can you give your love away like Candy?
Down on your knees, trimming the trees
Can you imagine what it's like
Lovers lament, general dissent
Doctor's orders are unkind, and bent
Meet the man who needs you now
Can you give your love away like Candy?
Very profound, merry-go-round
Spinning innocence and dreams
Can you believe, all you perceive
Love is never what it seemed to be
Meet the man who needs you now
Can you give your love away like Candy?

I'm so addicted to the loving that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it, this feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal every time you take it away
Can't you hear me callin'? Begging you to come out and play?
So baby, come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me like sugar to my heart
I'm craving for you, I'm missing you like candy
Sweet, sweet loving got me going to the extreme
Won't go without it, this vibe has got a hold on me
Satisfying baby, let me show you what I'm made of
No doubt about it, boy, got me feeling crazy, can't get enough
Baby, baby, baby won't you come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me like sugar to my heart
I'm craving for you, I'm missing you like candy
You know who you are
Your love is sweet as candy
I'll be forever yours
Love always, Mandy
So baby, come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me like sugar to my heart
I'm craving for you, I'm missing you like candy
So baby, come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me like sugar to my heart
I'm craving for you, I'm missing you like
I'm craving for you, I'm missing you like

Now my candy is so fresh, so clean
I break them boys off when I pull up on the scene
In my candy with ten coats sprayed tight
And that North side royal blue is settin' off the white
On my candy, sho' ain't the average paint
You go to Ike tryin' to buy it he gon' tell ya, ya can't
Have my candy, it's like a one of a kind
And you might have a painted slab but it ain't pretty as mine
'Cause my candy, worth mo' than money can buy
Brought it to Funkmaster Flex and seen a grown man cry
For my candy, sittin' on nuttin' but glass
Stoppin' traffic on the freeway when I fly past
In my candy, got no competition on the street
You can win a Dub car show and still can't compete
With my candy, 'cause it's the sweetest on the block
And I'm trill, workin' the wheel, that's why they all jockin' my candy
Candy, painted
(Break the boys on the ave 'cause the slab's so tight)
Drop top, El Do', ride
(Break the boys on the ave 'cause the slab's so tight)
Now my candy, is sittin' tall on them Vogues
It's like an alarm clock, wakin' up all the hoes
My candy, is wetter than high tide
And it's lookin' like I just had a blizzard inside
Of my candy, got mo' wood in it than a forest
One look'll get you hooked like a motherfuckin' chorus
My candy, drips an unerasable stain
It's real magic, not like that motherfucker David Blaine
My candy, it got the woman on the front
And a PhD in showin' niggaz how to stunt
My candy, it got the fifth up on the back
And it'll swang through your hood like it don't know how to act
My candy, the 8th wonder of the world
Like floatin' downstream when you're starin' at the swirls
My candy, ridin' real trill, stayin' true
And it's a legend in H-Town like DJ Screw my candy
Yes my candy is so sweet
Fadin' niggaz on these streets
People watch as I ride by
In my candy I'm gon' shine
Now my candy is so smooth, so laid
And these boys can't comprehend how the paint got sprayed
My candy, makin' people stop drop and stare
Pull out any car you want to but it won't compare
To my candy, it's like a four wheel mirage
That's too pretty to park in a motherfuckin' garage
My candy, it's like a part of the fam'
So lose my friends or my ends, I wouldn't give a damn
But my candy is an extension of me
So when you lookin' at my car you lookin at Bun B
It's my candy, player, throwed, fly
And you can't fuck with it no matter how hard you try
My candy, the other level of the game
If you ask me again, bitch I'ma tell you the same
It's my candy, yeah nigga mines not your
Long as I got syrup to sip and Swishers to burn in my candy
Break the boys on the ave 'cause the slab's so tight

Remember the day you came to me
And said you found the truth
And I turned away and told you
To take another look
The city you see is going numb
I know you trust
But something's wrong
We have our lives to bare
Our bags still burdedned but
We just buy and wear
The plastic version of love, hope
We can't survive on candy
A red carpet ride can take your mind away from anything
And I wanna die at every mention of “celebrity”
Like who's doing who
Just how and where
Long as it's not you
I just don't care
Chorus yay
We have our lives to bare
Our bags still burdened but
We just buy and wear
The plastic version of love, hope
We can't survive on candy
Running far away from all your serious concerns
I know you've learned to use your fairytales
It gets you through the hurt
You're falling
We're falling
And there's just no climbing back
So I'm stolen
I'm stolen
While I'm under full attack
We have our lives to bare
Our bags still burdedned but
We just buy and wear
The plastic version of love, hope

Five to three, walls of candy, sign my name on the dotted line next to yours, you found the ways to move
faster and stay healthy no contra, all these words are just a matter of time
You're like a snake in the water, with shiny skin, a clear conscience, venoms fade in just a matter of
time, in just a matter of time, a matter of time
And too cold for kisses, cause i've fallen from heaven, your halo is just a punch in my face you're all
the rage, you're all the fun, but ever if you cross me I'll get you, sweet revenge is just a matter of
time, it's just a matter of time, a matter of time
And so you're striking but you're savage when you cut into my beautiful infection, but I can't help like

Candy, I call my sugar Candy
Because I'm sweet on Candy
And Candy's sweet on me
She understands me
My understanding Candy
Candy's always handy
When I need sympathy
Well, I wish that there were four of her
So I could love much more of her
She has taken my complete heart
I've got a sweet tooth for my sweetheart
Candy, it's gonna be just dandy
The day I take my Candy

(Mark Hollis)
This sure is some kind of party
It's so useful
Surround my life with excuses
For what I choose to lose
And my name
Doesn't look the same to me now now
No no not me now
And inside
Don't you know I feel so bad?
When I tried to turn away
o feel new again
My emotion cost me pain
Did I look the same?
When I think about the times
That I laughed away
The idea you'd cheat me
But look again
What you say
'That's my name'
And I hope that I've kept you amused
To wipe that spit right off my boots
And when I'm home and thinking in the dark
I hope I hope I hope
That none of this has had to go too far
When it gets too late
To see me any other way
And it gets so hard to hold on
To everything that I want so bad yeah yeah
When I tried to turn away
To feel new again
My emotion cost me pain
Did I look the same?
When I think about the times
That I laughed away
The idea you'd cheat me
But look again
What you say

You look at me and I wanna take a bite
I look at you and I don't have to think twice
You're bad for me but I feel good right now
I'd walk away if I knew just how
We had romance and long, long fights
But I wanted more and I felt it was my right
That was when the door slowly closed
And that strange expression on your face just froze

So many nights wasted poisoning myself
Guess I just hated the emptiness I felt
To be excepted you gotta look like they do
But You held your hand out and took me just as I am
Your love's like candy oh like something
I've never tasted before
And you take me places
I never dreamed I could go
Oh I've been laughed at and broken in two
And I've felt the wrath that words of hate can do
Oh I've been stranded and left standing in the rain
But You picked my head up and carried me away from this place
Your love's like candy like something I've never tasted before
And You take me places I never dreamed I could go

Hey little jail bait
Tell me a story
Let me bum a smoke and we can chat a while
I only need a moment
One moment in your glory
Before you get off and make your change, yeah
Talking 'bout a woman that hasn't felt a day in a while
Talking 'bout a woman that just can't say no
She needs another lover like she needs another dose in her blood
Talking 'bout a woman whose name is
She's so fine
She's waiting on the backstreet line
Like a lost angel
Not long for this world
Don't usually get emotional
"Don't usually show my vein" she said
Only when I sing or when I'm making tracks
And sweatin's just my mean way
To show me where I am
And to tell me where I need to be
And through those eyes
If she wore her disguise
I'd see through it and say
Come in from the rain girl, rain girl
Talking 'bout a woman she loves me like a dog loves a bone
Talking 'bout a woman I just can't let go
I need her as my lover like I need another hole in my head
I'm talking 'bout a woman I know
She's so fine
But she's shaking on that backstreet line
Like a loose cannon
Ashamed to explode
In the middle of my day
In the night
When will I learn
To let you go
You're my Candy
You're my lost angel

Candy, such a joy to me
Inner city nights, I cannot sleep
Oh candy, sweetest remedy
Only you can ease my troubled dreams
Angel, all people are the same
Caught up in bitterness and blame
Oh candy, on dark and lonely days
I hear your voice whispering my name
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
Angel of the summer stars
I will always see you safe from harm
Candy, we'll never be apart
Night and day you're constant in my heart
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own, yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
Oh candy, my dreams
Oh candy, my dreams
Oh candy, my dreams
Oh candy
Candy, pure as driven snow
Come to me, you are not alone
Oh candy, you're everything to me
You and I will always be free
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own
It's alright to be alone
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
Don't you know it's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
It's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
It's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah
It's alright to be alone
You can make it on your own yeah

Hot chocolate
Sexy, sexy, that's what it is
The body of a goddess makes it hard to resist
It's animal instict, I'm physically attracted
Somethin like a magnet, I got to have it
Move, make a move, anxiety's too
Intense and I'm tense and I gotta be smooth
I analyze her angles but how many times
Have brothers have stepped to you with conventional lines
Like "Glad that we met," "Don't I know ya, don't I know ya?"
Some brothers might win, and others might blow ya
Her kiss from an open fist, what a bliss
But I think hard cause I don't wannna miss
Cause this ain't a game and it ain't no joke
You got my heart in flames and I can choke on the smoke
The te-, the temperature's risin but I still get chills
You got me floatin on air as the body heat builds
You're like
Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate
Chemistry, chemistry's workin, workin
Lookin for the love light, searchin, searchin
For the right words, cause lady, you deserve
Poetry in motion, words that serve
A purpose, have meaning, stimulate, intrigue
Knock you off senses ( ? )
I gotta connect, I'm comin correct
I can feel the effect, no disrespect, I got next
Time to meditate cause I can feel the vibes
You gotta be a queen from one of the tribes
Bubbly brown sugar, sexy chocolate
Taste of honey, when I see ya I get
A sweet tooth, I could get tooth decay
Like a kid with candy I'll be eatin all day
Subliminal thoughts are fought as I walk and stalk
And hawk and talk ( ? )
You're like
Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate
Am I awake or is this just a nice dream?
Am I asleep, walkin, talkin in a hype scene?
Is this a movie and who's the star?
Is this the beginning or the coup de grace?
Is this the beginning of the rest of my life
Or is it just another hot one-night wife?
The closer I get, the harder I sweat
The harder I sweat, the harder I get
So I shift gears into auto-Kool
Go to cruise control and let the auto rule
She kicked her name, I picked her brain
She kicked the game, I kicked the same
Back and forth, forth and back, around and round until the flames
Burn out of control and the truth seeps through
Freaky, I wanna see you
Stop with all the rhetoric, the heat is on, so let us get
The tension relieved, anxiety ceased, I want a piece of
Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate
Hot chocolate
It's like a million chocolate candy bars, chocolate kiss
But you go better with nut, so put me into your mix
I make it chunky but funky, a chocolate kiss with a twist
Cause I'm addicted like a junk food junkie, honey's my fix
Since I'm Kool as ice cream maybe one day
I make your love come down and make a sundae
For breakfast, lunch or dinner you're a tasty treat
Too much dessert can't hurt, come taste and eat
Freak freak y'all, to the beat y'all
I'm droppin on honey like free fall
Happy as a kid inside a candy shop
I like ( ? ) on a stick and make a candy pop
And see how many licks it takes to get the center
Of a tootsie roll, tootsie hole when the
Chocolate is wet, the love is moist and soft
And I come hard with the raps, so let's get the rapper off
Of that
Hot chocolate
Taste chocolate

I'm gonna tell you about Candy
Maybe you already know
Found her at a backyard party
So I took her home
She never gave me no feedback
So how was I to know that when it comes
To her cocaine, Candy don't know
Candy ran me out of my money
Candy ran me out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home
I packed my bags for New York City
I heard she had some friends
Found her at some big time party
And it never ends
She told me some lie about her money
I knew my soul was on ice
She had me playin' her game
And I paid the price
I ran out of my money
I ran out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home
I found myself this roadside cafe
Thought maybe I'd get some rest
Candy walks in the front door
Goddamn, she's lookin' her best
I knew that this was gonna be the last time
I'd get safe to speak my mind
I told her where she could go
She said she needed a ride
I ran out of my money
I ran out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it
She never gonna make it all the way home
I woke up, I was in Georgia
Couldn't believe my eyes
Candy walks into the barroom in a wicked disguise
I followed her to the back room
When I opened the door
I'm lookin' down the barrel of her 44
I ran out of my money
I ran out of my soul
I didn't think it was funny
Too bad she never gonna make it

It's like candy, I can feel it when you walk
Even when you talk it takes over me
You're so tender, I wanna know
Can you feel it too just like I do
This stuff is starting now, It's the same feeling
I always seem to get around you
There's no mistaking, I'm clearly taken
By the simple mere thought of you, oh
This stuff is starting now
This stuff is starting now
This stuff is starting now
My eyes roll in my head, I toss and turn in my bed
In the morning when I think about you, yes I do
Simply put, you're the reason why
Even though I'm real shy, real shy
I attempt to look my best for you
Indeed I do, just for you
'Cause you affect me, fascinate me
I thank heaven for the things that you do
It's like candy
You sure are sweet, sweet!
You're so tender
You're taking my appetite, but it's all right
(It's like candy)
Ooh, vanilla! Oh, chocolate!
You look real nice, wrapped up tight
(You're so tender)
You're giving me a heart attack
It's the kind I like
It's like candy
You're so tender
You're like a brand new feeling
In a special way, a surprise package
On a bright clear sunny day
(You're so tender)
And wrapped up tight, so good, so good
Strawberry! Raspberry! All those good flavors!
Violets and gumdrops, that's what you're saying to me, oh
Sweet candy, candy
(It's like candy)
Sure seems like good candy to me, oh baby, oh baby
You're so tender
It's like candy
You're so tender
You're sweet
It's like candy

He wore a coat of many pockets in which were hidden numerous treats and treasures for us children when he came to visit. He would produce chocolates and sweets out of those endless hiding places and laugh at us while we gobbled them down. He'd laugh and laugh. It wasn't until I found his diary years after his death that I found out...he was laughing because he'd floated all the candy in his toilet before coming over.

He wore a coat of many pockets in which were hidden numerous treats and treasures for us children when he came to visit. He would produce chocolates and sweets out of those endless hiding places and laugh at us while we gobbled them down. He'd laugh and laugh. It wasn't until I found his diary years after his death that I found out...he was laughing because he'd floated all the candy in his toilet before coming over.

I wanna love him can't leave him
And like a sugar rush I need him
And every time I can't see him
All I think about is me and him
Sweeter than candy you make my bed rock
They say your bad for me boy but I just can't stop
Boy don't break my heart again (my heart again)
Please don't break my heart again
How can something so sweet be bitter
How can something seem so good for me
And bad for me at the same time
That's how I feel when I'm with him
So in love boy we stuck
Gotta make it to the finish line
Sometimes he feels so amazing
But I'm still afraid he'll break my heart
I can't get rid of this cravin'
Even tho it's tearin' me apart
Sweeter than candy you make my bed rock
They say your bad for me boy but I just can't stop
Boy don't break my heart again (my heart again)
Please don't break my heart again
I wanna love him can't leave him
And like a sugar rush I need him
And every time I can't see him
All I think about is me and him
[Response from him]
I wanna love you can't leave you
And like a sugar rush I need you
And every time I can't see you
All I think about is me and you
Baby this time it'll happen
Let's do things different, nothing like before
'Cause I ain't gon be fightin', screamin', cryin'
Losin' my sanity till there ain't no more
Sometimes he feels so amazing
But I'm still afraid he'll break my heart
I can't get rid of this cravin'
Even tho it's tearin' me apart
Sweeter than candy you make my bed rock
They say your bad for me boy but I just can't stop
Boy don't break my heart again (my heart again)
Please don't break my heart again
I wanna love him can't leave him
And like a sugar rush I need him
And every time I can't see him
All I think about is me and him
[Response from him]
I wanna love you can't leave you
And like a sugar rush I need you
And every time I can't see you
All I think about is me and you
Oh boy, you got my love on lock
Hey boy, just put your love on top
Promise me that you'll never stop
Nobody does it better than you (you, you, you)
Promise me that you'll never stop
'Cause nobody does it better
Sweeter than candy you make my bed rock
They say your bad for me boy but I just can't stop
Boy don't break my heart again (my heart again)
Please don't break my heart again
Sweeter than candy you make my bed rock
They say your bad for me boy but I just can't stop
Boy don't break my heart again (my heart again)
Please don't break my heart again
I wanna love him can't leave him
And like a sugar rush I need him
And every time I can't see him
All I think about is me and him
[Response from him]
I wanna love you can't leave you
And like a sugar rush I need you
And every time I can't see you

Some say that love is sweet as a rose,
Some say it's honey and the bee,
Well sit right down and let me tell you
What my love is to me.
I call my sugar "Candy"
Because I'm sweet on "Candy"
And "Candy" is sweet on me
He/She understands me,
My understanding "Candy"
And "Candy"'s always handy
When I need sympathy
I wish that there were four of him/her
So I could love much more of him/her
He/She has taken my complete heart,
Got a sweet tooth for my sweetheart
Its gonna be just dandy
The day I take my "Candy"
And make him mine all mine

A million reasons to cut it down
and get away from this dirty town
a million reasons to get it out of my head
but I can't seem to get it right
I'm always lost in the city lights
I can't seem to get it out of my head
It's like candy
drives me crazy
oh so sweet
but deadly
A million reasons to get it done
to turn around and start to run
a million reasons to get it out of my head
but I can't seem to get it right
I'm always lost and out of sight
I can't seem to get it out of my head
It's like candy
drives me crazy
oh so sweet
but deadly
If I could have some now
I would not ask for anything else
It's like candy
drives me crazy
oh so sweet
but deadly

Saa dou shiyou ga akuma no Party,
Karappo no atama "Chikuri" [Boku no sekai ni kite!],
Chiisana karada [Kimi ni ageru] makka na yume wo miyou,
Supiido age hashire sameta karada wo,
MONOKUROOMU no naka hageshiku hikare...
Mada monotarinai maguma no baby,
Kawakikitta nodo "Gokuri" [Uso no sekai wa yada!],
Nani yori ima [Kimi ga hoshii] makka na yume no kyandii,
BORYUUMU age isoge sabita karada wo,
Nee motto kikasete genkai no koe,
DAIYAMONDO yori mo suteki da wa mou...
Me no mae wo fusagu yo yureru shinkirou,
Supiido age hashire saeta karada wo,

Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Look at me, acting like a child
I can't keep this smile off my face
It's been awhile, since I felt your warm embrace
Tonight I'll love away
You got that something when you pour it on like rain
It's sweeter than a candy cane, just keep it comin'
'Cause you know I like the way
Girl, you make me say
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Carefully, I put your hand in mine
As you take me to the special place
With your style, you know you drive me wild
In your arms I want to stay, forever and today, day, ay, ay
You got that something when you pour it on like rain
It's sweeter than a candy cane, just keep it comin'
'Cause you know I like the way
Girl, you make me say
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Taste it and see how good our love could be
Take it and be all the around 'til ecstasy
Totally you for me and me for you
I've got to have my candy
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way
That's the only love that I will ever need
Your love is sweeter than candy
Keep swingin' it my way

It's a rainy afternoon In 1990
The big city... geez, it's been 20 years!
You were so fine
Beautiful, beautiful Girl from the north
You burned my heart with a flickering torch
I had a dream that no one else could see
You gave me love for free
Candy Candy Candy
I can't let you go
All my life you're haunting me
I loved you so
Candy Candy Candy
I can't let you go
Life is crazy
Candy baby
Yeah, well it hurt me real bad when you left
I'm glad you got out
But I miss you I've had a hole in my heart
For so long
I've learned to take it and Just smile along
Down on the street
Those men are all the same
I need a love
Not games
Not games

She eats a lot of candy
She bubbles up and sucks you down
All that sugar keeps her nasty
She's into tossin' spells and cars around
On a sleepy Sunday
He crawled in through a window
Put a shotgun to her throat and she said
"Life's a ball but it's got a lot of angles on it etc"
She rides with her chin down
She made Graceland cry
She's really into stalking downtown
So don't turn your back against the light
On a random Monday
Lookin' out of the window
See a stick and watch her fly
Blah, blah, blah etc
Licorice well look at this I'm bouncin' gumdrops off the wall
Off the ceilin' fireball
On a rainy Tuesday rats get in through the basement

Lollipop, i wont stop, gonna lick that sweetness from the top
youre loaded with sweetness, im all yours, yea youre full through the
i'll keep on starin shaved or hairy cause thats the type of fella that i
i'll pop that cherry if its nescissary to make that jam
i want candy sweet tooth is drivin me wild, candy makes me feel just
like a child
bubble gum yummy yum, she said blowin you is so much fun
big bazooka makes my teeth grind, she said i just wanna blow you one
more time
i'll be daring, i'll go pairing cause thats the type of fella that i am
i'll pop sisters nicki, of course paris, to make me that jam
i want candy sweet tooth is drivin me wild, candy makes me feel just

Well sugar's only sweetness
Salt is ocean's tears
And you were my only weakness
For years and years and years
You little yellow sweetie
You were hiding in a jar
Now my mind is gone completely
Take off the lid and there you are
You're my candy
Well the devil, she made sweet candy
Took six days and nights to dream
On the seventh day she rested
Woke up early and made ice cream
Now the devil, she must be a dentist
With deep jawbreaker eyes
Red rope hair, gumdrop lips
And cotton candy thighs
You're my candy
Chocolate Lava stole my body
And aftertaste stole my mind
Left me danged and down defenseless
And then sweet candy, she said goodbye
Now my teeth are worn and useless
My eyes too sunk to see
My tongue swole up to twice its size
And all I wanna do is eat
Candy, my candy
My candy, my candy
Suckin' on my candy

Candy & I used to run around, tearing up this one horse town
Everyone looked down their nose, the so-called respectable folk
Too much was never enough for Candy, skulling pills & popping brandy
Snorting everything in sight, shooting up anything that looked white—Candy
At the old park by the riverside, we'd dance & play all thru the nite
She'd lift her head & laugh out loud, man that girl was awfully proud
Then late in May she gave me the flick, called me a worthless son-of-a-bitch
She talked funny & acted strange, everyone could feel the change—In Candy
I'd take you back, we'd settle down, all your friends could still come around
Time's short, please say yes, don't tell me about your self-respect—Candy
Candy lost her girlish gait, her eyes grew dark & she was losing weight
Her hair had thinned & turned to straw, took both hands to hold up her jaw
We called the doc, he did some tests, we got the news, it weren't the best
Candy just said c'est la vie, it was all the French she learned from me—Candy
She carried on like she was made of steel, acted like she couldn't feel
Greeted each new day with a smile, the doctor said she's just in denial
I got a van at the trailer park, for Candy & me & me broken heart
Every day I'd sit by her side, every nite she'd hear me cry—For Candy
I'll take you back, we'll settle down, all your friends will still come around
Time's short, baby please say yes, don't talk to me about self-respect—Candy
Candy died late last May, it was hard watching her waste away
But the pride in that woman was strong, she fought so hard just to hold on
Now I sit alone in that riverside park, where we used to dance & play in the dark

Candy, i call my sugar candy
Because i'm sweet on candy
And candy's sweet on me
He/she understands me
My understanding candy
And candy's always handy
When i need sympathy
I wish that there were four of him/her
So i could love much more of him/her
He/she has taken my complete heart
Got a sweet tooth for my sweetheart
Candy, it's gonna be just dandy
The day i take my candy

It's my pussy I can do what I want
Hm, I'm a big girl now
It's my pussy i can do what i want
hm, I'm a big girl now
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrapper candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-
Damn, girl, youz a freak
Give it to me, shes a beast
Get her wet, watch it leak
Runnin game but i dont speak
Shake it fast, west to east
Nasty talk, we in the sheets
Shes a big girl, yeah i know
give her when she curl her toes
Get it girl, what you want?
Say she like it from the front
Dont be scared, pussy pop
From the back and I wont stop
Sit on top, she like to ride
Pull ahead she clap thighs
Like it when she make it dip
Throw it back, its in the hips!
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrappin candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-
Put your fingers on it
Damn, Im horny
Pussy poppin, yeah im on it
Freakin fuckin, until mornin
IN they club, lay off that potion
Oh IM gonna watch it, oh she make it move
Im off and rollin
Pussy hoes, like they show it
Pussy poppin, yeah im choosin
Who can make it pop it, drop it,
Goin down up in that motion
AN this song is for my bitchz
Pussy drop like, he in switch it
Whoop back! Whoop back! Yeah, Im in it
Stunna would be ran he said this
Punchin nights n pimpin days
Up in this word, dont understand us
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrapper candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-
Have you ever heard big girls need love?
Its her pussy she can do what she want
Pop it, drop it, shake it, clap it
Neva go broke when the pussy start mackin
Lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets
Pop it like orville, damn thats nice
In the porsche second, and damn that dice
Took her home, and she rode it like a bike
Take clothes off, yeah can he turn a rapper
Meet me all the way, and men go wrap her
From the club to the house, bed to the floor
Up all night, yeah I go
Shakin dreds, banging turts
Niggas goin hella dumb
Pussy wet, ass fat
Im a dog chasin cat
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrapper candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy

I saw her there at the back of the bus
slipping in and out of consciousness
Some guy was blowing smoke into her mouth
laughing with a madman's look on his face
and she was smiling
She was on cloud eight
missing her stops
playing with fate
with no one to hold her
and no one to see
She falls to the floor and whispers to me
in the dark, in the dusk, in the dawning...
I'm Candy
How sweet is my name
I'm everybody's daughter
But no one seems to know her
I'm Candy
And you're all to blame
Your American daughter
One more for the slaughter
In the walls of her mind
There's a girl another time
and she's dancing in the park
and in her mother's arms
with her mother's heart
And they're laughing in the rain
And here she is a laughing again
It's not funny anymore
to hear her whisper from behind the door
in the dark, in the dusk, in the dawning(chorus)
Can you understand Candy?
Candy can't understand...
In the day, in the dark
in the dusk, 'til the dawn...
She don't understand...

I'm so addicted
To the loving that you're feeding to me
Can't do without it.
This feeling's got me weak in the knees
Body's in withdrawal
Every time you take it away
Can't you hear me calling
Begging you to come out and play?
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
Sweet sweet loving
Got me going to the extreme
Won't go without it
This vibe has gotta hold on me
Satisfying baby
Let me show what i'm made of
No doubt about it
Got me feeling crazy can't get enough.
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
Now give it to me
You know who you are
Your love's as sweet as candy
I'll be forever yours
Love always, Mandy
Boy I'm cravin'
Missin' you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you
I'm missing you like candy
So baby come to me
Show me who you are
Sweet to me
Like sugar to my heart
oooh baby
I'm craving for you

Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some Candy
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha CANDY
Hot girl your doing it well
The way your hips move got me under a spell,
Right now I don't really care whos watching,
I wanna dance all night long no stopping,
You you, you yeah You
Pretend they're not here just do what you do,
I'm a kick back cause I got a nice view,
Wow it feels like a dejavu,
[Aggro Santos:]
Girl You look familiar where do I know you from,
Have you been to visit me @
[Kimberly Wyatt:]
Step in too my world I am sure you want to come,
Check my facebook, I got pictures I'm a give you some,
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some Candy
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha CANDY
[Portuguese Bridge: Aggro Santos]
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela PRONTO
A sweet touch comes handy man,
Don't be afraid of the candy man,
I got a sweet tooth now I want a sweet girl,
N were straight up if we do kiss we do tell
You you, you yeah You
Pretend they're not here just do what you do,
I'm a kick back cause I got a nice view,
Wow it feels like a dejavu,
[Aggro Santos:]
Girl You look familiar where do I know you from,
Have you been to visit me @
[Kimberly Wyatt:]
Step in too my world I am sure you want to come,
Check my facebook, I got pictures I'm a give you some,
[Aggro Santos:]
Girl You look familiar where do I know you from,
Have you been to visit me @
The way that this is going you are gonna get me sprung,
Cause your love is sweet like candy and I Want me Some
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some Candy
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy

I wanna love him, can’t leave him
And like a sugar rush, I need him
And every time I can’t see him
All I think about is me and him
Sweeter than candy, you make my bed rock
They say you’re bad for me boy, but I just can’t stop
Boy don’t break my heart again
Please don’t break my heart again
How can something so sweet be bitter?
How can something so good for me,
And bad for me at the same time
That’s how I feel when I’m with him
So in love boy, we stuck
Gotta make it to the finish line
Sometimes he feels so amazing
But I’m still afraid he’ll break my heart
I can’t get rid of this cravin’
Even though it’s tearin’ me apart
Sweeter than candy, you make my bed rock
They say you’re bad for me boy, but I just can’t stop
Boy don’t break my heart again
Please don’t break my heart again
And every time I can’t see him
All I think about is me and him
I wanna love you, can’t leave you
And like a sugar rush, I need you
And every time I can’t see you
All I think about is me and you
Baby this time, it’ll happen
Let’s do things different, nothing like before
‘Cause I ain’t gon’ be fightin’, screamin’, cryin’
Losin’ my sanity till there ain’t no more
Sometimes he feels so amazing
But I’m still afraid he’ll break my heart
I can’t get rid of this cravin’
Even though it’s tearin’ me apart
Sweeter than candy, you make my bed rock
They say you’re bad for me boy but I just can’t stop
Boy don’t break my heart again
Please don’t break my heart again
I wanna love him, can’t leave him
And like a sugar rush, I need him
And I every time I can’t see him
All I think about is me and him
I wanna love you can’t leave you
And like a sugar rush, I need you
And every time I can’t see you all I think about is me
and you
Oh boy, you got my love on luck
Hey boy, just put your heart on top
Nobody does it better than you, you, you
Promise me that you’ll never stop
‘Cause nobody does it better
Sweeter than candy, you make my bed rock
They say you’re bad for me boy, but I just can’t stop
Boy don’t break my heart again
Please don’t break my heart again
I wanna love him can’t leave him
And like a sugar rush I need you
And every time I can’t see him
All I think about is me and him
I wanna love you, can’t leave you
And like a sugar rush, I need you
And every time I can’t see you

It's a rainy afternoon
in 2002 the big city
geez it's been 20 years-
candy-you were so fine
beautiful beautiful
girl from the south
you burned my heart
with ab flickering torch
I had dream that no one else could see
you gave me love for free, for free
candy candy candy
I can't let you go
All my life you're hunting me
I loved you so
candy candy candy I can't let you go
life is crazy
candy baby
sabes, me sentí realmente mal
cuando te fuiste
ahora se que fué lo mejor
pero aún te quiero
I've had a hole in my heart
for so long
I've learned to take it
and just smile along
down on the street
those man are all the same
I need a love
not games
not games
life is crazy, candy baby

Candy wants to be a star but Hollywood is just to far,
From nowhere North Dakota USA
She went from pigtails in her hair to cam girl in her underwear
A Tokyo to Memphis matinee
No love from her mother a stranger stepfather now
But Candy she said she’s seen too much she’s falling out of touch
She only wants to run away
She’s waving, we’re watching while she drowns. she’s turning upside down
Now Candy’s got to run away run away now,
Run away now
Hormones and amphetamines in every bite, in every stream
Test tube generation on the slab
Ritalin with milk and Shreddies keeps her nervous fingers steady
Thank your teachers, doctors, mom and dad
Her alter invention gets all the attention now
But Candy she said she’s seen too much, she’s falling out of touch
She only wants to run away
She’s waving we’re watching while she drowns, she’s turning upside down
Now Candy’s got to run away run away now,
Run away now
You’re beautiful, beautiful she can’t hear that enough
You’re beautiful, beautiful...enough
But Candy she said she’s seen too much, she’s falling out of touch
She only wants to run away
She’s waving we’re watching while she drowns, she’s turning upside down
Now Candy’s got to run away, run away now,

Love me, treasure me, say you'll never leave me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Hold me, pleasure me, say you'll always need me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Love is sweet, sugar sweet, you're a sweet as candy
Lollipop, my lollipop
Baby please marry me, tell me that you love me
Lollipop, my lollipop
sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Love me, treasure me, say you'll never leave me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Hold me, never leave, I know that you need me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Love is pink, candy pink, you're a sweet as it can be
Lollipop, my lollipop
Baby please marry me, say you'll never leave me
Lollipop, my lollipop
sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Don't go away, say that you'll stay
You're the sweetest thing in my life
Why can't you see, that you're so sweet
You're my lollipop, you're my life
sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy

please don't let them in your heart
because they'll try to put out every fire you start
you can light the match again
and as they try to run and hide
we'll burn down everything in sight
oh, candy
your touch is like a veil over my eyes
and when we're driving in your car
i could be anyone tonight
oh, candy
please don't let them in your heart
because they'll try to steal that flame from in your eyes
oh, candy

Twist ties
And cellophane wrapping
Twist ties
All coming undone
It's just candy
Sweet on the outside
It's just candy
Soft on the inside
And she moves
Into the bloodflow
And she soothes
When she's going down
It's hot
And she's getting sticky
It's hot
And she's gonna melt
It's just candy
Sweet on the outside
It's just candy
Soft on the inside

Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Love and a lonely girl
Where are all the good times
They're walking out the door
With the man and the blonde with evil in his eyes
(Is this) I'm going to kill myself
Until death do us part
She laughs at a melodrama
'cause no one ever died of a broken heart
Isn't it easier when it isn't you (isn't you)
Isn't it easier when you've got someone to hold on to
This is the sound (this is sound)
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
This is the sound
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
Na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na
Love and a single girl
Where are all the real men
(She said) she was an actress then
I could tell by the way she was faking it
The sound of a city cries
Pretty girls should never get depressed
She said I'm tired, I'll give you someone else's
Waking up in stranger's beds
This is the sound (this is sound)
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
This is the sound
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
Calling out to you
Baby, this is my heart
Breaking, breaking in two
She said she was a waitress
She wants to be an actress
One in the same, it's kind of a shame
She didn't know
She said forget above love
Ooh, and heaven above
A needle in vein, it eases the pain
Of beaing alone
This is the sound (this is sound)
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
This is the sound
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
Isn't it easier when it isn't you (isn't you)
Isn't it easier when you've got someone to hold on to
This is the sound
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
This is the sound
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
This is the sound
This is the sound
Sound of a broken heart
This is the sound

Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .…
Baby work it
I met a real cutie
He had a nice tight booty
He seemed to be the freaky lover type
Let's cut right through the chase
C'mon and get a taste
You've got to face it
So that I can get hype
Ya gotta lick it before we kick it
You gotta take that extra step
So we can kick it
Ya gotta lick it before we kick it
You gotta take that extra step
So we can kick it
Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .…
Baby work it, baby work it
Baby work it, baby work it ....
My lips are sweet as candy
I need a man that's handy
Don't be a tease just give me what I like
I'm full of freakiness
So come and get with this
And make me purr
So we can do this right
Ya gotta lick it before we kick it ....
Boom-ba-da-da-da-da .…
Baby work it, baby work it
Baby work it, baby work it ....
You know men are dogs
So go bark up somebody else's tree
Here boy come and get it

If I were you
I would never let me go
If I were you
I would always love me so
If I were you
I can play your part in live
But I would surely want my way
I cannot think the way you think
But I would never go away
You can trust me when I say
That I will always be for real
You can always count on me
No matter how alone you feel
If I were you
I would never let me go
If I were you
I would always love me so
If I were you
I would never…
I would always…
I can’t tell you what to do
I can only hope for more
More decisions to be good
Like the way they were before
I can’t dream the things you dream
‘Cause I would not know where to start
Live is never what it seems
When two souls are far apart
I don’t wanna know
How it feels to lose a friend
And if I were you
I would never leave again
If I were you
I would never let me go
If I were you
I would always love me so
If I were you
Nananana, If I were you

Chorus: never give up the dreams you have
never stop livin' for yourself
always believe in what you are
observing the skyline
you're making new plans
you know you need a change in your life
confused by your feelings
you don't know
if you should stay or leave tonight
don't go away
Chorus: never give up the dreams you have
never stop livin' for yourself
always believe in what you are
you're going through hard times
i know it's not easy
so don't start to be in dispair
when everything's failing
remember i'm there for you
and show you the right way
don't go astray
Chorus: never give up the dreams you have
(2x) never stop livin' for yourself
always believe in what you are
i'll make you believe
there's nothing you cannot achieve
and soon you will see
there's no place you'd rather like to be

Love me, treasure me
Say you'll never leave me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Hold me, pleasure me
Say you'll always need me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Love is sweet
Sugar sweet
You're a sweet as candy
Lollipop, my lollipop
Baby please marry me
Tell me that you love me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Love me, treasure me
Say you'll never leave me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Hold me, never leave
I know that you need me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Love is pink, candy pink
You're a sweet as it can be
Lollipop, my lollipop
Baby please marry me
Say you'll never leave me
Lollipop, my lollipop
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Don't go away
Say that you'll stay
The sweetest thing
In my life
Why can't you see
That you're so sweet
You're my lollipop
You're my life
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy
Sha la la la la
Eh, candy
Sha la la la la
Your love is candy

Oh, Candy
Candy, girl, I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
That will put no one above you
Oh, Candy I love you so
I was born in an apartment on 106th in Harlem
But the Lower East Side is where I call my home
I ain't too good looking
But I'm pretty good at cooking
And I feel all scared
And vulnerable when I'm alone
Oh, Candy
Candy, girl, I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
That will put no one above you
Oh, Candy I love you so
Oh Candy please hear what I say
I was born and raised by the Bay
I ran those streets alone
I would go up by your house
By the other avenue
But Candy, you were never home
Oh, Candy
Candy, girl I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
That will put no one above you
Oh, Candy how I love you so
I'm a one woman man
Ever since I can remember
But that's all in the past
Let's not talk about it now
I've got a crude constitution
I support the revolution
And I don't like frat parties or tipping cows
Oh, Candy
Candy, girl I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
That will put no one above you
Oh, Candy how I love you so
Well baby
Talk and human emotion takes two
To toast (?)
I met you on Brooklyn's Northside
Where the keg kept a flowin'
I knew where it was going
Crawl in my Mustang for a ride
Oh, Candy
Candy, girl I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
That will put no one above you
Oh, Candy know I love you so
I will love you like a hero
Like in Roman times of Nero
I understand that the female psyche is frightening and complex
I'll take you out for a rowboat ride
And cook your eggs up, sunnyside
I'd like to mention that my favorite time is oral sex
(I said)
Oh, Candy
Candy, girl I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
Who will put no one above you
Oh, Candy how I love you so
Oh, Candy
Candy, girl, I need to know
You've got two boys who love you
Who will put no one above you

It's my pussy I can do what I want
Hm, I'm a big girl now
It's my pussy i can do what i want
hm, I'm a big girl now
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrapper candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-
Damn, girl, youz a freak
Give it to me, shes a beast
Get her wet, watch it leak
Runnin game but i dont speak
Shake it fast, west to east
Nasty talk, we in the sheets
Shes a big girl, yeah i know
give her when she curl her toes
Get it girl, what you want?
Say she like it from the front
Dont be scared, pussy pop
From the back and I wont stop
Sit on top, she like to ride
Pull ahead she clap thighs
Like it when she make it dip
Throw it back, its in the hips!
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrappin candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-
Put your fingers on it
Damn, Im horny
Pussy poppin, yeah im on it
Freakin fuckin, until mornin
IN they club, lay off that potion
Oh IM gonna watch it, oh she make it move
Im off and rollin
Pussy hoes, like they show it
Pussy poppin, yeah im choosin
Who can make it pop it, drop it,
Goin down up in that motion
AN this song is for my bitchz
Pussy drop like, he in switch it
Whoop back! Whoop back! Yeah, Im in it
Stunna would be ran he said this
Punchin nights n pimpin days
Up in this word, dont understand us
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrapper candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-
Have you ever heard big girls need love?
Its her pussy she can do what she want
Pop it, drop it, shake it, clap it
Neva go broke when the pussy start mackin
Lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets
Pop it like orville, damn thats nice
In the porsche second, and damn that dice
Took her home, and she rode it like a bike
Take clothes off, yeah can he turn a rapper
Meet me all the way, and men go wrap her
From the club to the house, bed to the floor
Up all night, yeah I go
Shakin dreds, banging turts
Niggas goin hella dumb
Pussy wet, ass fat
Im a dog chasin cat
-Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Front, back, side to side
Pussy pop, do it right
Shake it, shake that wrapper candy
Wrapper on your booty
Girl, you lookin dandy
Now pop that pussy-

I was perched outside in the pouring rain
Trying to make myself a sail
Then I’ll float to you my darlin’
With the evening on my tail
Although not the most honest means of travel
It gets me there nonetheless
I’m a heartless man at worst, babe
And a helpless one at best
Darling I’ll bathe your skin
I’ll even wash your clothes
Just give me some candy, before I go
Oh, darling I’ll kiss your eyes
And lay you down on your rug
Just give me some candy
After my heart
Oh I’m often false explaining
But to her it plays out all the same
and although I’m left defeated
It get’s held against my name
I know you got plenty to offer baby
But I guess I’ve taken quite enough
Well I’m some stain there on your bedsheet
You’re my diamond in the rough
Darling I’ll bathe your skin
I’ll even wash your clothes
Just give me some candy
before I go
Oh, darling I’ll kiss your eyes
And lay you down on your rug
Just give me some candy

Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some Candy
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha CANDY
Hot girl your doing it well
The way your hips move got me under a spell,
Right now I dont really care whos watching,
I wanna dance all night long no stopping,
You you, you yeah You
Pretend theyre not here just do what you do,
Ima kick back cos I got a nice view,
Wow it feels like a dejavu,
Girl You look familiar where do I know you from,
Have you been to visit me @
Step in too my world I am sure you want to come,
Check my facebook, I got pictures ima give you some,
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some Candy
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha CANDY
Aggro Portuguese bridge:
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela
Ela e bela, ja era, eu quero da pra ela PRONTO
A sweet touch comes handy man,
Dont be afraid of the candy man,
I got a sweet tooth now I want a sweet girl,
N were straight up if we do kiss we do tell
You you, you yeah You
Pretend theyre not here just do what you do,
Ima kick back cos I got a nice view,
Wow it feels like a dejavu,
Girl You look familiar where do I know you from,
Have you been to visit me @
Step in too my world I am sure you want to come,
Check my facebook, I got pictures ima give you some,
Girl You look familiar where do I know you from,
Have you been to visit me @
The way that this is going you are gonna get me sprung,
Cos your love is sweet like candy and I Want me Some
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy
Ooo ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some Candy
Ooo Come n getcha some come n getcha some, Candy

So many nights wasted poisoning myself
Guess I just hated the emptiness I felt
To be excepted you gotta look like they do
But You held your hand out and took me just as I am
Your love's like candy oh like something
I've never tasted before
And you take me places
I never dreamed I could go
Oh I've been laughed at and broken in two
And I've felt the wrath that words of hate can do
Oh I've been stranded and left standing in the rain
But You picked my head up and carried me away from this
Your love's like candy like something I've never tasted
And You take me places I never dreamed I could go
And where would I be without you where would I go without

i speak in fluid
dripping like a leaky faucet
and i dated summer
from the flock of another shoe
but it's not a thought of you
just a piece you eat or chew
thinking i've never felt so new
never seemed to knew you knew
your reflection full of candy
i see a doorway
a corridor was barely lit
and i fall from faraway
gleaming sun antagonist
parades of sound from nowhere new
sack of women's seams are blue
multiply, they're for you to choose
over sweet to eat amiss
no one could refuse a candy
when all our thoughts were innocent
my teeth took all the blame
with all the salts and dissolutes
the taste has gone to shame
it's way out of turn
our sense burn
i taste your kiss all over the world

Yeah, you know how I do
K-Rino in the house, S.P.C.
I done done the cartoon characters and the cars
So now I'm bout to do these candy bars, you know how I flip it
Murder One in the house, that boy K.O. in here
We chilling in here with my boy Mark
So we gonna, flip a lil' story like this check me out
I was chilling with my homeboy, Milky Way
He be on the corner, 24 hours a day
I met this young hustler, by the name of Twix
He was asking a gray owl, how many licks
Would it take, for a man to make a female cum
He said hmm let me see, and went and got him some
I stepped to him with a twenty, and asked him this
Could you tell me how to find, this girl named Hershey Kiss
He said the last time I seen her, she was selling her butt
For 35 bucks a hit, on a dopefiend cut
If you try to scoop her up, you better handle your bis'
She got a pimp named Snicker, and that ass is his
So I hopped in my ride, and I swooped downtown
To this gun shop, to pick me up a couple of rounds
Of artillery, ain't nobody killing me first
Needed help, so I called my homeboy Starburst
Now my boy wasn't no punk, he packed a punch
Fought this hater named Nestle, and his ass got crunched
It was pay day, we knew he had some bank in his hand
Checked his briefcase, and inside was one hundred grand
When we got to that spot, Hershey Kiss was sold
Saw some freaks on the block, doing the tootsie roll
They was looking at me crazy, so I got suspicious
Saw two freaks, Blow Pop and Bubblicious uh
[Hook: K.O.]
We talking bout, candy
Ooooh-oooh, I'm talking bout candy
Hershey came back, about a hour or so
Riding in a car, with my homeboy Z-Ro
I called her name, but she hopped in a long black Caddy
Left with this rich old man, a sugar daddy
Man I got's to follow em, and learn the truth
Went to a dopehouse, ran by Big Baby Ruth
I saw this dude named Reeses, a mixed up brother
His daddy was chocolate, but his mama was peanut butter
Walked inside the place, Hershey saw my face
She said man K-Rino, what you do in this space
I said I came from South Park, to put you on lock
But I ain't know that you was out here, going hard on the block
All of a sudden all I heard, was the sound of a car
It was Snicker, M&Ms; and Mr. Goodbar
He said now who is this fool with my woman, trying to fade her
When you want your life took boy, now or later
They wouldn't let me have her, so I tried to take her
Got my ass whooped, by a damn Jawbreaker
So M&Ms; ran up, like they was the man
But bullets melted in they mouth, from this heat in my hand
That's when my girl Hershey Kiss, came out with a pump
Told them fools, she set em up from the jump
Stacked a half a million, and counted our cuts
Starburst cocked up, and straight took Snicker's nuts
We raised up, and got caught in the middle
Of a gang war, between the Lemon Heads and the Skittles
But we made it out of that, it wasn't no thang
They was fighting, cause somebody got beat for some candy cane
My homie Starburst, he wanted some butt
So he boned Almond Joy, cause that night he felt like a nut
I looked at Hershey, and said baby can I hit that
That's when I stuck my butterfinger, in her kit-kat uh
[Hook x2]
[Murder One:]
Man, we ain't tal'n bout nothing but candy (candy)

*Nandemo ii wake ja nai
Mitame ni kodawaru TAIPU demo nai
Dakara sore ga hoshii...
Yume no you na jikan
Sore wo okuru no wa you and me shidai
Dakara mi wo makasete
Shinkirou no you na nisemono wa ira nai
Shinjitsu wa hitotsu
Yurameku me no mae ni
Nani wo shinjireba ii no kawakara nai

Some say that love is sweet as a rose,
Some say it's honey and the bee,
Well sit right down and let me tell you
What my love is to me.
I call my sugar "Candy"
Because I'm sweet on "Candy"
And "Candy" is sweet on me
He/She understands me,
My understanding "Candy"
And "Candy"'s always handy
When I need sympathy
I wish that there were four of him/her
So I could love much more of him/her
He/She has taken my complete heart,
Got a sweet tooth for my sweetheart
Its gonna be just dandy
The day I take my "Candy"
And make him mine all mine

I want some candy
I've got to have it
First thing in the morning
I can't kick the habit
Take just a bite
Try just a taste
Just enough to satisfy
But, don't let it go to waste
I don't know why...
Something inside me has changed
I don't know why...
I feel it coursing through my veins
I don't know why...
Slowly driving me insane
I don't know why...
But I know I'll never be the same
You can feel it
You can taste it
You can love it
You can hate it
You despise it
Or embrace it
Always have it
Never waste it
You can listen
Or ignore it
You command
Or you can follow
You can break new ground
Explore it
You can spit
Or you can swallow
There's something about it
That seems so appealing
Without it happening
It just leaves you reeling
Nothing that I know
Resembles the feeling
Like one piece of candy
As I hang from the ceiling
Something inside me has changed
I don't know why...
Feel it coursing through my veins
I don't know why...
Slowly driving me insane
I don't know why...

shake that thing ., let me take that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl.
you were candy girl i get it from the .girl,
the way that you've been running through my mind
miss my mind put the . girl, try to get them pennies girl
harder than a b*tch to miami girl,
and i gotta press my luck 'cause round here is money no . girl.
that girl is good to go, she's really one bad .
when i walk up in this club i feel like really waka
she's one bad ., she's one that .
do me a four shake that .
shake that thing ., let me take that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that girl.
let me get that girl, let me get that girl .
i look the way you move it mama,
when i see you then in pajamas
let me have that thing around your neck yeah
baby let me monicron you
when i put my body on you
break through that body i'ma
keep a presidential you can be my first lady
i'll be obama.
that girl is good to go, she's really one bad .
when i walk up in this club i feel like really waka
she's one bad ., she's one that .
do me a four shake that .
shake that thing ., let me take that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that candy girl,
shake that thing ., let me get that girl.
let me get that girl, let me get that girl .
she's my . candy, she's my .
she's my . pieces, she's my . sky
she's my favorite flavor, share it like .
i wanna pill it off and have you now and later.

My Candy
My Candy
Coming off a Monday
Feeling pretty lonely
Love is in the backseat
Life is on the runway
All because me, I, myself so why,
Why do I break
And why don't I cry
Me, I, myself so why
Why don't I break
Because I got my
Don't you see
Don't you see
My lovely
Well, I don't need
I don't need
I don't need to be apart
To know that this is real
And I don't need a broken heart
To tell me how to feel
I just need my
Fix and its you
If I call you
Will it be too late
Are you doing Ok
Now I'm dreaming of your front door
Screaming out your name
All because me, I, myself so why,
Why do I break
And why don't I cry
Me, I, myself so why
Why don't I break
Because I've got my
Don't you see
Don't you see
My lovely
Well, I don't need
I don't need
I don't need to be apart
To know that this is real
And I don't need a broken heart
To tell me how to feel
I just need my
My candy
Don't you see
Don't you see
My lovely
I don't need
I don't need
My Candy
Don't you see
Don't you see
My lovely
I don't need
I don't need
Sugar so sweetly
I, I, I
I know you're there I can feel you coming
Sugar so sweetly
I, I, I
I know you're there I can hear you coming
Sugar so sweetly
I, I, I
I know you're there I can feel you coming
Sugar so sweetly
I, I, I
I know you're there I can taste you coming
My candy
Don't you see
Don't you see
My lovely
I don't need
I don't need
My Candy
Don't you see
Don't you see
My lovely
I don't need
To know that this is real
I don't need my Candy

This mah pussy i can do wat i
Want. hum?! imma big gurl now!
This mah pussy i can do wat i want.hum?!
Imma big gurl now!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Shake it shake that laffy candy wrap? on
(this my pussy i can do wat i
Want hum?!. imma big gurl now!)
Your booty gurl you lookin danny! now pop that pussy! (this my pussy i can do wat i want hum?!.imma big gurl now!)
[verse 1:]
Damn gurl! you's a freak give it 2 me
She's a beast! git her wet -n- watch her leak,
Run game but i dont speak! shake it fast
West to east, nasty talk we in tha sheets! she's
A big gurl yea i know... give her, would
She curl her toes? git it gurl wat,.she want?
Said she like it 4rm tha front, dont be scared, pussy pop! 4rm tha back and i wont stop.
Sit on top she like to ride, pull her hair she clap thighs, like it when she make it dip
Throw it back its in tha hips!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Shake it shake that laffy candy wrap? on
(this my pussy i can do wat i want
Hum?! imma big gurl now!)
Your booty gurl you lookin danny! now pop that pussy! (this my pussy i can do wat i want.hum?! imma big gurl now!)
[verse 2:]
Put ya fingers on it damn im horny
Pussy poppin'yea im on it, freakin' fuckin' it
Til' mornin in tha club yea off that
Potion! [?] gunna wash that ocean, make it move
Im off -n- rollin', gushin hoes like head
And [?] gushy popin, yea im choosin', who can make
It pop it drop it goin' down up in this
Function! this here song is for my bitches, pussy
Jump like hittin' switches.wolf back
Wolf back, yea im in it! send her wit me remy?
Touchin' lames(?)and pimpin' days, up in dis [?] ...stainless!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Shake it, shake that laffy candy wrap [?] on
(this my pussy i can do wat i want.hum?! imma big gurl now!)
Your booty gurl you lookin danny, now pop that pussy!
(this my pussy i can do wat i want.hum?! imma big gurl now!)
[verse 3:]
Have you ever heard big gurls need love?
This her pussy she can do wat she want! pop it,
Drop it, shake it, clock it, neva go broke
When tha pussy start mackin'! lady in tha streets
But a freak in tha sheets.pop it like
Orval damn thats nice! git tha party shakin',
Ficeier than sum dykes [?] take her home
And she rode it like a bike! take clothes off, yea
Candy 2 a wrapper, n-e otha way yea?
From tha club to tha house, bed 2 tha flo' up
All nite yea i go.shakin' dreds, bangin'
Turf's, nigga's goin' hella dumb, pussy wet ass
Fat... imma dogg chasin' cat!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Front back side-to-side pussy pop do it rite!
Shake it, shake that laffy candy, wrap [?] on
(this mah pussy i can do wat i want.hum?! imma big gurl now!)
Your booty gurl! you lookin danny now pop that pussy! (this my pussy i can do wat i want.hum?! imma big gurl now!)
By alrac

Black cluds hangin over my head
Rain coming down makes me feel like I'm dead
Looking at the children on the playground
And all the drug dealers hanging around
Little boy with a gun in his hand,
Think it's going to make him a man
Then he shoots a little girl
For pulling on his hair
Tell you what life ain't no fucking county fair
I've seen the things you've been through
And I know what you can do
Can you, can you tell me
Can, Can you tell me
Can you tell me what is going on
See the boys running the street
He's got trash at his feet
But he's trying to stay neet
Ak47 sitting in his hand
Think it's going to make him be the man
Drug dealing and pimpin is all he's about
Tell you what the situation
Make me wanna shout
Come on people let me hanging all out
Tell you what is really about
I've seen the things you've been through
And I know what you can do
Can you, can you tell me
Can, Can you tell me
Can you tell me what is going on
I've seen the things you've been through
And I know what you can do
Cna you, can you tell
Can, Can you tell me
Can you tell me what the fuck is going on
I... I see you
See right through you
See right through you
See right through you
Oh Oh
Little girl walking the street
She's got blood on her feet
But she's trying to stay neet
Looking at the boys on the other side
Wanna get whit them take a ride
Don't do it, don't even think about
They'll even make you wanna doubt
All the things that you ever were
Take you out and sell like meat
I've seen the things you've been through
And I know what you can do
Can you, can you tell me
Can, Can you tell me
Can you tell me what is going on
I... I see you
See right through you
See right through you
