No need for Alcoa coal power plant

Environment group Friends of the Earth say there’s no need for Alcoa to be granted a license to generate electricity at their Anglesea coal power plant.

Rather, the plant that came online in the 1960s should be retired—delivering public health and climate change benefits for Victorians.

The current state of the energy market makes the retirement of the coal power plant possible.

opening hours over summer

Check here for the cafe and co-op opening hours over summer.

a new coal mine in South Gippsland?

Gelliondale Resources, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ignite Energy Resources Limited, is currently applying for a Retention Licence to facilitate the the development of the Gelliondale Coal Project.

The proposed area for the Retention Licence (RL 2013) is in the South Gippsland region, near Gelliondale and Hedley.

No Coal Exports

Environment Victoria, along with FoE, Quit Coal and other community groups are holding a ‘No Coal Allocations, No Coal Exports’ rally on the 10th of December, from 1pm on the steps of Parliament House, Melbourne.

Fire & the Story of Burning Country

A new book by Peter McConchie.

The catalyst for this book was the devastating Victorian bushfires of Black Saturday February 2009. The author, Peter McConchie was contacted soon after by Cape York Elders firstly to express their sadness about the tragic loss of life and to extend an invitation to come with them and record the story of traditional land management with fire. 

Quit Coal movie & Info Night

Thursday December 5, 6.30 til 8pm

Heard about the rapid expansion of the coal and gas industries across Australia? Want to learn more? Ready to get involved and take a stand?!

Stand with BEAM and support wind energy!

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has just approved the Cherry Tree Range wind farm proposed for Trawool in Central Victoria.

The project’s approval would not have been possible without a supportive community.

book launch: Working as allies: supporters of indigenous justice reflect

In Working as allies non-indigenous supporters of indigenous justice in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand discuss their practice. The book offers inspiration, insight, guidance and practical ideas to anyone with a passion for social justice.

Wednesday November 27

National Park logging canned - now to stop 'ecological thinning'

The New South Wales Government has rejected the recommendations of an Upper House enquiry that called for logging in National Parks.

However, their response leaves the door open for 'scientific' trials that could still see commercial logging crews sent back into sensitive protected areas.

Little Red Toolangi Treehouse shines light on plight of Leadbeater’s Possum

Tomorrow at 12 noon Hannah Patchett will formally launch her time dwelling in Toolangi’s treetops.

The Little Red Toolangi Treehouse has been built 50 metres up into the canopy of an area of forest habitat for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum