
“We have a responsibility to care for our brothers and sisters from across the water. We must bring the water and the fire, the love and the music to heal the country and move in solidarity.” Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna Aboriginal Elder

The Freedom Flotilla to West Papua is an unprecedented event of creative resistance to the Indonesian occupation of West Papua. The initiative of Indigenous Elders of Australia and West Papua will build global solidarity and highlight the abuses of human rights and land rights carried out under the occupations of their lands on an international stage.

Follow the journey as the Freedom Flotilla continues to fight for the rights of West Papuans on the daily Pogcasts, via twitter & on facebook.

“We work for world peace and justice, we start from our region, the Pacific.” Jacob Rumbiak, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Federated Republic of West Papua.

Guardian: Australia ‘neglecting UN obligations’ by deporting West Papuan asylum seekers

Legal experts say by sending the group to PNG the government has ignored its duty to ensure they are safe from persecution.

Experts in refugee law have warned that Australia cannot pass off to Papua New Guinea its responsibility to process the claims of seven West Papuan asylum seekers.

The seven West Papuans told Australian immigration officials when they landed by boat in the Torres Strait last month that they feared for their lives after taking part in a protest against Indonesian human rights abuses in West Papua.

Read the full story from The Guardian

The Guardian: Former Liberal MP attacks Australia’s treatment of West Papuans

Former Liberal MP Judi Moylan has hit out at the Abbott government over its treatment of seven West Papuan asylum seekers who arrived by boat in the Torres Strait last month.

The seven, including a woman and a 10-year-old child, told customs officials when they landed in Australia on 24 September that they feared for their lives after taking part in a protest against Indonesian human rights abuses in West Papua. But their claims for asylum were ignored and they were swiftly deported to neighbouring Papua New Guinea, where they were handed over to local immigration officials.

Moylan described the move as “extraordinary”.

“I mean, we’ve just completely trashed our commitment to the UN [refugee] convention and to the convention on human rights,” she told Guardian Australia.

Read the full story from The Guardian

Police violently break up 3rd Congress NFRPB commemorations across West Papua

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October 19, 2013

West Papua Media team and local stringers

Early reports received from West Papua Media stringers have described another serious and violent crackdown across West Papua on October 19 by Indonesian security forces, against peaceful gatherings commemorating the second

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More people who were involved in welcoming ceremonies for the Freedom Flotilla have been arrested on the anniversary of the Third Papuan People's Congress. Reposting as links to West Papua Media remain blocked by Facebook.

Protests against dumping of West Papuan Asylum Seekers in Abandoned Camp

Six West Papuan refugees who sought asylum in Australia before being deported to Papua New Guinea, have now been relocated to the Iowara refugee camp in East Awin.

At 11am 18th of October 2013 The Freedom Flotilla to West Papua, along with the West Papuan Melbourne Community, the Refugee Action Collective and Indigenous elders will gather to protest the unlawful deportation of the group at Department of Immigration and Border Protection on the corner of Lonsdale and Spring Streets.

Refugees living in Kiunga are bewildered by PNG Immigration’s decision to send a new group of asylum seekers to the camp, which was largely abandoned by refugees after UNHCR ceased providing assistance to the inhabitants in 1998.

Those that continue to live in the camps, surviving without any assistance on land affected by the Ok Tedi mine disaster, speak of the camps as a ghost town.

Anthropologist Diana Glazebrook recorded a West Papuan refugee’s experience living in the camps; “We are corpses, like dried bones without flesh or blood… We feel awkward and exist in a constant sense of hostility in our relation with the landholders, and vigilant, guarded; fearing repatriation by the government.”

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Green Left: Australia backs Indonesian repression, abandons asylum seekers

Three West Papuan activists scaled the walls of the Australian consulate in Bali on October 6, during the APEC meeting on the island, to seek refuge and demand that foreigners be allowed to freely enter West Papua.

The Australian government, however, took the opportunity to reaffirm its long-standing support for Indonesia’s occupation of West Papua.

The three men, Rofinus Yanggam, Markus Jerewon and Yuvensius Goo, presented their letter to Australian Consul-General Brett Farmer in the early morning. It asked the APEC leaders in Bali, including US State Secretary John Kerry and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott “to persuade the Indonesian government to treat Papuan people better”.

Read the full story from Green Left Weekly

RNZI: Australia’s West Papuan asylum seekers to remote camp near PNG border

Six West Papuans who had sought asylum in Australia, but were secretly moved to Papua New Guinea by Australian authorities, have now been moved to a remote part of Western Province, near the Indonesian border.

The six, who were human rights activists, say they had fled Indonesia when security officials began searching for them after their involvement with the Freedom Flotilla from Australia.

They are being moved tomorrow to the East Awin camp about 50 kilometres from Kiunga.

A spokesperson for the Freedom Flotilla, Ruben Blake, told DW that the camp at East Awin is long established and the people already there are in a desperate state.

Read a transcript of the interview from Radio New Zealand International

Emergency Action Against Deportation to Place of Further Persecution


11am – 1pm Friday 18th of October Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Cnr Lonsdale & Spring Sts.

Six West Papuan’s who sought asylum in Australia have now been banished to the remote border East Awin refugee camp in PNG, in a cynical, cruel, inhumane and illegal move by the Australian Government to cover up persecution faced by West Papuans in Indonesia.
The Freedom Flotilla to West Papua, along with the West Papuan Melbourne Community and the Refugee Action Collective will demonstrate to demand the Australian Government respect its obligations under the Refugee Convention to process their claims for asylum.
The demonstration will also commemorate the 12th Anniversary of the Siev X tragedy on the 19th of October 2013 in which 353 people died seeking refuge in Australia.
An demonstration for refugees will also be held in Perth on Friday and in Sydney on Saturday.
This demonstration is on Aboriginal land.
Following the demonstration join the Welcome home party for the Freedom Flotilla at 8pm in Ovens St Brunswick.