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Family Time

Family business

A Wellington couple is determined to make a business go of the humble jandal.

Competitions Relationships

We want to pay your mortgage

Go in the draw to get your mortgage paid for a month.

Competitions Style

Win $1000 shopping spree

We are giving away a $1000 shopping spree at Westfield so you can really spoil yourself.


birthday party

Party invite dilemma

Why expecting parents to invite their child's whole class to their birthday party is a bad idea for kids.

Halloween costume

Maternity halloween costumes

Sure, your baby may not be born yet, but why let that stop you from incorporating them into your Halloween costume?


Korean sticky pork spare ribs

These delicious ribs are caramelised with a sweet, spicy and sticky sauce.

Single parent

Broken promises

I didn't understand why my mother wasn't staying true to her word. Why did she continue to break her promise?


Birth baby switch

Babies switched in hospital

Two babies have been reunited with their families after being accidentally switched soon after birth.

Caring for baby Miss K and Miss A

Dads' group disaster

When Miss A started screaming uncontrollably just five minutes after we arrived at coffee group I knew things weren't going to go well.

Adoption baby child mother

We couldn't have children

Reader's story

As a young couple we didn't think there would be a problem having children. We were wrong. We chose to go down the adoption path.

Labour Robot mother

Robot mum gives birth

Emily, the swearing robot, gives birth to a toy baby as a training aid in maternity wards.

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Weekly pregnancy guide

Find out what's happening to your body and how your baby is developing.
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Join the conversation

Connect with other mums in Mums' Hub for a chat, advice, empathy or a laugh.
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Looking for inspiration in the kitchen? Check out our family-friendly recipes.
Education & play TAP DANCER

Watch: Tiny tap dancer

This outrageously cute four year-old tap dancer in her preschool tap recital couldn't contain her dancing feet.

Family Time kiran - for blog use only

Travelling light

We're going away for three nights, but from the amount we're taking with us, you'd be forgiven for thinking we're moving for good.

Family Time anna guy

I want, I want, I want...

I've realised I've been way too nice for too long, so I've decided to start weekly jobs for the kids at home.

Behaviour Mike King

Comic's story helps troubled teen

A Mangere teen is turning it all around with the help of comedian Mike King.

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Money goals

Have some patience when it comes to setting - and attaining - financial goals.
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Tech savvy

Need a few clues on navigating the latest gadgets or social media sites?
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Style and beauty

Stuck in a rut? Check out the latest style and beauty advice.
Family Time anna guy

I want, I want, I want...

I've realised I've been way too nice for too long, so I've decided to start weekly jobs for the kids at home.

Family Time mummy pizza

Halloween mummy pizzas

This is such a great and simple idea to bring a little Halloween fun into your home, so easy in fact that it's literally child's play.

TV & movies daniel radcliffe

Daniel not happy with Potter

Despite scoring a career many would dream of from the Harry Potter franchise, Radcliffe prefers indie projects.

Competitions mortgage

We want to pay your mortgage

One lucky Essential Mums reader will win their mortgage paid for a month* - because it's our first birthday and we want to give YOU the presents! 

Health & nutrition phone

Teens' radiation risk

Cordless phones are more of a health risk to young people than mobiles, new research says.

Travel Bay of Islands

Cards and dancing dolphins

A short break with the family in the Bay of Islands means travelling with a full deck of cards.

Relationships Marriage

Chubby wedded bliss

Marriage makes you happier and makes you live longer but it also makes you fatter.

Health fat

Seven calories can ruin it all

Even if you stay on top of your fitness and food choices, those conniving, dirty genes may well win out.

TV & movies megan

Early celebrity audition tapes

From the impressive to the truly painful, see before-they-were famous actors desperate for a part.


Taking kids to work

Turning up to work with children in tow can be hard for all concerned, but sometimes parents don't have a choice.

Celebrities Kim Kardashian

Kim: Pregnancy was tough

Kim Kardashian has admitted her pregnancy was worse than what people got to see.

Style Halloween costume

Maternity halloween costumes

Sure, your baby may not be born yet, but why let that stop you from incorporating them into your Halloween costume?