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mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Monday July 07, 2014 - 01:59 byIlan S.
When the European pressure on Israel to compromise with the Palestinian elite collected momentum - already diminishing exports, Israel tried to take advanced of the kidnapped three settlers youth applying "plans from the drawer" trying to ignite armed Intifada. Nearly three weeks of propaganda based on lies (as if they are searching for the already known to them to be dead three youth) was all over the media. When lastly the bodies were "found", lies were exposed, and the harassments failed to ignite Intifada. The mounted hate crimes of the Israeli extreme right and murder of a Palestinian youth of the annexed East Jerusalem ignited an extreme response there and within the Palestinian regions within the 1948 borders. Vicious harassment of US-Palestinian youth - cousin of the murdered youth which was video typed became together with the video of the kidnapped cousin became viral all over the world and ignited solidarity demos all over the world. ... read full story / add a comment
Μέση Ανατολή / Αραβία / Ιράκ / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Tuesday July 01, 2014 - 21:01 byΦόρουμ Αναρχικών του Κουρδιστάν   image 1 image
Η κρίση στο Ιράκ συνεχίζεται για δεκαετίες, ενώ ήταν υπό την εξουσία του Σαντάμ Χουσεΐν ή κάτω από το «σημερινό δημοκρατικό καθεστώς» μετά την εισβολή του 2003. Δεν υπήρχε ελευθερία ούτε κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη ούτε ισότητα ούτε και μια μικρή, έστω, ευκαιρία για εκείνους που ήταν ανεξάρτητοι από τα πολιτικά κόμματα που βρίσκονταν στην εξουσία. Εκτός από την υφιστάμενη βαρβαρότητα και τις διακρίσεις κατά των γυναικών και των απλών ανθρώπων δημιουργήθηκε ένα πολύ μεγάλο χάσμα μεταξύ πλουσίων και φτωχών, καθιστώντας τους φτωχούς ακόμα φτωχότερους και τους πλούσιους πλουσιότερους. ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Sunday June 29, 2014 - 16:22 byKurdish Anarchists Forum   image 1 image
La crisi in Iraq risale al regime di Saddam Hussein ed è proseguita con "l'attuale regime democratico" dopo l'invasione del 2003. Non c'era libertà, né giustizia sociale; nessuna uguaglianza e pochissime opportunità per coloro che erano indipendenti dai partiti al potere. Oltre alle violenze ed alle discriminazioni contro le donne e la gente comune si è creata una forbice enorme tra i ricchi ed i poveri, con i ricchi sempre più ricchi ed i poveri sempre più poveri. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday June 29, 2014 - 15:51 byIlan S.
Negli ultimi 12 giorni la macchina propagandistica israeliana ha pompato alla grande sul caso del sequestro dei 3 giovani coloni al fine di giustificare ulteriori sforzi per spingere i palestinesi ad un trasferimento "volontario". Hanno finto di usare il sequestro per spezzare Hamas. In realtà hanno usato entrambi nel tentativo disperato di provocare una terza Intifada. Far confluire 700 soldati nel villaggio di Na'ama (vicino Bil'in) che conta 2000 abitanti per arrestare due attivisti di Hamas è una cosa davvero ridicola a cui è difficile dare credito. Falliti i tentativi di far scoppiare una terza Intifada e di bloccare il compromesso tra Hamas e Fatah (uno dei più importanti pilastri della politica israeliana del divide et impera), si fa sempre più invasiva la pressione delle potenze imperialiste mondiali su Israele per mettere fine all'occupazione del 1967. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday June 26, 2014 - 14:32 byIlan S.
La lotta palestinese non-armata si interfaccia con i cambiamenti nella regione e nelle dinamiche di potere mondiale a cui ha contribuito anche l'opinione pubblica nei paesi occidentali. I primi significativi successi della campagna B.D.S. (a cui partecipa la lotta unitaria) e il timore di parti dell'elite capitalista israeliana di perdere terreno a breve termine stanno minacciando lo status quo. Nonostante continuino gli sforzi di trasferire i palestinesi che vivono dentro Israele e nei territori occupati nel 1967, le conseguenze della crescente pressione internazionale sta portando a rotture all'interno dell'elite capitalistica israeliana al potere. La pressione per il compromesso dei 2-stati è stata espressa nell'appello di quasi metà della coalizione parlamentare al governo per predisporre la mappa del compromesso dei 2 stati. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday June 24, 2014 - 21:25 byKurdish Anarchists Forum   image 1 image
The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday June 24, 2014 - 21:21 byKAF   image 1 image
الموقف المستقل للجماهير بين داعش و الدولة

بغض النظر عن من وقف والماهية من وراء هجوم ( داعش ) و انهيار الجيش امامه . و البغض النظر ان كان هذا الهجوم مخطط من القوى الخارجية ودول الجوار او من قبل القوى المحلية. فهناك حرب شامل ما بين القوى السيادية وذات السلطة و المتضرر الوحيد في هذا الاقتتال و في جميع الحروب على مر التاريخ هو الناس المدنين و الفئات المظلومة في المجتمع. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Monday June 23, 2014 - 20:21 byIlan S.
The last dozen days the Israeli PR machine harp on the lot of the kidnapped three young settlers to justify its efforts to prolong the intense pressure on the Palestinians to "willful" transfer. They pretend to use the kidnapped youth to Cripple Hamas - They really use both in a desperate effort to ignite the third intifada. Bringing 700 soldiers to the less than 2000 inhabited small village Na'ama (bordering Bil'in) to arrest two Hamas activists is just a ridiculous story no one will believe. As the efforts to ignite the third Intifada failed, and the obstruction of the compromise between Hamas and Fatah failed too (one of the most important pillars of the Israel divide and rule), the immanent pressure of world imperial power on Israel to end the occupation of 1967 war is nearing faster than ever. The joint struggle of the Israeli radicals together with Palestinian partners keep the subject in the center of world media. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Wednesday June 11, 2014 - 09:57 byIlan S.
The Palestinian non-armed struggle is interwoven with the change in the region and world power dynamics to which popular opinion in the Western countries has contributed its share. The first significant successes of B.D.S. (to which the joint struggle contributes) and the fear of parts of the Israeli capitalist elite from a nearing landslide are threatening the status quo. Though efforts to transfer Palestinians within Israel and the occupied 1967 regions continue, the results of mounting international pressure is resulting in cracks within the Israeli capitalist ruling elite. The pressure for a two-state compromise was expressed in the call of nearly half of the parliament coalition of the government to chart the map of the two-state compromise. Even from the extreme right-wing faction a call was issued for an end to pressure on the Palestinians to "voluntarily transfer" and to formally annex the occupied areas of the West Bank into one Zionist hegemonic state with citizen rights to the Palestinians. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
Protesta Israelo-Palestinese contro il servizio nazionale (foto: RutySoft Galeria)
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday June 01, 2014 - 16:06 byIlan S.   image 1 image
Molte obiezioni sono state sollevate sulla partecipazione di israeliani alla lotta non-armata nelle aree palestinesi occupate con la guerra del 1967. Alcuni, perlopiù palestinesi, la considerano come un contributo alla cosiddetta "normalizzazione". Altri hanno sostenuto che gli attivisti israeliani dovrebbero fare la loro lotta all'interno della popolazione israeliana nei confini del 1948. Molti anarchici hanno sollevato riserve per il fatto che la lotta popolare palestinese sarebbe una sorta di capitalistica "lotta per l'indipendenza nazionale" per l'autodeterminazione dell'elite capitalistica palestinese a cui andrebbe il monopolio dell'opzione per lo sfruttamento delle masse lavoratrici palestinesi. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
Israeli-Palestinian protest against national service. (Photo: RutySoft Galeria)
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday May 28, 2014 - 21:47 byIlan S.   image 1 image
Many objections were raised about the participation of Israelis in the non-armed struggle in the areas of Palestine occupied in the 1967 war. Some, mostly Palestinians, regarded it as a contribution to so called "normalization". Others claimed that Israeli activists should do their struggle within the Israeli population of the 1948 borders. Many anarchists raised reservations as the Palestinian popular struggle is a kind of capitalist "national independence struggle" for the self-determination of the Palestinian capitalist elite to monopolize the option for the exploitation of the Palestinian working masses - they just ignore the fact that most Palestinians wish for a bi-national democratic whole Palestine and not for a national Palestinian State. Others just do not take upon themselves the obligation to serve as a life-saving shield, as Israeli policy officially forbids the state forces to shoot to kill when Israelis are supposed to be among the demonstrators. Indigenous people struggle against settler colonialist transfer and marginalization is NOT the same as a national Bourgeoisie for "national independence" or "national self-determination". [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday May 21, 2014 - 14:12 byIlan S.
Settimana dopo settimana, nei weekend ed in mezzo alla settimana, gli anarchici ed altri attivisti continuano a spingere a spalle per quello che possono le ruote della storia che girano troppo lentamente. Non c'è molta energia nelle masse e sono molti gli attivisti che non avvertono più l'urgenza di partecipare, eppure ci sono ancora molti di noi che persistono e si uniscono ai residui sforzi dei palestinesi che resistono all'avanzata degli sgomberi portata avanti dai coloni sionisti e dalle forze di stato. Gli attivisti internazionali che si uniscono a noi ci portano l'eco di una solidarietà internazionale che cresce sempre di più grazie anche al contributo della nostra lotta. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Monday May 19, 2014 - 22:02 byIlan S.
Week after week, on weekend and in the week-days to anarchists and other activists insist of leaning our Shoulders on the wheels of history that revolve too slow and push them as much as we can. There is not much of energy in the masses and many activists lost the urge to participate, but still many of us persist and join the meager efforts of the Palestinians who resist the advancing transfer efforts of the Israeli Zionist project and its state forces. The international solidarity activists who join us bring with them the echoes of world wide expanding support and the message that our struggle contribute a lot to it. The frustrated Israeli state forces continue their murderous efforts to extinguish the popular struggle adding live ammunition from time to time like the last week at the demo in Bitunia (near the Ofer concentration camp) but retreat under mounting international pressure. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Saturday May 10, 2014 - 01:18 byIlan S.
La crescente pressione delle potenze imperialiste mondiali sembra portare una fazione del capitalismo israeliano ad accettare il compromesso offerto dall'elite palestinese. Un'altra fazione vuole ancora ritardare l'accordo per avvantaggiarsi sul breve termine o per strappare un accordo più favorevole. Credono di poter ritardare senza correre rischi l'accordo fino alle elezioni di novembre negli USA. Nel frattempo proseguono nel silenzio gli sforzi per sgomberare soprattutto l'area C della Cisgiordania occupata e per reprimere la ribellione popolare palestinese. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday May 07, 2014 - 04:25 byIlan S.
The mounting pressure of world imperial powers seems to cause a section of Israel capitalist elite to accept the compromise offered by the Palestinian elite. Another section still want to delay the deal either to enjoy the short term gains or to improve the deal. They think that they can delay the settlement till the November election in the US with out any risk. Mean time the creeping transfer efforts continue mainly in the C areas of the occupied west bank and the suppression of Palestinian popular rebellion. The popular struggle continue both to slow the creeping transfer and to recruit international pressure to quicken the end of occupation. The joint struggle in the south Hebron hill help the Palestinian farmers Tsumud (persistence), in he Sheik Jarakh it help to curb the transfer in the East of Jerusalem. In Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, and Ma'asara it help to freeze the murderous suppression of the popular struggle at large. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday April 30, 2014 - 00:03 byIlan S.
The Israeli Zionist-capitalist elite start to feel that the point of a showdown is nearing fast. They already realized the total backup of the US is diminishing due to the change in its global interests and diminishing of its power... but it still gambling that dragging time may increase their gains in the sphere of lands grabbing and domination on the future Palestinian state. However, the painful understanding that they will not get all that they demanded all the time since the Oslo agreement is already here. The Palestinian ruling elites in the west bank and in Gaza too are on their compromising road as the Fatah old guard and the Hamas are now contemplating sharing the spoils. The joint struggle which contribute its share to the world wide mounting pressure on Israel to compromise continue in spite of the increasing pressure of Israel to put end to it. ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday April 25, 2014 - 15:57 byIlan S.
Il prolungarsi dello status quo tra il governo israeliano ed i dirigenti palestinesi ha raggiunto un punto critico. I cambiamenti in corso negli equilibri interni al capitalismo israeliano sono ancora lenti, ma avvertibili. Non si espande la lotta unitaria degli attivisti palestinesi di base e dei radicali israeliani ma sembra ben promettere la nuova ondata di obiettori al servizio militare che ha superato il numero di cento giovani israeliani. Nonostante la dura repressione, resta di tanto in tanto accesa la fiaccola della lotta unitaria a Bil'in, Ni'lin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarrah, le colline a sud di Hebron, Araqeeb (in territorio israeliano) e di altri posti. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday April 23, 2014 - 04:26 byIlan S.
The prolonged status quo between the Israeli ruling elite and the Palestinian elite reach a climax. Changes in the balances of power within the Israeli capitalist elite is still in slow motion, but you can feel the vibrations. The joint struggle of the Palestinian grass root activists and the Israeli radicals is not expanding, but the new wave of total refusnic military service of Israeli youth - which already passed the hundred seems promising. The joint struggle in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Sheikh Jarah, South Hebron Hills, Arkib (within Israel) and other places from time to time keep the flame in spite of the harsh repression. The involvement of Israeli Jews and to a lesser measure international activists still prevent a massive bloody massacre of the unarmed Palestinian demonstrators. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday April 22, 2014 - 15:10 byIlan S.
Sarà perché la Primavera Araba ed i movimenti nei paesi sviluppati avevano sollevato fin troppe speranze di cambiamento seguite poi dalla disillusione. Sarà perché (come il grande movimento che in in Israele aveva mobilitato circa il 10% della popolazione) si trattava di una sorta di valvola a pressione tenuta aperta... La lotta continua, ma il numero dei partecipanti diminuisce ed il morale di coloro che tengono duro non è per niente alto. La flebile fiamma di speranza per un cambiamento radicale nel nostro torturato paese viene alimentata dai cambiamenti all'interno degli equilibri imperialisti, col graduale disimpegno degli USA dalla regione e la crescente pressione per dei cambiamenti che proviene dall'Europa con la campagna B.D.S. innanzitutto. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Monday April 14, 2014 - 13:34 byIlan S.
May be it is because the Arabic Spring and the wave in the developed countries raised too much the hopes for change followed by disillusions. May be it was (like the big wave in Israel that mobilized about 10% of the population) a kind of releasing pressure valve... The struggle still continue, but the number of participants diminished and the moral of those who continue is not high. The smaller flame of hope for a radical change in our tortured home land is nourished by the change in the imperial power balance, the gradual withdrawal of the US from the region and the increasing pressure for change by Europe with the B.D.S. at its front. But, the joint struggle continue, and the gradual bunt out of many of the old timer activists of the anarchists against the wall is partly replaced by the new wave of total refusnics of mandatory military service for high school graduates and the activists of the anarchist-communist Ahdut. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
Mortar Volume 2

Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq

Thu 10 Jul, 12:30

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textPalestine-Israel, Turmoiled weeks that backfired Israeli efforts to ignite a third armed Intifada in... 01:59 Mon 07 Jul by Ilan S. 0 comments

When the European pressure on Israel to compromise with the Palestinian elite collected momentum - already diminishing exports, Israel tried to take advanced of the kidnapped three settlers youth applying "plans from the drawer" trying to ignite armed Intifada. Nearly three weeks of propaganda based on lies (as if they are searching for the already known to them to be dead three youth) was all over the media. When lastly the bodies were "found", lies were exposed, and the harassments failed to ignite Intifada. The mounted hate crimes of the Israeli extreme right and murder of a Palestinian youth of the annexed East Jerusalem ignited an extreme response there and within the Palestinian regions within the 1948 borders. Vicious harassment of US-Palestinian youth - cousin of the murdered youth which was video typed became together with the video of the kidnapped cousin became viral all over the world and ignited solidarity demos all over the world.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_oabubakralbaghdadi570.jpg imageΤι πιστεύουμε για τ&... 21:01 Tue 01 Jul by Φόρουμ Αναρχικών του Κουρδιστάν 0 comments

Η κρίση στο Ιράκ συνεχίζεται για δεκαετίες, ενώ ήταν υπό την εξουσία του Σαντάμ Χουσεΐν ή κάτω από το «σημερινό δημοκρατικό καθεστώς» μετά την εισβολή του 2003. Δεν υπήρχε ελευθερία ούτε κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη ούτε ισότητα ούτε και μια μικρή, έστω, ευκαιρία για εκείνους που ήταν ανεξάρτητοι από τα πολιτικά κόμματα που βρίσκονταν στην εξουσία. Εκτός από την υφιστάμενη βαρβαρότητα και τις διακρίσεις κατά των γυναικών και των απλών ανθρώπων δημιουργήθηκε ένα πολύ μεγάλο χάσμα μεταξύ πλουσίων και φτωχών, καθιστώντας τους φτωχούς ακόμα φτωχότερους και τους πλούσιους πλουσιότερους.

oabubakralbaghdadi570.jpg imageSulla crisi in Iraq 16:22 Sun 29 Jun by Kurdish Anarchists Forum 0 comments

La crisi in Iraq risale al regime di Saddam Hussein ed è proseguita con "l'attuale regime democratico" dopo l'invasione del 2003. Non c'era libertà, né giustizia sociale; nessuna uguaglianza e pochissime opportunità per coloro che erano indipendenti dai partiti al potere. Oltre alle violenze ed alle discriminazioni contro le donne e la gente comune si è creata una forbice enorme tra i ricchi ed i poveri, con i ricchi sempre più ricchi ed i poveri sempre più poveri. [English]

textPalestina-Israele: Lotta senza fine per bloccare l'avanzata del progetto coloniale sionista 15:51 Sun 29 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

Negli ultimi 12 giorni la macchina propagandistica israeliana ha pompato alla grande sul caso del sequestro dei 3 giovani coloni al fine di giustificare ulteriori sforzi per spingere i palestinesi ad un trasferimento "volontario". Hanno finto di usare il sequestro per spezzare Hamas. In realtà hanno usato entrambi nel tentativo disperato di provocare una terza Intifada. Far confluire 700 soldati nel villaggio di Na'ama (vicino Bil'in) che conta 2000 abitanti per arrestare due attivisti di Hamas è una cosa davvero ridicola a cui è difficile dare credito. Falliti i tentativi di far scoppiare una terza Intifada e di bloccare il compromesso tra Hamas e Fatah (uno dei più importanti pilastri della politica israeliana del divide et impera), si fa sempre più invasiva la pressione delle potenze imperialiste mondiali su Israele per mettere fine all'occupazione del 1967. [English]

textPalestina-Israele, la lotta ed i cambiamenti sullo scenario internazionale innescano una nuova lotta... 14:32 Thu 26 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

La lotta palestinese non-armata si interfaccia con i cambiamenti nella regione e nelle dinamiche di potere mondiale a cui ha contribuito anche l'opinione pubblica nei paesi occidentali. I primi significativi successi della campagna B.D.S. (a cui partecipa la lotta unitaria) e il timore di parti dell'elite capitalista israeliana di perdere terreno a breve termine stanno minacciando lo status quo. Nonostante continuino gli sforzi di trasferire i palestinesi che vivono dentro Israele e nei territori occupati nel 1967, le conseguenze della crescente pressione internazionale sta portando a rotture all'interno dell'elite capitalistica israeliana al potere. La pressione per il compromesso dei 2-stati è stata espressa nell'appello di quasi metà della coalizione parlamentare al governo per predisporre la mappa del compromesso dei 2 stati. [English]

oabubakralbaghdadi570.jpg imageWhat do we think about the current crisis of Iraq? 21:25 Tue 24 Jun by Kurdish Anarchists Forum 0 comments

The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano]

oabubakralbaghdadi570_2.jpg imageالموقف المستقل ل... 21:21 Tue 24 Jun by KAF 0 comments

الموقف المستقل للجماهير بين داعش و الدولة

بغض النظر عن من وقف والماهية من وراء هجوم ( داعش ) و انهيار الجيش امامه . و البغض النظر ان كان هذا الهجوم مخطط من القوى الخارجية ودول الجوار او من قبل القوى المحلية. فهناك حرب شامل ما بين القوى السيادية وذات السلطة و المتضرر الوحيد في هذا الاقتتال و في جميع الحروب على مر التاريخ هو الناس المدنين و الفئات المظلومة في المجتمع.

textPalestine-Israel: The never ending struggle to block the advance of the Zionist settler colonialist ... 20:21 Mon 23 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

The last dozen days the Israeli PR machine harp on the lot of the kidnapped three young settlers to justify its efforts to prolong the intense pressure on the Palestinians to "willful" transfer. They pretend to use the kidnapped youth to Cripple Hamas - They really use both in a desperate effort to ignite the third intifada. Bringing 700 soldiers to the less than 2000 inhabited small village Na'ama (bordering Bil'in) to arrest two Hamas activists is just a ridiculous story no one will believe. As the efforts to ignite the third Intifada failed, and the obstruction of the compromise between Hamas and Fatah failed too (one of the most important pillars of the Israel divide and rule), the immanent pressure of world imperial power on Israel to end the occupation of 1967 war is nearing faster than ever. The joint struggle of the Israeli radicals together with Palestinian partners keep the subject in the center of world media. [Italiano]

textPalestine-Israel, The (joint) struggle and the changes in the international arena start a new power ... 09:57 Wed 11 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

The Palestinian non-armed struggle is interwoven with the change in the region and world power dynamics to which popular opinion in the Western countries has contributed its share. The first significant successes of B.D.S. (to which the joint struggle contributes) and the fear of parts of the Israeli capitalist elite from a nearing landslide are threatening the status quo. Though efforts to transfer Palestinians within Israel and the occupied 1967 regions continue, the results of mounting international pressure is resulting in cracks within the Israeli capitalist ruling elite. The pressure for a two-state compromise was expressed in the call of nearly half of the parliament coalition of the government to chart the map of the two-state compromise. Even from the extreme right-wing faction a call was issued for an end to pressure on the Palestinians to "voluntarily transfer" and to formally annex the occupied areas of the West Bank into one Zionist hegemonic state with citizen rights to the Palestinians. [Italiano]

Protesta Israelo-Palestinese contro il servizio nazionale (foto: RutySoft Galeria) imagePalestina-Israele: nell'uccisione a Beitunia, la lotta unitaria mostra una volta di più l'importanza... 16:06 Sun 01 Jun by Ilan S. 0 comments

Molte obiezioni sono state sollevate sulla partecipazione di israeliani alla lotta non-armata nelle aree palestinesi occupate con la guerra del 1967. Alcuni, perlopiù palestinesi, la considerano come un contributo alla cosiddetta "normalizzazione". Altri hanno sostenuto che gli attivisti israeliani dovrebbero fare la loro lotta all'interno della popolazione israeliana nei confini del 1948. Molti anarchici hanno sollevato riserve per il fatto che la lotta popolare palestinese sarebbe una sorta di capitalistica "lotta per l'indipendenza nazionale" per l'autodeterminazione dell'elite capitalistica palestinese a cui andrebbe il monopolio dell'opzione per lo sfruttamento delle masse lavoratrici palestinesi. [English]

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textSiria: la lotta continua - "Giornata dell'ira contro Al-Qaeda & Assad" Jan 26 by Třídní Válka 0 comments

Da quando tre anni fa ci fu il sollevamento in Siria (quale locale materializzazione delle insurrezioni che hanno scosso intere regioni del Maghreb e del Mashrek) la maggior parte delle reazioni, dei commenti e delle critiche da parte di strutture militanti che si dichiarano rivoluzionarie, internazionaliste, comuniste, anarchiche... non hanno fatto che andare nella stessa direzione: esprimere dubbi su cosa sta accadendo, dubbi sulle determinazioni materiali di fondo che hanno dato inizio ai movimenti che sono sotto i nostri occhi, dubbi sulla natura di classe di tali eventi, dubbi sul potenziale sovversivo delle lotte della nostra classe quando non avvengono sotto le "giuste" bandiere, e così dicendo. [English]

textSíria: a luta contínua – “Jornada de Cólera contra a Al-Qaeda e Assad” Jan 26 by Třídní Válka 0 comments

Hoje em dia, depois de passados longos três anos que o levante se incíou na Síria (desde as manifestões locais que arrasaram as regiões do Maghreb e do Machrek), a maior parte das reações, comentários e críticas provém de organizações militantes que se intitulam revolucionárias ,internacionalistas, comunistas e anarquistas... Assim nós vem o sentimento da dúvida em relação ao que se passa, da dúvida por relação as determinações materiais essenciais que dão vida aos movimentos que se desenvolvem diante de nossos olhos, da dúvida por relação a natureza de classe desses eventos, da dúvida em relação ao conteúdo potencialmente subversivo das lutas de nossa classe enquanto ela não possuir “boas” bandeiras, etc. [English]

textSyrie : la lutte continue - « Journée de colère contre Al-Qaeda & Assad » Jan 19 by TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA 0 comments

Depuis maintenant bientôt trois années qu’un soulèvement a éclaté en Syrie (en tant que manifestation locale des boule-versements qui secouent les régions du Maghreb et du Machrek), la plupart des réactions, commentaires et critiques provenant de structures militantes qui se réclament de la révolution, de l’internationalisme, du communisme, de l’anarchie,… vont dans le même sens : le doute par rapport à ce qui se passe, le doute par rapport aux déterminations maté-rielles essentielles qui donnent vie aux mouvements qui se développent devant nos yeux, le doute par rapport à la nature de classe de ces événements, le doute par rapport au contenu potentiellement subversif des luttes de notre classe lorsque celle-ci ne porte pas les « bons » drapeaux, etc.

textSyria: the Struggle Continues – “Day of Rage Against Al-Qaeda & Assad” Jan 19 by TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA 0 comments

Since nearly three years that an uprising broke out in Syria (as a local materialization of the upheavals shaking the whole regions of Maghreb and Mashreq) most of the reactions, comments and critics from militant structures which claim to be revolutionary, internationalist, communist, anarchist… go in the same direction: doubts about what happens, doubts about essential material determinations that give birth to the movements that develop in front of our eyes, doubts about the class nature of these events, doubts about the potentially subversive content of struggles of our class when it doesn’t wave the “good” flags, etc. [Português] [Français] [Italiano]

imageΤι συμβαίνει στη Συ&... Sep 11 by Monte 0 comments

Η δυσκολία στην κατανόηση της τρέχουσας γεωπολιτικής κατάστασης εξαρτάται συχνά από το ερμηνευτικό πλαίσιο που χρησιμοποιείται για να αποκρυπτογραφηθούν τα γεγονότα. Πιστεύω ότι η παγκόσμια θεωρία των συστημάτων (Wallerstein, Arrighi) που καθορίζει την τρέχουσα κρίση στην ηγεμονία του κέντρου –των ΗΠΑ, μιας χώρας που δημιούργησε ιστορικά τη δομή της παγκόσμιας αγοράς και τη σχέση της με τη διακρατική εξουσία από το 1945 και δώθε- είναι αυτό που περισσότερο από κάθε άλλο είναι σε θέση να εξηγήσει την πολυπλοκότητα του επαναπροσδιορισμού των σχέσεων εξουσίας και των ισορροπιών, τον επαναπροσδιορισμό των συμμαχιών και των νέων στρατηγικών περιοχών.

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imageΤι πιστεύουμε για τ&... Jul 01 0 comments

Η κρίση στο Ιράκ συνεχίζεται για δεκαετίες, ενώ ήταν υπό την εξουσία του Σαντάμ Χουσεΐν ή κάτω από το «σημερινό δημοκρατικό καθεστώς» μετά την εισβολή του 2003. Δεν υπήρχε ελευθερία ούτε κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη ούτε ισότητα ούτε και μια μικρή, έστω, ευκαιρία για εκείνους που ήταν ανεξάρτητοι από τα πολιτικά κόμματα που βρίσκονταν στην εξουσία. Εκτός από την υφιστάμενη βαρβαρότητα και τις διακρίσεις κατά των γυναικών και των απλών ανθρώπων δημιουργήθηκε ένα πολύ μεγάλο χάσμα μεταξύ πλουσίων και φτωχών, καθιστώντας τους φτωχούς ακόμα φτωχότερους και τους πλούσιους πλουσιότερους.

imageSulla crisi in Iraq Jun 29 KAF 0 comments

La crisi in Iraq risale al regime di Saddam Hussein ed è proseguita con "l'attuale regime democratico" dopo l'invasione del 2003. Non c'era libertà, né giustizia sociale; nessuna uguaglianza e pochissime opportunità per coloro che erano indipendenti dai partiti al potere. Oltre alle violenze ed alle discriminazioni contro le donne e la gente comune si è creata una forbice enorme tra i ricchi ed i poveri, con i ricchi sempre più ricchi ed i poveri sempre più poveri. [English]

imageWhat do we think about the current crisis of Iraq? Jun 24 KAF 0 comments

The Iraq crisis has been continued for decades while it has been under the power of Saddam Hussein or under the “current democratic Regime” since the invasion of 2003. There were no freedom, no social justice; no equality and also little opportunity for those who were independent from the political parties who were in power. In addition to existing brutality and discrimination against women and the ordinary people a very big gap was created between the rich and poor, making the poor even poorer and the rich richer. [Italiano]

imageالموقف المستقل ل... Jun 24 KAF 0 comments

الموقف المستقل للجماهير بين داعش و الدولة

بغض النظر عن من وقف والماهية من وراء هجوم ( داعش ) و انهيار الجيش امامه . و البغض النظر ان كان هذا الهجوم مخطط من القوى الخارجية ودول الجوار او من قبل القوى المحلية. فهناك حرب شامل ما بين القوى السيادية وذات السلطة و المتضرر الوحيد في هذا الاقتتال و في جميع الحروب على مر التاريخ هو الناس المدنين و الفئات المظلومة في المجتمع.

textCGT rechaza la intervención militar en Siria Sep 14 CONFEDERACIÓN GENERAL DEL TRABAJO 0 comments

CGT reitera su compromiso solidario a favor de la emancipación de los pueblos y contra todas las dictaduras

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