29 October 2013

Amid new revelations of NSA spying on Europe
German press, politicians warn of rupture in US-German relations

By Ulrich Rippert, 29 October 2013

The NSA reportedly monitored 60 million phone calls in Spain in December alone.

More on NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden »

Japanese PM foreshadows tougher action over disputed islets

By Peter Symonds, 29 October 2013

Abe’s stance on the Senkaku islands is part of a broader strategy to reassert Japanese imperialism’s interests throughout the region.

German state parliament persecutes refugees

By Denis Krasnin and Dietmar Henning, 29 October 2013

The Hamburg state Senate has assumed a leading role in the persecution of refugees, building up the powers of the state for use against the working class as a whole.

Kremlin dismantles Russian Academy of Sciences

By Clara Weiss, 29 October 2013

Recently passed reforms will result in the plundering of what remains of Russia’s leading scientific and cultural institutions.

US: Anger on first anniversary of Hurricane Sandy

By Philip Guelpa, 29 October 2013

One year after Hurricane Sandy, inadequate funding and bureaucratic delays have left hundreds of thousands in desperate conditions.

Fatal Bronx fire exposes appalling social conditions

By Dan Brennan, 29 October 2013

The horrific fire that engulfed a Bronx apartment complex Friday evening and killed three young children has exposed the miserable conditions of life facing a large section of the working class in New York City.

Congressional quota drives US immigration detentions to record highs

By Jake Dean, 29 October 2013

A US congressional directive known as the “bed mandate” requires that Immigration and Customs Enforcement hold 34,000 immigrants in custody per day.

Canada’s Conservative government sideswiped by Senate expenses scandal

By Keith Jones, 29 October 2013

Prime Minster Stephen Harper and his government have repeatedly dissembled and lied about the Senate expense scandal.

Australian state government announces “performance pay” school regime

By Will Marshall and Patrick O’Connor, 29 October 2013

Each year, between 20 and 40 percent of teachers will be arbitrarily declared “underperforming,” denied incremental salary increases and threatened with dismissal.

New in French

Formation du gouvernement en Allemagne: une «Grande coalition» pour le démantèlement social et une politique de Grande puissance

Par Ulrich Rippert, 28 octobre 2013

Le prochain gouvernement ne sera pas qu’une simple répétition de la «Grande coalition» de 2005-2009, il imposera des coupes sociales plus profondes et adoptera une politique étrangère impérialiste plus agressive.

Les dix PDG américains les mieux payés empochent plus de 100 millions de dollars chacun

Par Andre Damon, 28 octobre 2013

Les dix directeurs généraux américains les mieux payés ont récolté ensemble 4,7 milliards de dollars en 2012, établissant ainsi un nouveau record.

Le scandale des écoutes de la NSA domine le sommet de l'Union européenne

Par Christoph Dreier, 28 octobre 2013

Le sommet de l'Union européenne à Bruxelles jeudi et vendredi a été dominé par les écoutes de la NSA sur le téléphone portable de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel.

Les quinze ans du WSWS: 1998-2013
Année passée en revue : 2007
Pourquoi je lis le WSWS: Courrier des lecteurs

New in Russian

Нет войне против Сирии!

Политический Комитет Партии Социалистического Равенства (США), 25 октября 2013 г.

Партия Социалистического Равенства и Международный Комитет Четвертого Интернационала призывают рабочих и молодежь Соединенных Штатов, Европы и всего мира к мобилизации своих коллективных сил против планов правительства Обамы и его союзников начать военное нападение на Сирию.

Погромы мигрантов в Москве

Клара Вайсс, 25 октября 2013 г.

Толпа расистов, насчитывающая несколько тысяч человек, в течение нескольких часов бесчинствовала в районе Бирюлево Западное города Москвы.

New in Spanish

Las lecciones políticas del affaire Leonarda

Por Peter Schwarz, 29 Octubre 2013

El “affaire Leonarda” ha expuesto la realidad de las condiciones sociales y políticas en Francia.

Other Languages


Cutting food stamps: The ruthlessness of the American ruling class

29 October 2013

Food assistance benefits for over 45 million Americans will be slashed starting Friday.

Earlier Perspectives »

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Emergency manager, Michigan governor testify in Detroit bankruptcy case

By Thomas Gaist and Jerry White, 29 October 2013

Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr and Governor Richard Snyder testified about their roles in preparing the Chapter 9 filing during Monday’s trial.

Bankruptcy proceedings in Detroit: The looting of an American city

By Jerry White, 28 October 2013

Workers World Party: The pseudo-left face of the Democratic Party

By Jerry White, 24 October 2013

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

Defend the Detroit Institute of Arts!

New SEP pamphlet available at Mehring Books
The Defense of Culture and the Crisis in Detroit

Mehring Books is pleased to announce the publication of a new Socialist Equality Party pamphlet, The Defense of Culture and the Crisis in Detroit, by David Walsh and Joe Kishore.

The significance of the rally to defend the Detroit Institute of Arts

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 7 October 2013

More on Defend the Detroit Institute of Arts »


The pseudo-left Russian Socialist Movement and the dead end of the anti-Putin protests

By Andrea Peters, 29 October 2013

The disintegration of the Russian protests and its transformation into a platform to promote the right-wing candidacy of Alexei Navalny has exposed the rotten politics of the RSM.

Obamacare prompts insurers to drop hundreds of thousands from coverage

By Kate Randall, 28 October 2013

German government talks: A grand coalition of social cuts and imperialist foreign policy

By Ulrich Rippert, 26 October 2013

ISO lines up behind Democrats in New York mayoral election

By Fred Mazelis, 25 October 2013

Arts Review

David Walsh delivers lecture “Art, Socialism, and the Working Class” at Toronto’s York University

By Dylan Lubao, 29 October 2013

David Walsh, arts editor of the World Socialist Web Site, delivered a lecture at York University in Toronto October 24, focusing on the relationship between socialist consciousness and the artistic cognition of the world.

American musician, performer Lou Reed dead at 71

By Hiram Lee, 29 October 2013

Lou Reed, founder of the influential rock band The Velvet Underground, has died at the age of 71.

Wealth and status under fire: Lorde’s Pure Heroine

By Ed Hightower, 25 October 2013

“The struggle to tell the truth through stories”: An interview with British film and television producer Tony Garnett—Part 2

By our reporters, 24 October 2013

Mehring Books

eBook versions of second edition of In Defense of Leon Trotsky now available

29 October 2013

The new expanded edition is now available in epub and pdf formats.

NHS Fightback

Government demands third year of pay freeze in British health service

By Ajanta Silva, 29 October 2013

The UK government is demanding National Health Service workers take a further year's pay freeze, amid plans to cut NHS spending by an additional £10 billion.

More on the NHS Fightback »

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

IYSSE/SEP public meeting November 9
The NY mayoral election: The tasks facing the working class

29 October 2013

The likely winner of the upcoming mayoral election, Bill de Blasio, will continue the policies that have led to unprecedented inequality in the cultural and financial capital of the United States.

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

29 October 2013

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden

Scandal grows over NSA wiretapping of German Chancellor Merkel

By Alex Lantier, 28 October 2013

More on NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden »


New fossil skull find may revolutionize view of early human evolution

By Thomas Douglass, 22 October 2013

A newly reported skull from the site of Dmanisi in Georgia demonstrates wide variation in brain size and morphology within an early Homo erectus population, with implications for other fossil species and ancient population structure.

25 years: Public sector strike wave shakes French government

In late October and early November 1988, virtually the entire public sector in France seethed with wildcat strikes.

More »

50 years ago: Diem assassinated in US-backed coup

On November 1, a cabal of South Vietnamese generals led by Duong Van Minh, acting with the backing and financial support of the US, overthrew the government of President Ngo Dinh Diem.

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75 years ago: Orson Welles creates sensation with broadcast of The War of the Worlds

On the evening of October 30, 1938, Orson Welles directed and narrated a radio adaptation of the H.G. Wells science fiction novel The War of the Worlds on CBS Radio as part of the “Mercury Theatre on the Air” series.

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100 years ago: Victim of anti-Semitic frame-up acquitted in Tsarist Russia

On October 28, 1913, Menahem Mendel Beilis, a Ukrainian Jew who was the victim of an infamous anti-Semitic frame-up orchestrated by the Tsarist autocracy, was acquitted of the murder of an eleven-year-old boy.

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