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  • NSA reportedly snooping through Yahoo and Google...2:52
  • Breaking NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama supports REBELS, Al-Qaeda take down Assad REGIME (CIA funding)...5:34
  • U.S. President Barack Obama said he takes full responsibility for making sure the problems...0:47
  • President Obama Nominates Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chairwoman...12:02
  • Israel: outrage at planned release of more Palestinian prisoners...1:03
  • Was Tiananmen Square car fire a suicide attack? (3D crash reconstruction)...1:03
  • Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners in accord with peace talks deal...0:29
  • Lying James Clapper To Possibly Head Spying Reform Program...6:57
  • NSA Surveillance: Obama Unaware as U.S. Spied on World Leaders...4:43
  • Adapting to climate change in Eastern and Southern Africa...20:43
  • Phone hacking trial begins...6:41
  • (HD) Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts...3:57
  • M23 rebels enhance military training...2:54
add video playlist A report says the NSA tapped into overseas communications links between Yahoo and Google.
A report says the NSA tapped into overseas communications links between Yahoo and Google.
NSA re­port­ed­ly snoop­ing through Yahoo and Google
Breaking NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama supports REBELS, Al-Qaeda take down Assad REGIME (CIA funding)

US President Barack Obama has signed a secret order allowing the CIA and other American agencies to support rebels seeking to overthrow the Assad regime, a US government source told Reuters.
Obama reportedly gave the order, known as an intelligence \
Break­ing NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama sup­ports REBELS, Al-Qae­da take down Assad REGIME (CIA fund­ing)
U.S. President Barack Obama said he takes full responsibility for making sure the problems with the new health care website are fixed as soon as possible. Speaking in Boston yesterday, the president said the website is too slow and that too many people looking to buy insurance are getting stuck. He said he is not happy about it and there is no excuse for it. But he said the so-called Obamacare website ultimately will be the easiest way for Americans to shop for a health care plan. Earlier, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius apologized to a congressional committee for the troubled website. Sebelius said she has brought in new management, however, to fix the website and that it already has improved.
U.S. Pres­i­dent Barack Obama said he takes full re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for mak­ing sure the prob­lems
Dr. Janet Yellen will be the first female Chairman (Chairwoman?) of the United States Federal Reserve, and will instantly become one of the most powerful people in the world, and arguably the most powerful woman in world history. Yellen currently serves is currently the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a role to which she was appointed in October 2010.
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TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation, Janet Yellen, Dr. Janet Yellen, Yellen, Woman, First, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve, Fed, Bank, Central Bank, Economics, Economy, United States of America, Currency, Stimulus, Bond Buying, QE, Quantitative Easing, Smart, Best, Government, President Barack Obama, Senate, Confirmation Hearing, Confirmed, Economist, San Francisco, Announcement, Speech, Statement, News, Politics, World, Global, Policy, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Government Shutdown, Debt Limit, Debt Ceiling, democrat, democrats, Larry Summers
Pres­i­dent Obama Nom­i­nates Janet Yellen As Fed­er­al Re­serve Chair­wom­an
Groups of Israelis have been protesting against their government\'s plan to release 26 Palestinian...

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Groups of Israelis have been protesting against their government\'s plan to release 26 Palestinian prisoners, all convicted of murder. They will be the second wave of inmates to be freed by Israel under a deal to revive peace talks with the Palestinians.

Almagor, a group representing the victims\' families, has lodged an appeal at Israel\'s Supreme Court. The head of Almagor, Meir Indor, said the group wanted \
Is­rael: out­rage at planned re­lease of more Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers
Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:
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Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on Monday was a suicide attack.

Was Tianan­men Square car fire a sui­cide at­tack? (3D crash re­con­struc­tion)

Israel has released 26 Palestinian prisoners, the second of four groups to be freed in line with a deal which set peace talks back in motion. The decision was met with anger in Israel.Another 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners crossed the Israeli border into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip early Wednesday to jubilant celebrations.
Is­rael re­leas­es 26 Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers in ac­cord with peace talks deal
Last Friday, President Obama held a press conference at the White House to discuss the reform of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the section under which the NSA justified its mass surveillance of millions of Americans. During the address, Obama said \
Lying James Clap­per To Pos­si­bly Head Spy­ing Re­form Pro­gram
The NSA ended a program used to spy on German Chancellor Merkel and a number of other leaders after an internal Obama administration review revealed to the White House the existence of the operation. WSJ\'s Siobhan Gorman has exclusive details.

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NSA Surveil­lance: Obama Un­aware as U.S. Spied on World Lead­ers
In Africa, millions will suffer from climate change impacts on agriculture, water availability, ecosystem services and biodiversity. It\'s urgent for countries in the region to take action to reduce vulnerability and enhance local communities\' capacity to adapt.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (or IUCN) has been working with three countries to do just that.

In Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, IUCN staff members have been collaborating with national governments, local NGOs and selected communities on a pilot project, funded by the government of Finland, called the « Climate Change and Development project », or CCDP.

The project was developed with the aim of ensuring that policies and strategies lead to activities that emphasize the role of water and forests in adapting to climate change in the region.
Adapt­ing to cli­mate change in East­ern and South­ern Africa
The jury in the phone-hacking trial at the Old Bailey have been told that four people have already admitted hacking charges. Their task now is to decide who knew about it. 

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Phone hack­ing trial be­gins
Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts
Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts
Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts
Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts
The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper has acknowledged that President Barack
Obama was well aware of surveillance activities targeting leaders of friendly foreign nations.
(HD) Clap­per: Obama was aware of NSA spy­ing ef­forts
M23 rebels enhance military training watched by todayvideos999.
M23 rebels en­hance mil­i­tary train­ing
BBC News Margve­lashvili set for Geor­gia pres­i­den­cy
Translation of soundbite #1: MEDICAL STUDENT, SUMAIYA NAWSHIN, SAYING:
Bangladesh: Protesters De­mand Ex­e­cu­tion Of Abdul Quad­er Mol­lah

updated 31 Oct 2013; published 31 Oct 2013
NSA re­port­ed­ly snoop­ing through Yahoo and Google
Denver Post 31 Oct 2013, The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among...
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updated 02 Aug 2012; published 02 Aug 2012
Break­ing NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama sup­ports REBELS, Al-Qae­da take down Assad REGIME (CIA fund­ing)
Al Jazeera 31 Oct 2013, The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, has said he is open to peace talks but insisted that they would not go ahead unless foreign nations stopped supporting rebel fighters. The comments came during a meeting on Wednesday with peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi in Damascus....
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updated 31 Oct 2013; published 31 Oct 2013
U.S. Pres­i­dent Barack Obama said he takes full re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for mak­ing sure the prob­lems
New Straits/Business Times 31 Oct 2013, President Barack Obama took the heat Wednesday for his health reforms' bungled rollout, and acknowledged perhaps for the first time that some Americans will pay more for coverage under Obamacare. One month after the October 1 debut of the online portal, thousands of Americans have signed up for new health insurance but millions more have been...
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updated 09 Oct 2013; published 09 Oct 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama Nom­i­nates Janet Yellen As Fed­er­al Re­serve Chair­wom­an 30 Oct 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling One day after President Barack Obama signed into law a bill to end the 16-day government shutdown, extending the borrowing limit, the nation's $16.7 trillion debt increased by an incredible $328 billion. Surpassing the previous record for borrowing on a single day, $238 billion back in 2011, the...
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updated 29 Oct 2013; published 29 Oct 2013
Is­rael: out­rage at planned re­lease of more Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers
Al Jazeera 30 Oct 2013, Marwan Barghouti, a leading Palestinian political prisoner being held for life in Israel, has spent nearly two decades of his life in Israeli jails, including the past 11 years. Approximately 30 others, who later this month are expected to exchange prison cells for larger prisons in occupied Palestine, are returning to a very different world -...
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updated 29 Oct 2013; published 29 Oct 2013
Was Tianan­men Square car fire a sui­cide at­tack? (3D crash re­con­struc­tion)
Fox News 30 Oct 2013, Published October 30, 2013Associated Press Two passengers on a bus talk about the suicide car crash near Tiananmen Gate as the bus drives past the spot where, on Monday, a sport utility vehicle crashed and caught fire, in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. Chinese police are circulating a list of eight suspects wanted in connection with the...
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updated 30 Oct 2013; published 30 Oct 2013
Is­rael re­leas­es 26 Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers in ac­cord with peace talks deal
The Australian 30 Oct 2013, ISRAEL freed another 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners today, alongside US-brokered peace talks. But shortly after they walked free in a gesture meant to ease the talks' progress, Israeli army radio reported government plans to boost settlement in annexed east Jerusalem. A group of 21 prisoners from the West Bank left Ofer prison, near Jerusalem,...
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updated 17 Aug 2013; published 17 Aug 2013
Lying James Clap­per To Pos­si­bly Head Spy­ing Re­form Pro­gram
The Washington Times 30 Oct 2013, Facebook Follow @washtimes Is it possible that President Obama really didn't know the NSA was spying on foreign leaders for years? Login to Vote View results America’s top intelligence official acknowledged Tuesday that President Obama and other senior White House officials were well aware of U.S. surveillance activities targeting leaders...
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updated 28 Oct 2013; published 28 Oct 2013
NSA Surveil­lance: Obama Un­aware as U.S. Spied on World Lead­ers
The Guardian 29 Oct 2013, The chair of the Senate intelligence committee, who has been a loyal defender of the National Security Agency, dramatically broke ranks on Monday, saying she was "totally opposed" to the US spying on allies and demanding a total review of all surveillance programs. California Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein strongly criticised the NSA's...
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updated 02 Apr 2012; published 02 Apr 2012
Adapt­ing to cli­mate change in East­ern and South­ern Africa
Al Jazeera 29 Oct 2013, At each African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) meeting Ministers of Environment across the entire Africa file into one room and dedicate themselves to discussing key regional policies and initiatives related to the environment. There were criticisms of the previous talks held in Doha, Qatar where the commitment to climate change...
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updated 30 Oct 2013; published 30 Oct 2013
Phone hack­ing trial be­gins
Belfast Telegraph 29 Oct 2013, The prosecution case could open today in the trial of eight defendants including former News International Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks and ex-Downing Street communications chief Andy Coulson. Jury selection in the case, which could last up to six months, began yesterday at the Old Bailey, with a pool of around 80 potential jurors cramming in to...
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updated 30 Oct 2013; published 30 Oct 2013
(HD) Clap­per: Obama was aware of NSA spy­ing ef­forts
The Salt Lake Tribune 29 Oct 2013, Washington • President Barack Obama is poised to order the National Security Agency (NSA) to stop eavesdropping on the leaders of American allies, administration and congressional officials said Monday, responding to a deepening diplomatic crisis over reports that the agency had for years targeted the cellphone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel....
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updated 28 Apr 2013; published 28 Apr 2013
M23 rebels en­hance mil­i­tary train­ing
BBC News 29 Oct 2013, The UN's special envoy in the Democratic Republic of Congo has told the organisation's Security Council that the M23 rebel movement is all but finished as a military threat. Martin Kobler said the M23 had abandoned most military positions in the east and was confined to a small triangle close to the Rwandan border. A fifth rebel-held area...
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updated 28 Oct 2013; published 28 Oct 2013
BBC News Margve­lashvili set for Geor­gia pres­i­den­cy
Voa News 28 Oct 2013, Georgia&aposs; ruling coalition has cemented its control of the country&aposs; government with an overwhelming presidential election victory. With most of the vote counted Monday, Giorgi Margvelashvili had 62 percent of Sunday&aposs; vote with his closest challenger at just 22 percent. Margvelashvili is a member of...
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NSA secretly tapped Yahoo, Google, according to documents
Full Article Denver Post
31 Oct 2013

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials. By tapping those links, the agency has positioned itself to collect at will from among... Surveillance Spying Program
File - President Barack Obama studies a document held by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper during the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office, Feb. 3, 2011.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Assad: foreign powers must end rebel support
Full Article Al Jazeera
31 Oct 2013

The Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, has said he is open to peace talks but insisted that they would not go ahead unless foreign nations stopped supporting rebel fighters. The comments came during a meeting on Wednesday with peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi in Damascus.... Assad War - Syria Violence
Syrian President Bashar Assad reacts as he speaks to the media with his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul, not seen, following their talks at the Ottoman-era Ciragan Palace, Istanbul, Turkey, Saturday, May 8, 2010.
photo: AP / Ibrahim Usta

Obama vows health website fix, says some rates may rise
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
31 Oct 2013

President Barack Obama took the heat Wednesday for his health reforms' bungled rollout, and acknowledged perhaps for the first time that some Americans will pay more for coverage under Obamacare. One month after the October 1 debut of the online portal, thousands of Americans have signed up for new health insurance but millions more have been... Obama Health Care Reform
President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks at The Associated Press luncheon during the ASNE Convention, Tuesday, April 3, 2012, in Washington.
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster

The Other ''Yellin' at the Federal Reserve''
Full Article
30 Oct 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling One day after President Barack Obama signed into law a bill to end the 16-day government shutdown, extending the borrowing limit, the nation's $16.7 trillion debt increased by an incredible $328 billion. Surpassing the previous record for borrowing on a single day, $238 billion back in 2011, the... Obama Ceiling Shutdown
President Barack Obama applauds Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke as Janet Yellen, vice chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, stands at left in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak

Unconditional release of Marwan Barghouti is positive step forward
Full Article Al Jazeera
30 Oct 2013

Marwan Barghouti, a leading Palestinian political prisoner being held for life in Israel, has spent nearly two decades of his life in Israeli jails, including the past 11 years. Approximately 30 others, who later this month are expected to exchange prison cells for larger prisons in occupied Palestine, are returning to a very different world -... Rights Barghouti Peace
File - Senior Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti makes the victory sign in front the media during his arrival to testify in a trial at a Jerusalem court, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012.
photo: AP / Bernat Armangue

Chinese police seek 8 suspects following apparent suicide car attack near Tiananmen Square
Full Article Fox News
30 Oct 2013

Published October 30, 2013Associated Press Two passengers on a bus talk about the suicide car crash near Tiananmen Gate as the bus drives past the spot where, on Monday, a sport utility vehicle crashed and caught fire, in Beijing, China, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013. Chinese police are circulating a list of eight suspects wanted in connection with the... Terrorism Square
Paramilitary police officers, police officers, and cleaners work in front of Tiananmen Gate following a car fire in Beijing, China, Monday, Oct. 28, 2013.
photo: AP / Alexander F. Yuan

Israel frees 26 more Palestinian prisoners
Full Article The Australian
30 Oct 2013

ISRAEL freed another 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners today, alongside US-brokered peace talks. But shortly after they walked free in a gesture meant to ease the talks' progress, Israeli army radio reported government plans to boost settlement in annexed east Jerusalem. A group of 21 prisoners from the West Bank left Ofer prison, near Jerusalem,... Palestinian Conflict Peace Talks Prisoners
A released Palestinian prisoner, Hazem shber, arrives at a checkpoint at the entrance of Beit Hanoun between north of Gaza Strip and Israel, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013.
photo: AP / Hatem Moussa

Clapper contradicts White House, says Obama was aware of spying on allies
Full Article The Washington Times
30 Oct 2013

Facebook Follow @washtimes Is it possible that President Obama really didn't know the NSA was spying on foreign leaders for years? Login to Vote View results America’s top intelligence official acknowledged Tuesday that President Obama and other senior White House officials were well aware of U.S. surveillance activities targeting leaders... Security Agency Spying
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper gestures during a House Intelligence Committee hearing on potential changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013 in Washington.
photo: AP / Evan Vucci

NSA faces sweeping review into extent of surveillance
Full Article The Guardian
29 Oct 2013

The chair of the Senate intelligence committee, who has been a loyal defender of the National Security Agency, dramatically broke ranks on Monday, saying she was "totally opposed" to the US spying on allies and demanding a total review of all surveillance programs. California Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein strongly criticised the NSA's... Surveillance Spying Program
File - A demonstration against the PRISM surveillance program in Berlin, organised by the Pirate Party, during United States president Barack Obama's visit, 19 June, 2013.
photo: Creative Commons / Mike Herbst

Africa's top priority
Full Article Al Jazeera
29 Oct 2013

At each African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) meeting Ministers of Environment across the entire Africa file into one room and dedicate themselves to discussing key regional policies and initiatives related to the environment. There were criticisms of the previous talks held in Doha, Qatar where the commitment to climate change... Development Change Security
In a photograph taken 15 October, 2013, and released by the African Union-United Nations Information Support Team 24 October, Burundian troops serving with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) distribute fresh, potable drinking water in the village of Modmoday approx. 40km east of the central Somali town of Baidoa.
photo: UN / Abdi Dakan

Phone hacking case could open today
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Oct 2013

The prosecution case could open today in the trial of eight defendants including former News International Chief Executive Rebekah Brooks and ex-Downing Street communications chief Andy Coulson. Jury selection in the case, which could last up to six months, began yesterday at the Old Bailey, with a pool of around 80 potential jurors cramming in to... Hacking Media
Former newspaper editor Rebekah Brooks and husband Charlie Brooks, right, arrive at The Old Bailey law court in London, Monday, Oct. 28, 2013.
photo: AP / Kirsty Wigglesworth

Obama may ban spying on friendly foreign leaders
Full Article The Salt Lake Tribune
29 Oct 2013

Washington • President Barack Obama is poised to order the National Security Agency (NSA) to stop eavesdropping on the leaders of American allies, administration and congressional officials said Monday, responding to a deepening diplomatic crisis over reports that the agency had for years targeted the cellphone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.... Security Agency Spying
Obama may ban spying on friendly foreign leaders
photo: AP / Carolyn Kaster

DR Congo M23 rebels 'all but finished', says UN
Full Article BBC News
29 Oct 2013

The UN's special envoy in the Democratic Republic of Congo has told the organisation's Security Council that the M23 rebel movement is all but finished as a military threat. Martin Kobler said the M23 had abandoned most military positions in the east and was confined to a small triangle close to the Rwandan border. A fifth rebel-held area... Conflict Rebels Nations
File - Troops of the Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC) cheer after taking control, with assistance from the Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) of the UN Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), of a highly strategic position of the M23, an area known as Three Towers on the hills of Kibati, five 5 kilometres north of Goma, 30 August, 2013.
photo: UN / Sylvain Lietchi

Georgia Ruling Party Candidate Wins Decisive Presidential Victory
Full Article Voa News
28 Oct 2013

Georgia&aposs; ruling coalition has cemented its control of the country&aposs; government with an overwhelming presidential election victory. With most of the vote counted Monday, Giorgi Margvelashvili had 62 percent of Sunday&aposs; vote with his closest challenger at just 22 percent. Margvelashvili is a member of... Georgian Election Dream Coalition Margvelashvili
Georgia's Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili, right, greets supporters as he meets presidential candidate Giorgi Margvelashvili at the Georgian Dream coalition's headquarters in Tbilisi, Georgia, Sunday, Oct. 27, 2013.
photo: AP / Sergei Grits

Allegri dismisses Balotelli exit talk amid Chelsea rumours
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The 23-year-old's agent claimed the Italian could join the west London side, but the AC Milan boss does not fear losing the forward and backed him to rediscover his best form £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = MIL Draw LAZ £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = MIL Draw LAZ £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = MIL Draw...
AC Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri shouts instructions during the Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Genoa at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Ashley Cole keen to extend Chelsea stay
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The England international's current deal is due to expire at the end of the season but he hopes to impress enough to earn an extension, and has hailed the return of Jose Mourinho £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw CHE £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW Draw CHE £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = NEW...
Chelsea's Fernando Torres, left, and Ashley Cole take part in a training session at the soccer club's facilities in Stoke D'Abernon, England, Monday, Sept. 12, 2011. Chelsea are due to face Bayer Leverkusen in a Champions League Group E soccer match on Tuesday.
photo: AP

Ronaldo fears he won't win another Ballon d'Or due to Fifa favouritism towards Barcelona & Messi
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The Portuguese believes quotes by Sepp Blatter on Friday are indicative of institutional bias towards the Catalan club and their star player £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw SEV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw SEV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = RMA Draw SEV £5 £10 £20...
Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal celebrates after scoring a goal during a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Levante at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, April 6, 2013.
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

BREAKING NEWS: Klopp signs Dortmund extension until 2018
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The successful coach has ended all speculation about his future by signing a two-year extension to his previous deal £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB Draw STU £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB Draw STU £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB Draw STU £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = BVB...
Borussia Dortmund soccer coach Jurgen Klopp attends a news conference at Donbas Arena stadium in Donetsk, Ukraine, Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013, ahead of Wednesday's Champions League, round of 16, first leg soccer match between Shaktar Donetsk and Borussia Dortmund.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

Martinez challenges Jelavic & Kone to challenge Lukaku for Everton starting role
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The manager is hopeful his two back-up strikers can take full advantage of first-team chances and challenge the young Belgian loan for a more prominent role at Goodison Park £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = EVE Draw TOT £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = EVE Draw TOT £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = EVE Draw...
Wigan manager Roberto Martinez is seen during his team's pre-season friendly soccer match against Real Zaragoza, Wigan, England
photo: AP / Jon Super

Messi looks tired
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The Bulgarian thinks the Barcelona forward's international duties are affecting his form, while he was not impressed with Real Madrid in the Clasico £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw ESP £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw ESP £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = FCB Draw ESP Former Barcelona star...
Bulgaria coach Hristo Stoichkov is seen during the World Cup group 8 qualifying soccer match between Cyprus and Bulgarian at the Antonis Papadopoulos stadium in Larnaca, Cyprus on Saturday, Oct. 10, 2009. Cyprus won the game 4-1.
photo: AP / Petros Karadjias

Pardew warns Manchester City: Newcastle are out for revenge
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

Following a derby defeat to rivals Sunderland, the Magpies boss has called for an "aggressive" performance as they look to reach the Capital One Cup quarter-finals Newcastle United manager Alan Pardew believes that Manchester City will face an "angry" side when the two sides clash in the Capital One Cup. Pardew's men face City at St James' Park on...
Newcastle United's manager Alan Pardew looks on before their English Premier League soccer match against Tottenham Hotspurs' at the Sports Direct Arena, Newcastle, England, Saturday, Aug. 18, 2012.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Toure determined to win on return to Arsenal
Full Article Goal
30 Oct 2013

The Liverpool defender is relishing the prospect of facing his former side, and is keen to show Arsene Wenger why he made a mistake selling him to Manchester City in 2009 £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ARS Draw LIV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ARS Draw LIV £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = ARS Draw LIV...
Sunderland's Jozy Altidore, left, in action with Liverpool's Kolo Toure, right, during their English Premier League soccer match at the Stadium of Light, Sunderland, England, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Chris Brown enters rehab for anger issues
Full Article The Independent
30 Oct 2013

Chris Brown has entered a rehabilitation centre for anger issues following his arrest for allegedly punching a man in the face. A representative for the singer said: “Chris Brown has elected to enter a rehab facility. His goal is to gain focus and insight into his past and recent behaviour, enabling him to continue the pursuit of his life... Brown
Singer Chris Brown performs on BET's 106 & Park show in New York, on Monday, March 21, 2011.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Grapevine: The Jonas Brothers call it quits
Full Article Detroit news
30 Oct 2013

Adam Graham The Detroit News Comments Joe, left, Nick and Kevin Jonas have suffered 'a deep rift.' (Peter Kramer / AP) Jonas Brothers call it a day The Jonas Brothers are calling it quits. Three weeks after canceling their tour due to “a deep rift within the band,” the Jo Bros revealed Tuesday how deep that rift was and announced their split to... Brothers
The Jonas Brothers
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Music is my main love: Miley Cyrus
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
29 Oct 2013

Pop star Miley Cyrus says she will be concentrating on her music rather than crying over a heartbreak. The 20-year-old singer,...
Miley Cyrus at MMVA Soundcheck.
photo: Creative Commons / Jeff Denberg

Pianist Lang Lang chosen as UN Messenger of Peace
Full Article China Daily
29 Oct 2013

UNITED NATIONS - China's superstar pianist Lang Lang became a United Nations Messenger of Peace on Monday, a role he called more important than his music because it can help improve the lives of children around the world through education. Being...
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (left) designates at a press conference the world renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang as a United Nations Messenger of Peace to support his Global Education First Initiative. Lang Lang has served for close to 10 years as a Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF (UN Children's Fund).
photo: UN / Amanda Voisard

Lou Reed dies; singer remembered by peers, fans
Full Article Orlando Sentinel
28 Oct 2013

News of Lou Reed's death hit the music world as hard and fast as a kick pedal on a bass drum Sunday morning, and resonated just as loudly. As word spread, many on Facebook changed their profile pictures to that of the legendary Velvet Underground frontman's face, and Twitter erupted with appreciations from all corners of the globe. "The world has... Reed
 Singer Lou Reed
photo: AP-Fritz Reiss

Lou Reed, iconic punk poet, dead at 71
Full Article Fresno Bee
27 Oct 2013

NEW YORKLou Reed, the punk poet of rock 'n' roll who profoundly influenced generations of musicians as leader of the Velvet Underground and remained a vital solo performer for decades after, died Sunday at 71. Reed died in Southampton, N.Y., of an ailment related to his recent liver transplant, according to his literary agent, Andrew...
Musician Lou Reed arrives for the premiere of "Miral" at United Nations headquarters, Monday, March 14, 2011.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Quincy Jones sues Michael Jackson estate over royalties
Full Article The Irish Times
26 Oct 2013

Music producer Quincy Jones is suing Michael Jackson’s estate, seeking millions of dollars in royalties he said were generated from some of the star’s biggest hits after the King of Pop’s death. Jones, who worked on Jackson’s three biggest solo albums - Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad - also named Sony Music Entertainment, the parent company of... Jackson
Flickr - World Economic Forum - Quincy Jones - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
photo: Creative Commons / Boing-boing

Michael Jackson estate sued by Quincy Jones in $10m lawsuit
Full Article Digital Spy
26 Oct 2013

Quincy Jones is suing the estate of Michael Jackson as part of a $10 million (£6 million) lawsuit. The legendary US producer worked on some of Jackson's best-selling albums, including his solo debut Off the Wall, Grammy Award-winner Thriller and 13-times platinum LP Bad. © WENN / FayesVision Jones claims the late singer's estate and Sony Music... Jackson Jones
FILE - This July 7, 2009 file photo shows Katherine Jackson, right, arriving with Michael Jackson's daughter, Paris
photo: AP / Mario Anzuoni

Hrithik Roshan highly committed artist: Cinematographer Tirru
Full Article Headlines India
30 Oct 2013

Chennai, Oct 30: Renowned cinematographer Tirru, who has captured Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan as superhero through his lens in "Krrish 3", says he is one of the highly committed artists in the industry and wouldn't mind pushing himself to the edge. "Let's admit...
Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan attends the music release of his Hindi movie
photo: AP / Rajesh Nirgude

Sean Connery named America's favourite British actor
Full Article Digital Spy
28 Oct 2013

Sir Sean Connery has been named the greatest British actor of all time by American viewers. The full results of the biannual Q Score were made public for the first time, with past results also unveiled by organisers. Connery also topped the poll in 1998 and 2003, while Hugh Laurie came out on top in 2008. Sir Anthony Hopkins finished second in this...
 Sean Connery arrives at the American Film Institute Life Achievement Award event honoring Al Pacino in Los Angeles on Thursday, June 7, 2007. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles) (dn1)
photo: AP/Matt Sayles

Waltz to join Horrible Bosses 2
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
28 Oct 2013

Christoph Waltz is reportedly returning to the Horrible Bosses sequel. The Oscar-winner looks set to play the father of Chris Pine's character in the upcoming sequel, despite previously passing on the role, according to The Hollywood Reporter. He is said to be "close to finalising his deal" for the film. Christoph, 57, was recently linked to the...
Austrian actor Christoph Waltz reacts as he poses with the Best Actor award he received for the film 'Inglourious Basterds', at a photo call following the awards ceremony, during the 62nd International film festival in Cannes, southern France, Sunday, May 24, 2009.
photo: AP / Francois Mori

Charmed Reboot: Alyssa Milano Not Happy About Remake, Fans Hesitant
Full Article The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013

After news broke Friday that the long-running show about three magical sisters would be returning as a CBS pilot, longtime star Alyssa Milano took to Twitter, expressing a lack of enthusiasm in the project. Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in the series, said it seemed to early for a Charmed reboot. “The thing about them doing a #charmed...
Alyssa Milano MLB
photo: Public Domain / Rob39

Dafoe: I don't always play bad guys
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

Willem Dafoe says its wrong to typecast him as an actor who tends to play bad guys. The star, best known for his roles in Spider-Man, Platoon and The Last Temptation of Christ, is now venturing into the world of video gaming by appearing in BEYOND: Two Souls. "I think actors are protective of the characters they play, so they don't judge them. But...
 U.S. actor Willem Dafoe answers questions during a press conference at the 59th International nf2
photo: APphoto

Kingsley fine with facial tattoos
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

Sir Ben Kingsley has revealed that he had no reservations about sporting facial tattoos for Ender's Game. The 69-year-old had his entire face covered in the Maori inkings for his portrayal of New Zealand warrior Mazer Rackham in Gavin Hood's big-screen adaptation of Orson Scott Card's sci-fi novel. The ritual facial artwork represents Mazer's...
In this July 15, 2008, file photo, British actor Ben Kingsley attends a screening for his film "Wackness" in London.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan, file

Faris: I forgot my meatballs voice
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
26 Oct 2013

Anna Faris has revealed she forgot how to do the voice for Sam Sparks when she returned to make Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2. The 36-year-old actress returns as the voice of perky weather intern Sam Sparks in the sequel to the hit animated movie about inventor Flint Lockwood, who made a machine that turns water into food, causing...
Anna Faris speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Celebrity Philanthropists: Oprah Winfrey auctions personal belongings for chairty
Full Article Celebrity Café
26 Oct 2013

Oprah Winfrey will auction off some of her personal possessions next week in order to raise money for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy Foundation College Fund. Several items from her trainer and friend Bob Green will also be up for auction. Winfrey announced the event on Twitter earlier this month....
Oprah Winfrey in Strøget, Denmark on 30 September 2009
photo: Creative Commons / Bill Ebbesen

Spurs set record for most international players
Full Article Business Journal
30 Oct 2013

Mike W. Thomas Reporter- San Antonio Business Journal Email | Twitter | Google+ | Facebook The San Antonio Spurs will set a new NBA record tonight when they open their season with 10 international players on their roster, reports. The Cleveland Cavaliers and Minnesota Timberwolves follow with six...
Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Barcelona Tour (Chesterfield FC Ltd)
Full Article noodls
29 Oct 2013

(Source: Chesterfield FC Ltd) Related Articles 29 Oct 2013 Tour Dates to be AnnouncedThe Development Schools will be touring south Wales and a conformation of the dates will be sent out to parents next week. 10 Sep 2013...
Barcelona Tour (Chesterfield FC Ltd)
photo: WN / marzena

Samsung signs $100M deal with NBA (Video)
Full Article Business Journal
29 Oct 2013

Staff Washington Business Journal Bloomberg's Thomas Giles discusses how NBA referees will be reviewing plays using Samsung'€™s tablets. He speaks with Deirdre Bolton on Bloomberg Television's "Money Moves." Related links: TechFlash Industries: Technology < Older posts Newer posts > Comments If you are commenting using a Facebook account,...
A Samsung Billboard - Buildings - Structure
photo: WN / Dominic Canoy

Fall in auto sales lowers U.S. retail spending
Full Article Detroit news
29 Oct 2013

Christopher S. Rugaber Associated Press Comments Washington — A sharp drop in auto sales caused largely by a calendar quirk lowered U.S. retail spending in September. But Americans boosted their spending on most other goods, suggesting confidence in the economy ahead of the government shutdown. The Commerce Department says retail sales dipped 0.1...
The Dodge Caliber is a compact car produced by the Dodge division of Chrysler. It replaced the Neon, and went on sale in the spring of 2006 as a 2007 model year vehicle. The Caliber is a five-door hatchback roughly the size of a Neon, and was first shown at the 2005 Geneva Motor Show. It features styling elements derivative of larger Dodge vehicles, such as a crosshair grille and large flared fenders. The Caliber is one of the first modern Dodge-branded vehicles for sale in the European, Asian, and Australasian markets. It debuted publicly on January 10, 2006, at the North American International Auto Show.
photo: Creative Commons / IFCAR

Apple may enter new product categories, says CEO Tim Cook
Full Article Newstrack India
29 Oct 2013

Tweet Washington, Oct. 29 (ANI): Apple's CEO Tim Cook has hinted towards the tech giant's likely entry into a new product category after continued success of its flagship product...
Apple store silhouettes, Italy.
photo: Creative Commons / Michael Coghlan

EAC to discuss South Sudan’s application (Government of the Republic of South Sudan)
Full Article noodls
29 Oct 2013

(Source: Government of the Republic of South Sudan) JUBA, 26 October 2013 - Discussions on South Sudan's application to join the East African Community (EAC) are set to be held in the first week of November, Tanzania's Daily News website reported on Wednesday. A statement... Development
EAC to discuss South Sudan’s application (Government of the Republic of South Sudan)
photo: UN / Martine Perret

NSA reportedly snooping through Yahoo and Google
NSA reportedly snooping through Yahoo and Google
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:52
  • Updated: 31 Oct 2013
A report says the NSA tapped into overseas communications links between Yahoo and Google.
  • published: 31 Oct 2013
  • views: 67

Breaking NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama supports REBELS, Al-Qaeda take down Assad REGIME (CIA funding)
Breaking NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama supports REBELS, Al-Qaeda take down Assad REGIME (CIA funding)
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  • Duration: 5:34
  • Updated: 02 Aug 2012
Breaking NEWS: Syria CIVIL WAR Obama supports REBELS, Al-Qaeda take down Assad REGIME (CIA funding) US President Barack Obama has signed a secret order allowing the CIA and other American agencies to support rebels seeking to overthrow the Assad regime, a US government source told Reuters. Obama reportedly gave the order, known as an intelligence "finding", earlier this year. The presidential finding also provides for US collaboration with a secret command center operated by Turkey and its allies. The full extent of the assistance the "finding" allows the CIA to give the Syrian rebels is unclear. It is also unknown precisely when Obama signed the order. The Obama administration has been open about providing non-military support to the Syrian opposition. On Wednesday, the State Department said it had allotted a total of $25 million for "non-lethal" assistance to the Free Syrian Army. Some of that money may be used to buy communications devices such as encrypted radios, a US official said. The State Department also said the United States has set aside $64 million in humanitarian aid for the Syrian people. Last year, Obama also signed an initial "finding" authorizing US support for Libyan rebels seeking to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. Also on Wednesday, the US Treasury confirmed it had granted authorization for Washington's representative of the Free Syrian Army to conduct financial transactions on behalf of the rebel group. Reports that the Syrian Support Group had been allowed to do so first appeared last week. The report of Obama's authorization for covert rebel support comes amidst continued fighting between Syrian government troops and rebels over control of Aleppo, the country's economic capital. Thousands of people have fled the city, while the government and rebels continue to release conflicting reports on the extent of their control over the city. Meanwhile, there have been reports that the Free Syrian Army managed to obtain nearly two dozen surface-to-air missiles. While a Free Syrian Army representative denied those reports, he also said the rebels were preparing another surprise for Assad's forces. Senior US officials have also been ratcheting up their rhetoric against Assad. On Monday, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta suggested that Assad "get the hell out" if he wants to protect himself and his family. A draft UN resolution calling for Assad to relinquish power in favor of a transitional government is also set to be voted on by the General Assembly on Friday. The document would deplore the Security Council for failing to act; a not-so-covert swipe at Russia's and China's continued panning of Security Council resolutions deemed to be one-sided. Brian Becker, director of the ANSWER anti-war coalition, believes the revelation of Obama's order doesn't represent any shift in terms of US strategy towards Syria. "All that does is reveal that the so-called diplomacy, the so-called looking for a negotiated settlement is a fraud -- that the diplomacy is, in fact, a form of perjury," he told RT. "The reality is that the US government -- the Obama administration with the Pentagon and the CIA -- has been neck-deep coordinating military operations to overthrow a sovereign government in Syria." He noted that there would have been no civil war going on in Syria if not for foreign intervention. "The decisive factor in the equation for civil war is US intervention," he said. "And would say, frankly, the Obama administration is guilty of war crimes against the Syrian people having cynically manipulated the situation. They have the blood of the Syrian people on their hands." Tags: 2012 Tsiyonuttimes breaking news media report Syrian Civil war ww3 world war iii zion zionism NWO new world order Bashar al-assad terror terrorism terrorist allies ally enemy Syria Damascus Homs Aleppo Iraq Baghdad Iran Tehran Turkey Istanbul Saudi Arabia Middle East Israel revolution regime change Leon Panetta Obama foreign intervention funding army military navy airforce weapons missiles help assistance support CIA UN NATO US Washington Pentagon convert free syrian army FSA massacre intelligence Rebels Spying Surveillance
  • published: 02 Aug 2012
  • views: 2211,_Al-Qaeda_take_down_Assad_REGIME_CIA_funding

U.S. President Barack Obama said he takes full responsibility for making sure the problems
U.S. President Barack Obama said he takes full responsibility for making sure the problems
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:47
  • Updated: 31 Oct 2013
U.S. President Barack Obama said he takes full responsibility for making sure the problems with the new health care website are fixed as soon as possible. Speaking in Boston yesterday, the president said the website is too slow and that too many people looking to buy insurance are getting stuck. He said he is not happy about it and there is no excuse for it. But he said the so-called Obamacare website ultimately will be the easiest way for Americans to shop for a health care plan. Earlier, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius apologized to a congressional committee for the troubled website. Sebelius said she has brought in new management, however, to fix the website and that it already has improved.
  • published: 31 Oct 2013
  • views: 1

President Obama Nominates Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chairwoman
President Obama Nominates Janet Yellen As Federal Reserve Chairwoman
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:02
  • Updated: 09 Oct 2013
Dr. Janet Yellen will be the first female Chairman (Chairwoman?) of the United States Federal Reserve, and will instantly become one of the most powerful people in the world, and arguably the most powerful woman in world history. Yellen currently serves is currently the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a role to which she was appointed in October 2010. Read about Janet Yellen here: And here: Subscribe to The Daily Conversation Join the conversation on Facebook Add TDC to your circles on Google+ Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter Keywords: TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation, Janet Yellen, Dr. Janet Yellen, Yellen, Woman, First, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve, Fed, Bank, Central Bank, Economics, Economy, United States of America, Currency, Stimulus, Bond Buying, QE, Quantitative Easing, Smart, Best, Government, President Barack Obama, Senate, Confirmation Hearing, Confirmed, Economist, San Francisco, Announcement, Speech, Statement, News, Politics, World, Global, Policy, Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan, Government Shutdown, Debt Limit, Debt Ceiling, democrat, democrats, Larry Summers
  • published: 09 Oct 2013
  • views: 601

Israel: outrage at planned release of more Palestinian prisoners
Israel: outrage at planned release of more Palestinian prisoners
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2013
Groups of Israelis have been protesting against their government's plan to release 26 Palestinian... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Groups of Israelis have been protesting against their government's plan to release 26 Palestinian prisoners, all convicted of murder. They will be the second wave of inmates to be freed by Israel under a deal to revive peace talks with the Palestinians. Almagor, a group representing the victims' families, has lodged an appeal at Israel's Supreme Court. The head of Almagor, Meir Indor, said the group wanted "justice for the victims, justice for those who've been murdered by terrorists who're now candidates to be released". Peace talks broke down in 2010, amid a dispute over Israeli settlement building in the West Bank. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 29 Oct 2013
  • views: 239

Was Tiananmen Square car fire a suicide attack? (3D crash reconstruction)
Was Tiananmen Square car fire a suicide attack? (3D crash reconstruction)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 29 Oct 2013
Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Police in China say they believe a car that careered into Tiananmen Square killing five people on Monday was a suicide attack. "It looks like a premeditated suicide attack," a source with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid repercussions for talking to the foreign media. Security has been stepped up all around the popular tourist attraction, already one of China's most sensitive and well-guarded locations. The vehicle appeared to have driven several hundred metres along the pedestrian pavement in front of the Forbidden City entrance before bursting into flames, knocking down people as it went. The three occupants in the car died, as well as two tourists while 38 others were injured. Now authorities have launched an appeal for information about two suspects from its restive far western Xinjiang region. Beijing has blamed Uighur separatists and religious extremists for a series of attacks over the years in Xinjiang, saying they want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 29 Oct 2013
  • views: 2199

Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners in accord with peace talks deal
Israel releases 26 Palestinian prisoners in accord with peace talks deal
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:29
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2013
PLEASE CLICK COMMERCIALS--LÜTFEN REKLAMLARA TIKLAYIN Israel has released 26 Palestinian prisoners, the second of four groups to be freed in line with a deal which set peace talks back in motion. The decision was met with anger in Israel.Another 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners crossed the Israeli border into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip early Wednesday to jubilant celebrations.
  • published: 30 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

Lying James Clapper To Possibly Head Spying Reform Program
Lying James Clapper To Possibly Head Spying Reform Program
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:57
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013
Last Friday, President Obama held a press conference at the White House to discuss the reform of Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the section under which the NSA justified its mass surveillance of millions of Americans. During the address, Obama said "we can and must be more transparent," he also stated that he didn't think Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who exposed the NSA's spying network, was a patriot. Obama has now appointed who will head up the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technology, as the group has been called. And he has chosen the man who lied to a Congressional committee about the NSA spying on millions of Americans, Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper. Watch Ring of Fire every Sunday at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific on Free Speech TV! Follow more of our stories at Be sociable! Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Google+:
  • published: 17 Aug 2013
  • views: 420

NSA Surveillance: Obama Unaware as U.S. Spied on World Leaders
NSA Surveillance: Obama Unaware as U.S. Spied on World Leaders
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:43
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2013
The NSA ended a program used to spy on German Chancellor Merkel and a number of other leaders after an internal Obama administration review revealed to the White House the existence of the operation. WSJ's Siobhan Gorman has exclusive details. Click here to subscribe to our channel: Visit us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit the Wall Street Journal:
  • published: 28 Oct 2013
  • views: 2905

Adapting to climate change in Eastern and Southern Africa
Adapting to climate change in Eastern and Southern Africa
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:43
  • Updated: 02 Apr 2012
In Africa, millions will suffer from climate change impacts on agriculture, water availability, ecosystem services and biodiversity. It's urgent for countries in the region to take action to reduce vulnerability and enhance local communities' capacity to adapt. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (or IUCN) has been working with three countries to do just that. In Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, IUCN staff members have been collaborating with national governments, local NGOs and selected communities on a pilot project, funded by the government of Finland, called the « Climate Change and Development project », or CCDP. The project was developed with the aim of ensuring that policies and strategies lead to activities that emphasize the role of water and forests in adapting to climate change in the region.
  • published: 02 Apr 2012
  • views: 631

Phone hacking trial begins
Phone hacking trial begins
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:41
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2013
The jury in the phone-hacking trial at the Old Bailey have been told that four people have already admitted hacking charges. Their task now is to decide who knew about it. Read more: Sign up for Snowmail, your daily preview of what is on Channel 4 News, sent straight to your inbox, here: Missed Channel 4 News? Catch up on the last seven days here: Channel 4 News weather forecast, with Liam Dutton: All the latest blog posts from the Channel 4 News on-screen talent:
  • published: 30 Oct 2013
  • views: 11

(HD)  Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts
(HD) Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:57
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2013
Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts Clapper: Obama was aware of NSA spying efforts The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper has acknowledged that President Barack Obama was well aware of surveillance activities targeting leaders of friendly foreign nations.
  • published: 30 Oct 2013
  • views: 0

M23 rebels enhance military training
M23 rebels enhance military training
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:54
  • Updated: 28 Apr 2013
M23 rebels enhance military training watched by todayvideos999.
  • published: 28 Apr 2013
  • views: 708

BBC News   Margvelashvili set for Georgia presidency
BBC News Margvelashvili set for Georgia presidency
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 28 Oct 2013
  • published: 28 Oct 2013
  • views: 3

Bangladesh: Protesters Demand Execution Of Abdul Quader Mollah
Bangladesh: Protesters Demand Execution Of Abdul Quader Mollah
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:58
  • Updated: 07 Feb 2013
Translation of soundbite #1: MEDICAL STUDENT, SUMAIYA NAWSHIN, SAYING: "I am a medical student and we all friends have joined this rally to show our solidarity. We the new generation demand death penalty for war criminals, no alternative punishment like life sentence. We demand only death sentence because for the crimes they committed, this punishment is not enough." Translation of soundbite #2: ACTIVIST, RONEY, SAYING: "I am one of the online activists. We are protesting against the judgement of life sentence of one war criminal Mr. Quader Mollah. Now we are here, we are protesting in demand of his hanging till death." Thousands of Bangladeshis attended a rally on Thursday (February 7) to demand the execution of a leader of the country's biggest Islamist party after he was sentenced to life in prison for war crimes committed during the 1971 independence conflict. The sentencing of Abdul Quader Mollah by a war crimes tribunal on Tuesday (February 5) for charges including murder, rape and torture was the second verdict in trials that have reopened the wounds of Bangladesh's struggle to break away from Pakistan. The protests followed Wednesday's national strike, organised by Mollah's Jamaat-e-Islami party, which entered its second day. In Dhaka, thousands of protesters under the banner of 'Bloggers and Online Activist Network' gathered to protest the verdict handed to Mollah, 64, who was expected to be given a death sentence. The protesters, who included students, veteran freedom fighters and people from all walks of life, sang the national anthem. "We demand only death sentence because for the crimes they committed, this punishment is not enough," said protester Sumaiya Nawshin. The rally was centred on Dhaka's Shahabag Avenue, which protesters dubbed the "Tahrir Square of Bangladesh", recalling the scene of protests in Cairo which led to the overthrow of Egyptian strongman Hosni Mubarak. Bangladesh became part of Pakistan at the end of British rule in 1947 but broke away in 1971 after a war between Bangladeshi nationalists, who were backed by India, and Pakistani forces that cost three million lives. Some factions in what was then East Pakistan opposed the break with Pakistan, and numerous abuses were committed during the nine-month war. Jamaat denies accusations that it opposed independence and helped the Pakistani army. The war crimes court handed down its first judgement last month, sentencing a former Jamaat leader and popular Islamic preacher Abul Kalam Azad to death for similar crimes. Azad was tried in absentia as he fled the country in April. Eight other senior Jamaat leaders are on trial for war crimes, court officials said. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina set up the tribunal in 2010 to investigate abuses during the 1971 conflict.
  • published: 07 Feb 2013
  • views: 41729

President Barack Obama introduces James Clapper, left, as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) during a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House on Saturday, June 5, 2010, in Washington. Allen Iverson Justin Trudeau speaks during We Day at Air Canada Centre on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Toronto. Vodafone store - telecom company - India

File - Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto, right, awaits the start of his trial in the courtroom of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands, Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2013. In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. Africa loses $50bn annually Wikipedia

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez, front, gestures to supporters at the Plaza de Mayo square next to Vice President-elect Amado Boudou, left, after general elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. Serena Williams of the U.S. reacts during the final match against Belarus' Victoria Azarenka, during the WTA Qatar Ladies Open tennis tournament in Doha, Qatar New Land Rover Freelander vehicles are seen stockpiled outside the Jaguar and Land Rover factory in Halewood, Liverpool, England, Tuesday Oct. 28, 2008.  Employees of Samsung Electronics Co. walk by their company logo at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics Co. in Seoul Friday, Jan. 14, 2005. Samsung Electronics Co. said Friday its net profit topped US$10 billion last year, reaching a new landmark in i

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, centre, on arrival at Cointrin Airport, in Geneva, Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013, prior to his meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss the ongoing problems in Syria. Car bomb kills 40 as fears mount for trapped Syrians A masked Egyptian protester part of the Black Bloc, flashes the victory sign during clashes with riot police, background, near Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013. File - A man looks at an image of Yasser Arafat during a rally in Gaza, marking the third anniversary of his death,10 November 2007.

President Barack Obama speaks during a discussion with neighborhood families in the backyard of the Clubb family home in Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010. Richard Gasquet of France returns the ball to his compatriot Gilles Simon during their final at the Thailand Open tennis tournament in Bangkok, Thailand Men and Women Laurent Salvador Lamothe, Prime Minister of Haiti, addresses the general debate of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott gestures as he speaks to the press after laying a wreath at the memorial of the 2002 Bali bombing that killed 202 people during his visit at the site in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Australia suffered more deaths in the attacks than any other country, with 88 of its citizens dead. Ricky Ponting with Brad Haddin (left) and Nathan Hauritz (right) in the Third and final Test against South Africa in Sydney, January 2009 Vodafone - Vodafone, the  mobile operator company India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.

The Independent
The jury that will decide the guilt or innocence of Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and six other defendants was sworn in at the Old Bailey with a warning from the judge that “British...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling To call an American football team the Washington Redskins is like calling a German sports team the Hitler Undesirables. Although an...
Al Jazeera
On Sundays Rubén Villanueva Toro liked to escape the small village of Buena Vista nestled high in the Andean mountains where he was a school principal. On the afternoon of...

Pakistan still supports terror operations in India: US expert
WASHINGTON: Pakistan continues to support terror operations in India even after Nawaz Sharif has taken over as the new Prime Minister, a former top Pentagon official and an eminent defence analyst has told the US Congress. "They support terror...
photo: WN / Imran Nissar
Rescuers and others gather near the debris after a bus crashed into a highway barrier and erupted in flames at Mehabubnagar in southern Andhra Pradesh state, India, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013.
HYDERABAD, India (AP) -- A bus crashed into a highway barrier and burst into flames Wednesday in southern India, killing 45 passengers who were locked inside the cabin after the driver fled, officials said. The driver, a bus cleaner and five...
photo: AP / Mahesh Kumar A.
Released French hostage Daniel Larribe, center, is greeted by his wife Francoise, as he arrives at the Villacoublay military airbase outside Paris, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013.
Four Frenchmen kidnapped in Niger three years ago have arrived back in Paris after being released. President Francois Hollande welcomed them home at a military airfield. The four were seized by al-Qaeda-linked gunmen in raids targeting French firms...
photo: AP / Thibault Camus
American journalist Glenn Greenwald arrives to speaks before a congressional committee investigating reports based on documents, leaked by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden, showing that Brazil was targeted by spy agencies from the U.S., Britain and Canada, at Congress in Brasilia, Brazil, Wednesday, Oct. 9, 2013. Greenwald, the who broke the first stories about the NSA's global spy program, told the committee that the U.S. government "lies" when it says that the aim of the NSA spy program is to combat terrorism.
Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, who first published details of US surveillance provided by Edward Snowden, has backed German calls for the NSA whistleblower to testify before a Bundestag inquiry. Without the information provided by Mr...
photo: AP / Eraldo Peres
Steve Jobs' home named historical site
LOS ALTOS, CALIFORNIA: The Silicon Valley home where Apple co-founder Steve Jobs grew up and built some of his first computers is now on the city's list of historic properties. The historical commission in the city of Los Altos voted unanimously for...
photo: Creative Commons / Haha169
Dell goes private in $24.9 billion deal, to delist from Nasdaq today
SAN FRANCISCO: Dell will delist from the Nasdaq at the close of Tuesday's trading, as founder Michael Dell and private equity house Silver Lake complete their controversial $24.9 billion buyout of the struggling PC maker....
photo: WN / Geeta
Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) Gen. Keith B. Alexander speaks during a forum at the International Conference on Cyber Security (ICCS) on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2013, at Fordham University in New York.
The head of the National Security Agency defended his beleaguered organisation on Tuesday, saying it acts within the law to stop militant attacks and calling reports that the NSA collected data on millions of phone...
photo: AP / Bebeto Matthews