My he(art) saved me.




Oooooohhhh, but I am.






Don’t get any closer to each other

This is the most interesting thing I’ve seen all year.

I don’t know how to feel about this


What is this suppose too meann?

it represents the fragility of friendship. Once you get too close you can break something that can be beautiful. If you recede too far the beauty will fly away. The eyes on the butterflies wings symbolise the truth about the pain they have seen. 

DUDE, that was so deep


am i the only one who rehearses things i might say in advance? and I don’t mean like my theoretical oscars acceptance speech i mean like what i’ll say to the pizza guy when I answer the door in my pjs

(via maraudersinparadise)

2 days ago // 131,499 notes


attractive people (◡‿◡✿)

attractive people covered in blood and bruises and tears of pain (⊙‿⊙✿)

(via jennstarkid)

2 days ago // 12,085 notes





One day my daughter might come up to me and say, “Mom, I’m fat/ugly/whatever.”
And I will take her to the grocery store. I’ll show her all of the different sizes and shapes of her favorite fruits. And I’ll tell her, “Now, what’s more important? The way the fruit looks, or the way the fruit tastes?” And she’ll say, “Well, I guess the way they taste is more important.” And I’ll say, “That’s right. It doesn’t matter what size you are or how you look on the outside, as long as you’re sweet and delicious on the inside. Because you can be the prettiest looking apple in the whole store, but if you’re rotten on the inside then they will just spit you out.”

^ that’s a very good analogy

so remember kids
no matter what you look like on the outside
someone is still going to eat you
Angry, and half in love with you, and tremendously sorry, I turned away. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (via blessed-coast)

(via t-ygress)

2 days ago // 5,858 notes