Last updated: October 30, 2013

Weather: Sydney 14°C - 22°C . Partly cloudy.

Telstra is suing NBN for $100m

AUSTRALIA'S biggest telco is suing the National Broadband Network claiming it owes them fees worth $100 million.

Australia involved in US spy scandal

ONE of Australia's leading security experts claims that the government is spying on behalf of the US via five 'listening posts' around the country.

Facebook can predict your break-up

Facebook can predict your break-up

OH, DEAR. You might be heading for splitsville and you didn't even know it. But Facebook did. Here's the troubling formula behind whether your relationship will succeed or fail.

What the @#$% happened then?

SA the nation's swearing capital

AUSSIES are known for our colourful language, but which of us swear most on social media - and what events trigger it?

Could this DIY Android phone change everything?

WHAT if you could build a phone exactly to the specifications of your lifestyle? Motorola wants to revolutionise the mobile market with an Android phone made out of modular hardware.

How to take a great photo on your phone

DON'T have thousands of dollars to spend on expensive camera gear? Two Aussie photographers give their tips on how to take world class snaps on your smartphone.

Police can now fire GPS bullets

GPS tracker

US POLICE are now able to shoot a tracker from the front of their car onto the boot of a suspect's vehicle to stop them getting away.

Wanted: Three BFFs for Google glass owners

google specs

THE roughly 10,000 lucky people who currently have Google Glass are about to become the most popular kids on the block after tech giant asks them to invite three friends to join the pilot program.

Apple iPad light on innovation

Apple's ipad light on innovation

APPLE is betting on modest improvements to existing products rather than something completely new, writes Rod Chester

App watch: Come on get appy

FOUND a cool app? Share it with us at

Crash test: Games in review

KNOW what to play with Cam Shea's review of the latest releases to hit the world of gaming.

Gamer stereotypes no longer true

Gamer stereotypes no longer true

MOST Australians play video games and one in four households have more than four game devices, a new study reveals.

Crash Test: games in review

Beyond Two Souls

THIS week Tristan Ogilvie gives you his take on the supernatural follow up to 2009's Heavy Rain as well as three other new games.

Mini space shuttle skids off runway

A NEW, smaller version of NASA's space shuttle is recuperating from a rough first landing.

'Sea serpents' riddled with parasites

ONE of two oarfish "sea serpents" found in California earlier this month had a host of parasites living in its giant, serpent-like body.

Massive family tree is biggest ever

family with children and dog

A "GENOME hacker" has used online genealogy sites to create the world's biggest family tree, with 13 million people and stretching back to the 15th century.

For your eyes only: Why science rocks

Man ogles woman

WE have found conclusive proof that science is the sexiest career you could wish for. Check out why ...

video & photos

Dancers Among Us

Photographer shoots pictures of dancers in every day situations.

Extreme science photography

You'll never look at science photos again after this spectacular set of images from the International Images for Science Exhibition 2013.

Are these soldiers or video game warriors?

WORLD-CLASS body armour that makes bullets disintegrate and soldiers resemble video game superheroes - or villains - and saving lives on the battleground.

McCloud's not-so-grand designs

IT'S the show that makes everyone want to build their own self-sustaining home in an obscure corner of the world, but Grand Designs host Kevin McCloud says he's seen some homes that have made him "weep".

Baristas beware, robots want your job

Baristas beware, robots want your job

WHAT if you could get the perfect coffee tailored to your tastes every time without the annoying small talk, bean snobbery and wait times? Introducing the Briggo coffee-bot.

Is this the world's most bizarre superyacht?

Is this the world's most bizarre superyacht?

IT'S set to become the ultimate toy for billionaires. But this dazzling new yacht is so strange it will not only turn heads, it will leave many scratching them as well.

Cape Melville's hidden wonders

Cape Melville's hidden wonders

THREE "dramatic new species" have been discovered in a remote Cape York rainforest located on top of large boulder fields.

Where the last Neanderthals lived

Where the last Neanderthals lived

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have made a significant find on a headland to help show the last place Neanderthals lived. But where is it?

The end of the world as we knew it

The end of the world as we knew it

THE dreaded climate-change "tipping point", when changes to weather patterns will become irreversible, has been identified. And it is terrifying.