Fluid Blue

Try F2, a new fluid width theme for WordPress. F2 is Fluid Blue 2.0.

Fluid Blue WordPress Theme is a simple, graphics free, fluid width two column theme. Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Fluid Blue WordPress theme screenshot

Fluid Blue WordPress theme

Preview theme


  • Fluid width
  • Two columns
  • Right sidebar
  • Supports sidebar widgets, tags and gravatars, nested comments and comments paging.
  • Compatible upto WordPress version 2.8
  • XHTML and CSS validated
  • Graphics free


Latest version: 1.7.2 (Updated on 8 July 2009)

The theme can be downloaded from the WordPress theme directory.


  1. Extract the fluid-blue.zip file in a convenient location
  2. Copy the ‘fluid-blue’ folder to ‘/wp-content/themes/’ directory in your web server.
  3. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels
  4. Select the ‘Appearance’ (or ‘Design’) menu.
  5. Select the Fluid Blue theme from the available list of themes to preview
  6. Activate the theme.
  7. Click ‘View Site’ at the top of the Panel’s screen. Your selection should immediately become active.


  1. Pingback: Happy Birthday to Nancy’s Baby Names

  2. Hallo – i need help with this stuff. Template works fine but I cant make the names of the post authors visible. I mean there is one person as admin (me) and I created another user – author . Now, whatever we publicate on blog it has no description concerning who the author is. So it looks like I – as an admin – write all the stuff. Where can i modify it ????

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