It's no secret that lots of money can easily corrupt politics.

But it's also easy to get confused about their relationship. How much is it okay to spend on a campaign? What should be allowed? What shouldn't? What do people consider corrupt when it comes to money in politics?

We spoke to some experts in the field in order to find out what they think you should read when it comes to this gigantic issue. Lawrence Lessig, who wrote the book "Republic Lost," and is currently attempting to start a movement to create a constitutional amendment to remove the big money from politics, recommended several of his favorites. We also spoke to Jack Abramoff, who has inside experience in money and politics (he was sentenced to four years in federal prison for mail fraud, conspiracy to bribe public officials, and tax evasion), and has since written a book about it). Finally, we talked to David Frum, a former economic speech writer for George W. Bush.

This list spans from conservative to liberal, and we think it's important to read both sides to better help you make up your mind as to exactly where you stand.

What is your favorite money in politics book? Let us know in the comments!

HuffPost Live will be taking a comprehensive look at the corrupting influence of money on our politics August 30th and September 6th from 12-4 pm ET and 6-10 pm ET. Click here to check it out -- and join the conversation.

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  • "Capitol Punishment" by Jack Abramoff

    "A rich account of the inside of lobbying." -Lawrence Lessig

  • "So Damn Much Money" by Robert Kaiser

    "My favorite. he best political reporting about the rise of the lobbyist nation, by the Washington Post's senior political correspondent." -Lawrence Lessig

  • "Republic Lost" by Lawrence Lessig

    "[This book] is essential for anyone who wants to understand the corrosive effect of money in our political system. Professor Lessig's profound and insightful observations are vital to restore our Republic." -Jack Abramoff

  • "Fool Me Twice" by Aaron Klein

    "[This book] focuses the reader on the depressing reality that money continues to buy favor and access, even in the administration which came to power promising to restore our national integrity. Klein's work forces us to confront a dystopic second Obama Administration, where the servicing of special interests continues unabated." -Jack Abramoff

  • "The Good Citizen" by MIchael Schudson

    "[This book] is a great history of American civic participation that along the way reminds us of this point: for most of the 19th century - and surprisingly deep into the 20th century - the principal form of American party finance was kickbacks from the government salaries of patronage appointees. As bad as the current system is, that older system was way worse. Progress." -David Frum

  • "Who Shakes the Money Tree?" by George Thayer

    "[This book] a history of campaign finance. It's not at all a good book, but it also helps that we simply have no idea who gave how much to almost any campaign until the 1970s. Financial disclosure and clean elections are recent achievements in American politics." -David Frum