Torres del Río is a town and municipality located in the province and autonomous community of Navarre, northern Spain.
This town is located by the Linares River opposite Sansol. It is known for its Templar octagonal Romanesque church, formally related to those of Segovia (la Veracruz) and Eunate.
Torres and Ortega del Río delved deeper into its provenance, asking a colleague in Cairo to look for documents that could explain this gift to the Spanish.
Torres and Ortega del Río delved deeper into its provenance, asking a colleague in Cairo to look for documents that could explain this gift to the Spanish.
The event, organized by IFAPA in collaboration with Agromillora, will be held at the facilities of the IFAPA Las TorresCenter in Alcalá del Río (Seville) on January 31.
... the Rafael Méndez hospital, the Saprelorca industrial estate, Campillo and Torre del Obispo, Río, Santa Quiteria, Cazalla, Tercia and Marchena, while Purias will join this list starting in December.