- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 106
- author: Pasquale Vassallo
Video girato da Pasquale Vassallo in occasione di una visita guidata al parco sommerso di ...
published: 26 Mar 2013
author: Pasquale Vassallo
Video girato da Pasquale Vassallo in occasione di una visita guidata al parco sommerso di Baia con il centro sub campi flegrei.- published: 26 Mar 2013
- views: 106
- author: Pasquale Vassallo
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: ivanoLOL
PASQUALE VASSALLO - UNDERWATER ARCHAEOLOGICAL PARK OF BAIAE: NYMPHAEUM Submerged remains of Emperor Claudius' nymphaeum (as found on display in the Phlegraea...- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 241
- author: ivanoLOL
Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae
The Underwater Archaeological Park of Baia: in the heart of the Phlegraean Fields, a Roman...
published: 24 Mar 2011
Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae
Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae
The Underwater Archaeological Park of Baia: in the heart of the Phlegraean Fields, a Roman city sunken by bradyseism. Diving, snorkeling, accommodation via C...- published: 24 Mar 2011
- views: 683
Temple of Mercury / Echo in Baiae
The Ancient Baths of Baiae "The Temple of Echo, mistakenly called the 'Temple of Mercury',...
published: 09 Jun 2006
author: Lawrence Li
Temple of Mercury / Echo in Baiae
Temple of Mercury / Echo in Baiae
The Ancient Baths of Baiae "The Temple of Echo, mistakenly called the 'Temple of Mercury', is named for the ominous acoustic effect that is a characteristic ...- published: 09 Jun 2006
- views: 1181
- author: Lawrence Li
Chondhi Village project Snaps, BAIAE Japan
Dr. Ambedkar International Mission (AIM),now BAIAE, Japan (a Non-Profit social welfare Org...
published: 08 May 2008
author: Sandesh Wanjari
Chondhi Village project Snaps, BAIAE Japan
Chondhi Village project Snaps, BAIAE Japan
Dr. Ambedkar International Mission (AIM),now BAIAE, Japan (a Non-Profit social welfare Organization)publicizes its first long term project snaps. With a stro...- published: 08 May 2008
- views: 821
- author: Sandesh Wanjari
Strange Facts Baiae
Facts Baiae Baiae a frazione of the comune of Bacoli in the Campania region of Italy wa...
published: 04 Dec 2013
Strange Facts Baiae
Strange Facts Baiae
Facts Baiae Baiae a frazione of the comune of Bacoli in the Campania region of Italy was a Roman seaside resort on the Bay of NaplesIt was said to have been named after Baius who was supposedly buried thereBaiae wa Baiae Source Wikipedia- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 0
Gloucester VA Real Estate - 6606 Baiae Dr. - Stunning! - MLS #
6606 Baiae Dr. Property tour video, awesome house on the Chesapeake Bay. Home website: TBA...
published: 01 May 2012
author: iCandy Multimedia
Gloucester VA Real Estate - 6606 Baiae Dr. - Stunning! - MLS #
Gloucester VA Real Estate - 6606 Baiae Dr. - Stunning! - MLS #
6606 Baiae Dr. Property tour video, awesome house on the Chesapeake Bay. Home website: TBA Video by iCandy Multimedia....Welcome to a new era in marketing ww...- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 361
- author: iCandy Multimedia
The Bay of Baiae, words by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Song 2 of 8 from THE PRINCE OF THE ROCKS Symphonic songs inspired by the life and painting...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: JMWTurnerInMusic
The Bay of Baiae, words by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Bay of Baiae, words by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Song 2 of 8 from THE PRINCE OF THE ROCKS Symphonic songs inspired by the life and paintings of J.M.W.Turner Patron HSH Princess Natalya Grigorievna Eromina Y...- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 221
- author: JMWTurnerInMusic
Erdem Aktas Baiae (Original Mix)
Buy this release online: http://www.djshop.de/Download/ex/s~details,u~10016071,p1~mp3/xe/d...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: Feiyrcom
Erdem Aktas Baiae (Original Mix)
Erdem Aktas Baiae (Original Mix)
Buy this release online: http://www.djshop.de/Download/ex/s~details,u~10016071,p1~mp3/xe/details.html Distributed by http://www.feiyr.com Artist: Erdem Aktas...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 3
- author: Feiyrcom
Baiae Erdem Aktas
Tech house, erdem aktas, djrdm....
published: 06 Jun 2010
author: erdemaktasofficial
Baiae Erdem Aktas
Baiae Erdem Aktas
Tech house, erdem aktas, djrdm.- published: 06 Jun 2010
- views: 534
- author: erdemaktasofficial
Erdem Aktas Baiae (Original Mix)
Buy this release online: http://www.djshop.de/Download/ex/s~details,u~10016071,p1~mp3/xe/d...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: Feiyrcom
Erdem Aktas Baiae (Original Mix)
Erdem Aktas Baiae (Original Mix)
Buy this release online: http://www.djshop.de/Download/ex/s~details,u~10016071,p1~mp3/xe/details.html Distributed by http://www.feiyr.com Artist: Erdem Aktas...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 10
- author: Feiyrcom
Temple of Mercury
"Spare Parts Sound Project" by Salvatore Carannante A project that aim at recycle/reclaim ...
published: 29 Jan 2012
author: Salvatore Carannante
Temple of Mercury
Temple of Mercury
"Spare Parts Sound Project" by Salvatore Carannante A project that aim at recycle/reclaim of common objects into a musical instruments. The Temple of Mercury...- published: 29 Jan 2012
- views: 622
- author: Salvatore Carannante
Country Village Il Baglio, Baia, Italy
Italy Hotels - Campania Hotels - Baia Hotels - Country Village Il Baglio.
Our Website: htt...
published: 29 Nov 2013
Country Village Il Baglio, Baia, Italy
Country Village Il Baglio, Baia, Italy
Italy Hotels - Campania Hotels - Baia Hotels - Country Village Il Baglio. Our Website: http://hotelpromotions.tv- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 1
Vimeo results:
Hadrian's Tomb
The Tomb of Hadrian was erected on the right bank of the Tiber, between 135...
published: 06 May 2013
author: anton withagen
Hadrian's Tomb
The Tomb of Hadrian was erected on the right bank of the Tiber, between 135 and 139. Originally, the mausoleum was a decorated cylinder, with a garden top and the golden quadriga of the emperor. Hadrian's ashes were placed here a year after his death in Baiae in 138, together with those of his wife Sabina, and his first adopted son, Lucius Aelius, who also died in 138. Following this, the remains of succeeding emperors were also placed here, the last recorded deposition being Caracalla in 217. The urns containing these ashes were probably placed in what is now known as the Treasury room deep within the building. Hadrian also built the Ponte Sant'Angelo facing straight onto the mausoleum - it still provides a scenic approach from the center of Rome and the right bank of the Tiber, and is renowned for its statuary of angels holding aloft elements of the Passion of Christ added during its Baroque rebuild.
Much of the tomb contents and decoration has been lost since the building's conversion into a military fortress in 401 and inclusion by Flavius Augustus Honorius in the Aurelian Walls.
The popes converted the structure into a castle, from the 14th century; The fortress was the refuge of the Pope The Papal state also used Sant'Angelo as a prison;
A bronze statue of Saint Michael, executed by the Flemish sculptor Peter van Verschaeffelt in 1752, surmounts the tomb and portrays the archangel sheathing a sword. Legend holds that an angel appeared atop the mausoleum, sheathing his sword as a sign of the end of the plague of 590, thus lending the castle its present name.
Youtube results:
Richmond Hill, words by Lord Byron
Song 5 of 8 from THE PRINCE OF THE ROCKS Symphonic songs inspired by the life and painting...
published: 15 Mar 2012
author: JMWTurnerInMusic
Richmond Hill, words by Lord Byron
Richmond Hill, words by Lord Byron
Song 5 of 8 from THE PRINCE OF THE ROCKS Symphonic songs inspired by the life and paintings of J.M.W.Turner Patron HSH Princess Natalya Grigorievna Eromina Y...- published: 15 Mar 2012
- views: 79
- author: JMWTurnerInMusic
Boccherini: String Quintets, op. 10
The painting is "The Bay of Baiae, with Apollo and the Sibyl" by Turner Quintet I in A Ma...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: messer citraz
Boccherini: String Quintets, op. 10
Boccherini: String Quintets, op. 10
The painting is "The Bay of Baiae, with Apollo and the Sibyl" by Turner Quintet I in A Major G.265 Quintet II in E Flat Major G.266 Quintet III in C Minor G...- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 49848
- author: messer citraz
Rom - Hadrian
Publius Aelius Hadrianus (Titulatur als Kaiser: Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus August...
published: 01 Nov 2013
Rom - Hadrian
Rom - Hadrian
Publius Aelius Hadrianus (Titulatur als Kaiser: Imperator Caesar Traianus Hadrianus Augustus; * 24. Januar 76 in Italica in der Nähe des heutigen Sevilla oder in Rom; † 10. Juli 138 in Baiae) war der vierzehnte römische Kaiser. Er regierte von 117 bis zu seinem Tod. Hadrian war wie sein weitläufiger Verwandter und kaiserlicher Vorgänger Trajan in Hispanien beheimatet. Er bemühte sich als Herrscher intensiv um die Festigung der Einheit des Römischen Reiches, das er in weiten Teilen ausgiebig bereiste. Durch Zuwendungen und administrative Maßnahmen auf der Ebene der römischen Provinzen und Städte förderte er den Wohlstand und stärkte die Infrastruktur. Mit der Fixierung des edictum perpetuum gab er dem Justizwesen einen wichtigen Impuls. Da er nur wenige Kriege führte, war seine Regierungszeit für den weitaus größten Teil des Reichs eine Epoche des Friedens. Er verzichtete auf Eroberungen und gab die von Trajan im Partherkrieg gewonnenen Gebiete auf, womit er einen scharfen und umstrittenen Kurswechsel vollzog. Auf militärischem Gebiet konzentrierte er seine Bemühungen auf eine effiziente Organisation der Reichsverteidigung. Diesem Zweck dienten insbesondere seine Grenzbefestigungen, darunter der nach ihm benannte Hadrianswall. Überschattet wurde seine Regierungszeit jedoch von seinem gespannten Verhältnis zum Senat, in dem er viele erbitterte Feinde hatte. Hadrian war vielseitig interessiert und bei der Erprobung seiner Talente ehrgeizig. Seine besondere Wertschätzung galt der griechischen Kultur, insbesondere der als klassisches Zentrum griechischer Bildung berühmten Stadt Athen, die er neben vielen anderen Städten durch eine intensive Bautätigkeit förderte. In seiner Regierungszeit entstanden bedeutende Bauwerke wie die Bibliothek in Athen, das Pantheon und die Engelsburg in Rom, sowie die Hadriansvilla bei Tivoli. Im Privatleben des Kaisers spielte seine homoerotische Beziehung zu dem früh verstorbenen Jüngling Antinoos eine zentrale Rolle; nach dem Tod seines Geliebten setzte Hadrian reichsweit dessen kultische Verehrung in Gang, die im Osten, aber auch in Italien viel Anklang fand. Hadrians auf zwei Generationen ausgelegte Nachfolgeregelung war die Weichenstellung für die erfolgreiche Fortsetzung der von ihm eingeleiteten Reichskonsolidierung unter seinen beiden Nachfolgern Antoninus Pius und Mark Aurel.- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 7