Sunday, November 03, 2013. Last Update: Fri 2:50 PM EST

Cloud Control

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Fair use in the newsroom

At ONA, two lawyers demystified the law

"Can you fair use it?"  That was the defining question of the Online News Association's copyright class last week. This... More


SCOTUS could change how you watch TV

But you wouldn’t know it; most publications gave this digital-age story analog-era treatment

There's nothing like Twitter to remind a reporter that, in the age of BuzzFeed, an exclusive does not necessarily command... More


Book ‘em

Piracy.lab is gathering data on digital book sharing

In anticipation of Congress' next big fight over copyright, legal academics are working to gather data and learn how copyright... More


Two stories, one press release

In MPAA vs. Hotfile, coverage based on one press release went in two very different directions

Here's a story of what happens when busy reporters have only one main source for a story--and that source is... More

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Does copyright law work?

New and ongoing empirical research suggests: not always

As Congress starts thinking about renewing and, maybe, reforming copyright law, already there's a debate brewing. One on side of... More


The photo BuzzFeed wishes it hadn’t used

The viral site pissed off one Flickr user with a keen sense of vigilante Internet justice

Back in 2008, Dan Catt took a picture of his young son drinking from a juice box, the flaps ingeniously... More


Google released an anti-piracy report

And reporters are divided as to what it means

Google released an unusual report on Tuesday--"How Google Fights Piracy," a 25-page document that detailed its anti-piracy principles, the efforts... More


‘Find the best defense attorney you can’

Hackers being prosecuted under the CFAA don’t just need digital experts; they need good defense against a law vague enough to encompass most anything

Most criminal defendants, whether fighting a DUI or fighting Computer Fraud and Abuse Act charges, have a small legal team,... More


The lawyers hackers call

Meet the team defending Matthew Keys

Tor Ekeland works out of the smallest office I've ever seen, in the kind of Brooklyn coworking space where a... More


Obama’s ‘copyright czar’ showed independence

Vulnerable to criticism of pro-industry bias, she reached out directly to skeptical reporters

It's hard for a czar to get attention these days. If you listen to the conservative political media, at one... More


Google told German newspapers to opt in, and they did

A law meant to make aggregators pay for content has instead caused Google to threaten to remove papers from its news search

In July, a month before Germany's controversial copyright law requiring search engines to pay for featuring snippets of content was... More

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Required skimming: privacy and intellectual property

Be in the know on one of the day’s biggest issues

This month, CJR presents "Required Skimming," a daily miniguide to our staffers' beats and obsessions. If we overlooked any of... More


What MIT really thought of Aaron Swartz

The school leadership’s patience for hacker culture only went so far

On Tuesday, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology released a report, produced by an internal "Review Panel," on the school's actions... More


WaPo makes a Switch

The paper’s newest blog will cover tech policy, the Wonkblog way

The Washington Post announced on Monday the launch of a new tech policy blog, The Switch, that will cover "NSA... More

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Creating Internet accountability

Author Rebecca MacKinnon’s new project aims to rank Internet giants on human rights

Rebecca MacKinnon is the sort of person who, after Edward Snowden leaked details of the government's digital surveillance program, could... More

On the NSA, the media may tilt right - An inquiry finds a pro-surveillance bias in the language

The AP was right to fire Bob Lewis - He needed to wait for a response from his piece’s target, and he didn’t

The failure to factcheck ‘You can keep it’ - How the media missed on coverage of Obama’s implausible healthcare promises

In Colorado, a small paper looks forward - The Coloradoan’s new, young editor has been trying to reinvent the publication for the digital age—and it’s working

Chris Hondros: How he got that picture - From CJR’s Covering Iraq oral history

‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ comes to New York

“A great portrait is proof against pathos”

Waiting for the next great technology critic

Who will come after Mossberg and Pogue?

New York Times offers a glimpse at the homepage of the future

A new is in the works, and the company is previewing a prototype homepage, section front, and new article page

The most quoted man in news

The story of Greg Packer, an average joe with an uncanny skill at making media appearances

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Who Owns What

The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

Study Guides

Questions and exercises for journalism students.