October 25, 2013
The New Arcade Fire Album Isn’t That Deep (and That’s Good)

People are already calling Arcade Fire’s new album “epic,” but it’s worth remembering that most folks will experience it in un-epic ways. For example: Yesterday, a few hours after the band posted Reflektor to YouTube, I listened to the Canadian rock act’s fourth album from portable speakers as I folded laundry.
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The New Arcade Fire Album Isn’t That Deep (and That’s Good)

People are already calling Arcade Fire’s new album “epic,” but it’s worth remembering that most folks will experience it in un-epic ways. For example: Yesterday, a few hours after the band posted Reflektor to YouTube, I listened to the Canadian rock act’s fourth album from portable speakers as I folded laundry.

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October 25, 2013
90% of Wikipedia’s Editors Are Male — Here’s What They’re Doing About It

The group that oversees the free encyclopedia is trying to fix a years-old problem. 
Read more. [Image: Kristina Alexanderson/Flickr]

90% of Wikipedia’s Editors Are Male — Here’s What They’re Doing About It

The group that oversees the free encyclopedia is trying to fix a years-old problem. 

Read more. [Image: Kristina Alexanderson/Flickr]

October 25, 2013
Unapologetically Racist Voter-ID Comments on The Daily Show Fell Republican Official

October 25, 2013
Raising the Medicare Age: A Popular Idea with Shockingly Few Benefits

Deficit hawks want to increase the Medicare to 67, but that would only save $19 billion over 10 years — or 0.01 percent of cumulative GDP.
Read more. [Image: Reuters]

Raising the Medicare Age: A Popular Idea with Shockingly Few Benefits

Deficit hawks want to increase the Medicare to 67, but that would only save $19 billion over 10 years — or 0.01 percent of cumulative GDP.

Read more. [Image: Reuters]

October 25, 2013

How Calvin and Hobbes Inspired a Generation

October 25, 2013
So You Know, This Is How to Incubate Baby Cephalopods in a Soda Bottle

Behold, the marine-lifehack.
Read more. [Image: Monterey Bay Aquarium]

So You Know, This Is How to Incubate Baby Cephalopods in a Soda Bottle

Behold, the marine-lifehack.

Read more. [Image: Monterey Bay Aquarium]

October 25, 2013
A Hairy Chest Makes a Man

Humans veered toward bare skin when the cost-benefit analysis favored having “fewer parasites” over a “warming, furry coat.” But does it make me seem less virile?
Read more. [Image: AP]

A Hairy Chest Makes a Man

Humans veered toward bare skin when the cost-benefit analysis favored having “fewer parasites” over a “warming, furry coat.” But does it make me seem less virile?

Read more. [Image: AP]

October 25, 2013
If Your Heart Stopped Tonight

An ICU physician on taking time to discuss with patients how they see their final days.

Read more. [Image: Charlie Riedel/AP]

If Your Heart Stopped Tonight

An ICU physician on taking time to discuss with patients how they see their final days.
Read more. [Image: Charlie Riedel/AP]

Filed under: Health End of life care ICU 
October 25, 2013
Each U.S. Troop in Afghanistan Costs $2.1 Million

The average cost of each U.S. troop—that is, each military member—in Afghanistan will nearly double in the last year of the war to $2.1 million, according to a new analysis of the Pentagon’s budget. 
For the past five years, from fiscal 2008 through 2013, the average troop cost had held steady at roughly $1.3. million. But the Pentagon’s 2014 war budget would dramatically increase that figure. The added cost, argue Defense Department officials, is a reflection of the price of sending troops and equipment back home in the drawdown.
Read more. [Image: Shamil Zumatov/Reuters]

Each U.S. Troop in Afghanistan Costs $2.1 Million

The average cost of each U.S. troop—that is, each military member—in Afghanistan will nearly double in the last year of the war to $2.1 million, according to a new analysis of the Pentagon’s budget. 

For the past five years, from fiscal 2008 through 2013, the average troop cost had held steady at roughly $1.3. million. But the Pentagon’s 2014 war budget would dramatically increase that figure. The added cost, argue Defense Department officials, is a reflection of the price of sending troops and equipment back home in the drawdown.

Read more. [Image: Shamil Zumatov/Reuters]

October 25, 2013
The Highlander Theory of the GOP

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