Latest News for: harkis


Macron seeks 'new step' towards the Algerian Harkis who fought for France

France24 20 Sep 2021
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday meets with Algerians who fought for France in their country's war of independence in a fresh attempt to come to grips with a dark chapter in French colonial history ... .

Macron asks 'forgiveness' for French treatment of Algerian Harki fighters

Urdu Point 20 Sep 2021
At the end of the war, the loyalist fighters known as "harkis" were left to fend for themselves, despite earlier ...

Macron apologises for French treatment of Algerian Harki fighters

Daily Star Lebanon 20 Sep 2021
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday asked "forgiveness" on behalf of his country for abandoning Algerians who fought alongside France in their country's war of independence ... .

Macron seeks absolution from Algerian Harki survivors

Deutsche Welle 20 Sep 2021
The French government has failed to protect Algerian soldiers who fought with the French troops during the Algerian War of Independence, leaving many of them behind to be killed ... .

Emmanuel Macron apologises for 'failure of duty' to Harki fighters after Algerian War

The National 20 Sep 2021
French president promises a law guaranteeing reparations to surviving combatants and their families .

French president unveils ‘recognition and reparation’ bill for Harkis in bid to fix colonial past ...

Russia Today 20 Sep 2021
The legislation, announced during a speech by the French leader on Monday, will seek to ensure that the country engages in “recognition and reparation” of “neglected” Harkis. Harkis are Muslim Algerians who served in the French Army during the Algerian War of Independence from 1954 to 1962.
photo: AP / Hadi Mizban
French President Emmanuel Macron attends a press conference following his meeting with Kurdish President Nechirvan Barzani in Irbil, Iraq, Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021

France's Macron seeks 'forgiveness' from Algerian Harkis

Anadolu Agency 20 Sep 2021
“Harki” is derived from the Arabic “haraka”, or movement, aptly describing the group of Muslim Algerians who volunteered alongside the French army ... I ask forgiveness, we will not forget,” said Macron, adding that his country “neglected its duties toward the Harkis, their wives, their children.”.

Macron apologizes to Algerian Harkis

Middle East Online 20 Sep 2021
In a solemn ceremony interrupted by the cries of one fighter’s daughter, Macron also promised a law guaranteeing reparations for the contingent known as the harkis. The distraught woman, who said she grew up in a camp where France sequestered harkis after the war, argued that the law wouldn’t go far enough to fix the damage.

The Harkis: 'Betrayed' soldiers from France's Algeria war

The Times of India 20 Sep 2021
With French president Emmanuel Macron set to announce "reparations" for the Harkis on Monday, we look at the grim fate of the Muslim Algerians who fought on the side of France during their homeland's war of independence ... Around half a million Harkis and their descendants live in France today.

Francia, guerra d'Algeria: Macron chiede scusa agli harki

Yahoo Daily News 20 Sep 2021
>. Emmanuel Macron chiede perdono agli harki a nome della Francia ... "La Francia ha contratto un debito nei loro confronti ... Non dimenticheremo", ha detto Macron durante una cerimonia all'Eliseo a cui hanno preso parte 300 persone, tra cui alcuni degli harkis che parteciparono alla guerra. Algeria ... Vertice Macron-Merkel all'Eliseo ... 2 ... 2 ... 1.

Macron apologises for French treatment of Algerian Harki

The New Arab 20 Sep 2021
At the end of the war -- waged on both sides with extreme brutality, including widespread torture -- the French government left the loyalist fighters known as Harkis to fend for themselves, despite earlier promises that it would look after them ... Harkis and their families.

Macron seeks 'new step' towards Algerian Harki fighters

Urdu Point 20 Sep 2021
Hundreds of thousands of Algerian Muslims -- known as Harkis -- served as auxiliaries in the French army in the war that pitted Algerian independence fighters against their French colonial masters from 1954 to 1962 ... Macron's predecessor Francois Hollande in 2016 accepted "the responsibilities of French governments in the abandonment of the Harkis".

Enfants morts dans les camps de Harkis : les oubli�s de l'histoire de France

All Africa 23 Sep 2020
Ce 7 ao�t 2020 caniculaire, 57 ans apr�s la mort de ses fr�res jumeaux Yahia et Abbas peu apr�s leur naissance dans un camp de Harkis en France, Abessia Dargaid vient � 68 ans de retrouver le lieu de leur inhumation ... Il a d�vou� une partie de sa vie � aider nombre de familles d'anciens harkis d�munies et cr�� l'association "Coordination Harka".