Back issues

October 2013

Syrian crisis special report: US, France, Iran, UN; Germany, Merkel’s hat-trick, workers’ changing loyalties; US, decline of Detroit; Brazil, big business; Balkans, who lives where? North Korea, re-educating refugees; Burmese labour for Thailand’s fish trade; watching tv in China … and more…
  • September 2013

    Egypt, foreign agendas, unloved liberals, the ballet company dances on; Tunisia suggests how to guarantee freedoms; can Erdogan’s power be curbed? Serge Halimi, five years on; where now for the euro? Eastern Europe’s ‘nuclear bloc’; future imperfect for school textbooks; Peru’s new property bubble; the boy-girls of Saudi Arabia… and more…
  • August 2013

    ... Egypt in crisis: the army threatens, Saudi manoevres; Gulf states aim big and global; battle for the Nile waters; Snowden, do Americans still care about surveillance? Mandela legacy, train of good health; the great energy debate; the figures behind France’s fantasy mall; the soundcloud city;  Brazil’s telenovelas, 50 glorious years; Flaubert to Ai Weiwei, what’s the point of art? a small town in Andalusia...
  • July 2013

    ... what Brazilians want; why the Turks are protesting; Syria’s growing tragedy; Kuwaitis without a name; Portugal, where is the sun? Greece, what next for the left? US, get in, then get on; South Korea special - Samsung, a state in itself; cashing in Gangnam-style ... and also the online ads we helped create; footie figures it out ... and more...
  • June 2013

    ...Syria’s wars by proxy; behind Boston; Mali, an army that won’t fight; Egypt, the Brothers’ extreme capitalism; Bangladesh, the greed behind the Tazreen disaster; Brazil’s swelling backyard; Kenya’s three tribes; special report on our ageing population; supplement : the fight against AIDS, TB and malaria... sci-fi out of Africa... and more...
  • May 2013

    ...tyranny of the one per cent; North Korea, scary and scared; China’s space war; UK, in or out? France and Nato, Védrine to Debray; those problem EU borders; the Kurds’ changing reality; special report: do we need a basic minimum income? energy for people or profit? Gordon Ramsey’s tv coaching… supplement: the question of international solidarity… and more…
  • April 2013

    …special report Venezuela without Chávez; Hollande’s rapid conversion to neoliberalism; Régis Debray, why France should leave Nato; Naples, model for a Europe in decline? Karachi, mirror of Pakistan’s failed state; Kenya, grandiose plans for a deep-water port; the high cost of cheap meat; Guantanamo, the women who wait… and more…
  • March 2013

    Iraq ten years on, special report; Tunisia, Ben Ali all over again? France’s unspoken shift to the right; Colombia, who’s missing from the table? South Africa’s new apartheid; Slovenia’s crisis is political; the great shale gas swindle; Benedict’s Latin America message; 3D printers, return to a craft ethos? buy before you fly
  • February 2013

    conflict in West Africa: France goes in, cocaine politics; Bahrain’s broken promises; Middle East, let’s end unhelpful clichés; gay rights, onwards and upwards; France, bankers before lawmakers; Latin America, whose free press? Papua New Guinea gas boom; Delhi’s martyr touches a generation; masters of the Internet… and more...
  • January 2013

    ...Arab Spring, Act Two: are the monarchies next? decoding Syria’s Alawites; Mali, is the war postponed? how Occupy Wall Street fell in love with itself; nuclear power, conflicting aims; fished out, our oceans privatised; enter China’s new photographers; Upstairs, Downstairs, our fascination with the past; if we only had the time... and more...
  • December 2012

    ... Palestine, a battle won; Europe eyes Germany; US elections, a changing game; China special report: new leaders, same ideas: choppy China Seas; India, behind the medical safari boom; Africa, redefining borders; Azeris and Armenians, horns locked; Geneva’s discreet charms... and more...
  • November 2012

    ... special report Islamist ascent in ‘Arab Spring’: Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Gulf; Colombia gives peace a chance; Roma who went nowhere; US, another world is possible; Africans’ southern odyssey; Poland, where next? Top politicians’ golden sunset... and more...
  • October 2012

     ...US elections, special report; Libya runs out of control; mantra of competitiveness; Morocco, where’s the reform? Afghanistan, when Nato’s combat troops go; obesity, the global market cashes in; Marseilles, made over but still segregated; computer generated journalism, where next for news media?... and more...
  • September 2012

    Syria’s other war; Mali under extreme threat; China special report: challenge of empire, secretive party games; Venezuela, another term for Chávez? Panama’s M-10 protest against Barro Blanco dam; Spain, a failure of leadership; rise and rise of The Economist; museums, return those objects of art! supplement For democracy; supplement Liège…and more…
  • August 2012 crisis, UN undermined; US, it’s tough in Vegas; Syria, the left divides; Jordan wants its own spring; Israel, Bedouin protests; Iran, just an ordinary town; Angola’s defiant kuduro; how eco is your Borneo holiday? Women, domestic goddess or paid tart... and more...
  • July 2012

    Egypt in transition; Libya’s election; Europe, German fears; Norway a year on; who really rules Mexico? the Kazakhs speak out; China, where your iPad is made; Ecuador’s environmental misstep; special report, the cult of tourism; London’s summer of celebration…and more…
  • June 2012

    Greece heads for exit; EU in denial; Poland’s ailing east; US healthcare, decision time; Mississippi, republican and poor; Israel, prison as a means of control; Sudan’s contentious pair; Nicaragua, Ortega backs down; Burma’s Chinese border struggle; the UN at work; refugees special report…and more…
  • May 2012

    France, next chapter; US and China, partners still; Egypt and Libya, Islamists in action; Al-Jazeera’s star wanes; African mercenaries for US wars; Vietnam, universities on the cheap; Occupy, the first year; Russia’s new middle class; US, the enemy within; Tony Judt, wise words…and more…
  • April 2012

    France, election time; Syria deadlocked; Nigeria and Boko Haram; Mali coup further fragilises the Sahel; the Sahara’s long struggle; where microcredit went wrong; Portugal’s school for austerity; special report: can the West reindustrialise? Nepal’s blocked revolution; global cities of the Levant; before the Big Bang…and more…
  • March 2012

    … war with Iran? US turns to the Pacific; Balkans/EU, end of the affair; France, undisclosed interests; breaching the secular model; US, Port Huron remembered; US, power of country; Europe’s map redrawn; Mexico’s schools on the cheap; US, pills for ills; Internet, profits of snooping; crime fiction made in China… and more…
  • February 2012

    War on salaries, special report; Syria/Iraq and the rule of tyrants; Israel, kiss and tell; France’s nuclear rethink; Hungary, eyes right; Taiwan votes for business; North Korea’s smooth succession; Senegal, not six more years? protest Anonymous; the Revolution won’t be twittered; rice, food future... and more...
  • January 2012

    US, eyes to the right; Egypt, Salafists’ election gains; euro, end of the affair; global crisis, a threat to democracy? Latin America’s new Amazons; Mexico’s conservation concerns; Burma, on the move; India, support for Maoist rebels; world health, supplement on Aids, TB and malaria; education but no top jobs; lessons of Empire past… and more…
  • December 2011

    Europe in crisis: the dismantling of Greece, the ECB, bank of banks; Middle East, new geopolitical map; Libya’s next battle; Russia 20 years on: not Putin again! military state of the art; DRC goes to the polls; Africa’s Great Green Wall; China plumps for coal; India’s art goes global; Albert Camus, writer, witness, activist…and more…
  • November 2011

    economic crisis: another way, Occupy protests, Greece can’t pay; special report: failure of the left, history of a name, Latin America’s Pink Tide; Argentina, Kirchner’s victory; Chile’s new Spring; Turkey’s Kurdish test; Kabul Bank scandal; can Somalia’s peace hold? Ivory Coast, fears persist; Tunisia, making of a state; do the secular need heaven too? No more Einsteins… and more…
  • October 2011

    …saving the eurozone; Palestine, the UN bid; US left, Obama disenchants; Arab Spring: Tunisia readies for elections; Egypt and Tunisia rethink their economies; Syria, rule by security; Germany’s Greens, part of the establishment; Filipino maids for export; understanding terrorists; who runs Russia? Oh Calcutta! Twitter’s non-stop news…and more…
  • September 2011

    Libya after Gaddafi; Somalia’s distress; financial crisis, rule by the markets; Israel’s hint of spring; UK special: chav generation, a night of havoc , decline of the far right; US politics sold out to money; focus on Qatar, oil, gas and Al-Jazeera; Marrakesh given over to French celebs; Paris, la vie en rose… and more…
  • August 2011

    Financial crisis, lessons from Iceland; Middle East, protests persist in Syria; Nafta, US jobs drain to Mexico; US and Vietnam make up; nuclear energy loses its glow; Uganda, sharing the wealth; Henry Ford’s forgotten jungle city; Toni Negri’s revolutionary heart; luxury hotels redraft the social contract… and more…
  • July 2011

    Europe’s crisis, on the streets of Madrid; Egypt’s workers in the revolution; Ahmadinejad versus the mullahs; Iran unbans popular culture; special population report – Russia and China; Spain addresses the Basque problem; return of the ecofeminists; the profits from virtual sex; in praise of idleness… and more…
  • June 2011

    Pakistan after Bin Laden; Bangladesh deislamises; India and China make common cause; the French left on Europe; DSK, media collusion, UK, stand against the cuts; Arab world: protests gather pace in Syria and Yemen, Egypt’s Christian citizens; Sudan busts US sanctions; facing the cut, cosmetic surgery…and more…
  • May 2011

    …inside Raul Castro’s Cuba; Arab spring, game over for Assad? tricky times for Tunisia; Al-Jazeera, alternative political forum; Saudi Arabia’s chick lit revolution; Japan rethinks its nuclear policy; into Africa, enter Turkey’s entrepreneurs; Huffpo takes the AOL way; UK watch, the indefatigable Gareth Peirce; France, academe, Badiou, remembering Montaigne…and more…
  • April 2011

    Japan: a failing government; Maharashtra fights world’s biggest nuclear complex; Libya: Gaddafi and his oil, why only revolt would do; Morocco: will the king listen? Arab economy: an end to rulers’ perks; US: three cheers for Wisconsin, mired military spending; China: global media offensive, and what to do about the yuan; Kosovo’s unpleasant secrets; the Veneto reclaimed… and more...
  • March 2011 Arab Awakening: US fears as regional order slips; Arab armies rethink their role; Libya, warring tribes; Egypt, enter the Brothers; West Bank, anger at PA, Egypt, workers want a better deal; Algeria, symbol of resistance fades; Stuxnet, cyberwars ahead? Latin America-Palestine love affair; South-South alliances; Georgia, no place like home; organic farming’s own goal? Northern Ireland’s dissident dramas... and more...
  • February 2011

    Arab world in turmoil: Egypt says ‘Enough!’; Tunisia, revolution and after; Algeria, no more poverty; Sudan, the South secedes; Ivory Coast, perilous standoff; DRC, power for Africa; Europe, rise of the far right; women speak in surprising places; Super Bowl warriers; France’s plat du jour…and more…
  • January 2011

    North Korea, feared and fearful; why Haiti can’t move on; WikiLeaks, shoot the messenger; Burundi and Rwanda, elections don’t help; Israel, the next war? Saudi Arabia’s new friend China; inside China, farm to city; Italy’s rising star; Facebook, spying on us all; politics of sweet celebrity…and more…
  • December 2010

    …The euro under siege; Ireland bailout protests; Greece, demos falter; US after the midterms dossier; Egypt after the elections; Burma, imperceptible change; China cashes in on rare earth metals; sky-high spending in Dubai; Latin lovers, Iran’s new friends; UK austerity hits housing; Vargas Llosa, neocon with a Nobel…and more…
  • November 2010

    … dossier, stand against austerity; Tea Party in US midterms; Indonesia, goodbye to Islamisation; Lebanon, peacetime pursuits; Putin’s Russia somehow works; Kazakhstan takes on Russia; India’s quite surprising new friends; screen test for Israel…and more…
  • October 2010

    Israel/Palestine, one state? AfPak special: Taliban’s deep pockets, Pashtuns’ dividing line; one of the two Somalias works; South Koreans can’t speak out; France’s illegal Moldovan workforce; women victims of two-speed Algeria; biologists create DNA building blocks; malaria, live with it; Iran’s songs of popular protest… and more…
  • September 2010

    UK/US out of love; Serbia in denial; Canada armed and ready; Israel, eye spy; US, rule by banker; Kyrgyzstan, more trouble; Ivory Coast divided; Black Sea, disputed waters; Glasgow, a city divided; Avatar activism; look who’s gaming online; the thing about Gossip Girl… and more …
  • August 2010

    Guantanamo, long wait for an unfair trial, Arab world, tacit alliances; Venezuela’s murder mystery; Colombia’s gold rush; Sri Lanka’s uneasy peace; Nepal, progress stalls; Mandela the demi-god; France, move to the countryside; Ireland, the blarney’s back; Palestine, making movies… and more…
  • July 2010

    ...behind the BP disaster; Afghanistan, no happy ending; Iran, foreign alliances and, at home, end of an era; Israel, defining moment in international law; Thailand, why the protests; US, cops in schools, government by lawyers, TV paid analysts; stealthy hijack of intellectual property; Salafists step forward; the endangered eco-friendly camel... and more...
  • June 2010

    …all eyes on Gaza; Japan in transition; Europe in crisis; focus on corruption the banks, Italy, Majorca; Germany discreet and careful; Fortress Europe map special; backsliding in Senegal; discontent in Papua…and Tokyo’s surprising WW1 allies; do we want to be secure or free? and more…
  • May 2010

    …Africa in China; our nuclear shield; Kyrghyz troubles; Zuma’s foreign policy act; downturn for Chavez; the view from down under; dirty truth in Canada; blame the Mufti; urbanisation special; Middle East art blossoms… and more…
  • April 2010

    ...Israel rebuffs US and EU; where does Obama stand on WMDs? Africa needs real leaders; Vietnam urbanises; behind that Indian aubergine; true cost of fresh tomatoes; Avatar isn’t an anti-US parable… and more…
  • March 2010

    …financial crisis; Iraq’s internal lines; rise and rise of the Revolutionary Guards; Paraguay’s shaky democracy; Brazil’s bold moves; Bosnia’s victims speak…the end of newspapers; Palestine’s past in cartoons and movies; Tiger Woods and Jean Jacques… and more…
  • February 2010

    ...Greece, in urgent need of rescue; Turkey, riding high; Haiti, a calamitous past; Greensboro remembered; Blackwater, hired soldiers don’t care about our special Maghreb dossier... also health care, the global view; Barbara Ehrenreich, why bright ain’t right; David Hare takes aim at the bankers...
  • January 2010

    …US dossier, Obama’s first year, Detroit in decline; Europe, the conquest that won’t happen; Ukraine turns away from Europe; Vladivostok is not Vancouver; eyes on Mozambique’s riches …Rebecca Solnit on saving the planet… sanitation, a dirty secret… and more …
  • December 2009

    …Copenhagen special, Indonesia and Tuva; Obama’s non-deal with Iran; Xbox game, for real; ICT fires financial crisis; next round for Burma… Latin America file: Chile, Guatamala, Mexico… pandemics and rumours; towards an age of ‘post-humans’; Yemen’s life blood… and more…
  • November 2009

    …Pakistan/Afghanistan special section on an unwinnable war; Israel’s leaderless left; Angola moves on: Guinea feels the strain; Europe extended dossier: Germany 20 years on, Denmark tries workfare, the Irish yes, EU and the Balkans.. also.. what will we eat? Aziza Brahim sings for justice…and more…
  • October 2009

    …Yemen’s hidden war; Afghanistan, broken promises; US, there’s no money in peace; American Jews speak out; Islam unites the Arabs; the Mao days recorded; a town like Gladstone; Berlusconi lives on… plus tough times for print media; Facebook in our private lives… and more…
  • September 2009

    …India’s sights on China; can we make Israel comply? the West’s very own jihad; downturn in Latvia; DRC’s great little deal with China; US prisons; UK workers… how Unesco lost its way; John Berger causes a security stir…and more…
  • August 2009

    …China’s wild west; South Africa, the Palestine connection; Darfur, the feelgood factor; comeback for the Sandinistas; undercover in Rio; Florida, down but not out; Madoff’s secrets and lies; adventures in a megacity… and more…
  • July 2009

    …Iran in shock; EU wobble over Israel; Europe’s new politics of hard times; why Austria’s far right goes on growing… South Korea, economic crisis hits; what China’s middle class really want; Burma, quiet resistance… climate change: California dreams, Australia outflanked by its carbon lobby; L’Oreal unmasked… and more…
  • June 2009

    …Lebanon’s quiet revolution; the Islamic Republic at 30; Pakistan on the brink; Brazil’s magic moment is over; China’s toy industry is alive and well; Ireland’s vibrant immigrant community; South Africa, can Zuma deliver? ...a green New Deal; corporately mobbed; India’s love affair with writing… and more…
  • May 2009

    …Israel, new threat to Palestinian citizens; Afghanistan, questions for Obama; Ukraine in the world downturn; focus on Africa, concerns in Kenya and Zambia…on Revolution, the May dossier… Wikifying expertise and more…
  • April 2009

    …credit crunched, Japan and Germany; France rejoins Nato; EU, what to do about energy; French war games… Kashmir, glimmer of hope? Brazil and Morocco, agriworkers sidelined; Georgia, behind the 5-day war… and more...
  • March 2009

    ...standoff in Sri Lanka; bringing Israel to book: Algeria’s election blues; Thailand and Saudi Arabia worry about food... protectionism revisited; the car industry in deep trouble; the euro under threat... is there any point to diversity? And more...
  • February 2009

    … Gaza special dossier; US, goodbye Bush; Russia, Ukraine and a gas pipeline; Castro’s revolution 50 years on; ferment in Italy; conflict in Assam… French politics revealed and more…
  • January 2009

    … after Mumbai, India’s Muslims; Pakistan’s constraints; US, how Obama lost out to the Pentagon; Greece’s uprising; Serbia’s right resurgent… the East in the eyes of the West; how property lost its pull; Ayn Rand revisited, and more..
  • December 2008

    ...US politics in transition; Iraq’s more radical jihadis; Congo in crisis; Russia plays its Muslim card; Georgia on EU’s mind; EU polices Somali waters; why the Saharans go on fighting; ghosts of Timor past... plus Jersey sits pretty; politicians ignore Antartica... and more...
  • November 2008

    The world turned upside down: behind and beyond the financial crash; India joins the nuclear cartel; Pakistan’s fractious coalition; Brussels’ youth divide on the metro; Mauritania’s mini Guantanamo; NGO intervention - aid or
    affliction? ; France’s politicised rappers... tourist destination Afghanistan... and more...
  • October 2008

    ... the end of Wall Street; new New Deal; US election special dossier; the Taliban, what Nato missed; Palestine’s dual madness; Honduras on the front line; South Africa isn’t working... Saudi women fall for Turkish soap... and more...
  • September 2008

    ...end of US age of denial; China’s second empire; the return of Russia; a Baghdad in Damascus; how Israel forgot its history; Bosnia’s black hole; Balkans Roma under threat… plus green and high; a Starck choice... and more...
  • August 2008

    …China treads the middle way; Zimbabwe falls apart; South Africa stalls; Turkey steps back from the abyss; Cyprus again tries for bi-zonal federation; Syria considers peace… plus homeschooling US-style; brave new Gulf; footie’s FLN team and more…
  • July 2008

    … Sarkozy bewilders; Ireland says no; multinationals plunder Africa’s resources; Tunisian miners fight for fair pay; Lebanon promises to rebuild a Palestinian camp; Israel abuses award-winning Gaza journalist; Colombia surprises... and more…
  • June 2008

    … Lebanon’s short sharp crisis; Syria’s young dream on; cluster bombs, can the new ban help the people of Laos? welcome to the new republic of Nepal; US, how to go bust in 15 numbers; US primaries, class is the unmentioned question… reports from Romania, Ukraine, Philippines, Angola… the story of Hizb ut-Tahrir… and more..
  • May 2008

    ... Credit crisis, look who’s coming to the rescue; grain crisis, the price keeps rising; why are the US presidential hopefuls silent on Iraq? ... Germany’s new left, Turkey’s EU doubts, South Africa’s problematic boom, Egypt’s unrest... revisiting the past in Israel and Algeria and more...
  • April 2008

    ... Obama, the Democrats in person; Nato, the view from Russia; Tibet’s uncertain tremor; Italy’s rainbow left; Miami’s Cubans upstaged, Iran, one step forward... plus those the Enlightenment forgot; Shakespeare’s Histories reenacted... and more...
  • March 2008

    ... Iraq, whoever’s winning, it’s not the Iraqis; Chad, new victim of Darfur; market in worse futures; coming to terms in Sierra Leone, Bolivia’s Morales checked... plus security, but in whose interest? high-rise hell, Romero’s movies, Izmir the global city and more...
  • February 2008

    ... Lebanon’s al-Qaida; why the US went broke; Kenya, model state comes off the rails; South Africa, how the ANC lost touch; East Timor, the struggle goes on; independence for popping the bubbles in BHL’s champagne socialism, what the French want from Simone de Beauvoir... and much more...
  • January 2008

    … After Bali; Chavez pauses for thought; Iraq, the next phase; why the US Congress failed; smoke and mirrors in the White House; grand old man of Italian politics; Uganda’s evangelists inherit the earth… Democracy Now’s fearless broadcasting and much more…
  • December 2007

    ... Pakistan, the army’s the problem; the persistence of Putin; the CAR feels the shock of Darfur; Zimbabwe faces starvation; India’s growing insurgency… a fresh appraisal of the October Revolution; Vietnam’s young poets write the country’s future... and much more...
  • November 2007

    ... dossier on the new ‘broader’ Middle East: Israel/Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen; Burma, no quick way to a saffron revolution; Macau, a Chinese Las Vegas... plus a new ‘Playboy’ for Ireland and the ‘Sopranos’ are still going strong...
  • October 2007

    ... US threatens Iran; does a deal with North Korea; continues renditions; but is its hegemony on the wane?.. also Egypt, explosions over land; Guatemala’s new elections; a free press is possible... and more...
  • September 2007

    …global game of risk; Russia’s polar grab; Turkey, post-Islamic democracy; Europe in decline; US universities exclude the poor; Africa, imagined by Sarkozy… Bin Laden’s mythical fortune; the Moroccans’ annual return… and more…
  • August 2007

    … Noam Chomsky on communication; Régis Debray on Israel; William Dalrymple on unlearned colonial lessons… can Morocco’s Islamists check al-Qaida? The Pentagon, big busy landlord; Ukraine’s past horrors; Arts: Jean-Luc Godard, a new Utopia station… and more…
  • July 2007

    … al-Qaida faces the Taliban; Palestine divided; US antiwar voices silent; Georgia’s arms race; Chavez and the first peoples; Hong Kong 10 years on… plus the true cost of biofuels; fortune-hunting in Nigeria and more…
  • June 2007

    … Britain, out with the old; France, in with the new; Colombia, elites and death squads; oil, gas and the new Great Game; the Six Day war 40 years on; the US and global terror, cause or effect?... plus big pharma’s profits from third world poverty; Europe and climate change and more…
  • May 2007

    … elections in France and Turkey; US, countdown to war in Iran; US, vain search for a military win in Iraq… Iraq’s women suffer; France’s women lose ground; China, behind the boom; Shakespearean tragedy of Tony Blair.. and more…
  • April 2007

    Iraq, where’s the money? Lebanon, a court without the law; France, foreign policy doesn’t win elections; US, New Orleans’ second destruction; Asia, Vietnam’s boom time, Japan’s problem past; Africa, Uganda as test case for the ICC, Ghana follows World Banks rules... plus Can we say what we want? Dispatches from multicultural Ireland and more..
  • March 2007

    … Africa: Darfur’s ethnic cleansing; Senegal’s fight for a railway; Mozambique dreams on; US, can Congress block Bush’s Middle East plans? Israel-Palestine, one state, two nations? Europe: Spain’s unresolved past; Kosovo’s dangers ahead…plus energy, who’s gaining power? the return of God and more...
  • February 2007

    … Russia, hail to the tsar; Pakistan’s wobbly balancing act; US, still getting it wrong in the arc of crisis; Jerusalem, stealing a city; Iraq, murder of the state; Uruguay, suddenly on the map… plus Marseille, who gets left out of the gentrification? Kofi Annan on an alliance of civilisations and more…
  • January 2007

    … India’s world ambitions; the Sunni-Shia struggle; Hamas’ real longterm strategy; EU, time to forget those old Russian ghosts; EU, what democracy? special reports from Rwanda, Brazil, Nicaragua and Ecuador… plus Susan George on rediscovering Keynes; the filthy legacy of asbestos and more…
  • December 2006

    … US left’s 9/11 fantasies; Iran’s poor get poorer; Israel, why Lieberman is back in government; Al-Jazeera among the Saudi pigeons… plus can the Eta ceasefire hold? Mexico’s rebellion in Oaxaca; Africa’s healthcare deficit; Ukraine’s Tatars mean to stay… secrets behind the Ikea wardrobe and more…
  • November 2006

    … mid-term America; Muslim Britain; Algeria’s al-Qaida franchise; islamofascism, what’s in a name? North Korea, seen from China; Burma, China’s 24th province? Peru’s poor won’t wait… plus the art of crossing borders, John Berger on Pasolini and more…
  • October 2006

    .. the North Korea problem; our precarious world economy; the US’ assymetrical war; and is the US right falling out of love with war? .. special reports from Yemen, Serbia and the Baluch insurgency in Pakistan.. also China’s third way; Russia’s movie revival; and contemporary dance in Iran unveiled ..
  • September 2006

    … Cuba after Fidel; five years of ‘war on terrorism’ - Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Somalia; India, the US’ new best friend; Venezuela, popular power; Guatamala, impunity; Poland, a disappearing workforce… a manifesto for slow food and more…
  • August 2006

    … war in Lebanon; Israel’s colonial project; Cuba, doctors on worldwide call; France, silence in the banlieues; Asia, where are the women? Tourism, selling sex to downmarket punters, and can eco-tourism help local people?…
    and more…
  • July 2006

    ... the Middle East in crisis, despatches from Lebanon and Gaza; Serbia on its own; Libya rejoins the world; Congo holds a landmark election; northern Ireland, peace in a separatist state; Philippines, democracy or oligarchy?... Plus money laundering, pursuing the wrong dirty dollars; France’s small screen view of a wide US... and much more...
  • June 2006

    ... Middle East, Palestine spirals out of control, France does a u-turn; Japan does it its way... the US, a phoney culture war and a revolt among the generals; the EU, immigration non-policies; Amnesty on the arms trade... and more...
  • May 2006

    ... Iraq, a double war; Syria, forget democracy; Algeria, business as usual; Chechnya, behind the screen; our addiction to crude.. plus the market in sickness; overqualified and unpaid; slavery two centuries on; science isn’t a western invention... and more...
  • April 2006

    ... US, deaf to its advisors; Italy’s slender hope; France’s nuclear hypocrisy; Algeria’s vocal women; Nigeria’s rebel young; North Korea’s slave labourers... plus China, shining films, darkening skies; the GM question; confessions of a mapmaker... and more...
  • March 2006

    … the Middle East cauldron; Saudi oil is less than we need; Tunisia at 50; Belarus goes to the polls; Madagascar’s business president… plus US, the state of the unions; India, the history of silent people; Pasolini, poet of cinema… and more…
  • February 2006

    … the Hamas challenge; Saint Sharon; shifting Saudi sands; can Azerbaijan be democratic?… our Latin America dossier… plus Ryzard Kapuscinski on encounters with the Other, John Berger on arboreal time... and more...

  • January 2006

    ... the Middle East after Sharon; China’s closed temple of consumerism; Wal-Mart, down on the new plantation; the Balkans ten years after Dayton; the Western Sahara’s 30-year dispute; how to ungrow the world economy; a fine fashion item ... and more...
  • December 2005

    ... can the WTO help the poor? Syria under siege; what’s the matter with France? a new tussle over East Asia; the curse of Congo’s gold... ’Don Quixote’ at 400; new movies, Israeli and Palestinian; how to read a terrorist’s mind... and more...
  • November 2005

    ... nuclear world, 60 years of fissile proliferation; US, supreme court of last resort; Russia from the inside; Bolivia, South America’s first indigenous president? Sierra Leone’s special court; Mauritania after the coup... plus Milan Kundera on Juan Goytisolo; the internet, is what’s yours mine? Who can own the soul of a culture? Europe as seen from the Bosphorus... and more...
  • October 2005

    ... New Orleans, let the good times roll; Russia’s near abroad, from revolutions to single party states; Israel, monoculture in a multicultural state; South Africa’s lethal lottery; Colombia’s death squads near to immune; Argentina’s coops say ’occupy, resist, produce’... plus America’s TV empire with an agenda; imprisoned black panthers; something in the Majorcan larder and more...
  • September 2005

    ... Germany, a new direction; Egypt, an air of change; Zimbabwe, behind the city demolitions... the UN dossier: people, states, alternatives... China’s Captain Cook, Maigret and the literature of the non-elite reader... and more...
  • August 2005

    … the London bombings; Iraq, the neocon war; Israel, the settlers’ stratagems; China: world power with a difference; Africa, within and without... plus John Berger’s notes on location and dislocation; witness to the death of Che; Hollywood dream factory in service of the bottom line; and Bernard Lewis and the wicked genie of Orientalism…
  • July 2005

    ... US, the great contradiction; EU, time to ask the people what to do next; Kosovo, a bitter reality... plus our Middle East dossier: the Arab spring is cool; the US aims to destabilise; Syria feels the pressure; the Nablus stock market blooms; and what and where is Shia power?... and much more...
  • June 2005

    ... Why France and Holland said no; Latin America in ferment; Lebanon, same old faces; Uzbekistan, behind the Andijan massacre; US, Bush’s ownership society gets meaner... plus our South Pacific dossier; perestroika 20 years on; Kundera’s art of the novel, China’s beauty business... and more...
  • May 2005

    ... a French non for Europe? New Labour goes soft on empire and sells out education; the third world reaches 50; China, Russia and pipeline passions ... the world at war: British in Asia, French in Algeria, Nazis revisited ... spirit of surrealism and more...
  • April 2005

    ... Lebanon, unhealed wounds; Europe’s constitution, yes or no? Latin America’s own evangelicals; Togo and Ivory Coast, a fine French mess... plus the security and intelligence dossier: the US torture trade; Morocco seeks truth; how to construct a global threat... and more...
  • March 2005

    ... paying for the cheap dollar; an end to Dutch tolerance? fragile states of central Asia; Bahrain’s promise withdrawn... water dossier, who’s using it and abusing it.. let’s have Romance, not English; jazz high and low; Jansci, a life... and more...
  • February 2005

    ... Asia re-imagined; Auschwitz reconsidered; the secret of Abu Mazen; Algeria, how to invent your own Bin Laden; Iraq, the real oil-for-food scandal; Sudan, accords but not peace... plus tsunami, why death prefers the poor; the polite practice of civil disobedience; do we really need our mobile phones?... and more...
  • January 2005

    ... Tsunami, time to cancel debt; US plans for Iran; Ukraine, why and what next; Kenya’s young militia... plus media in crisis; what Camdessus cooked up for France; the energy dossier plus Mahmoud Darwish’s elegy for Edward Said...
  • December 2004

    .. Eric Hobsbawm calls for a new approach to the past; ordinary life and death in Falluja, Jaffa and Bhopal; why North Korea went to the brink.. plus a special dossier on the exploration of Mars, and what we need to do about this planet’s agriculture.. and more..
  • November 2004

    ... a tribute for Arafat; a trial for Saddam; a UN ruling for Israel; a constitution for Europe... plus the jihadists from the shantytowns; the elites from the Ivy League; degrowth for the South... and our dossier on corporate warriors... and more
  • October 2004

    ... why Bush is riding high; what really led to Beslan; and what is going on in Ukraine.. this month’s big dossier: China past, present and future... France’s women immigrants fight for their rights... and more...
  • September 2004

    ... is the clash of civilisations inevitable? al-Qaida, the brandname; the UK’s love affair with America.. Haiti, who’s to blame? Venezuela, Patagonia, Cambodia, the Saudi TV show that breaks the rules.. and more..
  • August 2004

    ... UK, militants for animal rights; Germany, nostalgia for the East; Olympics, weaponless war; development, why we don’t need it; Mongolia, a steppe away; treasures from Timbuktu... essays by José Saramago, Edward Said, Eduardo Galeano... Bernard Cassen on the Brits in Dordogneshire... and more...
  • July 2004

    The US, Kerry’s new ‘enlightened nationalism’, sanctions against Syria, the scramble for Africa; the price of oil; Thailand’s avian flu scandal; the Adriatic, Europe’s polluted moat; a textbook tale of globalisation... and more...
  • June 2004

    ... inside the mind of the suicide bombers; Pakistan, between the US and the Islamists; crisis of legitimacy for the Bush cabal; Israel, politicide and industrial zones; Europe, a road map for privatisation; Africans need free and friendly healthcare... and more
  • May 2004

    ... Iraq, looting the land, uniting the resistance; the US and New Europe; Greek Cyprus votes no; Sudan’s other war; Peru’s secret shame .. plus voices of resistance on our planet, our women, our causes... and more...
  • April 2004

    ... US, losing the war on terror; greater Middle East, a new free trade market; Islam, women and their rights; Europe, big and little, the French-German couple and just what did Aznar do for Spain? plus Haiti, Venezuela, Mozambique... and more...
  • March 2004

    .. Iraq, an overview; Kurdistan, what degree of separation? why Haiti’s revolution failed; Algeria, traumatised by past grief; Russia, nostalgic for the cosy old Soviet days; Balkans, democracy wobbles.. plus Germany remembers exodus and exile; France’s intolerance of Islam starts at school; Julio Cortázar, artist of encounters.. and more..
  • February 2004

    ... Iran, the Islamic republic 25 years on; US, what we forget about Bush; France, split over the hijab; Israel, civil liberties eroded; Sri Lanka, the Tigers prepare for a state of their own... plus our German economy special, energy under review and a taste of something good...
  • January 2004

    ... US, report from Guantanamo; victory but not peace; Israel/Palestine, accord of hope; Caucasus, change of guards; alternative Mexico; India before the WSF.. plus timber for war, antibiotics that don’t work any more, gaudy transgenic TK1, adieu Montalbán.. and more...
  • December 2003

    ... Russia and its oligarchs; Iraq, the chaos grows; Israel/Palestine, light in Geneva; nation-building, Afghanistan and Kosovo; Brazil, the challenge... plus delivering health in France, the US’ vanilla suburbs, why downscaling is not such a bad idea.. and more...
  • November 2003

    ... Israel: murky secrets, apartheid rule, raising martyrs; Europe united against the war; democracy California-style; Nepal’s Maoist rebels; French immigrants want to be equal; ’big pharma’, a tale of corruption; is Google any good? ... plus JM Coetzee gets his Nobel prize and Mahmoud Darwish says goodbye to Edward Said... and more...
  • October 2003

    ... after Iraq, the challenge to the Arab world; Iran’s nuclear aims; the US, nuclear bully; East Asia, saving its way out of crisis; the euro, not strong enough to take on the world; Israel, the nation’s poor... France, women in prison, and on the street... Iran’s award-winning movies... and more...
  • September 2003

    ... Palestine’s deepening crisis; Egypt’s new cool Islam; farming, at Cancun, in Africa; Chile 30 years after Allende; French universities in decline; Berlusconi’s star wanes... plus life in Uncle Suleiman’s tent... and more...
  • August 2003

    .. the US, imperial grand strategy; the Balkans, the minorities that lost out; justice for sale; how the rich nations got to be so wealthy; America’s penitential health crisis; telecoms, broken promises; France, the secret unemployed; and do headscarves matter? .. and more ..
  • July 2003

    ...the lies of war, Iran encircled, Palestine walled in, Iraq’s Shia stir, US drift towards the Israeli right.. health: not yet a common good, Haiti’s ’IDB kids’.. Basques’ freedoms curtailed, Hong Kong no longer gateway to China’s trade, Mexico’s own migrants.. why America’s women are quiet, and Muslim ones aren’t.. and more
  • June 2003

    ... Hobsbawm on Empire; Saudi kingdom under strain; Iraq waits and sees... the US, state of the unions; state of the press... Nigeria tries religion; Chechnya doubts ’normalisation’... God comes to Hollywood and John Berger tells of a painted sky...
  • May 2003

    ... victors of ’liberated’ Iraq; protectorates we have known; America’s first dominions; development financing; the rich nations’ club... Africa, an end to impunity? Bolivia, what next?... the homeless: inside Sudan; out of Afghanistan... and Milan Kundera on the art of writing novels...
  • April 2003

    .. the costs of the war; the oil sums that don’t add up; wishful thinking by the Iraq-watchers; privatising war; the true problem of the Arab world; Palestine, when the world isn’t looking; what’s at stake for Yemen… plus Susan George on GMOs and Mohammed Arkoun on Islam in today’s world.. and more..
  • March 2003

    ...Edward Said, the other America; Arundhati Roy, resisting empire; France, following De Gaulle; the US, the neo-cons win out, making up the news; Turkey demands its price; China keeps quiet; Arafat worries; Afghan women still cover up and hurry by… plus why the South has no cheap drugs, the new Chinese movies… and more
  • February 2003

    ... the coming war: what Iraqis think; the US propaganda war; what does Blair want? US garrisons in Central Asia… plus why North Korea wants to go nuclear; Israeli threats of ‘transfer’; make or break year for Latin America’s left… John Berger asks where are we now? And more…
  • January 2003

    ... Iraq, what will its army do? planning for a new regime; Israel, can the peace camp be revived? Nato, the US army’s latest subcontractor; the EU, an American invention? Africa wooed for its oil; Ecuador running out of it; Guadeloupe, France’s Caribbean client island... and Ivan Illich, the man who challenged progress; why more means worse in photojournalism; holiday humour... and more...
  • December 2002

    ...the US: the new real enemy; dismissing international law; Iraq: deconstructing the Ba’ath party; Russia: getting what it wants; Sudan: another stab at peace; South Korea: a new sense of self... plus why human genome info belongs to us all; an ecology special, from Mexico to Africa and points in between; Harry Potter and the innocents who fight the powers of darkness... and more...
  • November 2002

    ... US, global strategy; the hunt for al-Qaida’s backers; Indonesia, shock waves from the Bali bombing; Israel, a new Berlin Wall only bigger; Syria, a blighted spring; Balkans, on the economic road to nowhere; Chile’s identity crisis. plus Jean Baudrillard on global violence; France’s gated communities; and Paris couture, Napoleon’s neglected achievement...
  • October 2002

    ... how Saddam has used Iraq’s tribes; Kurdistan, a real place; Israel, does the army know what it’s planning? Palestine, wrecked lives; US, imperial tastes; Brazil, troubles ahead; Morocco, claiming democracy; World Bank, lender of last resort; Leni Riefenstahl at 100... and more...
  • September 2002

    ... a special dossier: US, the new Rome, the hawks’ first strike doctrine, the Christian right and Israel, the fears of moderate Islam, why a secret mass grave in Afghanistan? .. plus Sabra and Shatila 20 years on; is Germany for Stoiber?; India: full granaries, empty stomachs; Argentina’s life after bankruptcy... and more...
  • August 2002

    .. South Africa, in denial over Aids; Venezuela, hatefilled media; France, being Jewish; Portugal, immigrants to a land of emigrants; Italy, politics for people who don’t like politics; Germany, Middle East friendships; Algeria, quiet changes; US, the crime of being America.. plus companies in systemic crisis; and a jaunt down the African coast..
  • July 2002

    ... Algeria 40 years on, a special dossier; Egypt half a century on, remembering Nasser; what really happened at Camp David; Africa, preparing for union; France’s troubled estates; world disorder, security and chemical weapons; deference at the WHO; why are scientists meddling with the weather? ... and why do we like those foreign films?
  • June 2002

    ... nationality, why it’s hard to be French and why people want to leave Morocco; 9/11, need for a new sort of war, the oil industry in trouble, Kuwait’s Islamists worried... plus the power of Israel’s settlers, a fresh state for East Timor, Africa’s new ties with Europe, and its declining universities, the Albania we’ve all forgotten, and more...
  • May 2002

    ...Europe’s new right; Palestine, from Jenin to Washington; Chavez, saved by his people; Saudi Arabia, people count now; Afghanistan, heading for chaos... plus health and water, victims of the global market; GMOs, the big US push; and Oz wows the viewers...
  • April 2002

    … Israel-Palestine, coming together; Milosevic trial, the man and the court; Italy, revamped industries, silent writers; Cyprus, preparing for the EU; China, Tiananmen revisited; the EU, never mind the people; Chechnya, Russia’s still there… plus John Berger on Turkey’s great poet, Axel Kahn on the Mount of Olives and Mahmoud Darwish from Palestine under siege…
  • March 2002

    ...The US, the search for new enemies, dirty DU danger, Afghan women free to die; Israel’s soldiers say no; volunteers for Palestine; Iran v. the heroin smugglers; Japan, tired of the old politics; El Salvador, rebranding the revolutionaries; US workplace love-in; Turkey’s Big Brother; Belgium repents; and José Saramago asks what happened to democracy...

    (Articles in the English edition, including all our back numbers, now have hyperlinks to and from original articles in French - see margin above the Search box)

  • February 2002

    ...Yossi Beilin on why Israel needs Arafat, behind the scenes at Camp David, newly poor in Argentina, on the move in Xinjiang, tired of waiting in Senegal... and the world’s great scams: Enron, Russia’s nuclear waste business and the Aids drug Yale discovered...
  • January 2002

    Kashmir, half a century of dispute; Afghanistan, the secret connections; al-Qaida, the sect; the US, a fresh laurel wreath; Israel, where death governs, and Palestine, where is the EU?... also Argentina fights back, the US plots its response to unrest in the Americas, nerving ourselves to challenge neo-liberalism, and discovering the far borders of the new Europe...
  • December 2001

    Palestine as Israel’s last best hope, US love-in with Russia and China, alienation in the Gulf, Horn of Africa on the US terror list, plus Noam Chomsky on terrorism, weapon of the powerful... also Lenin and Stalin: the last great Tsars, Nicaragua: denying the revolutionaries, the euro that people don’t trust, no recession in the European flesh trade and why VS Naipaul doesn’t deserve his prize...
  • November 2001

    Uncivil war in Washington, politics in the name of the Prophet, land of the not so free, Russia’s win-win deal, myth of the stock market terrorists... plus the Scots take back the land, the French keep God without religion, the Italians spin fascist fantasies and Kofi Annan battles for the right to food...
  • October 2001 Clemons on the US’s war on terrorism, Bishara on how penknives humbled the Pentagon, Harrison on Pakistan’s untenable position, Said on Barenboim playing Wagner, plus Japan’s revisionist comic-strips, Tunisia’s generation of protest, and much more...
  • September 2001

    ... how peace was lost in the Middle East, desperate travellers of the Sahel, the US wealth gap, Cuba, proud of its culture, success story for Islamic banking... and more...
  • August 2001

    ... read Susan George on Genoa, Marc Augé walking the Berlin wall, media under threat in France and Benin, tiring of the US burbs, the Kurds’ fragile spring, the race for the Vatican... and more...
  • July 2001

    ... riots in our city streets, widening protests in Algeria, Monsanto’s new look, America bent on primacy, Madagascar’s hard road, the belated fight against Aids... and more...
  • June 2001

    ... read Ignacio Ramonet and Marc Augé on reality television; reports from Iran, Afghanistan and Morocco; how the US supports religious cults; France inspects its colonial record in Algeria... and more...
  • May 2001

    ... Advertising special: the big sell, US relations: Asia and Russia, India and Pakistan: violence against women, Bahrain’s new look, Egypt’s Copts, Europe’s regions... and more...
  • April 2001

    ... read Lahouari Addi on Algeria, Christophe Chiclet on Macedonia, Colette Braeckman on new developments in the Congo, plus the Americas summit, agriculture under the spotlight, Kapuscinski and Segev on genocide... and more...
  • March 2001

  • February 2001

  • January 2001

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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages