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Os calouros da USP
HK USP review
USP .45 Break In (Tons Of Shooting)
Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo institucional
Fama, USP e Falar com Cachorros
H&K USP 9mm HD Review
Fantástico - Aprovados na USP 2011
HK USP old vs. new
Glock 23 vs H&K USP Compact:  Apples to Apples, Part 1
H&K USP / USP Tactical .45 / Mk23 / HK45


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  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:42
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013


Professor da USP Ricardo Augusto Felicio. (((Grupo Pagodation - Quando Vi (ensaio))); da USP FALA SOBRE A FARSA DO AQUECIMENTO GLOBAL NO JÔ
Os calouros da USP
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:45
  • Updated: 03 Feb 2013

Os calouros da USP

Os calouros da USP Você vai acompanhar as atividades da primeira semana de aulas na USP. calouros da USP
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:42
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013


This is complete review on the H&K; USP 45...this shows you why the USP 45 is one of the worlds best handguns! STAY UP TO DATE ON LATEST VIDS Facebook: http:/...
  • published: 11 Dec 2011
  • views: 56452
  • author: GY6vids; USP 45...COMPLETE REVIEW
HK USP review
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:51
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

HK USP review

This is my personal review of the HK USP 9mm and 45ACP semi autos. These are both full size polymer frame service pistols that have a well proven service his... USP review
USP .45 Break In (Tons Of Shooting)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:44
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

USP .45 Break In (Tons Of Shooting)

9 mins of solid rapetastic action figure shooting LMAO.
  • published: 20 Feb 2011
  • views: 131475
  • author: cokeman2423 .45 Break In (Tons Of Shooting)
Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo institucional
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:56
  • Updated: 17 Apr 2013

Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo institucional

A Universidade de São Paulo (USP) é uma universidade pública, mantida pelo Estado de São Paulo e ligada à Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Econômico, ... de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo institucional
Fama, USP e Falar com Cachorros
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:08
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Fama, USP e Falar com Cachorros

Um vídeo sobre sucesso, felicidade e loliro. Siga-me no twitter!
  • published: 11 Nov 2011
  • views: 1076281
  • author: maspoxavida, USP e Falar com Cachorros
H&K; USP 9mm HD Review
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:37
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

H&K; USP 9mm HD Review

Let me just say upfront I love H&K; pistols so this review may be a little biased. When you hold one in your hand they just fell like solid, very well built g...
  • published: 13 Oct 2012
  • views: 23264
  • author: Mrgunsngear; USP 9mm HD Review
Fantástico - Aprovados na USP 2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:13
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Fantástico - Aprovados na USP 2011ástico - Aprovados na USP 2011
HK USP old vs. new
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:23
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013

HK USP old vs. new

Here is a look at some of the features that were updated on HK USP pistols around between 1995 and 2005. Here is a list of what was changed by year up to 2001: 1993: Original USP9 and .40. 1994: Reduced the slide weight by 1.1 oz. 1994-95: Change to a polygonal rifled barrel (Prior barrels were standard land and groove) 1994-95: Change trigger transfer bar. 1994-95: Change recoil guide rod to a "captured spring version". 1995: Change trigger mechanism. 1995-96: Add rubber spur to hammer. 1995-96: Change angle on slide lock. 2000: Add locking feature to hammer strut support. 2001: Converted captive recoil spring retainer from c-clip to machined end on USP Compacts. 2005: firing pin and hammer style changed.
  • published: 18 Jun 2013
  • views: 245 USP old vs. new
Glock 23 vs H&K; USP Compact:  Apples to Apples, Part 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:01
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Glock 23 vs H&K; USP Compact: Apples to Apples, Part 1

Two add-on videos to more thoroughly address and fairly criticize the H&K; USP Compact. I always strive for complete honesty, fairness, and thoroughness in my...
  • published: 21 Aug 2008
  • views: 618894
  • author: nutnfancy 23 vs H&K; USP Compact: Apples to Apples, Part 1
H&K; USP / USP Tactical .45 / Mk23 / HK45
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:13
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

H&K; USP / USP Tactical .45 / Mk23 / HK45

Heckler & Koch USP Cartridge 9 x 19mm Parabellum (9mm NATO) Heckler & Koch USP Tactical .45 Cartridge 11.43×23mm (.45 ACP) Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Cartr...; USP / USP Tactical .45 / Mk23 / HK45
SilencerCo Osprey 45 w/ HK USP Tactical .40  Subsonic vs Supersonic.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:51
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

SilencerCo Osprey 45 w/ HK USP Tactical .40 Subsonic vs Supersonic.

Tested Unsuppressed vs suppressed, Supersonic, vs Subsonic, 9mm vs .40 and let every one get a chance to shoot it. You hear more noise from the impact of the... Osprey 45 w/ HK USP Tactical .40 Subsonic vs Supersonic.
HK USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:17
  • Updated: 02 Jan 2014

HK USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)

  • published: 02 Jan 2014
  • views: 31902 USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)
  • Os calouros da USP
    Os calouros da USP
  • HK USP review
    HK USP review
  • USP .45 Break In (Tons Of Shooting)
    USP .45 Break In (Tons Of Shooting)
  • Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo institucional
    Universidade de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo institucional
  • Fama, USP e Falar com Cachorros
    Fama, USP e Falar com Cachorros
  • H&K; USP 9mm HD Review
    H&K; USP 9mm HD Review
  • Fantástico - Aprovados na USP 2011
    Fantástico - Aprovados na USP 2011
  • HK USP old vs. new
    HK USP old vs. new
  • Glock 23 vs H&K; USP Compact:  Apples to Apples, Part 1
    Glock 23 vs H&K; USP Compact: Apples to Apples, Part 1
  • H&K; USP / USP Tactical .45 / Mk23 / HK45
    H&K; USP / USP Tactical .45 / Mk23 / HK45
  • SilencerCo Osprey 45 w/ HK USP Tactical .40  Subsonic vs Supersonic.
    SilencerCo Osprey 45 w/ HK USP Tactical .40 Subsonic vs Supersonic.
  • HK USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)
    HK USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)


Professor da USP Ricardo Augusto Felicio. (((Grupo Pagodation - Quando Vi (ensaio)));

Pro­fes­sor da USP Ri­car­do Au­gus­to Fe­li­cio. (((Grupo Pago­da­tion - Quan­do Vi (en­saio))); http...
pub­lished: 09 May 2012
Os calouros da USP
Os calouros da USP Você vai acom­pan­har as ativi­dades da primeira se­m­ana de aulas na USP....
pub­lished: 03 Feb 2013
This is com­plete re­view on the H&K; USP 45...​this shows you why the USP 45 is one of the wo...
pub­lished: 11 Dec 2011
au­thor: GY6vids
HK USP re­view
This is my per­son­al re­view of the HK USP 9mm and 45ACP semi autos. These are both full siz...
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2010
USP .45 Break In (Tons Of Shoot­ing)
9 mins of solid rapetas­tic ac­tion fig­ure shoot­ing LMAO....
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2011
au­thor: coke­man2423
Uni­ver­si­dade de São Paulo (USP) - vídeo in­sti­tu­cional
A Uni­ver­si­dade de São Paulo (USP) é uma uni­ver­si­dade pública, man­ti­da pelo Es­ta­do de São P...
pub­lished: 25 Jun 2012
Fama, USP e Falar com Ca­chor­ros
Um vídeo sobre suces­so, fe­li­ci­dade e loliro. Siga-me no twit­ter! http://​www.​twitter.​com/​pe...​
pub­lished: 11 Nov 2011
au­thor: maspox­avi­da
H&K; USP 9mm HD Re­view
Let me just say up­front I love H&K; pis­tols so this re­view may be a lit­tle bi­ased. When you...
pub­lished: 13 Oct 2012
au­thor: Mr­gun­sngear
Fantástico - Aprova­dos na USP 2011
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2011
HK USP old vs. new
Here is a look at some of the fea­tures that were up­dat­ed on HK USP pis­tols around be­tween ...
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2013
Glock 23 vs H&K; USP Com­pact: Ap­ples to Ap­ples, Part 1
Two add-on videos to more thor­ough­ly ad­dress and fair­ly crit­i­cize the H&K; USP Com­pact. I a...
pub­lished: 21 Aug 2008
au­thor: nut­n­fan­cy
H&K; USP / USP Tac­ti­cal .45 / Mk23 / HK45
Heck­ler & Koch USP Car­tridge 9 x 19mm Para­bel­lum (9mm NATO) Heck­ler & Koch USP Tac­ti­cal .4...
pub­lished: 04 Aug 2013
Si­lencer­Co Os­prey 45 w/ HK USP Tac­ti­cal .40 Sub­son­ic vs Su­per­son­ic.
Test­ed Un­sup­pressed vs sup­pressed, Su­per­son­ic, vs Sub­son­ic, 9mm vs .40 and let every one g...
pub­lished: 11 Jun 2011
HK USP 9mm The Get Home Gun (Audio Fixed)
WEB­SITE: http://​www.​mrcolionnoir.​com/​ FACE­BOOK: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​COLIONNOIR?​ref=hl...​
pub­lished: 02 Jan 2014
Youtube results:
H&K; USP 9mm Pis­tol Shoot­ing Ac­tion
Sorry about the video thumb­nail, looks like YouTube has an­oth­er glitch! Big­Dad­dy­Hoff­man191...
pub­lished: 06 Jul 2012
H&K; USP 実銃レビュー
H&K; USPの実銃レビューです。 気に入った方は是非チャンネル登録と高評価(グッド!)をお願いします!コメント/質問の前に、ぜひチャンネル登録を!m(_ _)m....
pub­lished: 18 Feb 2013
au­thor: Dai­jiro357
Porsche 996 GT2 Wheel Stand | 9.7 @ 152mph at FL2K13 | USP Mo­tor­sports
USP Mo­tor­sports brought out the Porsche 996 GT2 to FL2K to make a few pass­es down the drag...
pub­lished: 14 Oct 2013
HK USP Ex­pert Re­view
In this video we shoot and re­view the Hk USP Ex­pert in 9mm. If you like the video please h...
pub­lished: 26 Aug 2013
photo: AP / Rick Bowmer
In this May 5, 2011, shows a unidentified man smoking medical marijuana during karaoke night at the Cannabis Cafe, in Portland, Ore
Edit Peace FM Online
20 Jan 2014
US President Barack Obama has said smoking marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, but still called it a "bad idea". Speaking to The New Yorker magazine, he said it was wrong to think legalising the drug would be "a panacea" that could solve many social problems ...       ....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: AP / Sergei Grits
Demonstrators gather during a rally in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, on Sunday, Dec. 1, 2013.
Edit Business Insider
19 Jan 2014
Pro-European Union activists stand in front of a barricade of their tent camp to protect it in downtown Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014. About seventy people who oppose demonstrators in Kiev came to the protester's tent camp to destroy it ... A poster at left criticizes Ukrainian judicial system ... The U.S. called that legislation "undemocratic." ... They were intensified by police violence ... Copyright (2014) Associated Press ... Email More ... OR ... ....(size: 9.8Kb)
photo: AP / Kim Kyung-Hoon
File - North Korean delegates, left, shake hands with South Korean counterparts during the minister-lever talks in Seoul on Thursday, July 10, 2003.
19 Jan 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Since peninsulas serve as focal points for the critical mass of peoples, ideas, innovations, and commerce, they share an ideal geographical world. Connected to larger land masses yet mostly surrounded by a myriad of water highways, their very geological nature beckons destiny to transform them into pivotal turning points in history ... (Not that it hasn't already experienced one!) ... The U.S ... 34....(size: 9.4Kb)

Edit Seattle Post
21 Jan 2014
Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), a nonprofit global health organization that creates and promotes quality standards for medicines, food ingredients and dietary supplements, will host in association with the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) the 13th Science & Standards Symposium, scheduled for Feb ... For media inquiries please email mediarelations(at)usp(dot)org ... For more information about USP visit http.// 2.4Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
21 Jan 2014
Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), a nonprofit global health organization that creates and promotes quality standards for medicines, food ingredients and dietary supplements, will host in association with the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) the 13th Science & Standards Symposium, scheduled for Feb ... For media inquiries please email mediarelations(at)usp(dot)org ... For more information about USP visit http.// 2.4Kb)
Edit Houston Chronicle
21 Jan 2014
Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), a nonprofit global health organization that creates and promotes quality standards for medicines, food ingredients and dietary supplements, will host in association with the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) the 13th Science & Standards Symposium, scheduled for Feb ... For media inquiries please email mediarelations(at)usp(dot)org ... For more information about USP visit http.// 2.4Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
21 Jan 2014
The USPS needs to put sales of historic post offices on hold while we wait to see what the inspector general’s report and the ACHP [Advisory Council of Historic Preservation] reports say,” Serrano said. “I understand the USPS has a serious revenue problem . .  ... USPS spokeswoman Sue Brennan said after the legislation passed ... Connie Chirichello, another USPS spokeswoman, said....(size: 7.7Kb)
Edit StreetInsider
20 Jan 2014
Visit at ......(size: 0.2Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Jan 2014
Martin Luther King Jr ... Day ... 19, because it is a federal holiday, the USPS post office will not open or offer mail delivery on Martin Luther King Jr. Day ... Open Martin Luther King Jr ... According to the USPS Post Office, there is no mail delivery on Martin Luther King Jr ... Postal Holiday (USPS), and all U.S ... 21. Read the article 2014 USPS Post Office Holidays closures list ... Epoch Times; Go Banking Rates; Time and Date; about.usps; Walmart; 3.6Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
20 Jan 2014
One of USP’s younger players includes a six-year-old girl with diabetes who is playing sports for the first time.” ... Sports is a shining example of the message USP is sharing with the families across western Massachusetts,” he said ... Sports has definitely helped get families to sign on with USP.” ... “USP uses our events with the Boston Pro Sports teams - ......(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
20 Jan 2014
One of USP’s younger players includes a six-year-old girl with diabetes who is playing sports for the first time.” ... Sports is a shining example of the message USP is sharing with the families across western Massachusetts,” he said ... Sports has definitely helped get families to sign on with USP.” ... “USP uses our events with the Boston Pro Sports teams - ......(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit ABC News
20 Jan 2014
The embattled USPS, which has been mostly unable to convince Congress to make changes to put it on a firm financial footing by offering extra services and cutting underused local offices, says the Staples deal would be a win-win for customers and employees ... been a great deal of community opposition to USPS efforts to sell the historic post office."....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit CNN
20 Jan 2014
By Gregory Wallace  @gregorywallace January 19, 2014. 9.04 PM ET. NEW YORK (CNNMoney). A U.S ... "The Staples-USPS deal has to be looked at in the context of a drive towards privatizing the U.S ... Related ... Related ... The Postal Service counters are currently available at just over 80 Staples stores in and around San Francisco, San Diego, Atlanta, Pittsburgh and Worcester, Massachusetts, said Reid-MeMeo, the USPS spokeswoman ... First Published ... ....(size: 5.5Kb)
Edit Deccan Herald
20 Jan 2014
"'Agar aapse koi rishwat maange; to mana mat karna. Ek number dunga uspe phone karna'," (If someone demands bribe, do not refuse ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit The Times of India
20 Jan 2014
The song is full of attitude & a clubhouse mix. The words are penned by the Maverick Mehndi & composed with his USP which enshows a dancer and a non dancer to groove alike ... Source. ....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit The Los Angeles Times
20 Jan 2014
American Postal Workers Union leaders said that opening retail units staffed by Staples employees are a "disservice to postal workers and the nation's mail service.". Staples Inc. and the U.S ... ALSO. ... Obviously, these UNION-FOCUSED "postal workers" are feeling a THREAT that someone may be providing postal services more COMPETENTLY AND EFFICIENTLY, then a USPS employee can! Anything that REDUCES USPS's existence, I am ALL in favor of! ... L.A....(size: 5.5Kb)

USP may refer to:

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There's never a day, that's passing my way
That I never need it
My hands on the wheel, my foot's on the steel
'Cause I gotta feel it
The rock rolls forever on - ooh, forever on
Like thunder - coming down, ooh, yeah
The rock rolls forever on - ooh, forever on
Like thunder - coming down, ooh, yeah
It blows through my veins like thunder and rain
And I can't live without it
I scream for the crowds, and turn it up loud
'Cause I gotta feel it
Six string and lightning strikes
Come make me blind
Ooh burn it up
Bring down the pedal to the metal
Forever never stop

There's a red worm crawling in my head
Cut in half worm, in my blood he lies red
And I see him in my head
It's my nightmare, oh it's my dream
He's inside here silencing my screams
Alone on a razor's edge
Alone sliding on the razor's edge
I'm the horror on the edge
Cause I, I'm the worm that cometh
I am him I am hell, I am god, I'm the devil all in one
The eyes that hide the face inside
Come stare into my eyes
A killer's listening to horrors in my head
He's bleeding, sliding on the razor's edge
Through my eyes he watches me
He lies inside watching me
There's a red noise deep inside my head
An obscure noise and the smell of slow death
If there's a hell then I'll be there
I am god, obscene death
I'm the worm on razor's edge
All pigs die
Kill, fuck, die
I am hell, godless me
I am pagan idolatry
Kneel before the horror
Kneel before the horror
Fuck me, kill me, drink my blood
Fuck me, kill me, drink my blood
All pigs die, kill, fuck, die
I'm the horror on the edge
Cause I, I'm the worm that cometh I am him I am hell
I am god, I'm the devil all in one
The eyes that hide the face inside
Come stare into my eyes

Wanna tell you a story
Bout a woman I know
When it comes to lovin'
Oh, she steals the show
Ain't exactly pretty
Bitch ain't exaclty small
You can say she's got it all
Never met a woman
Never met a woman like you
Doin' all the things
Doin' all the things you do
Ain't no fairy story
Ain't no skin and bone
But you give it all you got
Weighin' in at nineteen stone
You're a whole lot of woman
A whole lot of woman
Whole lotta Rosie
You're a whole lotta woman
Oh honey you can do it
Do it to me all night long
Only one that turns
Only one that turns me on
All through the night-time
All around the clock
Too much advising
Don'tcha never stop
She's a whole lot of woman
A whole lot of woman
Whole lotta Rosie
You're a whole lotta woman

If I could only stand and stare in the mirror would I see
One fallen hero with a face like me
And if I scream, could anybody hear me
If I smash the silence, you'll see what fame has done to me
Kiss away the pain and leave me lonely
ll never know if love's a lie
Ooh - being crazy in paradise is easy
Can you see the prisoners in my eyes
Where is the love to shelter me
Give me love, love set me free
ere is the love, to shelter me
Only love, love set me free
Set me free

Show me the nerves twitching on your face
Killing the flesh on the bone
You're just one final scream away
You love it to death ya know
Tell me ya lie on your bed of nails
Tell me you're losing control
Nightmares in ecstacy ya need
A razorlike crown of thorns
Hey, hey, yeah take the addiction
Hey, hey, yeah just a little, It's just one pretty kill away
Hey, hey, yeah kiss the affliction
Oh a pretty kill away, a kill away tonight
Screaming babies on razor blades
Into the hole you slide
Barbed-wire and twisting snakes
In a bed of nails you die
Hey, hey, yeah take the addiction
Hey, hey, yeah just a little, It's just one pretty kill away
Hey, hey, yeah kiss the affliction
Oh a pretty kill away, a kill away tonight

[Jesse to God]
Oh tell me Lord,
why am I here? Lost in all our pain and sorrow
Are we to live in pain and fear?
Oh tell me Lord,

Oh I, I was marked from the day I was born
A rebel and I was the one who I am
My father could not understand the fire in me
There was, there was times I was crazy for real
So crazy I just couldn't feel, no, no, no
Confusion would stand in the door and tell me lies
But now I stand on my feet so alive
I'm a metal warrior, I need their cries, War Cry
I'm a soldier, soldier, a soldier of fortune
Ah, come take a stand
Together we'll let out a cry
I'm a soldier, soldier, a soldier of fortune
Ah, come take a stand
Together we'll never say die
Oh I, I did not choose, the music chose me
I was christened and destined to be who I am
The one that they said would be damned
A hellion child that...?
I stand at the mirror and sing
I dare to be different and dream, now I am
Big thunder that rolls on the land forever wild
But still, this feeling inside never die
I'm a metal warrior, I need their cries, War Cry
I'm a soldier, soldier, a soldier of fortune
Ah, come take a stand
Together we'll let out a cry
I'm a soldier, soldier, a soldier of fortune
Ah, Come take a stand
Together we'll never say die
Raise your fist and support your rebel outlaws
Cause nobody rides for free
The freedom we lose today, you lose tomorrow
Because freedom means something to us...
I'm a soldier, soldier, a soldier of fortune
Ah, come take a stand
Together we'll let out a cry
I'm a soldier, soldier, a soldier of fortune
Ah, come take a stand
Together we'll never say die

[Originally performed by Queen]
Get your party gown
Get your pigtail down
Get your heart beatin' baby
Got my timin' right
Got my act all tight
It's gotta be tonight my little
Your mamma says you don't
And your daddy says you won't
And I'm boilin' up inside
Ain't no way I'm gonna lose out this time
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Lock your daddy out of doors
I don't need him nosin' around
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down
Give me all your love tonight
You're such a dirty louse
Go get outta my house
That's all I ever got from your
Family ties, in fact I don't think I ever heard
A single little civil word from those guys
But you know I don't give a light
I'm gonna make out all right
I've got a sweet heart band
To put a stop to all that
Grousin' an' shipin'
Tie your mother down -
Tie your mother down -
Take your little brother swimmin'
Tie your mother down,
Tie your mother down
Or you ain't no friend of mine
Your mamma and your Daddy gonna
Plague me till I die
Why can't the understand I'm just a
Peace lovin' guy
Tie your mother down
Tie your mother down...


[Jesse to the Invisible Circus]
Welcome to my world
To my kingdom of make believe
I'm your new Messiah
You'll worship at my feet
Welcome Kingdom Come
To disciples that I preach
Will ya, bow down before me and
Will you remember me?
[Invisible Circus] Dying for you
[Jesse] Will I lie to thousands
[Invisible Circus] Our God is you
[Jesse] Am I deceit?
[Invisible Circus] Falling for you
[Jesse] I am the God man
[Invisible Circus] Our God is you
[Jesse] You're all at my feet
[Jesse to the Invisible Circus]
Take me
Change me
Love me
A crown of thorns on my heart
Change me
Save me
Will you love me?
Forever nailed to your cross

I was the boy unwanted, a prisoner I'm born to them
My brother was the one, the couldn't do no wrong
And I was there dying in the shadow of him
Red, crimson red, am I the invisible boy?
Feel the strap, cross my back
Yeah I'm the new whipping boy
Who am I - the orphan son you would never need?
Who am I - cause I'm the boy only the mirror sees
Who am I - the slave you gave just the air I breathe?
Who am I - cause I'm the boy only the mirror sees
Oh I got the same old reruns, horror movies in my head
And I can't rest, the scare me to death
But if I'm not alive, how can I be dead?
Red, crimson red, am I the invisible boy?
Feel the strap, cross my back
Yeah I'm the new whipping boy
Oh, why me?
The mirror
Why him
Can you tell me?
It's confession again?
Come talk to me, I see in your eyes
Titantic misery, ashamed that you're alive
I'm the face that you see
When the face isn't yours
I'm the mirror my boy

[Jesse to God] A storm is come
One war of sun and rain – within me
A raging storm
Lost crossroads thundering – in the wind
Dark and son
Who’s the only one
To lay claim of me
Altars of store
Righteous temptations
Here at my feet
Give me love
To rage in me can you see?
Only love
Is saving me
Give me love, oh love
That rage in me
It rages on
Of mourn and memories
In the wind
A warring storm
My soul is bargaining – in the end
Is there no sun?
With only love in vain – and it’s pain
Hear me oh Lord
Cleanse me evermore with
Your blood of rain
Holy war for my soul
Scars of memories remain
Oh, tell me why am I here
Storms of crossroads and rage

He came from the East
They called him a beast
This king of terror insane
Neutron Ronnie, the people would whisper his name
Dangerous and mad
A torch in his hand
Spread fire by the light of the moon
Ooh, pyrotechnical wizard of doom
Oh no here comes Ronnie
Ah the bombers insane
Ah till he dies it'll burn in his eyes
A phantom so cool
A midnight would rule
And molotov cocktail would rain
Babies screamin'
And house would go up in flames
When next Ronnie goes, nobody knows
But inside him's where Lucifer hides
Ooh, he's the boy with the bombs at his side
Ooh no here comes Ronnie, ah the boy with the flame
Ah his life has been burning inside
Oh no no here comes Ronnie
Ah the bombers insane
Ah till he dies the burning in his eyes
Oh no here comes Ronnie
Ah the boy with the flame
Ah his life has been burning inside
Oh no no here comes Ronnie
Ah the bombers insane
As till he dies the burning in his eyes

One night as I rolled down some long winding road
I saw you and I knew I couldn't let you go
Half child and all woman, vision fantasy
Lost against the moonlight bathed in ecstasy
Leopard's skin and cat's eyes
Has the jungle made you wild
The prey you're after, is you faster
Will it make you smile
Ride with me, I'll set you free
Chains can't hold us down
I need you, if you want me
Lovers we are bound
Sweet cheetah, cheetah
I love it when your claws run through me
Fever, fever, I love it, babe
Come do it to me
Cheetah, cheetah
I love it when your claws run through me
Fever, fever, I love it, babe
Come do it to me now
Skin tight you move in so slowly to thrill
Waiting for the nightmare then you're in for the kill
Amazon so sleekly you know what to do
Eat the flesh, and save my heart
And leave it when you're through
Pain and pleasures all mine
Untamed and running wild
Sink your teeth into me
Lick your lips and smile
Take my hand and ride the land
Forever you and me
Hold on tight to me all night
And set your spirit free

Welcome to the show the great finale's finally here
I thank you for coming into my theatre of fear
Welcome to the show, you're all witnesses you see
A privileged invitation to the last rights of me
Remember me? You can't save me
Mama you never needed me
No crimson king, look in my eye, you'll see
Mama I'm lonely, it's only me, only me
I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
The crimson idol of a million
I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
The crimson idol of a million eyes, of a million
I am the prisoner of the paradise I dreamed
The idol of a million lonely faces look at me
Behind the mask of sorrow, four doors of doom behind my eyes
I've got their footprints all across my crimson mind
Long live, long live, long live the king of mercy
Long live, long live
There is no love, to shelter me
Only love, love set me free
No love, to shelter me, only love, love set me free
I was the warrior, with an anthem in my soul
The idol of eight thousand lonely days of rage ago
And remember me when it comes your time to choose
Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true
Red, crimson red, am I the invisible boy
The strap on my back
Red, crimson red, no I was never to be
Only one crimson son, no it never was me
Living in the limelight little did I know
I was dying in the shadows and the mirror was my soul
It was all I ever wanted, everything I dreamed
But the dream became my nightmare and no-one could hear me scream
With these six-strings, I make a noose
To take my life, it's time to choose
The headlines read of my suicide, of my suicide
Oh sweet silence, where is the sting
I am no idol, no crimson king
I'm the imposter, the world has seen
My father was the idol, it was never me
I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
The crimson idol of a million
I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
The crimson idol of a million eyes
No love, to shelter me, only love
Love set me free
No love, to shelter me, only love
Love set me free

I saw my face in the mirror
And now I understand
Johathon Jonathon Jonathon....
I'm just a man

Give me a ticket on a jet airplane
I'm a-gonna take it
I live my life in the fast lane, the only way to make it
And I keep on going all night long
Cause that's the way I like it
And with what you got in the heat of the night
I know we got to try it
Until the flame burns out
Until the flame burns out
So turn it up, your radio
Everybody shake it
I'm a hundred degrees, with wild fantasies
And I need someone to make it
Show me a place where love is sweet
I ain't gonna fake it
And hey little girl if you want my love
Then now's the time to take it
Before the flame burns out
Before the flame burns out
Before the flame burns out
Before the flame burns out
Turn up the flame your hips are fire
You're so hot I got to try ya
Show me the spot and I'll hit the mark
Baby I got the gasoline and you got the sparks
Before the flame burns out
Before the flame burns out
Until the flame burns out

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
And wild ones of all ages
Step right up, I welcome you to come on in
Inside the Electric Circus
The music is your passport, your magic key
To all the madness that awaits you
Feel the thunder and the frenzy
And see all the unusual animals
And the animals?
Well they're something else

Oh, all I need was someone to love me
Oh, all I needed was one
There's no one who cares
Oh, all I need was someone to love me
Oh, all I needed was one
There's no one who cares

[Jesse to the invisible Circus]
Welcome to my world
To my Kingdome of make believe
I'm your new Messiah
You'll worship at my feet
Welcome Kingdome come
To disciples that I preach
Will ya, bow down before my and
Will you remember me?
[Invisible Circus] Dying for you
[Jesse] Will I lie to thousands
[Invisible Circus] Our God is you
[Jesse] Am I deceit?
[Invisible Circus] Falling for you
[Jesse] I am the God man
[Invisible Circus] Our God is you
[Jesse] You're all at my feet
[Jesse to the invisible Circus]
Take me
Change me
Love me
A crown of thorns on my heart
Change me
Save me
Will you love me?
Forever nailed to you cross

When the truth is found to be lies
You know the joy within you dies
Don't you want somebody to love?
Don't you want somebody to love?
Wouldn't you love somebody to love?
You better find someone to love
When the dawn is rose they are dead
Yes, and you're mine, you're so full of red
Don't you want somebody to love?
Don't you need somebody to love?
Wouldn't you love somebody to love?
You better find someone to love
Your eyes, I say your eyes may look like his
Yeah, but in your head, baby
I'm afraid you don¹t know where it is
Don't you want somebody to love?
Don't you need somebody to love?
Wouldn't you love somebody to love?
You better find somebody to love
Tears are running
Running along down your breast
And your friends, baby
They treat you like a guest
Don't you want somebody to love?
Don't you need somebody to love?
Wouldn't you love somebody to love?

'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of American. And
to the republic for which it stands. One nation under gob,
indivisible... with liberty and justice for all!'
My eyes are burning
Bells are ringing in my ears
Alarm clock's wailing
Class bells screaming
I can't hear!
A text book mad house
Twelve years
I'm here in a rage
A juvenile jail
And I'm here locked up
In their cage!
School daze! School daze!
I'm here doing time
School daze! School daze!
My age is a crime
School daze! School daze!
I'm here doing time
School daze! School daze!
I'm attending 'Hell high'
A blackboard jungle tows the line
The rulers made
A homework hellhouse
Screams at me
Yes, it's a grave!
Tick-tock, 3 o'clock
I'm sitting here
I'm counting off the days
A fire bell's ringing hell
And I'd sure like to see the blaze!
Write it down!
School daze! School daze!
I'm here doing time
School daze! School daze!
My age is a crime
School daze! School daze!
I'm here doing time
School daze! School daze!
I'm attending 'Hell high'
I pledge no allegiance
And I bet
They're gonna drive me craze yet
Nobody here
Is understanding me
I pledge no allegiance
And I bet
They're gonna drive me craze yet
I'm dying here
And trying to get free!

I'm looking to beat hell, looks like
I've got to run to be the leader
As my forces yell, you can hear 'em, can't you hear them?
All the way-we'll go the distance
All the way-stand behind me now
All the way-no turning back
All the way cause we are together
I'm standin' proud, we're screaming loud
I'll lead the crowd
Running wild in the streets
A heavy dose of mean, yeah, I'm a lethal combination
Hear my forces scream, you can see them, can't you see them?
All the way-we'll go the distance
All the way-stand behind me now
All the way-no turning back
All the way we are together
I'm standin' proud, we're screaming loud
I'll lead the crowd
Running wild in the streets

I ride, I ride the winds that bring the rain
A creature of love and I can't be tamed
I want you, cause I'm gonna take your love from him
And I'll touch your face and hot burning skin
No, he'll never ever touch you like I do
So look in my eyes and burn alive the truth
I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do... I want you
Tell me, tell me the lies you're telling him
When you run away cause I wanna know
Cause I, I'm sure it's killing him to find
That you run to me when he lets you go
Cause I'm burning, burning, burning up with fire
So come turn me on and turn the flames up higher
I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do... I want you
A naked heat machine, I want your love
When the moons arise we'll feel just what it does
I'm a wild child, come and love me I want you
My heart's in exile I need you to touch me
Cause I want what you do I want you

I'll tell you no lies
Ravens have bore me wings to fly
King of the night time forever
It's all I'm living for
I'll embrace my immortal
Forever night
One crimson kiss is bleeding
My raven heart
Tales of the darkside here is all right
Bring me the nighttime forever
It's all you're dying for
Take me hand and I'll show ya
Forever night
Raven - say you want me to
Rain the dark on forever you
Raven heart
No there ain't nothing dark that I won't do
My raven heart'll bleed all over you


Dancing with danger
Right out your door
The silk hat you buy
And you sell
Mommy and daddy said
The life that you led
Will probably lead your way to hell!
On your knees!
Are you sassy?
On your knees!
Cause I want you
On your knees!
Are you sassy?
On your knees!
Cause I need you
Playing with fire
Lusting with burns
Thrusting the flames in your eyes!
Sex is painted same
They're really the same
Just use and abuse them
On your knees!
Are you sassy?
On your knees!
Cause I want you
On your knees!
Are you sassy?
On your knees!
Cause I need you
On your knees
that's where you all shall be!
Well, I'll get you contest
Your first really sin, ha-ha-ha!!!
Running in the wild wind!
And the dark fills the mystery!
We'll all be there someday!
On your knees!
Are you sassy?
On your knees!
Cause I want you
On your knees!
Are you sassy?
On your knees!
Cause I need you

Am I free? Am I done believing?
God Jehovah, I've never known religion
Lost in the darkness of my memories
Deep in the darkness of my heart
Coiled in the grass's that torment me
There lyes my serpents in the dark
Father, I'm here in the dark
And I know it's forever night
He tells me can you change forever
My wicked heart
Father I'm here in the dark
And I know my heart is the darkness
Oh, tell me can you claim me never
My darkest hour
Am I too far beyond forgiving?
A borrowed soul ain't never known believing
Lost in the dark can you forgive me
And deep in the darkness of my heart
Coiled in the grass's that torment me
There lies my serpents in the dark
Father, I'm here in the dark
And I know it's forever night
He tells me can you change forever
My wicked heart
Father I'm here in the dark
And I know my heart is the darkness
Oh, tell me can you claim me never
My darkest hour
Because nothing can change
My wicked heart
Nothing can tame
My wicked heart
Nothing unchains
My wicked heart
Father, I'm here in the dark
And I know it's forever night
He tells me can you change forever
My wicked heart
Father I'm here in the dark
And I know my heart is the darkness
Oh, tell me can you claim me never
My darkest hour
Because nothing can change
My wicked heart
Nothing can tame
My wicked heart
Nothing unchains

I was born Jonathon Aaron Steel, to the parents of
William and Elizabeth
steel. I am a Leo, born under the sign of the lion and
I was raised in a
lower middle class family with only one brother Michael
whom I love
dearly. He was five years my senior. My father's
nickname was Red which I
could never understand why because his hair was sandy
blond. Nevertheless,
the name stuck. So when my brother was born my father
became Big Red and
my brother Little Red. I should have known from the
first time when I
realised their special connection, that I just didn't
fit in to my
father's plans. And as I grew older the constant
comparison between my
brother and myself left little doubt who was the image
of perfection in my
father's eye. To him, my brother could do no wrong and
I became The
Invisible Boy, the proverbial 'black sheep' and I soon
figured out that
red and black don't mix. The beatings I received became
more and more
frequent to the point where I would ask my father "Am I
the orphaned son
you would never need"? But oddly enough I worshipped
the ground my father
walked upon.
My brother and I were a strange mixture, as different
as daylight and
dark. Looking back, it's hard to imagine we came from
the same parents. I
sometimes wondered if we had the same father, but I
always dismissed that
idea as my mother was far too religious, my father as
well, to ever even
think of such a thing. But my brother who had always
sensed my parent's
instilled insecurities tried his best to encourage me.
For I was born
different and he knew it. He often told me when I was
born an angel flew
over my bed and christened me with a magic wand and
said "You shall be the
one". And I had no idea what 'The one' was, but as I
grew older I began to
understand. Most boys put their mother on a pedestal
and worship them like
the Virgin Mary but with her too my relationship was
different and not for
the good. She was opinionated, uneducated, sometimes
overbearing, believed everything she read, true or not,
and when it came
to religion was over-zealous to say the least. A mind
boggling combination
but she was pretty, very pretty and I would often
wonder, bordering on
complete confusion, how a person of this description
could rationalise life.
This was a series of characteristics that many times in
my life I would
look back on in bewilderment and the women I sought
after when I was older
would be nothing like her. In the pain of youth, the
misery of my neglect,
would manifest itself in many ways; depression - my
enemy, fear - my
friend, hatred - my lover, and anger - fuel for my
fire. These four
characteristics of my personality would become the
guiding force of my
life and would control everything I did or was to
become. I shall explain
later in the story about them which I call my Four
Doors of Doom.
The mirror, the great plaything for man's vanity. The
mirror was to
become, at times, my altar of refuge and other, my
alter ego and its
magnificent obsession with a relentless pursuit of
attention. It served as
a chilling reflection of my own wretchedness and my
greatness. It was the
one place I could go to see inside myself, to find
love, in an otherwise
loveless household where I could be great, where I
could be anything or
anyone I wanted to be - one hundred percent pure
escapism until I
discovered its precious secret. The mirror lives, it
breathes, it talks,
it lies, it has a personality all its own. It is a
genie that grants all
the wishes you could ever dream, at least in my case -
all except two.
It was my 14th birthday, the day that changed my life
forever. My brother
Michael, the one person who was my guiding light, my
friend, my hero, was
killed by a drunk driver in a head-on collision. He
died instantly. I
couldn't even bring myself to go to his funeral. My
agony was so great I
just couldn't come face to face with him that one last
time. My failure to
attend intensified my parents' resentment for me even
more. But from that
moment on, nothing seemed to matter, especially that
living hell called
'home'. For one year after his death I roamed the
streets in a fog barely
conscious of anything or anyone. I discovered alcohol,
and girls, drugs
and in general a life I had never known which was
exciting, frightening
and wonderfully dangerous. And it was then as I
staggered through a down
town city street in one of my drunken rages I stumbled
across a small
music shop and in the window stood the instrument, the
fiery tool that
would become the object of my new found desire. The
instrument of my
passion, my obsession, the blood-red six string. It was
like I'd known
the thing all my life.
I soon found it was the only way I could truly express
myself. It was a
way to vent all my frustrations and all my pain -
completely opened all my
Four Doors Of Doom and I found myself going to the
mirror for counsel less
and less. Because of this my songs seemed to write
themselves and I knew
my destiny was in my music but I was going to have to
get out of this
backwards town I was in if I was ever going to succeed.
I was 16 going
nowhere and the only thing my parents knew was 'live,
work, die. ' And if I
stayed there that was exactly what was going to happen
to me - I was gonna
die. So I ran away to the big city with the lights,
excitement and danger
and a chance for me to finally live and do my music
without the
persecution I had known for so long. I hitchhiked all
the way with a
suitcase in one hand and my guitar in the other and as
I stood at the edge
of the city the magic of the place was incredibly
intense. It was to be my
new home the place I would call the 'Arena Of
Pleasure'. I lived and
struggled in the arena for two years trying to get a
break in music and
make a record and that's when I ran across a delightful
business man named
Charlie. He had been a lawyer for 25 years before he
discovered he could
fuck over more people in the recording industry then he
ever could in a
court of law and he was the president of one of the
biggest record
companies in the world. The music business to Charlie
was nothing more
than a sacrificial lamb to be led to slaughter and the
weapon of choice
was his record company that he'd wield like a mighty
sword. The great tool
he would lovingly refer to as 'The Chainsaw'. The
morgue, Charlie said,
was the music business where everyone sells out. Where
all the artists
will eventually whore themselves to commercialism, the
place where the
music comes to die. And through him I learned
everything I needed to know
about the music business and even things I didn't want
to know. He said he
could make me a star, one of the biggest things the
world had ever seen.
The big time was calling and I was on my way. He
introduced me to an
aspiring young manager named Alex Rodman and together
we took on the whole
fucking world and kicked it square in the ass.
Just before the release of my first album I was sitting
on the steps in
front of my apartment when a gypsy woman passed by. She
stopped and asked
me if I would like my fortune read and I had never had
it done so I was
more than happy to say yes. She revealed a deck of
Tarot cards and began
to tell me of my past in which she went into great
detail about the pain
of my youth, my brother and my parents. She saw my
present with my great
struggle to succeed and fulfillment of my dreams and
new found happiness
but after about ten minutes she stopped and I wanted to
know of my future
and pleaded for her to go on and finally she spoke. She
showed me a very
disturbing vision of where I was going. I told her that
I wanted a
phenomenal wealth and fame and in the cards she saw a
fallen hero and
looked at me and said "Be careful what you wish for -
it might come true,
for the face of death wears the mask of the King of
Mercy". I asked her if
she was sure of what she had seen and with a blank
stare she turned and
walked away leaving me with the cards and a haunting
that would follow me
the rest of my life.
Success agreed with me with amazing ease. The more
records I sold the more
excess I had of everything - friends, money, women,
cars, houses. It was
at one of my nightly hedonisms where a flash individual
entered the room.
He introduced himself as the Doctor. I asked him what
kind of doctor and
he smiled and said, "meet my friend Uncle Sam". The
mirror that was once
on the wall, my alter ego, was now talking to me from
the table and the
next three years were a blur. Drugs became the new
candy and alcohol
became the new Coca Cola and Doctor Rockter was my new
best friend and I
never heard the mirror speak again until tonight.
I was at the peak of my career and the world saw me as
I had always wanted
it, The Idol, the Great Crimson Idol. Now I had
everything it seemed,
everything but the one thing that would have meant more
to me than
anything. The pain that manifested itself into my
obsession, the
acceptance of me by my father and mother, who I had not
spoken to since
I had left home.
One morning my manager Alex came in and broke up one of
our nightly Easy
Rider Parties. An Easy Rider Party was when everybody
would come over to
my house, the band, the doctor, hot and cold running
women etc. And we'd
watch the movie and do everything going on the film
only a lot more. And
he threatened to leave me if I didn't clean up. It was
not that he cared
about me as a person he was only interested in my
talent and what I could
do to further his own career as a true showbiz mogul.
But it was then I
realised just how far things had gone. So I sat there
alone in my palace
of pain and I was just numb from the alcohol and the
drugs but equally as
intoxicated by my own fame and I had just enough
courage to pick up the
phone and dial the number. My mind went into a
whirlwind thinking of what
would happen and the fear overcame me and I started to
put down the phone
but before I could a voice at the other end rang out
and it sent a chill
through me that I had never known. It was my mother. It
was hard for me to
speak, my heart pounding out of my chest but when I did
I did the best I
could. She was very cold. But I knew the shock of
suddenly hearing from me
after all these years was overwhelming and I was hoping
that all the time
that had passed would heal the deep wounds between my
parents and me
but... I desperately wanted them to approve of me, to
accept me - it was
all I ever wanted. I hoped my success would finally
prove my worthiness
and they would welcome the prodigal son home. All I
wanted was for them to
be proud of me but less than 50 words were spoken. The
last four were "We
have no son".
Some wounds never heal and mine had scarred me for
life. A great star fell
from the sky that night and with its descent left a
scorched path in its
way - a great path of self-destruction before burning
out. And on this
night the great finale is finally here. 'Be careful
what you wish for - it
may come true. ' Long live, long live the King of


I WRITE TO claim a lost identity, of me
Ooh - I leave a message for you all
Written here the fear that are my
Destiny you see
Come behold madness you never saw
No love for killer babies
My blood is written on your walls
Oh it's time I leave ya now
My locomotive rages
Oh no you never heard me call
Oh I know you'll hear me now
I feel the rage that brings
The fame of that I need
I've now a face forever more
Living with the fears
That hear those fantasies in me
Come an see sadness you never saw
No love for killer babies
My pain is written on your walls
Oh it's time I leave you now
Mama look what you made me
Your locomotive killer calls
Oh I know you hear me now
Don't wait for me
Don't hate for me
Don't ask of what went wrong
Don't pray for me or wonder why
You've known this all along
I've sinned for you
I envy you
Your pain I'll know
I wanted love, you gave me none
I've come to take you home
Cause I've gone to meet my maker
I'm locomotive man
One killer baby's come to call
Cause I've gone to meet my maker
I am you Loco Man
I'm coming down to take you all
Oh God I'm coming
Read my words I'm coming
I got a gun I'm coming
You won't hear me coming

He come slow, the slither man
So long crawls out of his own dead skin
He come, he come
I come here for your pain
I come take all your pain away
Two in me, they can't see who they are
No, no, no little voice, with big horror
Come meet the advocate's devil
Leave your soul at the door
And come on inside
Asylums of lost insane
A kiss from some slowly dying face
Two in me, they can't see who they are no, no, no
Sex and death and the american west
Fuck us all, farewell to flesh
I want you, I want to, I want to kill you
Wanna kill your pretty face, kill your pretty face
Come on give me a little piece of death
The darkened heart inside the self
To lives to sleep, to dies awake
Kill your pretty, kill your pretty face
Kill your pretty face
Tear the heart out of mother and mother bleeds
Cut mother open, and the wounded mother dies

A scream unlock the cage
The roars rock the stage
Hunger of the animals are calling
Thrive upon the rage
Raw prints on the page
The room's going wild, walls are falling
Lights shine illumination bright
Reveal all the madness here tonight
Welcome, I bid your welcome, to live
Inside the electric circus
Hang on,hang on to your life
The animals are all insane - God help us
Electricity to burn
Amplifiers churn
Three ring madhouse calls the action
It's life upon the road
Insane asylum grows
Night after night, the main attraction
A strange world that you might wanna know
When it comes alive - crank, crank, crank, crank the show

All my friends are hellions
They got nine toes in their graves
We all live to thrill ourselves
But got twice the will to die
Oh yeah
Ya wanna live
Wanna die
Wanna cry
An angry noise
Ya wanna kill
Ya wanna thrill
Ya wanna yell
An angry noise
Kill, Fuck, Die
All ya get from life's
Kill, Fuck, Die
Yeah you're gonna die
Kill, Fuck, Die
All ya get from life's
Kill, Fuck, Die
No ya won't take it
No ya can't take it
No ya won't take the pain from me
No ya won't take it
No ya can't take it
No ya won't take the pain away from me
I am pissed and violent
Someday you'll understand
I'm living to thrill myself like
The animal I know I am
You're gonna kneel before ya die
You're gonna kneel to crucify
You're gonna, gonna kneel before you die
You're gonna kneel to crucify

I don't need no doctor
'Cause I know what's ailing me
I don't need no doctor
'Cause I know what's ailing me (yes, I do)
All I need is my baby
You don't know I'm in misery
I don't need no doctor
I don't need no doctor
My prescription tells me that
I don't need no doctor
My prescription tells me that
I don't need no doctor
All I need is my baby
You don't know I'm in misery
I don't need no doctor
Well, the doctor said I need the rest - ooh, ooh
He put me on the critical list - ooh, ooh
Keeping me safe from harm - ooh, ooh
All I need is her sweet charm - ooh, ooh
He gave me a medical option, that wouldn't do
Ooh, yeah, my motion, oh, yeah, no doctor, no
I don't need no doctor

There's a flame, flame in my heart
And there's no rain, can put it out
And there's a flame, it's burning in my heart
And there's no rain, ooh can put it out
So just hold me, hold me, hold me
Take awat the pain, inside my soul
And I'm afraid, so all alone
Take, that's burning in my soul
Cause I'm afraid that I'll be all alone
So just hold me, hold me, hold me
Hold on to my heart, to my heart, to me
Hold on to my heart, to my heart, to me
And oh no, don't let me go cause all I am
You hold in your hands, and hold me
And I'll make it through the night
And I'll be alright, hold on, hold on to my heart

I ride all alone and can't see
The road to nowhere anymore
And shadows whispers are calling me
To forbidden forests by the shore
And there she fell, deep in the night
One breath away from heavens light
And she said - don't cry for me I'm leaving you
The wind cries her name in the breeze
But I can't hold her anymore /no, no, no/
Some fallen angel had come to me
And fell too heavy on my soul
And stole from me the love that I heard
Lords of time say never die
And she sad - don't cry for me, because I'll be
Riding the wind forever free
High in the wind forever free
I'll ride the wind forever free
High in the wind forever free
Forever in my hearts a fire, a fire burning
I wake up nights and hear her crying, crying my name

This is a thing I've never known before
It's called easy living
This is a place I've never seen before
And I've been forgiven
Easy living, and I've been forgiven
Since you're taking your place in my heart
Somewhere along the lonely road
I had tried to find you
Day after day on the winding road
I have walked behind you
Waiting, watching, wishing my whole life away
Feeling, fainting, ready for my happy day
Somewhere along the lonely road
I had tried to find you
Day after day on the winding road
I have walked behind you

I guess you didn't make it
Do you wanna go now?
This ain't no joyride
It ain't your Daddy's Oldsmobile neither
Welcome to Hell!!!

I wanna ride you
Like the animal you are
I wanna ride you til you're raw
I wanna slide up all inside
All over you
I wanna do you like
The wicked bitch you are
Call me a bastard
A real bad attitude
Shove it in their faces
Show my dirty ooh
I'm gonna do you like
The savages you are
I wanna do ya til you die
I'm gonna ride 'em cowboy style
For all to see
Make 'em all my bitches
Take 'em all and make 'em cry
Oh am I nasty?
Do you think I'm rude?
I just wanna see ya'
Hold my dirty ooh
Dirty balls, balls, balls
Is all I need
Hang 'em high oh tonight
So the world can see
Dirty - balls, balls, balls
Is all I need
So dirty oh Lord a' mercy
All I want to see
I'm gonna hold, gonna hold em'
High, high, high
So dirty, oh so dirty oh

Oh gotta go, cowboys and blow
High in the saddle again
Hell or high water, I'll do what I wanna
On my horse and I'm on my way
Do some toots, pull on my boots
Oh, I gonna ride away
High on the plains, high on the reigns
White lightning lines I'll be
Riding high, oh so high
Oh gotta yell, cowboys from hell
Oh I'm in a Devil's haze
I'm on the trail and I'm riding the rails
Oh I'm getting blown away
I do the juice, I'm Eastwood and the Duke
Oh I'm gonna ride the range
High on the plains, high on the reigns
White lightning lines I'll be
Riding high, oh so high
I'm gonna ride
Cocaine cowboys
I'll be riding high tonight
Cocaine cowboys never die
Ride 'em cowboys
High in the saddle every night
Cocaine cowboys gotta ride

[Jesse to Congregation]
Welcome my friends
To Paradise
I know sorrows you hide
Closer to my light
Are you sad ma'am
[Jesse to Mother]
Do I know your face
Mother Mine
Oh mamma where you gone
Now you come to
Claim me your son
I'm the broken piece of your life
Oh and mama why'd you come
Fall before me say i'm your one
Oh, you gave but taken my life
Was I born in your sin
Or Mary's lie
Cause I know all that you hide
Come closer am I blind
Oh to your madness
Here in your naked grace
Mother why
Oh mama where you gone
Now you come to
Claim me your son
I'm the broken piece of your life
Oh and mama why'd you come
Fall before me say im your one
Oh, you gave but taken my life
I'll kill the beast
So to free my soul
And smash the tears
That never let me go
Oh, if there's a smile you see
It's only the clockwork
Orange that's in me
I curse the darkness
Impassioned plea
And tear the heart out
And watch me bleed
I'll sacrifice my blood for free
To satisfy the vengeance in me
Oh all I need was someone
To love me
Oh all I needed was one
There's no one who cares

I'VE A BREATH in minds of men
With the lies I breath
No man's ever ruled the world
Not knowing the curse of me
I'm some of the seven sins
Vanity in the lust of men
I'm the Alfa - omega man
I'll show you who I am
Hypnotic charm, mesmerizing face
My soul has a dark embrace
doctrine that it was the destiny of the US to A magic tongue, I'll seduce
you all
expand across N America - to enslave & destroy Till I'm your king
till ya know my charisma
I'm a liar blinding your vision
Vatican Man
Preaching fear and using religion
With the bible and Koran
I wrap myself in the American Flag
And tell people I'm for which it stands
I'm coming back till you know I'm God
Till you believe, till you know my charisma
I'm a fear from a shadow land
I seduce you all
Here I come new messiah man
To bow to me, make me your God
I got them all marching to the rhythm
Believing me, oh yeah, their new religion
I'm a racist with a waving flag
Of domination with a fascist plan
I'm gonna be the new world leader
I got a lot of 9 millimeter baby eaters
I'm coming back til you know I'm God
Till you belive, till you know I'm charisma
Charisma - do you know my name
I'm the God that you pray
When you worship my name
Charisma - are you idolizing me?
I'm a dangerous thing
Your new messiah's me

You don't have to hear my heart beat
All you need is to look into my eyes
And tell me I'm the one you heart needs
I'n the only one you run to in the night
Oh let me burn the words forever mine
Across your heart, across your mind
Take your hands and feel my heart beat
Come and let me feel it in your eyes
All you have to do is touch me
Oh and lay your flame across my fire
Oh let me spread your wings and come inside
And take your heart and make you mind
Come and lay down your heart on me
All that I wanna feel is
Breathe in me
Lay down your heart on me
Feel you inside of me
Breathe on me
Come and take me on, take me down
Oh take me all the way
There's only one way
Only one thing I need, all I need
Take me way down
Come and lay down on me

Black bone torso, black bone torso
Cyanide a suicide
No thoughts of pain
Genocide a crucified martyr's laid
Down to the dust there to fade away
All geeks and circus freaks
Come play with me
Pimps to bring my sex fiends
Molesting me
Round to the lust my debauchery
Destined here to reign supreme
Your bloodied king
Dying for the world
Oh death where is thy sting
My black bone torso's
Bleeding me

Such a wicked vicious woman, black magic voodoo queen
Lesbo nymphomaniac, ooh, she's got a girlfriend that's seventeen
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Stole the rent and drank all my JD
She went and hijacked my brand new car
I say AC, she says DC
The damned bitch is just too bizarre
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
I call her liar
Her eyes burn the flame
Liar, the princess of pain
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Such a wicked vicious woman
The hellraiser finally pushed her luck
Before I go leave her in her dust
I'm gonna fuck her till she can't stand up
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
Bye bye bye
I call her liar Her eyes burn the flame
Liar, the daughter of DeSade

[Jesse to self]
All my life
Lost in a dream
Through my eyes
A world no one sees
All my life
No place for me
Through me eyes
A child no one needs
I can't take it no more
Can't take it no more
What spirits come from my soul
Can't wait any more
Can't hate any more
Last steps to freedom I go
Can't take it no more
Forsaken for sure
My wishing well's
For washing the lost
Can't wait anymore
My pain is too much
No one hears me
There ain't no love
No shame no more
No blame for sure
My wishing well is
Calling me home
[Jesse to Sister Sadie, His mother, Judah and The Disciples]
Please don't touch me
Please don't touch me
Please don't fuck me
Please don't touch me
Please don't touch me

(Jesse to God)
Why, why am I nothing, no more
Oh, why was I never
One worthy of Love
Oh why, why amd i nothing to you
Tell me why, was I ever
Born in this World, here at all

[Billy to Jesse] We are the lost of timeless
Hazes never found
We walk the new rays of the rising sun
In here’s a heaven where no pain is found
[Jesse to Billy] Take away the pain of life for me
Take me where I’m numb
Take me tripping to the light I see
With magic colors of the rising sun
[Billy to Jesse] In here are the doors of blindness
Trails of rainbows round
Lost asylums of forgotten sons
Will you rise up will you touch your God.
The sky’s slip into the rising seas
And drown your Neon One
Come touch the faces of the Gods you seek
In the Red Room of the Rising Sun
[Jesse to Billy] Is there love to save me
Or just illusion
Is there none to claim me
Just delusion
[Billy to Jesse] Open the doors to your mind
And hide in your dreams
The Red Room is laughing
The Red Sun is happy
Close the holes here inside
Don’t believe all you think
The Red Room is crying
The Red Sun is rising
Hold on, hold on
Touch the faces of God and roll on
Into the Red Room
And free your Neon One
Hold on, can you roll on
Fly the haze’s along
Into the Rising Sun
And feel your Neon love
Hold on, can you hold on
Oh – can you feel it shining
See it rising with the sun
Hold on, can you hold on
Oh – can you feel shining
See it rising
With this love.

I got a message for you, it's something you love to do
You're thinking bout it all the time
You're lying in bed and it runs through your head
Cause you can't get it off your mind
You been thinking pink and you're losing sleep
That rush is almost all you can stand
You feel it getting hard and your crotch starts to throb
It's body language you understand
I'm talking bout a sex drive
Ooh, it makes you feel so alive
Sex drive
Ooh, it's everything you fantasize
Like a dog in heat all dirty love is a treat
And ya know it's just too good to believe
That feeling second to none, you pull the trigger on your gun baby
Gotta get some relief
Your hands they tremble and sweat and you want all you can get
A need to get close inside
Yeah you can take a lickin' and keep on tickin' cause
You want to go on all night
I'm talking bout a sex drive
Ooh, it makes you feel so alive
Sex drive
Ooh, it's everything you fantasize
Come here and take what you need baby
I'm talking bout a sex drive
Ooh, it makes you feel so alive
Sex drive
Ooh, it's everything you fantasize
Sex drive
Tell me that don't hit the spot!
