- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 2670
- author: nptelhrd
Mod-01 Lec-01 Understanding Cultural Studies Part 1
Cultural Studies by Dr. Liza Das, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwaha...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: nptelhrd
Mod-01 Lec-01 Understanding Cultural Studies Part 1
Mod-01 Lec-01 Understanding Cultural Studies Part 1
Cultural Studies by Dr. Liza Das, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Guwahati. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in.- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 2670
- author: nptelhrd
Cultural Studies Lecture
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: James Hayes
Cultural Studies Lecture
Stuart Hall: Cultural Studies and Marxism
Part 3 In the third part of his interview with Sut Jhally, Stuart Hall talks about cultura...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: MEFblog
Stuart Hall: Cultural Studies and Marxism
Stuart Hall: Cultural Studies and Marxism
Part 3 In the third part of his interview with Sut Jhally, Stuart Hall talks about cultural studies' relationship with Marxism - and which questions have bee...- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 425
- author: MEFblog
Cultural Theory: British Cultural Studies
College course lecture on British Cultural Studies....
published: 23 Jul 2007
author: Ron Strickland
Cultural Theory: British Cultural Studies
Cultural Theory: British Cultural Studies
College course lecture on British Cultural Studies.- published: 23 Jul 2007
- views: 26851
- author: Ron Strickland
What is cultural studies? CCS film
"Candida Camera" asks what is cultural studies, and where does it happen? Locals, students...
published: 01 Sep 2011
author: drownedandsaved
What is cultural studies? CCS film
What is cultural studies? CCS film
"Candida Camera" asks what is cultural studies, and where does it happen? Locals, students, academics and various rogues interviewed. A rambling paranoiac do...- published: 01 Sep 2011
- views: 2384
- author: drownedandsaved
Representation & the Media: Featuring Stuart Hall
http://www.mediaed.org In this accessible introductory lecture, Hall focuses on the concep...
published: 04 Oct 2006
author: ChallengingMedia
Representation & the Media: Featuring Stuart Hall
Representation & the Media: Featuring Stuart Hall
http://www.mediaed.org In this accessible introductory lecture, Hall focuses on the concept of "representation"-- one of the key ideas of cultural studies-- ...- published: 04 Oct 2006
- views: 106204
- author: ChallengingMedia
Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds
Have you ever heard of cultural studies? Now you have. A Short explanation...
published: 13 Sep 2013
Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds
Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds
Have you ever heard of cultural studies? Now you have. A Short explanation- published: 13 Sep 2013
- views: 6
Cultural Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University
The Cultural Studies Program at Wilfrid Laurier University encourages critical investigati...
published: 21 Jul 2012
author: galvezpriscilla
Cultural Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University
Cultural Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University
The Cultural Studies Program at Wilfrid Laurier University encourages critical investigation of cultural production and the social construction of values, id...- published: 21 Jul 2012
- views: 180
- author: galvezpriscilla
Stuart Hall: Politics' Place in Cultural Studies
"I think a lot of people in cultural studies think we cannot just go on producing another ...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: MEFblog
Stuart Hall: Politics' Place in Cultural Studies
Stuart Hall: Politics' Place in Cultural Studies
"I think a lot of people in cultural studies think we cannot just go on producing another analysis of The Sopranos. Sorry, something more is happening in the...- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 364
- author: MEFblog
Cultural Studies project
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: David Aguilar
Cultural Studies project
Literary and Cultural Studies
Is Scott Carpenter's "Introduction to Critical Methods" class the Holy Grail of liberal ar...
published: 04 Mar 2011
author: carletoncollege
Literary and Cultural Studies
Literary and Cultural Studies
Is Scott Carpenter's "Introduction to Critical Methods" class the Holy Grail of liberal arts education? Perhaps. What's certain is that it's one of Carleton'...- published: 04 Mar 2011
- views: 838
- author: carletoncollege
Cultural Studies by Stuart Hall (SFA Comm Theory Project)
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: pirateprincess103
Cultural Studies by Stuart Hall (SFA Comm Theory Project)
Cultural Studies by Stuart Hall (SFA Comm Theory Project)
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 338
- author: pirateprincess103
Conversation Series: Larry Grossberg on Cultural Studies (1/7)
published: 15 Jun 2010
author: LamacsAmlacs
Conversation Series: Larry Grossberg on Cultural Studies (1/7)
Conversation Series: Larry Grossberg on Cultural Studies (1/7)
- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 588
- author: LamacsAmlacs
Vimeo results:
By @jasonsilva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
"The adjacent possible is a kind...
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: Jason Silva
By @jasonsilva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
"The adjacent possible is a kind of shadow future, hovering on the edges of the present state of things, a map of all the ways in which the present can reinvent itself." - Steven Johnson
Other videos -
You are a RCVR - http://vimeo.com/27671433
To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns - http://vimeo.com/34182381
Imagination - http://vimeo.com/34902950
Abundance - http://vimeo.com/34984088
This video is inspired, in part, by the ideas explored in David Deutsch’s new book, THE BEGINNING OF INFINITY. We hope it moves you.
"The topographical shape and the material constitution of the upper surface of the island of Manhattan, as it exists today, is much less a matter of geology than it is of economics and politics and human psychology. The effects of geological forces were trumped (you might say) by other forces — forces that proved themselves, in the fullness of time, physically stronger. Deutsch thinks the same thing must in the long run be true of the universe as a whole. Stuff like gravitation and dark energy are the sorts of things that determine the shape of the cosmos only in its earliest, and most parochial, and least interesting stages. The rest is going to be a matter of our own intentional doing.." - David Alpert on David Deutsch's new book.
"Some time in the last fifty thousand years, with the invention of culture, the biological evolution of humans ceased and evolution became an epigenetic, cultural phenomenon... technology is the real skin of our species. Humanity, correctly seen in the context of the last five hundred years, is an extruder of technological material. We take in matter that has a low degree of organization; we put it through mental filters, and we extrude jewelry, gospels, space shuttles. This is what we do. We are like coral animals embedded in a technological reef of extruded psychic objects." - Terence Mckenna
In our work, we use the tools of editing: we juxtapose 'transcalar' imagery, cutting and overlapping the very small and the very large... From the nano to the galactic, stretching and compressing time, we feature time lapse to reveal the repetitive and recurring patterns across different scales of reality. The aim is to provide multiple perspectives all at once, whose simultaneous presentation might cause spontaneous epiphanies. “These patterns are omnipresent, but only when we see these patterns in a more compressed mode of presentation to we start to attend to them as such.” -- This is KEY!
Paul Stamet's superb book, Mycelium Running, begins with a discussion of what Stamets calls the mycelial archetype. He compares the mushroom mycelium with the overlapping information-sharing systems that comprise the Internet, with the networked neurons in the brain, and with a computer model of dark matter in the universe. All share this densely intertwingled filamental structure.
A recent profile of Stephen Johnson on Dumbo Feather described his work like this:
“Johnson uses ‘The Long Zoom’ to define the way he looks at the world—if you concentrate on any one level, there are patterns that you miss. When you step back and simultaneously consider, say, the sentience of a slime mold, the cultural life of downtown Manhattan and the behaviour of artificially intelligent computer code, new patterns emerge."
On their own, these areas of study are fascinating. Together, a more profound view takes shape.
The article continues, "Put simply: cities are like ant colonies are like software is like slime molds are like evolution is like disease is like sewage systems are like poetry is like the neural pathways in our brain. Everything is connected.”
Our stated goal is to re-ignite the art of the "performing philosophers" ... like Timothy Leary and Buckminster Fuller... A post on Space Collective wrote about “thinkers who act as substantial agents of change, who drastically alter the infocologies they interact with, in the process transforming and meshing the different dimensions in which our minds operate.”
We care about the pleasures derived in forming new connections, mash-ups and innovative solutions for the next step in human evolution.
We are working to articulate our understanding through the creation of recombinant media mashups meant to epiphanize audiences----the creating and sharing of awe; "performance philosophy" in an age of collapsing boundaries and exponential creativity.
The director of the Imaginary Foundation described our work as “some kind of Ontological DJ'ing, recompiling the source code of western philosophy by mixing and mashing it up into a form of recombinant creativity, which (hopefully) elevates our understanding from the dry and prosaic, into the sensual and transcendent.”
“The goal is to prove a fresh framework and a new narrative to fill our old storytelling needs in our ever-increasing process of self-description
irregular flow
Epic Flöw.
Study for visual culture class,
Assignment tagged video art
Music credit: Col...
published: 20 Mar 2007
author: ozan tekin
irregular flow
Epic Flöw.
Study for visual culture class,
Assignment tagged video art
Music credit: Colleen ( http://www.colleenplays.org )
parametric expression
a study of quantified emotion
music: Colleen - I Was Deep in A Dream and Didn't Know It. ...
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: mike pelletier
parametric expression
a study of quantified emotion
music: Colleen - I Was Deep in A Dream and Didn't Know It. (http://colleenplays.org/)
Showcased in collaboration with Subbacultcha! x Pllant / Marieke van Helden
The music & culture platform Subbacultcha! and Pllant / Marieke van Helden extended their exploration of talent to the visual realm, merging musical performances with the visual expressions of local artists into full experiential environments.
Forms (excerpt)
Forms is an ongoing collaboration between visuals artists Memo A...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: Memo Akten
Forms (excerpt)
Forms is an ongoing collaboration between visuals artists Memo Akten and Quayola, a series of studies on human motion, and its reverberations through space and time. It is inspired by the works of Eadweard Muybridge, Harold Edgerton, Étienne-Jules Marey as well as similarly inspired modernist cubist works such as Marcel Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase No.2″. Rather than focusing on observable trajectories, it explores techniques of extrapolation to sculpt abstract forms, visualizing unseen relationships – power, balance, grace and conflict – between the body and its surroundings.
The project investigates athletes; pushing their bodies to their extreme capabilities, their movements shaped by an evolutionary process targeting a winning performance. Traditionally a form of entertainment in todays society with an overpowering competitive edge, the disciplines are deconstructed and interrogated from an exclusively mechanical and aesthetic point of view; concentrating on the invisible forces generated by and influencing the movement.
The source for the study is footage from the Commonwealth Games. The process of transformation from live footage to abstract forms is exposed as part of the interactive multi-screen artwork, to provide insight into the evolution of the specially crafted world in which the athletes were placed.
The video installation is currently being exhibited at the National Media Museums ’In The Blink of an Eye’ Exhibition, 9th March – 2nd September, 2012, alongside classic images by photographers as diverse Harold Edgerton, Eadweard Muybridge, Roger Fenton, Richard Billingham and Oscar Rejlander as well as historic items of equipment, films and interactive displays.
Quayola and Memo Akten – Artists
Nexus Interactive Arts - Production Company
Beccy McCray – Producer
Jo Bierton – Production Manager
Matthias Kispert - Sound design
Maxime Causeret – Houdini Developer
Raffael F J Ziegler (AKA Moco) – 3D Animator
Katie Parnell – 3D Tracker
Eoin Coughlan – 3D Tracker
Mark Davies – 3D Tracking Supervisor
Commissioned by the National Media Museum for the ‘In The Blink of an Eye‘ Exhibition 2012; with the support of imove, part of the Cultural Olympiad programme.
With thanks to BBC Motion Gallery and Commonwealth Games Federation
Youtube results:
Cultural Studies
This video was made for a class called Communication Theories. My theory was Cultural Stud...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: Amanda Morris
Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies
This video was made for a class called Communication Theories. My theory was Cultural Studies. Most of my research came from Em Griffin and Stuart Hall.- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 179
- author: Amanda Morris
School of Cross-Cultural Studies - Northland International University
The School of Cross-Cultural Studies prepares students to evangelize and make disciples of...
published: 15 Mar 2013
School of Cross-Cultural Studies - Northland International University
School of Cross-Cultural Studies - Northland International University
The School of Cross-Cultural Studies prepares students to evangelize and make disciples of Christ in diverse cultural contexts. Technological advances have t...- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 146
- author: Northland International University
Literary and Cultural Studies Concentration, University of Memphis Department of English
Video features: Dr. Jeffrey Scraba, Associate Professor Amanda Woods, MA in Literature and...
published: 03 May 2012
Literary and Cultural Studies Concentration, University of Memphis Department of English
Literary and Cultural Studies Concentration, University of Memphis Department of English
Video features: Dr. Jeffrey Scraba, Associate Professor Amanda Woods, MA in Literature and MAT in Secondary Education '12 Narrated by Dr. Eric Carl Link, Dep...- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 248
- author: University of Memphis English Department