
United Against Nuclear Iran: Fox News Fox & Friends
United Against Nuclear Iran: Fox News Fox & Friends
United Against Nuclear Iran Communications Director Nathan Carleton appeared on Fox & Friends Sunday to discuss Iran's recent military threats.

J.Lo's "My World" Fiat Commercial: Parody
J.Lo's "My World" Fiat Commercial: Parody
An updated version of the worst commercial of the decade. Tell Jennifer Lopez to end her endorsement of Fiat, a company who, through its subsidiary Iveco, sells and distributes cars and trucks in Iran that have been used by the brutal Iranian regime to transport ballistic missiles and stage gruesome public executions. Share this video and go to t.uani.com to send Fiat a message.

UANI President, Mark Wallace and NY Public Advocate, Bill De Blasio Announce "Iran Watch List"
UANI President, Mark Wallace and NY Public Advocate, Bill De Blasio Announce "Iran Watch List"
On Thursday, March 29, UANI and Iran180 joined New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio at a Manhattan press conference, to announce the launch of a new website, IranWatchList.com, and a corresponding consumer action campaign to pressure companies that do business in Iran. The watch list will provide an inside look into which car companies are profiting off business in Iran and allow visitors to contact the companies using social media. Visit www.IranWatchList.com and check it out. [NEWS SOURCE. All Rights Reserved]

UANI Protests Warwick Hotel For Choosing To Host Ahmadinejad | CBS New York
UANI Protests Warwick Hotel For Choosing To Host Ahmadinejad | CBS New York
United Against Nuclear Iran was featured on CBS New York on September 22, 2011 for its protests in front of the Warwick Hotel, which hosted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his delegation. © CBS New York All Rights Reserved.

Shri Narendra Modi speaks during the inauguration of renovated Uani Mata Mandir
Shri Narendra Modi speaks during the inauguration of renovated Uani Mata Mandir
Shri Narendra Modi speaks during the inauguration of renovated Uani Mata Mandir

UANI Mentioned in Fox News Show "The Five"
UANI Mentioned in Fox News Show "The Five"
On February 15, 2012, Dana Perino of Fox News discussed UANI's contribution to the Iran Sanctions Bill: "There is a group that former colleague and friend of mine Mark Wallace runs its called United Against Nuclear Iran they helped write the new sanctions bill that went into place..." [NEWS SOURCE. All rights reserved.]

New York Introduces & Passes Iran Divestment Act of 2012, Modeled After UANI Legislation
New York Introduces & Passes Iran Divestment Act of 2012, Modeled After UANI Legislation
Excerpts from press conference held in Albany on January 9, 2012 by New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. --- On Monday, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) applauded New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and his fellow lawmakers for introducing and passing the Iran Divestment Act of 2012. The law, drafted in cooperation with UANI, will bar companies doing business in Iran from contracting with the State of New York. --- We applaud Speaker Silver for his work and leadership with UANI on the Iran Divestment Act of 2012. We urge Governor Cuomo to sign this legislation into law, and make New York a key player in the nationwide movement to bar companies doing business in Iran from receiving US tax dollars. -- Click here to learn more: t.uani.com

UANI President, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, Discusses Iran Sanctions on CNBC
UANI President, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, Discusses Iran Sanctions on CNBC
On Wednesday, United Against Nuclear Iran President, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, appeared on CNBC's "Power Lunch." [NEWS SOURCE. All rights reserved.]

Talent straight from funga ngalukilo! Sung by Tevita Tavo

2012 全家微電影::康健霓小姐的愛情微電影#終章你是我的Déjà vu
2012 全家微電影::康健霓小姐的愛情微電影#終章你是我的Déjà vu
她,因為他而健康他,因為她而快樂健康快樂在一起,Déjà vu 的愛情~開始上演!! 創造屬於自己的Déjà vu戀曲還有機會抽中《嚴爵/郭雪芙》親筆簽名海報!!event.family.com.tw 音樂愛情微電影主題歌(你是我的Déjà vu),現正熱映中!! 另外還有輕快版的「魚干女大變身」獨家開放KKBOX收聽!! event.family.com.tw

Dana Perino Highlights UANI in Fox News Show "The Five"
Dana Perino Highlights UANI in Fox News Show "The Five"
On Thursday, April 19, Fox News contributor Dana Perino praised UANI for getting Porsche and Hyundai to end their business in Iran. Last month, UANI and Iran180 joined Public Advocate de Blasio in announcing the launch of a new website, IranWatchList.com, and a corresponding consumer action campaign to pressure Porsche and 11 other automakers to end their business in Iran. UANI also wrote to Porsche, calling on them to end its Iran business. View the Iran Watch List here: www.IranWatchList.com [NEW SOURCE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED]

Uani Speed Painting 3.0
Uani Speed Painting 3.0
I spend 2 h 30 on that painting, hope you will enjoy it too !

A IMAX3D ANIMATION PORJECT, ALL RENDER BY REALTIME. IT's in progress now.We need your suggestions and comments.Many thank for any suggest.Be used it to help us to make better project.THIS SECNE WILL FINISH 2010 SPRING.DISIGN BY TIAN YUAN.MADE BY MA KAI. ALL COPYRIGHT BY UANISTUDIO. Run with Nvidia GTX280.

Banda Revelacion - Uani Kustakua Toruiche (Toro Pinto) Son De Jaripeo
Banda Revelacion - Uani Kustakua Toruiche (Toro Pinto) Son De Jaripeo
Banda Revelacion - Uani Kustakua Toruiche (Toro Pinto) el unico y original espero les guste saludos ya que es una de la mejores bandas de michoacan y de todo mexico

borja y uani- Málaga Rock Skatepark
borja y uani- Málaga Rock Skatepark
Probando el nuevo malaga rock skatepark con borja fernandez y uani

Hotel Arctic, Greenland
Hotel Arctic, Greenland
A World Beyond Imagination. Welcome to Hotel Arctic, the worlds most northerly 4 star hotel with a 5 star conference centre. Right on the edge of the Ilulissat Ice Fjord, Greenland - a wonder of the world which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and well within reach for everyone who wants the experience of a lifetime. www.hotelarctic.com

Iran180 and UANI Corporate March
Iran180 and UANI Corporate March
Iran180 and United Against Nuclear Iran went on a "corporate march" in Manhattan to protest 5 major companies still conducting business with Iran, despite various sanctions mandating otherwise. The spokesperson for Italian company, ENI, declares that their company will cease their business relationship with the corrupt Iranian regime.

Guitar solo
Guitar solo
Me playing solo over a backing track i found here on youtube www.youtube.com Dont be to hard on me .. It is an improvised solo enjoy :)

Nissan Vice President, Joe Castelli, Dodging Questions on Nissan's Iranian Business
Nissan Vice President, Joe Castelli, Dodging Questions on Nissan's Iranian Business
On Tuesday April 3, 2012, UANI attended Nissan's Taxi of Tomorrow press conference. UANI Communications Director, Nathan Carleton, asked Nissan Vice President Joe Castelli questions on Nissan's Iranian business. Mr. Castelli refused to provide an answer, suggesting instead to discuss the matter "offline". UANI launched a campaign against Nissan, calling on them to withdraw from Iran. Learn about Nissan's Iranian ties here: www.unitedagainstnucleariran.com