- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 22949
- author: TEDEducation

CERN's supercollider - Brian Cox
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/brian-cox-on-cern-s-supercollider "Rock-star p...
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: TEDEducation
CERN's supercollider - Brian Cox
CERN's supercollider - Brian Cox
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/brian-cox-on-cern-s-supercollider "Rock-star physicist" Brian Cox talks about his work on the Large Hadron Collid...- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 22949
- author: TEDEducation

Die Teilchenjäger - Doku über den Alltag im CERN
Im Juli 2012 haben Wissenschaftler am CERN-Institut einen bahnbrechenden Erfolg bekannt ge...
published: 02 Dec 2012
author: DokuGermany
Die Teilchenjäger - Doku über den Alltag im CERN
Die Teilchenjäger - Doku über den Alltag im CERN
Im Juli 2012 haben Wissenschaftler am CERN-Institut einen bahnbrechenden Erfolg bekannt gegeben: die Entdeckung eines Teilchens, bei dem es sich um das lang ...- published: 02 Dec 2012
- views: 18530
- author: DokuGermany

Cern God Particle - Sorceries of Babylon - Triple Helix DNA - Luciferian Agenda & Trinity
Education Purpose Only. Is there an ancient, evil conspiracy to corrupt the very DNA of ma...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: RobinMFisher
Cern God Particle - Sorceries of Babylon - Triple Helix DNA - Luciferian Agenda & Trinity
Cern God Particle - Sorceries of Babylon - Triple Helix DNA - Luciferian Agenda & Trinity
Education Purpose Only. Is there an ancient, evil conspiracy to corrupt the very DNA of mankind that has been passed down through millennia and is hidden in ...- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 11693
- author: RobinMFisher

Into the heart of CERN: an undergound tour of the Large Hadron Collider | Engadget
Subscribe to Engadget today: http://bit.ly/YA7pDT Watch new Engadget videos here: http://g...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Engadget
Into the heart of CERN: an undergound tour of the Large Hadron Collider | Engadget
Into the heart of CERN: an undergound tour of the Large Hadron Collider | Engadget
Subscribe to Engadget today: http://bit.ly/YA7pDT Watch new Engadget videos here: http://goo.gl/zRc37 **** Click below for more! **** "Why, sometimes I've be...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 5233
- author: Engadget

What Now For The Higgs Boson?
For a report on ABC's Catalyst program (http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/), I visited the La...
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: Veritasium
What Now For The Higgs Boson?
What Now For The Higgs Boson?
For a report on ABC's Catalyst program (http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/), I visited the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland to find out what is being done n...- published: 17 Oct 2012
- views: 222282
- author: Veritasium

CERN NEWS : LHCb announces new results in matter-antimatter asymmetry
Matter and antimatter are thought to have existed in equal amounts at the beginning of the...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: CERN
CERN NEWS : LHCb announces new results in matter-antimatter asymmetry
CERN NEWS : LHCb announces new results in matter-antimatter asymmetry
Matter and antimatter are thought to have existed in equal amounts at the beginning of the universe, but today the universe appears to be composed essentiall...- published: 24 Apr 2013
- views: 4160
- author: CERN

What is CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC ? End of the World?
http://safeperiodcalculator.com : End of the World? Search for God Particle. The Large Had...
published: 10 Sep 2008
author: greytubedotcom
What is CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC ? End of the World?
What is CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC ? End of the World?
http://safeperiodcalculator.com : End of the World? Search for God Particle. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest and highest-energy partic...- published: 10 Sep 2008
- views: 295735
- author: greytubedotcom

CERN: Stargate or Destroyer?
Seems CERN is a mixed bag of tricks... Could it be designed to send us to Heaven or Hel......
published: 03 Mar 2013
author: galacticwacko
CERN: Stargate or Destroyer?
CERN: Stargate or Destroyer?
Seems CERN is a mixed bag of tricks... Could it be designed to send us to Heaven or Hel... Another Solar System... Or is it just meant to Destroy this planet...- published: 03 Mar 2013
- views: 1826
- author: galacticwacko

Hangout with CERN: Extra dimensions (S03E02)
Authors of two of the most cited papers in physics for the past ten years, this hangout fe...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: CERN
Hangout with CERN: Extra dimensions (S03E02)
Hangout with CERN: Extra dimensions (S03E02)
Authors of two of the most cited papers in physics for the past ten years, this hangout features special guest theorists Lisa Randall from Harvard University...- published: 25 Apr 2013
- author: CERN

CERN Computing in 8 minutes
This new video, premiered at the CERN Opendays 28 and 29 September 2013, showcases the his...
published: 01 Oct 2013
CERN Computing in 8 minutes
CERN Computing in 8 minutes
This new video, premiered at the CERN Opendays 28 and 29 September 2013, showcases the history and work of CERN computing, with text in both English and French. Find out more about Information Technology opportunities at CERN via http://jobs.web.cern.ch/content/information-technologies. -- Cette nouvelle vidéo, dans la première a eu lieu au CERN durant les Journées portes ouvertes les 28 et 29 septembre 2013, met en valeur l'histoire et le travail de l'informatique au CERN, avec texte en anglais et en français. Pour en savoir plus sur les possibilités de l'informatique au CERN voir http://jobs.web.cern.ch/content/information-technologies.- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 1779

Hangout with CERN: The Dark Side of the Universe (S03E10)
Dark matter is a mysterious type of matter that no one can see but that makes up 27% of th...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: CERN
Hangout with CERN: The Dark Side of the Universe (S03E10)
Hangout with CERN: The Dark Side of the Universe (S03E10)
Dark matter is a mysterious type of matter that no one can see but that makes up 27% of the content of the Universe. What is it? How do we know it's there? W...- published: 27 Jun 2013
- author: CERN

Tested at CERN: How The ATLAS Experiment Works
We chat with engineers at the ATLAS experiment at CERN to learn about the construction of ...
published: 21 Jun 2013
author: Tested
Tested at CERN: How The ATLAS Experiment Works
Tested at CERN: How The ATLAS Experiment Works
We chat with engineers at the ATLAS experiment at CERN to learn about the construction of particle detectors, how they work, and why they need giant 200-ton ...- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 12528
- author: Tested

De qué está hecho todo lo que nos rodea? Desde 1954, el CERN, laboratorio europeo de físic...
published: 22 Nov 2011
author: newatlantisline
De qué está hecho todo lo que nos rodea? Desde 1954, el CERN, laboratorio europeo de física de partículas está construyendo gigantescas estructuras para des...- published: 22 Nov 2011
- views: 25332
- author: newatlantisline
Vimeo results:

Blow Job by TADAO CERN
More than 100 portraits from this project can be found on: www.facebook.com/tadaocern
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: Tadao Cern
Blow Job by TADAO CERN
More than 100 portraits from this project can be found on: www.facebook.com/tadaocern
Project 'BLOW JOB' by TADAO CERN - www.tadaocern.com
Filmed by Spotas: www.spotas.lt or www.vimeo.com/spotas
Music by Freaks On Floor - Hello Girls - www.facebook.com/FreaksOnFloor
2012 Made in Lithuania

La Huida - The Runaway (HD version with English subtitles)
78 Awards and more than 200 selections
Written & Directed by Víctor Carrey
published: 17 Jun 2013
author: Victor Carrey
La Huida - The Runaway (HD version with English subtitles)
78 Awards and more than 200 selections
Written & Directed by Víctor Carrey
Manager: Scott Glassgold / IAM Entertainment
-Premio Cacho Pallero - Festival de Cine Iberoamericano de Huesca
-Best Short Film - Next Film Festival de Bucarest
-Jury Prize for Best Short Film - 41 Kiev International Film Festival Molodist
-Best Short Film - New Horizons International Film Festival
-Best Short Film - Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Bunter Hund Munchen
-Prix du jury - 28èmes Semaines du cinéma méditerranéen du pays de Lunel
-Best European Short Film - Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen
-Best Experimental Short - San Diego Latino Film Festival
-Best Short Film at Bermuda International Film Festival
-Golden Knight Trophy - Golden Knight Malta International Film Festival
-Best Live Action - Short Film in New York International Children’s Film Festival
-Mejor Corto en el FIB (Festival Internacional de Benicassim)
-Premio del Jurado al Mejor Corto en Curt Ficcions
-Mejor Corto en el 14 Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes La Boca del Lobo
-Mejor Guión en el 14 Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes La Boca del Lobo
-Premio Mejor Montaje en Semana del Cine de Medina del Campo
-Mención Especial del Jurado en Semana del Cine de Medina del Campo
-Mención Especial a la Dirección en el Abycine. Festival Internacional de Cine de Albacete
-Premio al Mejor Corto de Ficción en el Rec Festival de Tarragona
-Premio al Mejor Corto en el FIC CAT
-Mejor Cortometraje en el 9º Certamen Nacional Cortometrajes Ciudad de Dos Hermanas
-Premio del Público en el FEC Cambrils
-Accésito del Jurado en FEC Cambrils
-Mejor Cortometraje en el XIV Festival de Cine de Astorga
-Mejor Cortometraje en el XVI Certamen Audiovisual de Cabra
-Staff Award en Milano Film Festival
-Premio a la Mejor Fotografía en el Festival Internacional de Cortosmetrajes de Barcelona MECAL
-Premio al Mejor Corto Internacional en el Holmfirth Festival
-Mención Videozinema en Festival Caostica
-Primer Premio en Festival de Cortometrajes de la Sierra de Segura
-Mejor Montaje en el Festival Europeo de Cortometrajes de Villamayor
-Mejor Cortometraje en el XII Festival de Cortometrajes ¡¡Cort...en!! Ciudad de Calahorra
-Mejor Guión en el XIV Festival de Cine de Astorga
-Mejor Corto en Festival Zoom Igualada
-Mejor Corto en la sección Campus del Festival Internacional Subtravelling
-Mejor Dirección Artística en el 15º Festival Iberoamericano de Caracas VIART
-Mejor Dirección en el 14º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Vila-Real Cineculpable
-Mejor Corto en el 14 Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes y Cine Alternativo de Benalmádena
-Mejor Corto en el 8º Certamen Secuenciacero
-Mejor Producción Catalana en el Filmets Badalona Film Festival
-Prix Europeén France 2 en 26th Brest European Short Film Festival
-Mejor Cortometraje en el 12 Festival de Cortometrajes de Eibar Asier Errasti
-Mejor Corto en XV Festival de Cortometrajes Vitoria-Gasteiz Cortada
-Premio Especial del Jurado en el XIII Certamen Internacional de Cortos Ciudad de Soria
-Premio Jurado Mayor al Mejor Cortometraje Nacional en el XIII Certamen Internacional de Cortos Ciudad de Soria
-Mejor Cortometraje en el V Concurso de Cortometrajes Ciudad de Benavente
-Mejor Dirección de Arte en el I Getafe In-Cinema
-Mejor Corto en Concurs de Curtmetratges Alella Video Jove
-Premio del Público en el XII Certamen de Cine Corto de Salas de los Infantes
-Premio al Mejor Montaje en La Pedrera Short Film Festival (Uruguay)
-Premio al Mejor Corto Internacional en el 8th Pontino Short Film Festival
-Excellence Award en Rincon International Film Festival
-Jury Prize for Most "Infinitely Interconnected" at the CinéGlobe International Film Festival at CERN
-Mejor Montaje en I Concurso de Cortos K-leidoscopi
-Mejor Cortometraje de Ficción “ Torrevieja Audiovisual 2012”
-Mejor Cortometraje en I Festival Nacional de Cortometrajes de Ávila Avicine
-Premio del Público en el Certamen de Cortometrajes Decortoán
-Premio Especial del Público en III Certamen Segundo de Chomón
-Premio del Público en V Festival de Cine Corto de Salamanca
-Segundo Premio en Festival de Sax
-Premio del Público en Festival Internacional de Cortos Villa de Plentzia Mikrofilm Short Festival
-Mejor Corto en 4º Festival de Cortos Rodinia
-Mejor dirección en 4º Festival de Cortos Rodinia
-Mejor Corto de Ficción en XI Certamen de Cortometrajes El Pecado 2012
-Mejor Director en IX Festival de Cine de Comedia de Tarazona y El Moncayo
-Press Award en 9th Sedicicorto International Film Festival
-Primer Premio en el Maipu Cortos. Festival de Cine de Humor de Maipú (Buenos Aires)
-Premio al Lenguaje Cinematográfico más innovador en Muestra Cortometrajes Universidad La Laguna

Track: Detritus "Haunted (remix by Niveau Zero)"
Taken from Detritus's album "Things Gone...
published: 07 Dec 2011
author: Andreas Wannerstedt
Track: Detritus "Haunted (remix by Niveau Zero)"
Taken from Detritus's album "Things Gone Wrong" (adn121) , remixed by Niveau Zero
originally released by Ad Noiseam
In 2010, scientists succeeded in recreating a miniature version of the Big Bang.
Within a few years, some of the universe's deepest secrets may be unlocked.
Genesis is another self-initiated personal project that I've written, designed and animated single handedly. It's a 3D short film with a story that revolves around a machine that has the power of creating new, miniature universes. By controlling the universe rotation, it can speed up the time and evolution of the miniature worlds, and with the help of a fancy search engine it can pin point and extract terrestrial planets. Well, it's not very scientifically correct by any means.. Or is it..? You might live in a manufactured miniature world..
Anyway, what would mankind do if they possessed the power of creating new worlds? Probably use it for creating some kind of decorative snow globe. Guaranteed gift of the year.
Well, it's not all science fiction, I actually got inspired after reading some interesting articles about the European science agency CERN, who designed the world's biggest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider. This accelerator shoot beams around a freezing 27km concrete ring underground near Geneva, smashing atoms together in search of the elusive "God particle" believed present at the Big Bang. Since it began operating at the end of March 2010, CERN engineers and physicists have created billions of miniature versions of the Big Bang, revealing fundamental insights into the nature of the cosmos.
Also, at Lancaster University in UK, physicists unraveling the secrets of how to build a universe. In fact, they have already formed one, or something very much like it. This scientific breakthrough lies in the bottom of a chamber no larger than a pinky finger, filled with helium and cooled to 0.0003 degrees Fahrenheit above absolute zero.
There's a short "behind the scenes" here: http://www.andreaswannerstedt.se/motion/genesis/breakdown/

Revealing The Truth
Revealing The Truth:
Long long time ago a stranger asked me to make his portrait... So I ...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: Tadao Cern
Revealing The Truth
Revealing The Truth:
Long long time ago a stranger asked me to make his portrait... So I did.
I sent him the image and I never heard back from him again since that moment.
Than I saw one painting and I felt that it was very familiar to me: http://www.tadaocern.com/VincentVanGogh/VVGP.jpg
And then I got it - It was a copy of my photo!
I did a little research on that and it seem that the guy who draw(copied) it is quite well known around...
His name is Vincent Van Gogh and I was lucky enough to make his portrait.
Pity that he never mentioned me and I can't find his contact now...
This video is a comparison of both images.
Photo and Video © 2013 Tadao Cern
Music by music genius Chilly Gonzales 'White Keys'
Explanation for people who got confused: text above is just a joke. This image is a digital recreation of the artist's most iconic self-portraits using photography and digital retouching. The video is a comparison of a painting and my image.
Youtube results:

L'IT aide le CERN à percer le secret de la matière
Les milliards d'octets générés par chaque collision de l'accélérateur de particules LHC so...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: MyDSITv Accenture
L'IT aide le CERN à percer le secret de la matière
L'IT aide le CERN à percer le secret de la matière
Les milliards d'octets générés par chaque collision de l'accélérateur de particules LHC sont trop lourds à traiter : pour David Francis, Responsable Data Acq...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 465
- author: MyDSITv Accenture

Física de partículas - Más allá del átomo CERN LHC John Ellis Bosón de Higgs
Redes 23: Más allá del átomo (28 minutos) Visitamos Ginebra en Suiza para conocer más sobr...
published: 08 Nov 2011
author: Moisés López Caeiro
Física de partículas - Más allá del átomo CERN LHC John Ellis Bosón de Higgs
Física de partículas - Más allá del átomo CERN LHC John Ellis Bosón de Higgs
Redes 23: Más allá del átomo (28 minutos) Visitamos Ginebra en Suiza para conocer más sobre la física de la máquina más asombrosa creada por el ser humano: e...- published: 08 Nov 2011
- views: 83373
- author: Moisés López Caeiro

CERN in 3 minutes
CERN in a nutshell or What is CERN ? CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research,...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: CERN
CERN in 3 minutes
CERN in 3 minutes
CERN in a nutshell or What is CERN ? CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scien...- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 39222
- author: CERN