CERN's supercollider - Brian Cox
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/brian-cox-on-cern-s-supercollider "Rock-star p...
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: TEDEducation
Die Teilchenjäger - Doku über den Alltag im CERN
Im Juli 2012 haben Wissenschaftler am CERN-Institut einen bahnbrechenden Erfolg bekannt ge...
published: 02 Dec 2012
author: DokuGermany
Cern God Particle - Sorceries of Babylon - Triple Helix DNA - Luciferian Agenda & Trinity
Education Purpose Only. Is there an ancient, evil conspiracy to corrupt the very DNA of ma...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: RobinMFisher
Into the heart of CERN: an undergound tour of the Large Hadron Collider | Engadget
Subscribe to Engadget today: http://bit.ly/YA7pDT Watch new Engadget videos here: http://g...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Engadget
What Now For The Higgs Boson?
For a report on ABC's Catalyst program (http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/), I visited the La...
published: 17 Oct 2012
author: Veritasium
CERN NEWS : LHCb announces new results in matter-antimatter asymmetry
Matter and antimatter are thought to have existed in equal amounts at the beginning of the...
published: 24 Apr 2013
author: CERN
What is CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC ? End of the World?
http://safeperiodcalculator.com : End of the World? Search for God Particle. The Large Had...
published: 10 Sep 2008
CERN: Stargate or Destroyer?
Seems CERN is a mixed bag of tricks... Could it be designed to send us to Heaven or Hel......
published: 03 Mar 2013
Atom çarpıştırıcı Cern deneyi
Belgesel Atom çarpıştırıcı Cern deneyi...
published: 15 Mar 2013
Hangout with CERN: Extra dimensions (S03E02)
Authors of two of the most cited papers in physics for the past ten years, this hangout fe...
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: CERN
CERN Computing in 8 minutes
This new video, premiered at the CERN Opendays 28 and 29 September 2013, showcases the his...
published: 01 Oct 2013
Hangout with CERN: The Dark Side of the Universe (S03E10)
Dark matter is a mysterious type of matter that no one can see but that makes up 27% of th...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: CERN
Tested at CERN: How The ATLAS Experiment Works
We chat with engineers at the ATLAS experiment at CERN to learn about the construction of ...
published: 21 Jun 2013
author: Tested
De qué está hecho todo lo que nos rodea? Desde 1954, el CERN, laboratorio europeo de físic...
published: 22 Nov 2011
Vimeo results:
Blow Job by TADAO CERN
More than 100 portraits from this project can be found on: www.facebook.com/tadaocern Pro...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: Tadao Cern
La Huida - The Runaway (HD version with English subtitles)
78 Awards and more than 200 selections Written & Directed by Víctor Carrey victorcarrey.c...
published: 17 Jun 2013
Track: Detritus "Haunted (remix by Niveau Zero)" Taken from Detritus's album "Things Gone...
published: 07 Dec 2011
Revealing The Truth
Revealing The Truth: Long long time ago a stranger asked me to make his portrait... So I ...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: Tadao Cern

Youtube results:
Atom Carpistirici Cern Deneyi
Atom Carpistirici Cern Deneyi....
published: 11 May 2013
author: YouExited
L'IT aide le CERN à percer le secret de la matière
Les milliards d'octets générés par chaque collision de l'accélérateur de particules LHC so...
published: 19 Mar 2013
Física de partículas - Más allá del átomo CERN LHC John Ellis Bosón de Higgs
Redes 23: Más allá del átomo (28 minutos) Visitamos Ginebra en Suiza para conocer más sobr...
published: 08 Nov 2011
CERN in 3 minutes
CERN in a nutshell or What is CERN ? CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research,...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: CERN