Dur-Kurigalzu (Aqar-Quf ).... A Sand Cover on A Glowing Pearl.
Mesopotamia y Oriente Medio
http://www.artehistoria.com/civilizaciones/videos/194.htm El corazón del Oriente Medio es Mesopotamia, país entre ríos, una extensa área geográfica, estimada...
Ascetic Imam...Great Master... The Imam of Sufi Rifa'i order (Ahmed er-Rifai).
Taq Kisra (Iwan of Khosrau)... the ruins of glory... and the fall of the polytheism's symbol.
KC || Civ 5 with Gizrah #8 - All Hail The Dragon!
Welcome to my Let’s Play series of Civilization V, with both the Gods & Kings and the Brave New World expansions.
We are playing this game together with Gizrah, forming one team to compete with three AI teams at Warlord difficulty.
If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a like!
Watch Gizrah lead his nation to domination:
To watch more of my videos, check out
CIVILIZATION V #020 - I. Weltkrieg - Let`s Play Sid Meier`s Civilization V
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Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer willkommen!
►STEAMGRUPPE: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcinusletsplay
►ABONIEREN: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orcinusletsplay
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Orcinusletsplay
►TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/orcinusletsplay
Alwarkaa...the hills holding the scepter.
Sekhmet at the Temple of Seti - Abydos
Ziggurats - On Tour
Civilization 5 | Lets Play Babylon | Deity | #1 | Beginning
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
If you enjoyed the video please consider hitting the Like button and Subscribing to my channel
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Berg787
Who is Berg787?
Hi and hello everybody I am Berg787 and I produce gaming videos for youtube.
CIVILIZATION V #021 - Massive Invasion - Let`s Play Sid Meier`s Civilization V
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer willkommen!
►STEAMGRUPPE: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcinusletsplay
►ABONIEREN: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orcinusletsplay
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Orcinusletsplay
►TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/orcinusletsplay
Civilization V: Brave New World #1 - Bismarck of Germany
Deep strategy, cunning and diplomacy will be required to win control of the World in Civ 5! Join me as I bum around and chat about nonsense for hours :)
Strawpoll: http://www.strawpoll.me/3873152
Civilization 5 | Lets Play Babylon | Deity | #6 |
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
If you enjoyed the video please consider hitting the Like button and Subscribing to my channel
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Berg787
Who is Berg787?
Hi and hello everybody I am Berg787 and I produce gaming videos for youtube.
Elam (/ˈiːləm/) was an ancient Pre-Iranic civilization centered in the far west and southwest of what is now modern-day Iran, stretching from the lowlands of what is now Khuzestan (Bakhtiari people) and Ilam Province as well as a small part of southern Iraq. The modern name Elam is a transcription from Biblical Hebrew, corresponding to the Sumerian elam(a), the Akkadian elamtu, and the Elamite hal
Ziggurat archeologica vicina a Bagdad (foto del gennaio-febbraio 1986)
Agarguf leží 25 kilometrù severozápadnì od Bagdádu. Jedná se o starovìké mìsto, jemuž vévodí zbytky tøípatrového zikkuratu. Mìsto bylo postaveno v kessitském období králem Kurigalzu I. a bylo pojmenováno Dur Kurigalzu po svém zakladateli. Kessité, kteøí pøišli z území Persie, zde sídlili v letech 1500-1100 pø.n.l. Mìsto bylo okupováno bìhem asyrské, babylonské i islámské doby. Restaurátorské práce tady zaèaly v roce 1942.
Zikkuraty jsou pùvodnì sumerské stavby a jedná se vlastnì o stupòovité pyramidy. Jednotlivé vrstvy jsou oddìleny rošty z palmového listí kvùli dešti. Protože se lidé tenkrát domnívali, že Bùh sestoupí z nebes, mìli do nejvyššího patra pøístup pouze král a knìží. Zikkurat Agarguf je vysoký 57 metrù a jedná se tudíž o nejvyšší dochovaný zikkurat na svìtì, i když jeho spodní èást musela být již zpevnìna novými cihlami v duchu pùvodního charakteru stavby, aby se nerozpadl.
Z mìsta se kromì zikkuratu zachoval též hlavní chrámový areál, palácová èást a tajná zeï. V každé sedmé øadì cihel najdeme královu peèe.
Za mìstskými hradbami byly nedávno nalezeny hrobky. Nejnovìjší byly odkryty archeology teprve pøed ètyømi mìsíci, takže dosud nejsou prozkoumány. Existuje však domnìnka, že se jedná o hrobky králù.
Naveèer se vracíme zpátky do Bagdádu. Rahmanova mešita bude po svém dostavìní jednou z nejvìtších na svìtì. Bude ji tvoøit sedm vedlejších a jedna hlavní kopule.
Saddámova vìž je vysoká 202 metrù a byla postavena v roce 1994. Foáky jsme museli ale nechat dole, protože z vyhlídkové terasy se nabízí pìkný pohled do komplexu Prezidentského paláce.
Socha Saddáma Hussejna vedle vìže stojí na zbytcích americké rakety, která zasáhla telekomunikaèní centrálu, jež se stala prvním terèem amerického útoku v roce 1991.
Zikkurat Agarguf
Zikkurat Agarguf II.
Dur Kurigalzu
Dur Kurigalzu II.
Tradièní pøíprava kapra z Tigridu
Peèení chleba
Faia Younan - Mawtini
Fatima Zahrae - Mawtini (Official Clip) /
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EMAIL : longo49x@yahoo.it
Tag di ricerca su GOOGLE : ANZIOTELENEWS
wn.com/Iraq 1986 Sito Archeologico Di Agargouf O Agarguf
Ziggurat archeologica vicina a Bagdad (foto del gennaio-febbraio 1986)
Agarguf leží 25 kilometrù severozápadnì od Bagdádu. Jedná se o starovìké mìsto, jemuž vévodí zbytky tøípatrového zikkuratu. Mìsto bylo postaveno v kessitském období králem Kurigalzu I. a bylo pojmenováno Dur Kurigalzu po svém zakladateli. Kessité, kteøí pøišli z území Persie, zde sídlili v letech 1500-1100 pø.n.l. Mìsto bylo okupováno bìhem asyrské, babylonské i islámské doby. Restaurátorské práce tady zaèaly v roce 1942.
Zikkuraty jsou pùvodnì sumerské stavby a jedná se vlastnì o stupòovité pyramidy. Jednotlivé vrstvy jsou oddìleny rošty z palmového listí kvùli dešti. Protože se lidé tenkrát domnívali, že Bùh sestoupí z nebes, mìli do nejvyššího patra pøístup pouze král a knìží. Zikkurat Agarguf je vysoký 57 metrù a jedná se tudíž o nejvyšší dochovaný zikkurat na svìtì, i když jeho spodní èást musela být již zpevnìna novými cihlami v duchu pùvodního charakteru stavby, aby se nerozpadl.
Z mìsta se kromì zikkuratu zachoval též hlavní chrámový areál, palácová èást a tajná zeï. V každé sedmé øadì cihel najdeme královu peèe.
Za mìstskými hradbami byly nedávno nalezeny hrobky. Nejnovìjší byly odkryty archeology teprve pøed ètyømi mìsíci, takže dosud nejsou prozkoumány. Existuje však domnìnka, že se jedná o hrobky králù.
Naveèer se vracíme zpátky do Bagdádu. Rahmanova mešita bude po svém dostavìní jednou z nejvìtších na svìtì. Bude ji tvoøit sedm vedlejších a jedna hlavní kopule.
Saddámova vìž je vysoká 202 metrù a byla postavena v roce 1994. Foáky jsme museli ale nechat dole, protože z vyhlídkové terasy se nabízí pìkný pohled do komplexu Prezidentského paláce.
Socha Saddáma Hussejna vedle vìže stojí na zbytcích americké rakety, která zasáhla telekomunikaèní centrálu, jež se stala prvním terèem amerického útoku v roce 1991.
Zikkurat Agarguf
Zikkurat Agarguf II.
Dur Kurigalzu
Dur Kurigalzu II.
Tradièní pøíprava kapra z Tigridu
Peèení chleba
Faia Younan - Mawtini
Fatima Zahrae - Mawtini (Official Clip) /
canale su Facebook :
canale su youtube :
canale tv su internet :
EMAIL : longo49x@yahoo.it
Tag di ricerca su GOOGLE : ANZIOTELENEWS
- published: 11 Jun 2015
- views: 0
Mesopotamia y Oriente Medio
http://www.artehistoria.com/civilizaciones/videos/194.htm El corazón del Oriente Medio es Mesopotamia, país entre ríos, una extensa área geográfica, estimada......
http://www.artehistoria.com/civilizaciones/videos/194.htm El corazón del Oriente Medio es Mesopotamia, país entre ríos, una extensa área geográfica, estimada...
wn.com/Mesopotamia Y Oriente Medio
http://www.artehistoria.com/civilizaciones/videos/194.htm El corazón del Oriente Medio es Mesopotamia, país entre ríos, una extensa área geográfica, estimada...
KC || Civ 5 with Gizrah #8 - All Hail The Dragon!
Welcome to my Let’s Play series of Civilization V, with both the Gods & Kings and the Brave New World expansions.
We are playing this game together with Gizrah,...
Welcome to my Let’s Play series of Civilization V, with both the Gods & Kings and the Brave New World expansions.
We are playing this game together with Gizrah, forming one team to compete with three AI teams at Warlord difficulty.
If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a like!
Watch Gizrah lead his nation to domination:
To watch more of my videos, check out my channel:
wn.com/Kc || Civ 5 With Gizrah 8 All Hail The Dragon
Welcome to my Let’s Play series of Civilization V, with both the Gods & Kings and the Brave New World expansions.
We are playing this game together with Gizrah, forming one team to compete with three AI teams at Warlord difficulty.
If you enjoyed the episode, please leave a like!
Watch Gizrah lead his nation to domination:
To watch more of my videos, check out my channel:
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 2
CIVILIZATION V #020 - I. Weltkrieg - Let`s Play Sid Meier`s Civilization V
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer wil...
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer willkommen!
►STEAMGRUPPE: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcinusletsplay
►ABONIEREN: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orcinusletsplay
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Orcinusletsplay
►TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/orcinusletsplay
wn.com/Civilization V 020 I. Weltkrieg Let`S Play Sid Meier`S Civilization V
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer willkommen!
►STEAMGRUPPE: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcinusletsplay
►ABONIEREN: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orcinusletsplay
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Orcinusletsplay
►TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/orcinusletsplay
- published: 04 May 2014
- views: 16
Ziggurats - On Tour
wn.com/Ziggurats On Tour
- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 198
author: Liam Stock
Civilization 5 | Lets Play Babylon | Deity | #1 | Beginning
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
If you enjoyed the video please consider hitting the Like button and Subscribing to my channel
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Berg787
Who is Berg787?
Hi and hello everybody I am Berg787 and I produce gaming videos for youtube. I upload new content every single day so you'll always have something fresh to watch on my channel.
I am a big fan of strategy games but will play most genres if I think the game would make an interesting Lets Play. Hope you enjoy the content and thanks for stopping by.
wn.com/Civilization 5 | Lets Play Babylon | Deity | 1 | Beginning
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
If you enjoyed the video please consider hitting the Like button and Subscribing to my channel
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Berg787
Who is Berg787?
Hi and hello everybody I am Berg787 and I produce gaming videos for youtube. I upload new content every single day so you'll always have something fresh to watch on my channel.
I am a big fan of strategy games but will play most genres if I think the game would make an interesting Lets Play. Hope you enjoy the content and thanks for stopping by.
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 30
CIVILIZATION V #021 - Massive Invasion - Let`s Play Sid Meier`s Civilization V
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer wil...
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer willkommen!
►STEAMGRUPPE: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcinusletsplay
►ABONIEREN: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orcinusletsplay
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Orcinusletsplay
►TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/orcinusletsplay
wn.com/Civilization V 021 Massive Invasion Let`S Play Sid Meier`S Civilization V
Danke für deinen Kommentar/deine Bewertung!
Falls du Lust hast, mit mir zu spielen, dann komm` in meine Steamgruppe! Ideen für neue Projekte sind auch immer willkommen!
►STEAMGRUPPE: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/orcinusletsplay
►ABONIEREN: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orcinusletsplay
►FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Orcinusletsplay
►TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/orcinusletsplay
- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 7
Civilization V: Brave New World #1 - Bismarck of Germany
Deep strategy, cunning and diplomacy will be required to win control of the World in Civ 5! Join me as I bum around and chat about nonsense for hours :)
Deep strategy, cunning and diplomacy will be required to win control of the World in Civ 5! Join me as I bum around and chat about nonsense for hours :)
Strawpoll: http://www.strawpoll.me/3873152
Put #SLIMESQUAD as your comment if you read the description :D
wn.com/Civilization V Brave New World 1 Bismarck Of Germany
Deep strategy, cunning and diplomacy will be required to win control of the World in Civ 5! Join me as I bum around and chat about nonsense for hours :)
Strawpoll: http://www.strawpoll.me/3873152
Put #SLIMESQUAD as your comment if you read the description :D
- published: 14 Mar 2015
- views: 22
Civilization 5 | Lets Play Babylon | Deity | #6 |
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
If you enjoyed the video please consider hitting the Like button and Subscribing to my channel
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Berg787
Who is Berg787?
Hi and hello everybody I am Berg787 and I produce gaming videos for youtube. I upload new content every single day so you'll always have something fresh to watch on my channel.
I am a big fan of strategy games but will play most genres if I think the game would make an interesting Lets Play. Hope you enjoy the content and thanks for stopping by.
wn.com/Civilization 5 | Lets Play Babylon | Deity | 6 |
Let's Play Civilization 5 Brave New World as Babylon
We will be Lets Playing the newest expansion for 2K Games 4X strategy game Civilization 5 Brave New World
If you enjoyed the video please consider hitting the Like button and Subscribing to my channel
Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Berg787
Who is Berg787?
Hi and hello everybody I am Berg787 and I produce gaming videos for youtube. I upload new content every single day so you'll always have something fresh to watch on my channel.
I am a big fan of strategy games but will play most genres if I think the game would make an interesting Lets Play. Hope you enjoy the content and thanks for stopping by.
- published: 19 Mar 2015
- views: 83
Elam (/ˈiːləm/) was an ancient Pre-Iranic civilization centered in the far west and southwest of what is now modern-day Iran, stretching from the lowlands of wh...
Elam (/ˈiːləm/) was an ancient Pre-Iranic civilization centered in the far west and southwest of what is now modern-day Iran, stretching from the lowlands of what is now Khuzestan (Bakhtiari people) and Ilam Province as well as a small part of southern Iraq. The modern name Elam is a transcription from Biblical Hebrew, corresponding to the Sumerian elam(a), the Akkadian elamtu, and the Elamite haltamti. Elamite states were among the leading political forces of the Ancient Near East. In classical literature, Elam was more often referred to as Susiana a name derived from its capital, Susa. However, Susiana is not synonymous with Elam and, in its early history, was a distinctly separate cultural and political entity.
Situated just to the east of Mesopotamia, Elam was part of the early urbanization during the Chalcolithic period (Copper Age). The emergence of written records from around 3000 BC also parallels Mesopotamian history, where slightly earlier records have been found. In the Old Elamite period (Middle Bronze Age), Elam consisted of kingdoms on the Iranian plateau, centered in Anshan, and from the mid-2nd millennium BC, it was centered in Susa in the Khuzestan lowlands. Its culture played a crucial role during the Persian Achaemenid dynasty that succeeded Elam, when the Elamite language remained among those in official use. Elamite is generally accepted to be a language isolate.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Elam (/ˈiːləm/) was an ancient Pre-Iranic civilization centered in the far west and southwest of what is now modern-day Iran, stretching from the lowlands of what is now Khuzestan (Bakhtiari people) and Ilam Province as well as a small part of southern Iraq. The modern name Elam is a transcription from Biblical Hebrew, corresponding to the Sumerian elam(a), the Akkadian elamtu, and the Elamite haltamti. Elamite states were among the leading political forces of the Ancient Near East. In classical literature, Elam was more often referred to as Susiana a name derived from its capital, Susa. However, Susiana is not synonymous with Elam and, in its early history, was a distinctly separate cultural and political entity.
Situated just to the east of Mesopotamia, Elam was part of the early urbanization during the Chalcolithic period (Copper Age). The emergence of written records from around 3000 BC also parallels Mesopotamian history, where slightly earlier records have been found. In the Old Elamite period (Middle Bronze Age), Elam consisted of kingdoms on the Iranian plateau, centered in Anshan, and from the mid-2nd millennium BC, it was centered in Susa in the Khuzestan lowlands. Its culture played a crucial role during the Persian Achaemenid dynasty that succeeded Elam, when the Elamite language remained among those in official use. Elamite is generally accepted to be a language isolate.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 09 Nov 2014
- views: 0
Sid Meier on His Legacy, Game Design, & the Appeal of Turn-Based Strategy: BIG TALK w. Adam Sessler
Sid Meier's impact on gaming cannot be overstated. As one of the fathers of the turn-based strategy genre, and the designer of games like Civilization, Pirat...
GDC 2010: Sid Meier Keynote - "Everything You Know is Wrong"
GameSpot @ GDC 2010: Sid Meier delivers the GDC 2010 keynote address, titled "Everything You Know is Wrong". http://gdc.gamespot.com
Sid Meier full interview (Civilization, Starships) [ENGLISH]
Sid Meier talks about Civilization, Starships, his own tastes, his "one more turn" addiction, Firaxis, etc.
- Isn't it too disappointing to play your own games ? (00'01")
- How would you define the art of creating a video game ? (1'12")
- What should a child/student do to follow your steps ? (3'01")
- Do you think that video game has become cooler in the last years ?
Sid Meier Talks About the Future of Civilization
The legendary game designer shares his thoughts on the state of strategy games and the past and future of the Civilization series.
Sid Meier (1994) - Interview
Interview with Sid Meier about his old games, beginnings in industry and approach to development and design. Taken from IE October edition 1994.
Firaxicon: An Evening with Sid Meier and Jake Solomon of Firaxis Games
As part of Firaxicon, the first official Firaxis Games convention, legendary game designer Sid Meier sat down with Jake Solomon for an in-depth discussion of his career.
Sid Meier's Civilization V Interview: Sid Meier
Read the preview: http://www.gamespot.com/6275474 We talk to Sid Meier about his philosophy on making games and what's new about Civilization V.
Sid Meier's Civilization V E3 2010 Interview: Jon Shafer
Lead Designer Jon Shafer tells us what's new and better in the new Civilization V from E3 2010!
Interview with Sid Meier and others
An interview with Sid Meier and other members of the Sid Meier's Railroads! development team about the game's upcoming release, what's changed from Railroad ...
Sid Meier INTERVIEW | Firaxicon 2015 ( ENG / DEU ) - Update
Hier ist das komplette Sid-Meier-Interview im Video - natürlich deutsch untertitelt! Auf der Hausmesse der Civilization-Macher hatte Redakteur Matti Sandqvist nämlich die Möglichkeit, sich mit Sid Meier über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Reihe zu unterhalten. Dabei verriet der gut aufgelegte Altmeister einige interessante Details.
▶ Mehr heiße News: http://on.pcgames.de/1999m1U
▶ Kanal abonniere
E3 2015: Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide Interview
We sit down with Firaxis games to chat about the lengthily titled Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide, the first expansion for Civilizations space-faring spin-off - and learn more about the production process.
Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Designer Interview at PAX East 2014
Jess sits down with Will Miller, David McDonough, (Lead Designers) and Anton Streuger (Gameplay Designer) from Firaxis Games to talk about Civilization Beyon...
Sid Meier interview by gamereactor
Civilization Revolution is coming for PS3, Xbox360, Wii, Ds, PSP, so we met the man behind the civilization series, Sid Meier, for a little chat about his ne...
Sid Meier Interview: Alpha Centauri
Sid Meier gets creative with space colonization in Alpha Centauri.
Sid Meier Interview: Civilization III
The fans asked, and Sid answered when it came to Civilization 3.
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Pete Murray Interview
Read more: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/civilizationv/news.html?sid=6272395&mode;=previews
Pete Murray talks about the improvements to Sid Meier's Civilization V in this interview.
Sid Meier Interview: Gettysburg
Toy soldiers go high tech in a Civil War sim.
Sid Meier Interview: Civilization Revolution
It's the game Sid Meier always wanted to make.
E3 2010 Coverage - IGP: Sid Meier's Civilization V Interview w/ Dennis Shirk (Firaxis Games)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DBIScfLB4 Click here to watch Inside Gaming E3 2010 Edition: Electronic Entertainment Expo Wrap-Up! Inside Gaming Plus E3 20...
Sid Meier Interview: Civilization IV
It's Civilization for a new generation.
Sid Meier Interview: Using his Name
When your name’s on the game, it better be good.
Sid Meier Interview: Pirates!
Arrrr! The fans just couldn’t let go of Pirates.
Sid Meier on His Legacy, Game Design, & the Appeal of Turn-Based Strategy: BIG TALK w. Adam Sessler
Sid Meier's impact on gaming cannot be overstated. As one of the fathers of the turn-based strategy genre, and the designer of games like Civilization, Pirat......
Sid Meier's impact on gaming cannot be overstated. As one of the fathers of the turn-based strategy genre, and the designer of games like Civilization, Pirat...
wn.com/Sid Meier On His Legacy, Game Design, The Appeal Of Turn Based Strategy Big Talk W. Adam Sessler
Sid Meier's impact on gaming cannot be overstated. As one of the fathers of the turn-based strategy genre, and the designer of games like Civilization, Pirat...
- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 56059
author: Rev3Games
GDC 2010: Sid Meier Keynote - "Everything You Know is Wrong"
GameSpot @ GDC 2010: Sid Meier delivers the GDC 2010 keynote address, titled "Everything You Know is Wrong". http://gdc.gamespot.com...
GameSpot @ GDC 2010: Sid Meier delivers the GDC 2010 keynote address, titled "Everything You Know is Wrong". http://gdc.gamespot.com
wn.com/Gdc 2010 Sid Meier Keynote Everything You Know Is Wrong
GameSpot @ GDC 2010: Sid Meier delivers the GDC 2010 keynote address, titled "Everything You Know is Wrong". http://gdc.gamespot.com
- published: 15 Mar 2010
- views: 50909
Sid Meier full interview (Civilization, Starships) [ENGLISH]
Sid Meier talks about Civilization, Starships, his own tastes, his "one more turn" addiction, Firaxis, etc.
- Isn't it too disapp...
Sid Meier talks about Civilization, Starships, his own tastes, his "one more turn" addiction, Firaxis, etc.
- Isn't it too disappointing to play your own games ? (00'01")
- How would you define the art of creating a video game ? (1'12")
- What should a child/student do to follow your steps ? (3'01")
- Do you think that video game has become cooler in the last years ? (3'58")
- What do you answer to people who think video games are useless or even dangerous ? (5'17")
- Do you see yourself as a teacher thru your games ? (6'15")
- Which other video games are so cool that you wish you could have the idea first ? (7'20")
- Are you aware that some people just can't resist your games ? (8'18")
- Do you suffer from the "one more turn" phenomenon ? (8'53")
- When will you stop creating games ? (10'02")
- Why is your name on the game's titles ? (11'26")
- Why is there never any blood or gore in your games ? (12'58")
- Is the video game market more interresting than 10 or 20 years ago ? (14'19")
- Have you ever had a huge crisis, with emergency patching for example ? (15'25")
- In 2005 you said you'd be happy to work on a dinosaur game, so, is it coming ? (15'47")
- Do you hire historians for your games ? (16'24")
- Which of your games was the most advanced at the time it was released ? (17'57")
- Civilization II to Civilization V were designed by other lead designers : was it hard to "give away your baby" ? (18'58")
- Do you have any insights about Civilization VI ? (20'24")
- Will the players of Civilization also play Starships (20'50")
- You belive that our future is up there, in the stars : so, when do we leave ? (21'42")
- If you were a multibillionnaire businessman, would you invest in space conquest like Elon Musk or Richard Branson ? (22'42")
- In his books Foundation, Isaac Asimov pictures the quest for the lost Earth : would it be a nice idea for an expansion pack ? (23'22")
- Is there anything from your game Pirates! in Starships ? (24'24")
- Could you tell us a bit more about the link between Starships and Civilization V : Beyond Earth ? (25'09")
This footage is almost unedited, and published for the (huge) fans. The edited version (with french subtitles) can be found on this same channel.
Journalist : Guerric Poncet, Le Point (France), @guerricp
Recorded February 25th, 2015, in London.
wn.com/Sid Meier Full Interview (Civilization, Starships) English
Sid Meier talks about Civilization, Starships, his own tastes, his "one more turn" addiction, Firaxis, etc.
- Isn't it too disappointing to play your own games ? (00'01")
- How would you define the art of creating a video game ? (1'12")
- What should a child/student do to follow your steps ? (3'01")
- Do you think that video game has become cooler in the last years ? (3'58")
- What do you answer to people who think video games are useless or even dangerous ? (5'17")
- Do you see yourself as a teacher thru your games ? (6'15")
- Which other video games are so cool that you wish you could have the idea first ? (7'20")
- Are you aware that some people just can't resist your games ? (8'18")
- Do you suffer from the "one more turn" phenomenon ? (8'53")
- When will you stop creating games ? (10'02")
- Why is your name on the game's titles ? (11'26")
- Why is there never any blood or gore in your games ? (12'58")
- Is the video game market more interresting than 10 or 20 years ago ? (14'19")
- Have you ever had a huge crisis, with emergency patching for example ? (15'25")
- In 2005 you said you'd be happy to work on a dinosaur game, so, is it coming ? (15'47")
- Do you hire historians for your games ? (16'24")
- Which of your games was the most advanced at the time it was released ? (17'57")
- Civilization II to Civilization V were designed by other lead designers : was it hard to "give away your baby" ? (18'58")
- Do you have any insights about Civilization VI ? (20'24")
- Will the players of Civilization also play Starships (20'50")
- You belive that our future is up there, in the stars : so, when do we leave ? (21'42")
- If you were a multibillionnaire businessman, would you invest in space conquest like Elon Musk or Richard Branson ? (22'42")
- In his books Foundation, Isaac Asimov pictures the quest for the lost Earth : would it be a nice idea for an expansion pack ? (23'22")
- Is there anything from your game Pirates! in Starships ? (24'24")
- Could you tell us a bit more about the link between Starships and Civilization V : Beyond Earth ? (25'09")
This footage is almost unedited, and published for the (huge) fans. The edited version (with french subtitles) can be found on this same channel.
Journalist : Guerric Poncet, Le Point (France), @guerricp
Recorded February 25th, 2015, in London.
- published: 11 Mar 2015
- views: 11
Sid Meier Talks About the Future of Civilization
The legendary game designer shares his thoughts on the state of strategy games and the past and future of the Civilization series....
The legendary game designer shares his thoughts on the state of strategy games and the past and future of the Civilization series.
wn.com/Sid Meier Talks About The Future Of Civilization
The legendary game designer shares his thoughts on the state of strategy games and the past and future of the Civilization series.
- published: 14 Mar 2012
- views: 11903
Sid Meier (1994) - Interview
Interview with Sid Meier about his old games, beginnings in industry and approach to development and design. Taken from IE October edition 1994....
Interview with Sid Meier about his old games, beginnings in industry and approach to development and design. Taken from IE October edition 1994.
wn.com/Sid Meier (1994) Interview
Interview with Sid Meier about his old games, beginnings in industry and approach to development and design. Taken from IE October edition 1994.
Firaxicon: An Evening with Sid Meier and Jake Solomon of Firaxis Games
As part of Firaxicon, the first official Firaxis Games convention, legendary game designer Sid Meier sat down with Jake Solomon for an in-depth discussion of hi...
As part of Firaxicon, the first official Firaxis Games convention, legendary game designer Sid Meier sat down with Jake Solomon for an in-depth discussion of his career.
wn.com/Firaxicon An Evening With Sid Meier And Jake Solomon Of Firaxis Games
As part of Firaxicon, the first official Firaxis Games convention, legendary game designer Sid Meier sat down with Jake Solomon for an in-depth discussion of his career.
- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 21134
Sid Meier's Civilization V Interview: Sid Meier
Read the preview: http://www.gamespot.com/6275474 We talk to Sid Meier about his philosophy on making games and what's new about Civilization V....
Read the preview: http://www.gamespot.com/6275474 We talk to Sid Meier about his philosophy on making games and what's new about Civilization V.
wn.com/Sid Meier's Civilization V Interview Sid Meier
Read the preview: http://www.gamespot.com/6275474 We talk to Sid Meier about his philosophy on making games and what's new about Civilization V.
- published: 14 Sep 2010
- views: 20838
author: gamespot
Sid Meier's Civilization V E3 2010 Interview: Jon Shafer
Lead Designer Jon Shafer tells us what's new and better in the new Civilization V from E3 2010!...
Lead Designer Jon Shafer tells us what's new and better in the new Civilization V from E3 2010!
wn.com/Sid Meier's Civilization V E3 2010 Interview Jon Shafer
Lead Designer Jon Shafer tells us what's new and better in the new Civilization V from E3 2010!
- published: 21 Jun 2010
- views: 52461
Interview with Sid Meier and others
An interview with Sid Meier and other members of the Sid Meier's Railroads! development team about the game's upcoming release, what's changed from Railroad ......
An interview with Sid Meier and other members of the Sid Meier's Railroads! development team about the game's upcoming release, what's changed from Railroad ...
wn.com/Interview With Sid Meier And Others
An interview with Sid Meier and other members of the Sid Meier's Railroads! development team about the game's upcoming release, what's changed from Railroad ...
Sid Meier INTERVIEW | Firaxicon 2015 ( ENG / DEU ) - Update
Hier ist das komplette Sid-Meier-Interview im Video - natürlich deutsch untertitelt! Auf der Hausmesse der Civilization-Macher hatte Redakteur Matti Sandqvist n...
Hier ist das komplette Sid-Meier-Interview im Video - natürlich deutsch untertitelt! Auf der Hausmesse der Civilization-Macher hatte Redakteur Matti Sandqvist nämlich die Möglichkeit, sich mit Sid Meier über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Reihe zu unterhalten. Dabei verriet der gut aufgelegte Altmeister einige interessante Details.
▶ Mehr heiße News: http://on.pcgames.de/1999m1U
▶ Kanal abonnieren: http://on.pcgames.de/1gR7TSo
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wn.com/Sid Meier Interview | Firaxicon 2015 ( Eng Deu ) Update
Hier ist das komplette Sid-Meier-Interview im Video - natürlich deutsch untertitelt! Auf der Hausmesse der Civilization-Macher hatte Redakteur Matti Sandqvist nämlich die Möglichkeit, sich mit Sid Meier über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Reihe zu unterhalten. Dabei verriet der gut aufgelegte Altmeister einige interessante Details.
▶ Mehr heiße News: http://on.pcgames.de/1999m1U
▶ Kanal abonnieren: http://on.pcgames.de/1gR7TSo
▶ Helft uns mit Amazon-Käufen: http://amzn.to/1u9tYyA
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- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 688
E3 2015: Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide Interview
We sit down with Firaxis games to chat about the lengthily titled Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide, the first expansion for Civilizations spac...
We sit down with Firaxis games to chat about the lengthily titled Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide, the first expansion for Civilizations space-faring spin-off - and learn more about the production process.
wn.com/E3 2015 Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth Rising Tide Interview
We sit down with Firaxis games to chat about the lengthily titled Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth: Rising Tide, the first expansion for Civilizations space-faring spin-off - and learn more about the production process.
- published: 07 Jul 2015
- views: 21
Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth - Designer Interview at PAX East 2014
Jess sits down with Will Miller, David McDonough, (Lead Designers) and Anton Streuger (Gameplay Designer) from Firaxis Games to talk about Civilization Beyon......
Jess sits down with Will Miller, David McDonough, (Lead Designers) and Anton Streuger (Gameplay Designer) from Firaxis Games to talk about Civilization Beyon...
wn.com/Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth Designer Interview At Pax East 2014
Jess sits down with Will Miller, David McDonough, (Lead Designers) and Anton Streuger (Gameplay Designer) from Firaxis Games to talk about Civilization Beyon...
Sid Meier interview by gamereactor
Civilization Revolution is coming for PS3, Xbox360, Wii, Ds, PSP, so we met the man behind the civilization series, Sid Meier, for a little chat about his ne......
Civilization Revolution is coming for PS3, Xbox360, Wii, Ds, PSP, so we met the man behind the civilization series, Sid Meier, for a little chat about his ne...
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview By Gamereactor
Civilization Revolution is coming for PS3, Xbox360, Wii, Ds, PSP, so we met the man behind the civilization series, Sid Meier, for a little chat about his ne...
Sid Meier Interview: Alpha Centauri
Sid Meier gets creative with space colonization in Alpha Centauri....
Sid Meier gets creative with space colonization in Alpha Centauri.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Alpha Centauri
Sid Meier gets creative with space colonization in Alpha Centauri.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 8309
Sid Meier Interview: Civilization III
The fans asked, and Sid answered when it came to Civilization 3....
The fans asked, and Sid answered when it came to Civilization 3.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Civilization Iii
The fans asked, and Sid answered when it came to Civilization 3.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 5636
author: gametap
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Pete Murray Interview
Read more: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/civilizationv/news.html?sid=6272395&mode;=previews
Pete Murray talks about the improvements to Sid Meier's Civili...
Read more: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/civilizationv/news.html?sid=6272395&mode;=previews
Pete Murray talks about the improvements to Sid Meier's Civilization V in this interview.
wn.com/Sid Meier's Civilization V Pete Murray Interview
Read more: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/civilizationv/news.html?sid=6272395&mode;=previews
Pete Murray talks about the improvements to Sid Meier's Civilization V in this interview.
- published: 05 Aug 2010
- views: 6722
Sid Meier Interview: Gettysburg
Toy soldiers go high tech in a Civil War sim....
Toy soldiers go high tech in a Civil War sim.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Gettysburg
Toy soldiers go high tech in a Civil War sim.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 3006
author: gametap
Sid Meier Interview: Civilization Revolution
It's the game Sid Meier always wanted to make....
It's the game Sid Meier always wanted to make.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Civilization Revolution
It's the game Sid Meier always wanted to make.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 2765
author: gametap
E3 2010 Coverage - IGP: Sid Meier's Civilization V Interview w/ Dennis Shirk (Firaxis Games)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DBIScfLB4 Click here to watch Inside Gaming E3 2010 Edition: Electronic Entertainment Expo Wrap-Up! Inside Gaming Plus E3 20......
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DBIScfLB4 Click here to watch Inside Gaming E3 2010 Edition: Electronic Entertainment Expo Wrap-Up! Inside Gaming Plus E3 20...
wn.com/E3 2010 Coverage Igp Sid Meier's Civilization V Interview W Dennis Shirk (Firaxis Games)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6DBIScfLB4 Click here to watch Inside Gaming E3 2010 Edition: Electronic Entertainment Expo Wrap-Up! Inside Gaming Plus E3 20...
- published: 24 Jun 2010
- views: 9401
author: Machinima
Sid Meier Interview: Civilization IV
It's Civilization for a new generation....
It's Civilization for a new generation.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Civilization Iv
It's Civilization for a new generation.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 4870
author: gametap
Sid Meier Interview: Using his Name
When your name’s on the game, it better be good....
When your name’s on the game, it better be good.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Using His Name
When your name’s on the game, it better be good.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 2641
author: gametap
Sid Meier Interview: Pirates!
Arrrr! The fans just couldn’t let go of Pirates....
Arrrr! The fans just couldn’t let go of Pirates.
wn.com/Sid Meier Interview Pirates
Arrrr! The fans just couldn’t let go of Pirates.
- published: 17 Nov 2008
- views: 1487
author: gametap