Weather: Sydney 16°C - 23°C . A few showers easing.

Palmer party's warning to Tasmania

Jacqui Lambie
CLIVE Palmer's political party is setting its sights on a balance-of-power role in Tasmania.

Qld bikie laws will fail: Fitzgerald

Hells Angels
THE man who presided over Queensland's historic corruption inquiry has attacked the Newman government's bikie and sex offender laws.

Elders talk up plan to rescue tongues

Indigenous Artists
A STATE government plan to rescue Aboriginal languages threatened with extinction has been welcomed by community leaders.

Abused kids 'must be better treated'

THE SA government has been urged to take greater responsibility for the treatment of those taking legal action over sex abuse in schools.

Weatherill turns to Rann past for help

Jay Weatherill
PREMIER Jay Weatherill has attempted to reclaim the legacy of Mike Rann, saying Labor's 12-year record will deliver it election victory.

Premier 'drove bus without wheels on'

Jay Weatherill
JAY Weatherill's time as education minister was marked by a lack of "continuity" likened to driving "the bus without wheels on".

Pollie's porn pics 'were not of child'

child pornography
LAWYERS for a former SA minister have argued there is no proof that pornographic images he allegedly accessed were of a child.

Newman in early win over bikies

Campbell Newman
IN a win for Queensland's anti-bikie laws, an alleged Hells Angels standover man has been denied bail after drug charges.

O'Farrell demands payout for ADF fire

Barry O'Farrell
BARRY O'Farrell will push for compensation over the Blue Mountains bushfire sparked by a defence exercise gone wrong.

Newman close to U-turn on sell-offs

power sell-off
THE Newman government has appointed two merchant banks to conduct scoping studies on an energy transmitter and a water operator.

SA MP faces child pornography charge

Bernard Finnigan
THE lawyer for an MP charged over child pornography says every internet picture can be manipulated, and he wants the case thrown out.

EXCLUSIVE Abused student was paid $40,000

Sexual assault
A FORMER student has been paid $40,000 by SA's Education Department after suffering at the hands of a convicted sex offender.

Feds warned state funding not cleared

SOUTH Australia's Labor government was repeatedly warned two months ago by the federal Infrastructure Department.

Plibersek on hand for inside whinge

Jay Weatherill
A RAFT of motions condemning federal Labor caucus for its ill-discipline will be considered at the SA ALP convention.

Shooters call for hunting in parks

Ron Bryant
THE Shooters and Fishers Party wants the state's forests and parks opened to hunting for feral pests and wild game.

Bad back forces ICAC boss out

ICAC Commissioner Ipp to resign
ICAC Commissioner David Ipp has announced his retirement because of chronic back pain.

EXCLUSIVE Time to move on, older Libs told

louise asher
LIBERAL powerbrokers are attempting to overhaul the Victorian parliamentary party in a bid to force generational change.

Judges living in ivory towers: Newman

Qld premier Campbell Newman
CAMPBELL Newman has attacked Queensland's legal fraternity as "living in an ivory tower".

YMCA 'sought to stop abuse forum'

child abuse
THE YMCA tried to get NSW police to stop parents concerned about a child abuse scandal from organising their own forum, an inquiry has been told.

NSW anti-corruption chief to retire

David Ipp
JUDGE and former prosecutor Megan Latham is set to head NSW's anti-corruption watchdog after David Ipp steps down next year.

LNP gets millions from pay-for-access

Campbell Newman
THE Newman government's return to pay-for-access fundraising events has proved a boon for the Liberal National Party.

Most new abuse complaints 'historic'

A cross on the exterior of St Mary's Cathedral
THE Catholic Church in Victoria has received nearly 100 sex abuse complaints in the past financial year.

PM to move quick on gay marriage law

Gay marriage
COMMONWEALTH lawyers want the full bench of the High Court to set aside time next month to kybosh the ACT's gay marriage laws.

Napthine to raise Toyota with Abbott

Dr Denis Napthine
TOYOTA has flagged concerns about the high Australian dollar with Victorian Premier Denis Napthine.

Schools' $50,000 Gonski setback

ABOUT 10 per cent of public schools in NSW will lose money next year under the funding model introduced by the state government.

Principals allowed to sack teachers

Learning fears as class sizes blow out
School principals will be given greater power to sack underperforming teachers under reforms announced by the Napthine government.

Brandis to court over marriage laws

George Brandis
THE federal Attorney-General, George Brandis, will move swiftly to quash the ACT's same-sex marriage laws in the High Court.

'Lack of political will' the trigger

Bushfire crisis: how to help
THE Blue Mountains crisis was the result of a lack of leadership over bush management, says a disaster management expert.

Legal bid to spare rebel MP his seat

Shaw magistrate bid could hasten verdict
REBEL Victorian MP Geoff Shaw is set to win his bid to have fraud charges against him heard by a magistrate alone.

EXCLUSIVE New boundaries put McIntosh in hot seat

Ted Baillieu headshot
VICTORIA'S former anti-corruption minister is facing a challenge for his safe seat in the wake of an electoral redistribution.


Troy Bramston

'Carr would be doing his party a service if he dusted off Neville Wran's playbook and shared its secrets'

THE opposition will be in the wilderness until it rediscovers the art of political judgment.

Henry Ergas

'To believe the carbon tax reduces the likelihood of global warming is on a par with faith in the tooth fairy'

PEOPLE wouldn't live (or die) in fire-prone areas if they had to pay all costs.

Rodney Cavalier

'Tony Sheldon he wants to bring the party even more under the control of secretaries of affiliated unions'

A PARTY that has become as narrow as Labor cannot offer leaders worthy of the nation.

Sinclair Davidson

'The expenses scandal isn't about bad people and corruption; it's about poor incentives and bad rules'

THEY would be more careful with their own money.

Terry Barnes

'The potential benefits of selling Medibank Private go far beyond the government's bottom line'

DOCTOR Medibank before it's sold.


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opinthumb Ben Packham

Ben Packham
Capital Circle
Canberra Bureau, Australia

Ben Packham writes Capital Circle, The Australian’s must-read morning email newsletter on national affairs. He’s been a member of the press gallery since 2006, working for the Herald Sun before joining The Australian in 2011. You can follow him on Twitter @bennpackham

opinthumb Dennis Shanahan

Dennis Shanahan
Political Editor
Canberra Bureau, Australia

Dennis Shanahan has been The Australian’s Canberra Bureau Chief and then Political Editor based in the Federal Press Gallery for 23 years, covering five prime ministers during that time. He has been a journalist for almost 40 years, and has a master’s Degree in Journalism from Columbia University, New York.

Stephanie Balogh

Stefanie Balogh
Bureau Chief
Canberra Bureau, Australia

Stefanie Balogh is the Canberra Bureau Chief of The Australian newspaper. She is a former Brisbane Bureau Chief for the paper, former industrial relations reporter, former Queensland political reporter, and was New York correspondent for News Limited.


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Banks lift share market to 5-year high

Australian share market

THE Australian sharemarket has closed at a five year high as the major banks lifted ahead of the release of NAB and ANZ results.

Banks lift share market to 5-year high

Australian share market

THE Australian sharemarket has closed at a five year high as the major banks lifted ahead of the release of NAB and ANZ results.

Audience with Reed a confronting affair

Lou Reed

THERE were few more daunting prospects for a music journalist than an interview with Lou Reed.

Carr right on ALP's lost canniness

Troy Bramston

THE opposition will be in the wilderness until it rediscovers the art of political judgment.

Clarke ready for early return

Michael Clarke

AUSTRALIA skipper Michael Clarke is set to make an unexpectedly early return for NSW in the Sheffield Shield season opener against Tasmania.

Palmer party's warning to Tasmania

Jacqui Lambie

CLIVE Palmer's political party is setting its sights on a balance-of-power role in Tasmania.

How iiNet recovered from dark days

How iiNet recovered from 'dark days'

IT will come as a surprise to some that iiNet founder and chief Michael Malone handed his resignation to his board in 2006.

Leviathan on the loose

The Star RV Pegasus

THE joys of a family motorhome adventure in NSW's central west.