Grey nomads charged with drug trafficking

A South Australian man and woman have been charged with drug trafficking following a police search of their car and caravan early Monday morning.

The search by police from the Serious Organised Crime Branch  allegedly uncovered 16 bags of cannabis hidden in a secret compartment in the undercarriage of the holiday vehicle.

The couple from the Fleurieu Peninsula, were stopped on the Mallee Highway at Lameroo about 9.30am.

A police spokesperson said it will be alleged the man, 64, and woman, 62, were intending to traffic the cannabis interstate.

"Police allege the undercarriage of the caravan had been modified, with a purpose-built compartment discovered which contained 16 individual packages which had about 450g (one pound) of cannabis in each," the spokesperson said.

"The cannabis and the caravan have been seized and an application will be made for forfeiture of the caravan pursuant to Consfiscations of Profit legislation.

"Investigations as to the origin of the cannabis are continuing."

The couple, who were charged with trafficking in a commercial quantity of cannabis, were granted bail and will appear in the Berri Magistrates Court on November 25.

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