Drink, drive pay the price

POLICE will be on the hunt for drink drivers tonight as they begin a high-profile clampdown.

Tonight's effort should see 6000 people pulled over for testing across South Australia in the first of several month's worth of high-volume, high-visibility, testing.

Large scale RBTs will be set up on main arterial roads and back roads, snaring anyone who blows over.                                                                                                                                                        

Assistant Commissioner Linda Williams said the high-profile, mass testing campaign is designed to raise awareness and educate people that catching drink drivers remains a priority for police.

“RBTs began in South Australia in 1981.   Since then we have consistently built on the message that drink driving won’t be tolerated," she said.

“Yet 30 years on we still we see too many drivers willing to take risks and drink and drive.

 If the public have become complacent, or think they can beat the system, then this campaign will be a wake-up call."

Ms Williams  the message of anywhere, anytime had never been more spot-on.

“Thousands of drivers will be tested in a single night, but more importantly tens of thousands more will see the RBT sites and know that police are committed to hunting down and catching anyone who thinks they can get away with drink driving," she said.

“People should be aware that every police vehicle is a potential mobile RBT with alcohol and drug testing kits on board.

"If you have any doubt about your blood alcohol content – don't drive. 

"Find another way to get home, such as catching a taxi or sleeping the night at a mates place.

“Likewise, if a mate is drunk and is going to drive, take the keys away, and don't support their decision to drink and drive by becoming a passenger."

SAPOL’s enforcement operation is complemented by MAC’s new drink driving website which will document where drink drivers have been caught.

MAC Chief Executive Officer Jerome Maguire said sensible people planned ahead but unfortunately there were still people who thought think it was okay to drink and drive.

“Alcohol impairs vision and reaction time, it is also associated with impaired judgement and is often linked to other high-risk behaviours – such as not wearing a seat-belt,” he said.

“At around .05 or just over, your reaction time and judgment is significantly reduced. The likelihood of a crash is double at .05 and four times at .08. 

“Road safety is all about making good decisions, and understanding the consequences of poor choices. Death or serious injury should be obvious to all, but people should not underestimate the financial consequences of drinking and driving.

“A drunk driver who suffers injury in a road crash may lose all or a substantial portion of their entitlements to Compulsory Third Party (CTP) compensation.

“MAC can also demand drunk drivers to repay millions of dollars to the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance fund for the costs incurred if they seriously injure someone in a crash.

“Likewise, passengers who knowingly choose to drive with an intoxicated person may be found to have contributed to their injuries, and therefore may also have their CTP compensation reduced.

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