Society & Culture >> Racism

Across nations and issues

October 31 2013

As Black History Month closes, Mike Belbin argues that black feminist communist Claudia Jones (1915-64) is only too relevant to today

Daily Mail: Fear of everything

October 10 2013

After its latest brush with notoriety, Paul Demarty examines the Daily Mail

Daily Mail: Patriotism and the sins of the father

October 10 2013

Communists hate the Daily Mail even more than Ed Miliband, writes Eddie Ford, but reject Leveson and any moves towards state regulation of the press

Oppression and opportunism

July 18 2013

Peter Manson looks at questions of race, sex and nation raised by SWP speakers at Marxism

Anti-Semitism: Churchill and the Jewish question

May 30 2013

Paul Flewers replies to Eddie Ford

Tarantino and Spielberg reviews: Abolition and emancipation

February 21 2013

Mike Belbin reviews: Steven Spielberg (director) Lincoln, Quentin Tarantino (director) Django unchained

Football through the looking glass

July 19 2012

The John Terry racism trial has made for a sorrier spectacle than the average England match, writes Harley Filben

Antifa, nationalism and democracy

April 26 2012

Maciej Zurowski interviews Freerk Huisken - until his recent retirement a lecturer at the University of Bremen - about his new book

Racism as thoughtcrime

April 05 2012

In the light of the jailing of Liam Stacey for making racist comments on twitter about footballer and recent heart attack victim Fabrice Muamba , Paul Demarty takes a look at official ant-racism and the attitude of Marxists.

Police try to stop anti-fascist book launch

March 22 2012

Despite the clearly political intervention of the police, cowardly Quakers, and a handful of EDL youth, there was no stopping Tony Greensteins book launch in Brighton.

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