Alliance for Workers Liberty

AWL: Resignation

November 01 2013

An AWL comrade has resigned because of the republication of Sean Matgamna's article on Islamism and the bureaucratic response from the internal regime to criticism

AWL: Siege mentality

October 31 2013

Conference is where political differences should be debated out. Paul Demarty reports on an exception

AWL: Matgamna’s chauvinistic tirade

October 31 2013

Imperialism may not have invented political Islam, writes Yassamine Mather, but it has certainly used it to its advantage

AWL dishonesty

September 19 2013

Dave Isaacson refutes a rather bizarre accusation

Socialist Platform leaders: Headlong collapse into politics of the labour bureaucracy

September 19 2013

Peter Manson reports on the undemocratic manoeuvres of the drafting group

AWL review: Education or training?

August 01 2013

Mike Macnair reviews: Cathy Nugent (ed) 'Marxist ideas to turn the tide: readings and reflections on revolutionary socialist strategy'. Phoenix Press/Workers’ Liberty, 2013, pp138, £5

AWL school: Missing the point

June 27 2013

Paul Demarty shares some brief thoughts on a session dedicated to debating the IS/SWP and its history

AWL school: Economism and frontist delusions

June 27 2013

Mike Macnair was at the Ideas for Freedom school to listen, to learn and to debate

AWL: Pull the other one

May 16 2013

In response to Left Unity, the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty has sent a counter-proposal to most of the far-left organisations. Paul Demarty replies

Organising for an alternative vision

September 22 2011

Student unions are not like trade unions, argues Mike Macnair. Unity must be built primarily around politics, not 'student issues'

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