The Electronic Intifada

Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism

Ilan Pappe
18 October 2013

It is imperative to reconnect to Jewish heritage before it was corrupted by Zionism.

The second intifada put holes in Israel's wall of fear

Budour Youssef Hassan
4 October 2013

The September 2000 rebellion united Palestinians across geographical divisions.

Police Dogs

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Diaries: Live from Palestine

In photos: Israeli forces raze Jordan Valley community

Dylan Collins
Khirbet al-Makhul
9 October 2013

Many other Palestinian communities in Area C face a similar fate to Khirbet al-Makhul.

Waiting in Gaza, where nothing makes sense

Yousef M. Aljamal
4 October 2013

I haven’t been able to see my relatives in the West Bank for 14 years.

Human Rights

How the FBI blacklisted US' largest Muslim civil rights group

Charlotte Silver
San Francisco
22 October 2013

Tenuous evidence used to smear Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Armed settlers attack mosque, burn cars in West Bank village

Dylan Collins and
Patrick O. Strickland
14 October 2013

Israeli police take no action despite repeated acts of violence.

Activism News

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